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  • RMweb Premium

I don't under stand why you wold have to stump up 50% if her tree falls on it she should pay. especially as You've told her about it before.


Also It's highly unusual for a fence to be 50/50 ownership normally on the deeds it says which side owns the fence and who is responisble for it's replacement and maintenance.


 On the estate I live on all fences apart from the road side boundary are party fences , so 50/50 if replacement

needed , annoying if one party does not do regular preservative treatments . But I agree , it is somewhat unusual .

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  • RMweb Gold

I don't under stand why you wold have to stump up 50% if her tree falls on it she should pay. especially as You've told her about it before.


Also It's highly unusual for a fence to be 50/50 ownership normally on the deeds it says which side owns the fence and who is responisble for it's replacement and maintenance.


Agree with what you say but, unfortunately, the deeds clearly state that the fences are 50/50 ownership.


I've already spoken to the property agents and will be speaking to the residents next door with whom I have good relationship which I don't want to lose. My plan, at the moment, is to blame the damage on the tree and wait to see what the reaction is.



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Afternoon Awl,

It's raining, it's howling a gale.

On the industrial estate I work on, a BMW is Lowered, a tree fell on it.

It's raining, it's howling a gale.

The puddles have joined in the middle on many roads.

It's raining, it's howling a gale.

I'm wet, I walked down to the railway shed to see if I've fixed all the leaks.

It's raining, it's howling a gale.

Not quite there is a teaspoonful on a future goods yard.

It's raining, it's howling a gale.

SWMBO supervised by Ben the Border Collie, painted a dry shelf in the alley way, which is also dry.

It's raining, it's howling a gale.

SWMBO took Ben on his abbreviated long walk, For the few minutes the rain stopped.

It's raining, it's howling a gale.

I've had my tea,

It's raining, it's howling a gale.

Time for an eyelid inspection,

It's raining, it's howling a gale.


Just to make your day, here in the Land of the Great Northern Haggis, away north of the Great Glen, the sun is shining - and has been all day - and yesterday.........

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  • RMweb Premium

Are the midges out yet?


That reminds me I haven't had a haggis lately, I'll have to see if there are any recently shot ones in the the freezer for tomorrows dinner...


I see the cheap booze is getting more expensive tomorrow up north, there be booze cruises to down south soon...

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  • RMweb Premium

6 properties to be demolished tomorrow at Hemsby due to the latest storm, one further in danger. The access road is also in danger, owners of other properties to remove cars.

A higher tide is due tonight...

Edited by TheQ
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Party fences here as well - and for a 30 ft sq back garden we're bordered by four neighbours.


Disposal of knives - when MIL died in 2006 we asked the police if we could bring her kitchen knives down to the station - they said yes.


Ivory - would donating to a museum work if you can't sell them?

Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. The rain has stopped at last but its still pretty chilly. Rain was so heavy that when I ventured out to Tesco's at lunchtime I noticed that the water was coming out of some of the drains. Boundary fences, I am responsible for the boundary fences on both sides of my property due to my house being the last in the street. Not as bad as it sounds as the boundary at the rear is protected by a two metre brick wall on the 'street' side. At the front there were no fences until I had some installed about six months ago, not to bad as it only required three panels per side and made a huge difference by preventing cats and foxes from using it as a shortcut and also stops the wind dropping litter in the front garden.

Edited by PhilJ W
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Evening all. Although I have not posted for a few days, I have been lurking so I am aware of the latest situation with Debs. Thoughts and wishes remain very much with her. Generic wishes, congrats and commiserations as appropriate. 


 It is now three weeks since I was first off work. Things have taken a further twist. The tablets continue to drain me of energy so I contacted the doctors last week to enquire about another extension to the medical certificate. An appointment was duly booked and the doctor agreed. He, in fact, wanted to sign me off for a further fortnight. I have declined this and accepted a week only. I have made this decision following a phone call from work last week. They have asked to refer me to occupational health - I have agreed. However they have also stated that I am only entitled to 25 days paid sick leave. This is very different to the 100 days the union advised. The reason is because I have moved from one education authority to another. This therefore acts as a break in service. The 25 days will expire this week. After this I may get half pay, I may get nothing. This depends on whether they accept I have reached 4 months of service during my period off.  

 My most recent pay packet was £200 light. Until I receive my pay slip through the post I will not know the reason so I cannot query it. Belt tightening needed just as I was hoping to progress with the business ideas.


Take care all



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Evening all. Although I have not posted for a few days, I have been lurking so I am aware of the latest situation with Debs. Thoughts and wishes remain very much with her. Generic wishes, congrats and commiserations as appropriate. 


 It is now three weeks since I was first off work. Things have taken a further twist. The tablets continue to drain me of energy so I contacted the doctors last week to enquire about another extension to the medical certificate. An appointment was duly booked and the doctor agreed. He, in fact, wanted to sign me off for a further fortnight. I have declined this and accepted a week only. I have made this decision following a phone call from work last week. They have asked to refer me to occupational health - I have agreed. However they have also stated that I am only entitled to 25 days paid sick leave. This is very different to the 100 days the union advised. The reason is because I have moved from one education authority to another. This therefore acts as a break in service. The 25 days will expire this week. After this I may get half pay, I may get nothing. This depends on whether they accept I have reached 4 months of service during my period off.  

 My most recent pay packet was £200 light. Until I receive my pay slip through the post I will not know the reason so I cannot query it. Belt tightening needed just as I was hoping to progress with the business ideas.


