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Morning all. Not sure about nightmares and migraines. I rarely remember having dreamed and still suffer from migraines from time to time.


Mind you I've woken up to a few nightmares in the Eng v Aus ODI series but not this morning for a change! 275-6 with 3 overs still for England to bat.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Weather is dull and damp this morning. Rubbish and recycling has been placed out. I'm not sure what I'll be doing today. I'm sure Robbie will be making unsubtle hints sometime this morning that we need to go out!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Dull and damp one again. Another day off work so it looks like I better get my plaster and filler out and sort the ceiling. Bit of a nightmare during the day. Really looking forward to it NOT! Off to the club this evening to circulate more hot air with probably little achieved railway-related.


Have a good one all.




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Morning All,


It is a rather chilly, and damp morning here with temperatures right around freezing.


I looks like it is going to be a busy day in the office today.




There's only one thing that more of a pain than old car electrics... Old Rover electrics :lol:. The Mini reminds me of this from time to time...


What sort of Rover do you have Nidge?


'Morning' Rich,


It's a 1972 P6, 3500 Auto.... I'd not used it for over a week so thought I'd give it a run (any excuse ;) ) and trying the lights I noticed the nearside 'outer' lamp wasn't lit, the odd thing is it does light up in main beam mode! Must be a dodgy connection somewhere, or it might just need replacing. Had to replace the off side one last Summer for the MOT as well. Also noticed the rear lights and rear number plate lamp went out at the same time :rolleyes:



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  • RMweb Gold

Tony - impressed you managed to find my eBay sales - how did you manage it?!



I saw your message on Twitter about lots of watchers and no purchasers. I had a look, but there were about 17000 OO locos for sale. I made an EBay search for within 10 miles of a central Edinburgh postcode and then it was down to one screen!





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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Not really much to say here, except that it's cloudy, cold and damp here today.


Just back from work, and trying to get an appointment to see the consultant - no chance as it appears that he has no clinics booked at present - DOH - the NHS can be very trying!!


Regards to All


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I saw your message on Twitter about lots of watchers and no purchasers. I had a look, but there were about 17000 OO locos for sale. I made an EBay search for within 10 miles of a central Edinburgh postcode and then it was down to one screen!



I'm very impressed! Well done Sherlock Holmes! Not an eBay link but my username is theredandwhiteblackcats...

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  • RMweb Gold


Just back from work, and trying to get an appointment to see the consultant - no chance as it appears that he has no clinics booked at present - DOH - the NHS can be very trying!!




A friend of mine managed to power plane his thumb and forefinger on Saturday. After getting it dressed at the nearest A&E he was sent to a specialist plastic surgery accident unit in Chelmsford to have the flesh re-modelled without having to have bony bits amputated. I think the NHS did well there!

However I don't know if the NHS financial year system still is used. I used to find that appointments I was supposed to attend near the end of the year were cancelled. I suspect the unavoidable circumstances quoted in the letters were no more funds! Either that or all the consultants were on skiing holidays.






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  • RMweb Premium

Either that or all the consultants were on skiing holidays.

You could be right there, Tony. In the just over six months that I have been under this particular consultant, I have only seen him once - he was the on call when I was admitted, so I was allocated to him, but he came off the on call that night, and he seems to share his time between two hospitals, and he went to the other one the following day, which is why I only saw his locum (who operated and did a good job), and he is often "away" when I attend his clinics, so I see "one of the clinical team". But can I get myself allocated to a full time consultant - can I heck!

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  • RMweb Gold

. But can I get myself allocated to a full time consultant - can I heck!


Where I have to go, most times I see the consultant. Sometimes I get seen by someone in training and then the consultant comes in and we all get to discuss what they both think. This is a hospital with professors so anyone on the team seems rather good. Appointments get cancelled but I'm under instruction just to ring up if there is a problem in between appointments. I don't think I'd be able to afford private health insurance (except for holiday travel cover, as I found out Saga cover older people for existing declared conditions). Wife and child are covered through her employer scheme. The dog has health insurance as well!


If you are being seen by more junior members of a team they might not have been there long and might not be there next time. My nephew is a few months away from being called Doctor and he has been trying to select the places he can go to after qualification. He has to do quite a few different things in the first two years. Years ago when his parents were doing their GP training scheme they always seemed to be moving to new jobs.









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  • RMweb Gold

Evening gents.

Got everything happening at once at the moment. Don't you just hate it when everything demands your attention. blink.gif

Firstly, although good news that I have two interviews for uni coming up it could not have come at a worse time.

I've got to prepare for my last exam on Friday and I've got to help sort out the local model railway show and try and fit time to work out how to build and actually build a chair for my A2 project. A tad stressed at the moment because the teachers are determined to set geography essays till the cows come home! laugh.gif That and we have family problems at the moment - it's not a good time right here. The main problem is I get easily distracted and don't get anything done because I put it all off for too long.


Anyone else experienced this?

It's like lightbulbs in our house - one goes and the rest will follow suit!

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening gents.


Anyone else experienced this?

It's like lightbulbs in our house - one goes and the rest will follow suit!


Tony's suggestions. Negotiate with the geography teachers. You will do the essays but try to suggest a completion date. Don't do this the day before they are due.

Go to the interviews. Go early, spend time there. Matthew only had one interview from four accepting universities but he visited three and even the visits/talks were beneficial.

Chair more important than model railway at the moment so sort out chair before club, sorry if you think that is harsh but...

