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Early Risers.


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Good morning all. There have been a few spots of rain in the air this morning in this corner of Derbyshire, but the sun is attempting to break through. I think it is the calm before the storm because there is heavy and persistent rain forecast from lunch time and through the evening. 

 My good wishes to all, especially to those who particularly need it. I am concerned to read about ChrisF's current fight with the black dog and I hope that he can keep it firmly shut in the kennel. I hope that Tony and Aditi get the insurance issues sorted. I was pleased to hear that they managed a nice walk the other day. Time in the open air is very important, I am certainly learning that at the moment. Warm thoughts remain for Simon and Debs in particular.


 My sign off to yesterday's post proved to be more accurate than I expected. After a morning of feeling very good, the afternoon gave way to a wave of exhaustion. Admittedly deciding to cut the back lawn straight after my tablet may not have helped matters. The rest of the day was spent with little desire or energy to do anything. In a bid to kick myself into action I did go out to pick Amber up from school although I admit to feeling tense doing it. I also had a brief walk out in the evening to collect an Avon book for Sarah. In the intervening time one of my colleagues called in to pick up a set of books for my class. I had taken them home to mark on the night I went off sick and they needed them back in school. I cannot say I was looking forward to the encounter and noted that she did not enquire as to how  I was feeling during her brief call.


 Yesterday also brought a few interesting online conversations. It seems the school I was at from September - February is in crisis. One teacher is off with the same thing as me, two others have handed in their notice and another is about to. I was warned about the state of the school when I went there in September. I should have heeded that warning. Without a shadow of a doubt my current issues have been triggered by the experience there coming immediately after last year's horrendous experience. 


 Today I have made few plans. Derby are at home tonight but I have decided not to go. I will watch the game on tv instead. Sarah is out at work this afternoon and has to visit the church coffee morning later this morning. Right now I am feeling very tired. The sleeping tablet only knocked me out for 4 hours last night so I am not firing on all cylinders. Normally the mornings are my better time. There could be some familiar and friendly faces at the coffee morning so I am considering walking over with Sarah.

 This afternoon I may well make a few phone calls - possibly contacting the teaching agency about opportunities for September. In the next couple of days I need to make the decision about whether to return to work next week or discuss an extension to the sick note with the doctor. That decision is making me a little edgy.


 Once the phone calls are done there may be some modelling (or at least playing / operating).


Best wishes



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Morning all.


A "bad" start to the day - woke up at 05:30 to see the train I was getting up early for running 30 early and already passing the "if you don't leave now you won't beat it" point.

Went to check the camera in the garden and had a sudden horrible thought that I'd left it in test mode - and I had, so nothing captured.

Sitting down at my desk drinking a brew and noticed a tyre turning move leaving Norwich, again too late to get it - don't know what this was but it's always something of interest, either slight through to very.


They say it comes in threes so that the three over with for today.


Of course in the grand scheme non of these things matter, they just about warrant a muttered "typical" and I move along.


Have a good day all - very dull here at the moment.


I’ll take your two and advise that I awoke to a flat tyre yesterday. I did fix the issue in 5 minutes and reported for duty one minute early.

Then I received a letter from Social Security (US version) advising me to call a number to hear about my (potential) US Pension only to call and be advised that I could only connect if  knew the name and extension number of who I was to speak to - they didn’t put that in the letter..... I tell you the same plonkers run these Dept., as do the UK.


Best, Pete.

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Good morning all. There have been a few spots of rain in the air this morning in this corner of Derbyshire, but the sun is attempting to break through. I think it is the calm before the storm because there is heavy and persistent rain forecast from lunch time and through the evening. 

 My good wishes to all, especially to those who particularly need it. I am concerned to read about ChrisF's current fight with the black dog and I hope that he can keep it firmly shut in the kennel. I hope that Tony and Aditi get the insurance issues sorted. I was pleased to hear that they managed a nice walk the other day. Time in the open air is very important, I am certainly learning that at the moment. Warm thoughts remain for Simon and Debs in particular.