Take care all




Keep in contact with your Union!

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  • RMweb Gold

Once upon a time even moving from one education authority to another counted as continuous service for time served benefits. However that all stopped once schools opted out of LEA control.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


The sun has been shining all day, although it was rather chilly first thing this morning, mind you, I did only have a tee shirt on above my trousers. But by dinner time it had warmed up quite nicely and became a very pleasant day indeed.


More progress has been made in the workshop, the ring-main and the plastic trunking that it runs in has been modified. Two wall mounted double sockets have been removed, one has been re-sited to where the lathe has been re-sited, the other will end up in the bench mounted trunking after it has been re-painted. I’ve also cut and profiled all the plinths that will hide the feet underneath the cupboards. One set (3 pieces) have been fitted, I’ll fit the second set tomorrow, I’m also hoping to fit a new worktop. Once that’s fitted, I can then refit the bench vice, the bench grinder and the bench drill.


On her way home from Zumba, Sheila called into the local discount shop and bought me a few bottles of beer, a rather nice surprise I must say and just to show my appreciation, I drank one this evening. Well, I do think it would have been very rude of me not to, seeing as she carried them all home.


Rick. Congratulations on the customer service star.


Goodnight all

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So much for the UK being a mighty bastion of free-speech. I dared to suggest that the A1 Trust might have gone off slightly half-cocked, and the ceiling promptly caved in :) :)


(I sort of expected it would - naughty me.)

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  • RMweb Premium

Moring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

 and Mooring it nearly is, the rain Cleared finaly around 4:15,  the wind eased as well, at around 22:00 and for the following couple of hours it was hitting the house in lumps.

The fields are showing big puddles  / small broads, I suspect if I walked down to where some of the old drained broads are, they are now back under water.


The roads in to work are still wet, until you get to Norwich when they start drying out.


After last nights high tides one more chalet is to be demolished amking the total 7. According to the radio, the Enviroment agency say this is a once in Sixty year event, which has happened twice this year, once last year and once the year before that.  The 60 year event is what they base no sea defences on.....


Ben The Border Collie charged down the garden this morning overjoyed at it not raining, I haven't told him about tomorrow.....


He will also be happy that her weavers group is closing down for 6 week, while their building is refurbished. they are one of very few weaving groups to own their own building. Some asbestos is being removed, the rooms being merged, kitchen being rebuilt and disabled access improved. It is likely we may gain some old Kitchen cupboards for the model railway Shed, and rubble for the filling in the more of the raised patio...

 Ben cannot go to the weaving group because dogs are banned in the playing field outside, so SWMBO will be staying at home for most of the time except for the odd gathering somewhere else.



Well, I have more investigation work to carry out on an errant reading between two supposedly identical resistors..



 Time to get some work done...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all and a lovely bright and sunny one it is too.

Best wishes, thoughts and positive vibes being sent to all the ailing and in particular Debs.

It's taken me a while to catch up  but here I am at last. If I've missed anything important please give me a (virtual) slap. 


Home from Nescot and a drink with HJ in the Royal Oak.


Had a coffee with Chris, and a wave from GDB whilst I was covering the South Western Circle stand.



Bill, either you've got extremely good eyesight or it wasn't me. I suspect the latter as I wasn't there on Saturday but was still on the good ship Britannia somewhere in the North Sea. Perhaps it was my good mate, t'other Bob, he of 81C fame?


We got back to Southampton on Sunday after a splendid and very enjoyable cruise to Norway where the weather was a lot better than that which we returned to. There were a couple of problems while we were away which put a bit of damper on things. On Friday, as we were leaving from Bergen, I had a phone call from my car dealer telling me that my new car order had gone pear shaped. Seat, who henceforth should be known as Shiteat informed them that the spec on the model I (and half the world) had ordered would no longer be available and they were changing it to something else. Also that delivery would not be at the beginning of June but sometime later and they didn't know  when!  After venting my feelings and telling them I didn't want the new spec I was told that my only choice would be to cancel but to hold fire as they (Shiteat) were holding an emergency meeting about the issue as a considerable number of people were probably going to cancel (6 at my dealers alone). A couple of hours later I got another call saying "I would be pleased as they'd changed their minds and I could have what I wanted, however I wouldn't get it until the first week in October!" Possibly. Yeh right. I did think about it over the weekend but decided that 7 months from when I ordered in March was ridiculous so yesterday cancelled my order and started car hunting again.


To begin with I had problems as the cars I fancied were all on very long lead times so I reduced my expectations and found something in stock up the road in Epsom. A test drive later I ordered it and it will be ready for collection on Thursday or Friday. I've now gone for a Dacia Duster, much lower spec than the Shiteat but a lot cheaper and there's a lot less that can go wrong with it. Had good reports about Dacias as Nicki has a Sandero Stepway, SiL Steve has a Duster along with their next door neighbour. I believe one or two people on here have given good reports about them as well (Rick?)


The other problem was that The Boss has become ill and unlike her has spent the last couple of days very under the weather with flu like symptoms and unable to do anything. I have become Head Cook* and Bottlewasher, Chief Nurse and General Dogsbody.


Today will be spent clearing "stuff" out of the old Focus ready for handing over in a couple of days and of course tending to Herself.


If you've stayed reading that lot then thank you for your patience, well done and of course ....

...have a good one,




* Not much cooking needed as she's not eating at all and I ate enough for about three people last week!

Edited by grandadbob
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