Can't help with family problems. My parents seemed to cause me problems at O level and A level time. They chose their moments badly. It irritated me for years, hopefully yours will be settled quicker!

Best wishes





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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Tony! You're positive vibes seem to be working already. Just got an email from UCAS and it appears Portsmouth Uni has given me an unconditional offer! Didn't see that one coming. I have tried reasoning with the geography teachers and they are being fairly leniant but I still think it was somewhat inappropriate to set it at this time!


Totally agree about the chair as well - I've had a talk with dad (who is a carpenter by trade) and it's just a case of reducing wastage and sorting out what materials I am going to use. Then I can buy them and get it started.


I expect the family issue will be quite a long running one but I am reluctant to get involved at this present stage because it is the last thing I need. I don't mean to be horrid but I can't devote time at this particular week - next week, be my guest!


Jam smile.gif

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Tony! You're positive vibes seem to be working already. Just got an email from UCAS and it appears Portsmouth Uni has given me an unconditional offer! Didn't see that one coming. I have tried reasoning with the geography teachers and they are being fairly leniant but I still think it was somewhat inappropriate to set it at this time!


Totally agree about the chair as well - I've had a talk with dad (who is a carpenter by trade) and it's just a case of reducing wastage and sorting out what materials I am going to use. Then I can buy them and get it started.


I expect the family issue will be quite a long running one but I am reluctant to get involved at this present stage because it is the last thing I need. I don't mean to be horrid but I can't devote time at this particular week - next week, be my guest!


Jam smile.gif


Sounds as if it is getting somewhat under control. Once upon a time when I had a career one of the things I remember from one of the courses I was sent on was that you have to learn to between that which is urgent and that which is important. Although it is easy to dismiss it as management speak it was one of the things I tried to do.

Congrats on the Portsmouth offer, what are you planning to study?

I certainly didn't get any unconditional offers! My wife was told (this was a long long time ago) by her parents that she had to go to her local university. She really didn't want to go there so deliberately tried to be difficult during the interview. They gave her an unconditional offer (well 2 E's which was the same thing then). I think she can still get slightly cross 40 years on about not being allowed to go to where she wanted! I think her parents were concerned that if she left home she would marry someone "unsuitable". She did!




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That's is a really good statement actually - I think that will really help in future situations. I think my problem is that I don't distinguish between what is urgent and what is important so I simply class everything as urgent and get flustered!


I'm planning to study Product Design at either Portsmouth, Plymouth, Falmouth or Bournemouth (B'mouth being my first choice because it is not only a great course but is the closest to home).

I think her parents were concerned that if she left home she would marry someone "unsuitable". She did!


laugh.gif Don't be so harsh on yourself biggrin.gif

It is interesting though, I would consider Portsmouth to be my 'back-up choice' and already I've got an unconditional offer! It is a good safety net though and I'm very grateful I have it, particularly now competition is so fierce!


I think that the fact I have a passion for railway modelling has interested quite a few people including my subject teachers. And of course it relates (in that you design and make the finished 'product') to product design and it shows my creative side, hence I included it in my personal statement. I've never been one to 'big myself up' or whatever the more appropriate phrase is laugh.gif and I even had to amend my personal statement because I did not give myself enough credit!


Today I started making my portfolio for the two interviews though I may ask and see if I can get the interviews at a slightly later date.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


No nightmares this past night, thankfully. It's just above 0° outside and I understand it is to remain rather nippy over the weekend. We may look for some additional furniture this weekend, too.


Jam – I think Tony's advice has been good and I'm crossing my fingers everything will sort itself out in due course. I but am glad for you to have one university offer on hand already.



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Morning All,


The temperature is hovering around freezing this morning. Still, the roads weren't too slippery - there just seemed to be a disproportionate quantity of idiots using them this morning.


Nidge - Very nice. What with the Buick V8, and the Borg-Warner gearbox she'll probably go on forever. Provided the dreaded tin-worm doesn't get her - although it sounds like you have got that under control too. If your lights are working Ok on main-beam, but not on dipped, could it be the switch? I've known them to go flaky on various occasions with various different BL offerings.


Jam - Tony offers good advice. Go to the different Universities and try to get a feel for them. Speak to some students if you get an opportunity to do so. Don't get too stressed over it though - remember, firstly you have an unconditional offer so you will be able to go somewhere. Secondly, the universities want your money. If you are a reasonable student (and it sounds like you are) then you shouldn't have too much trouble getting a place. I don't know if you have much in the way of interview experience - but if I can give you one piece of advice, be yourself. It sounds daft, but don't try to be someone you are not - the interviewer will see through it. (I've been on both sides of the table for both university interviews :) )


Sorry to hear about your family problems, but if you can, try and put that on the back burner as much as possible and concentrate on the immediate issues - that is your future. Good luck!


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all!


Jam - well done on getting the unconditional offer, that's great news and should take away some of the pressure. I think my lowest offer was BCC when I did my A Levels.


Nidge - my Dad had 2 Rover 3500s. Both unfortunately dropped to pieces with rust within a very few years. He moved on to more reliable Swedish/Belgian vehicles after that (the ones driven by dummies, tested by men in anoraks, according to Jasper Carrott).


Need to rest my arm, had half an hour's tennis lesson yesterday which aggravated it.


Sold one loco on eBay last night for a disappointingly small amount. Then spotted that they've raised their commission to 10%, so I'm actually debating pulling the other auctions.

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