 My sign off to yesterday's post proved to be more accurate than I expected. After a morning of feeling very good, the afternoon gave way to a wave of exhaustion. Admittedly deciding to cut the back lawn straight after my tablet may not have helped matters. The rest of the day was spent with little desire or energy to do anything. In a bid to kick myself into action I did go out to pick Amber up from school although I admit to feeling tense doing it. I also had a brief walk out in the evening to collect an Avon book for Sarah. In the intervening time one of my colleagues called in to pick up a set of books for my class. I had taken them home to mark on the night I went off sick and they needed them back in school. I cannot say I was looking forward to the encounter and noted that she did not enquire as to how  I was feeling during her brief call.


 Yesterday also brought a few interesting online conversations. It seems the school I was at from September - February is in crisis. One teacher is off with the same thing as me, two others have handed in their notice and another is about to. I was warned about the state of the school when I went there in September. I should have heeded that warning. Without a shadow of a doubt my current issues have been triggered by the experience there coming immediately after last year's horrendous experience. 


 Today I have made few plans. Derby are at home tonight but I have decided not to go. I will watch the game on tv instead. Sarah is out at work this afternoon and has to visit the church coffee morning later this morning. Right now I am feeling very tired. The sleeping tablet only knocked me out for 4 hours last night so I am not firing on all cylinders. Normally the mornings are my better time. There could be some familiar and friendly faces at the coffee morning so I am considering walking over with Sarah.

 This afternoon I may well make a few phone calls - possibly contacting the teaching agency about opportunities for September. In the next couple of days I need to make the decision about whether to return to work next week or discuss an extension to the sick note with the doctor. That decision is making me a little edgy.


 Once the phone calls are done there may be some modelling (or at least playing / operating).


Best wishes



I am sure that this idea may have been voiced previously or that there is medical reasoning why,

...... but .......

if the sleeping tablet gives only four hours sleep and are habit forming


the daytime tablet zonks you

why not cut out the sleeping tablet and take the daytime tablet at night?

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I am sure that this idea may have been voiced previously or that there is medical reasoning why,

...... but .......

if the sleeping tablet gives only four hours sleep and are habit forming


the daytime tablet zonks you

why not cut out the sleeping tablet and take the daytime tablet at night?

I had thought about that. Last night was the first night the sleeping tablet failed me. The last time I went without, and took the daytime tablet late, I did not sleep. It may be worth trying it again though.

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  • RMweb Gold

A good GP will discuss things like why tablets aren't working as expected. Perhaps by changing dosages or times. I am lucky I have had good GPs. On my third now! One of my medications takes about 6 weeks to become effective when first taken. The unpleasant side effects kick in before the benefits and some people give up.

At the moment I don't have any trouble sleeping, keeping awake is a problem.


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  • RMweb Gold

I struggled to get to sleep last night so I took a paracetamol. I try not to do this too often but at least I gotjust under 5 hours sleep.

Too much going on with work, mums move, commuting that keeps my mind active.


Last might the trains were all around ten or more late. My ticket doesn't work the barriers but does work the underground ones. To change it takes a few days and has to be after the ticket office has contacted their head office on a weekday so I was hoping to change it yesterday but we bailed short of Redhill to catch a bus home as would have missed the connection at Redhill. Then it was to Mum's to help her packing for the imminent move.


Just been to London Bridge station and there has been a trespass incident so no doubt we will have another disruptive journey hone. Feel like a few beers tonight


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A good GP will discuss things like why tablets aren't working as expected. Perhaps by changing dosages or times. I am lucky I have had good GPs. On my third now! One of my medications takes about 6 weeks to become effective when first taken. The unpleasant side effects kick in before the benefits and some people give up.

At the moment I don't have any trouble sleeping, keeping awake is a problem.


A good gp gave me a new tablet last month. 3 x daily for a trial month.

I took 2 the 1st day, 3 the next, 2 on the 3rd day and then stopped. I couldnt stay awake during the day time.

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It's all waking up for some of my clients this week:


- one of them's in a detention centre, and I'm going to visit on Thursday with an interpreter in tow;

- another has been asked to provide DNA evidence that he's the father of his kids;

- a third has been told today that UKVI have decided to deport him and he's having to decide whether or not to appeal against that decision;

- a fourth has become British in four weeks flat. Nothing to do with Windrush.

