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Morning all


A bright sunny morning here; more swallows or swifts have arrived and were showing off their flying skills by flying at our bedroom windows then banking away just in time, allowing us to see their white undersides. Wonderful!


Was sorry to read that Debs is suffering nausea from the latest round of chemo. It's hard to feel positive when you're feeling sick. Thoughts and prayers.


And Simon, great news on your scan results, and pleased that your chemo is ending in June. Seeing my oncologist next Thursday for my results - only 23 days after scan... and they've had the results for at least a fortnight. Hum and bug.


And avoid operator-specific train tickets unless you know what you're getting into.

Well, we have an operator-specified train from Soton to Bournemouth in July. Cross-country tix were just £12 for four of us yet £34ish by SouthWest. It's a no-brainer - and if the XC is cancelled, SWtrains will take the tickets anyway. Just hope the XC ain't late...!


Hope you all have a good day



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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It’s a bit dull here, but at least it’s dry. I’m just off to pick up a few bits and pieces from the Trafford Centre then I’ll call at the butchers for our weekly meat rations. After that it will be an early dinner as I have to take the car in for it’s first service.


Back later.

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Wot, no Chrisf?


Gosh, someone noticed.


Apologies for lateness, folks.  I have been without the laptop for 24 hours plus thanks to the discovery of a trojan.  For some reason yesterday morning I downloaded one of theose fix your PC things by Reimage and could not make it work.  I rang the helpline, they took remote control of the laptop and showed me that lurking deep in the operating system there was a trojan which I had downloaded the prevous afternoon.  They wanted an awful lot of money to remove it, I said no, regained control of the laptop and took it to PC World, where I have just been to retrieve it. I have a lot of catching up to do as a result so today must content myself with warm thoughts and best wishes to all who deserve them.



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  • RMweb Gold

Gosh, someone noticed.


Apologies for lateness, folks.  I have been without the laptop for 24 hours plus thanks to the discovery of a trojan.  For some reason yesterday morning I downloaded one of theose fix your PC things by Reimage and could not make it work.  I rang the helpline, they took remote control of the laptop and showed me that lurking deep in the operating system there was a trojan which I had downloaded the prevous afternoon.  They wanted an awful lot of money to remove it, I said no, regained control of the laptop and took it to PC World, where I have just been to retrieve it. I have a lot of catching up to do as a result so today must content myself with warm thoughts and best wishes to all who deserve them.



I suggest downloading Malwarebytes and using it if in future you feel tempted to download something to check your computer. If I said what my preferred antivirus, antimalware, firewall package is people tend to tell me I am misguided. But whatever you have keep it up to date.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Rain is forecast here for the entire day - but at the moment it isn't raining.  Somewhat amusingly the Met Office are offering us yellow rain overnight Sunday/Monday but even more scarily the warning page now comes with a link which reads 'What should I do?' and that leads to this page -




It would seem to be a new addition to the panoply of 'hand holding for idiots' world in which we now live and some of the links do not yet appear to work so alas it doesn't tell me where to find the matches that I use to light the oil lamps if the electrickery ceases to volt or whatever technical term covers its normal operation.  There are one or two useful links on the section about driving in severe weather - including the National Rail site so presumably you're meant to travel by train if yellow rain is promised.  All in all a rather weird idea but presumable the snowflake millenials will be glad of it if half the stories we hear about them have any foundation in fact?


Have a good day one and all particularly those suffering and recovering.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. We must have the same forecast here as the Stationmaster, predicted to rain but no sign of it. I wont go any further as I don't want to tempt fate. Two shows to go to tomorrow, a small show at Benfleet then the bigger one in Romford. My friend who normally comes with me lives in Benfleet so we've arranged to meet at the Benfleet show before going on to Romford. The Benfleet show is midway between my friends abode and Tony's. Best wishes to Debs, Mal and all others under the weather, be back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Me and my big mouth, when I got to the car it was starting to rain and it’s now chucking it down. All shopping has been completed and put away and I even managed to get myself a pastie for dinner too, I am now sat down with a nice muggertea and back on the web. I did what we call here at BSW01 towers “man shopping” that is, I know what I want, I know where it is and I’m not blinded by all the offers for this, that or the other. So all in all I was out less than an hour and I spent a lot less than if I’d had been accompanied.

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  • RMweb Gold

Gosh, someone noticed.


Apologies for lateness, folks.  I have been without the laptop for 24 hours plus thanks to the discovery of a trojan.

Stop horsing about.

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Network Rail is working on my PC; not that it allows me to copy said output into this post as proof, not even with the snipping tool.


It's grey but not actually raining here at LBG. I have just had a nice Ethiopian meal from Borough Market. Strange to eat food from a country that we all associate with starvation. But then I have never thought that about Bangladeshi food.


I have had some spicy beef, a lentil dahl type concoction, a sweet and sour cabbage, rice and the traditional Ethiopian flatbread.


Best wishes to those who are ailing, especially Debs who I hope turns another corner (in the right direction of course)

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My first boss told me that it was always a good idea to have items moving and lights flashing flashing any time you showed visitors "n0ew" ideas and equipment.


Cant beat lights flashing flashing! Is it a ne0w thing?
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Software development and support is expensive. Necessarily work gets prioritized. Or it could be bureaucratic incompetence. I wouldn't know.

In my experience (your mileage "may" differ, but unlikely too :jester: ) in the presence of the latter 'bureaucratic incompetence', this ALWAYS wins and provides any and every reason that things either don't get done, or are FUBARed


I suggest downloading Malwarebytes and using it if in future you feel tempted to download something to check your computer. If I said what my preferred antivirus, antimalware, firewall package is people tend to tell me I am misguided. But whatever you have keep it up to date.


I'm happy to be declared "misguided" as I fit the bill, so, I use the following tools regularly, i.e. at least once-a-week, on all the PCs we own - Ccleaner aka CrapCleaner, Malwarebytes and AVG. <cue the derision>

Been using all three for years, limits any issues and with the correct settings on all of them does NOT interfere or slow down daily use. Everyone has what they prefer, but the "other" popular choices, FOR ME, have proven either unreliable, chanting false positives too often, or just slow the PC down to a crawl.



Panic yesterday as Julie informed me of a letter from the <shudder> IRS (US Internal Revenue Service)... all run for cover, this usually is NOT good, especially right after the taxes are filed.

Turns out it was just a request to provide the $$ we owed by "another form", as somehow the electronic bank data didn't work for them! All above board, since we'd wondered why we'd not seen a withdrawal, but somehow the tax software I've used for nigh on 10 years now appears to have FUBARed (love using this again, been missing too long :) ) the data. No problem <phew> <cancel the discrete plane tickets to South America> :O  


Other than THAT, nothing to report from yesterday.


POETS and POE for me to get my flight home <yay>


9 and cloudy driving in, light rain expected for a while, supposed to be dry this afternoon and 13 for the high.


POE if you can - enjoy the weekend.

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Network Rail is working on my PC; not that it allows me to copy said output into this post as proof, not even with the snipping tool.



Can I suggest Faststone Capture - - do a search for the last freeware version on PC - hasn't failed me yet!

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My choice is Malawarebytes Premium, running in the background all the time, and Clamwin - introduced to me by my computer guru when AVG let something very nasty through -

Indeed, I simply keep hedging on paying as I'm too cheap - and I KNOW I should, to support them <hangs head in shame>

In my defense (poor at best), I've been using it since the only option was free...

Edited by Ian Abel
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Indeed, I simply keep hedging on paying as I'm too cheap - and I KNOW I should, to support them <hangs head in shame>

In my defense (poor at best), I've been using it since the only option was free...

I was too, but then I got an offer - and thought I may as well. I gave it a try - and TBH, it is just SO damn efficient........ I haven't had any problems (touch wood) since using this combo.....

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  • RMweb Gold

Considering I didn't intend to do much I have processed 2 lots of bereavement paperwork. Matthew's pension and then lots of documents off to the Irish bank. I have a form to fill in for National Savings too.

I will save the Dutch stuff until next week. They seem to require more formality about who can witness things than UK and Irish institutions.

Not a problem really though. I can sort out getting our wills rewritten at the same time.

MiL is having to rewrite her will today. We had told her before not to leave us anything but leave anything to Matthew. Aditi's sister is helping her, initially by finding a solicitor who didn't look confused by MiL's financial status!


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Afternoon Peeps

I've finally finished the decorating in the dinning room It took the pair of us 1/2 hours to put the mirror back on the wall the lugs

would not go over the screw heads in the wall one screw had moved ??? a mystery but 3mm was enough for things not to happen,

things will now progress to the lounge there is only an archway seperating the 2 rooms another week and we should be finished.


I had to put my plumber hat on today as upstairs loo failed to flush on a push of the button I popped the top of the cabinet and

found the air pipes off the push button a dab of silicone just to keep them in place sorted that out, electricians hat next the light 

fitting from the lounge was put in the dinnig room SWMBO wanted to buy a new one both rooms about £250 each and take a

£300 light fitting to the charity shop :swoon:   a firm NO was said you can only have 1 new fitting I was suprised when HER said OK


I'm having a day off tomorrow a Show at NESCOT Ewell with friends and a big fried breakfast to boot.


                                                                                                                  enjoy what's left of it.     Bob the Builder (the real one)

Our Club Guys will be there with Burdale Colliery in O Gauge.


ENJOY, when I lived down South it was always a good show. 

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