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Chewsday, and on Long Island...


Uneventful flight out last night, but I was reminded again why taking a flight that gets in at midnight is NOT a great idea. (that doesn't include the time to get to the car rental AND drive to the hotel :( )

Next time the fares are looking unreasonable I'm not going to concern myself with the higher cost of the earlier flight, trying to save the client a few bob :O


A worse commute than last time I was here. Prior trip the schools were all on some sort of break, now, with them all back the roads were a cluster of school buses and soccer mums all texting while driving :nono:  :rtfm: Since it's illegal here (as in most states) it seems to have become THE thing to do, making commuting even more miserable as you sit behind some cockwomble who doesn't watch/see the light change and backs up the entire mess even more :butcher:  :triniti: \


7 and sunny already driving in this AM, and high of 16 expected.


Tally ho...

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Gold

It's all waking up for some of my clients this week:


- a fourth has become British in four weeks flat. Nothing to do with Windrush.

That happened in the past when Britain needed someone to run in the Olympics. Back in the early 1970s Aditi's Dad decided they should all become British citizens, as he felt Commonwealth status was suspect. In those days it wasn't too difficult. Nowadays potential citizens have to answer questions on British life which don't seem to reflect the daily lives of many of us.


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Many years ago While training in the RAF  a junior officer charged the personnel living in  one side of our accomodation block for not cleaning windows. Luckily for me My side was on the lee side away from the rain..... This was the same pratt that when we moved blocks made us remove all the varnish from the brass fittings so we could polish them several times a week...


Have you read this book? https://books.google.ca/books/about/The_Camp.html?id=-EzqjgEACAAJ&redir_esc=y


From what you say, it might bring back memories.

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That happened in the past when Britain needed someone to run in the Olympics. Back in the early 1970s Aditi's Dad decided they should all become British citizens, as he felt Commonwealth status was suspect. In those days it wasn't too difficult. Nowadays potential citizens have to answer questions on British life which don't seem to reflect the daily lives of many of us.



Are they expected to know which way up to fly the Union Flag?

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  • RMweb Premium

Financial Adviser meeting went well. (we hope!), some crust earning undertaken, a bit of tidying up done.....busy , busy , busy....


A trip out tomorrow - trying to help a colleague with some point servos.


News from elsewhere today..the Leeds Model Railway Society is now a Charitable Incorporated Organisation and, thanks to Company House we remain the Leeds Model Railway Society. It was 't hard to do but it needed a concerted effort from one or two of our Society. now comes the hard part...getting everything going!


Sleep well


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Are they expected to know which way up to fly the Union Flag?


Heartened to see it correctly referred to as the Union FLAG!


Union Jack only applies when raised on ships of the Fleet (on the jack staff, IRRC)!

Edited by JohnDMJ
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  • RMweb Gold

Are they expected to know which way up to fly the Union Flag?

No , more like the legal status of the Isle of Man, Hugeunot origins and the King James Bible just to pick a few sample questions. Do most UK citizens know how many MLA seats there are in the Northern Ireland Assembly?
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


Well not long after venturing down to the cellar to start painting, it started to rain and has rained ever since. All the parts to radiator covers received 2nd coat of paint before time for a mid morning muggertea. After drinking my tea I went to the workshop and did a bit of measuring up. I’m Intending to rejig the bench (which is currently on wheels) which has my vice, drill press and grinding wheel. My intention is to fit it permanently below the workshop’s window. The new bench will be wider and have a removable table which will fit between the two cupboards. The table will be used for spray painting and will house booth etc. the extractor will be fed through the window. This will give me more floor space, as the table is currently stood in front of my bookcase.


After dinner I went back down to the cellar and I fitted the screens to the radiator fronts, so everything is now ready for fitting both radiator covers in place. I’ll do this on Thursday morning when Sheila is at Zumba, as I’m leaving everything so that the paint has a chance to harden off between now and Thursday.


Goodnight all

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