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Guest dilbert



Twenty years ago when we moved into our house, just looking at the mess the ceilings were in was the stuff of nightmares... ended up using tongue and groove wooden panelling to get around the problem - the electric stapling gun and metal plates made relatively fast work of doing about 90 m2 of ceiling . This in turn was covered with a thinnish matt white stain which gives an irregular colour coverage, based on the different tones of wood.


It's still looking good.. the other advantage was that I was able to redo the ceiling electrics (without too much mess)... dilbert

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Dave: Just thoughts:

If you have to stabilise the remainder, why not give the whole lot a dose of PVA and skim on top?

If you water the PVA down a bit it should sink in far enough to create something more solid.


I expect you've already thought of something similar.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Warm but not for long, as it's forecast for cold again at the weekend.


Now back at work on longer hours, so getting on here "early" is becoming less of an option, so I'll have to be late on parade again.


I HATE Artex - it's one decorating material which should never have been invented, but which everybody decided to use to cover up a multitude of bad plaster jobs, and iffy ceilings. My builder is of the opinion that it should not be plastered over, or otherwise covered up, in case it's hiding more serious problems. I've only had to contend with it once before, and then I removed it which took ages and was messy, but I did it while there were no carpets down, and the room was devoid of furniture.


Not a lot to report here - appears there's no news of Tony's boiler since he was waiting for the engineer - hope he's not gone into shock, LOL :lol:

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Guest Max Stafford

It didn't help that original Artex had asbestos in its composition!

Just been out running again but I only managed 43 minutes for the three miles due to stopping to help out a lost wagon driver!



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  • RMweb Gold

Boiler update. The very nice man from EON turned up and confirmed that the problem was the fan. He ordered a new one and tried to get the old one going again but it refused to spin. The part will be in on Wednesday and he will return to fit it on Thursday. The last of the luke warm water went this morning. My wife is going to the gym on her way home to wash her hair. She can cope otherwise apparently. When I first met her she had waist length hair but now she fortunately has a short hair style . I did suggest getting the power washer out and feeding it from a bucket of hot water but this wasn't "sensible".



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  • RMweb Premium

I don't think we ever had Artex in this house, but some rooms in the basement had PVC floor panels which I figure must have been installed in the 60s. When we converted one room into a lavatory five or six years ago, getting the stuff out again was a drag. I ended up using an electric chisel to pry it off, which in turn rendered my arms and hands numb and useless for just about everything till the next day, as it felt like the vibration from the thing had permanently got hold of them!

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  • RMweb Gold

Boiler update update.


Out of curiosity I looked up the details of the part the gasman had ordered. It would appear not to be the correct one for my boiler. So I've just spoken to EON and they are going to email the chap who called and get him to check. As I've just checked on the manufacturers part number I think I'm correct. I don't know how they can expect their engineers to order parts from a tiny PDA display.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


I'm dreaming weird things those days – this past night there was something about a guy putting on a mask and then spilling a mug of beer over himself in order to calm down, I think it was :blink: . I wonder what one Mr Freud would have had to say about this?


Have a good day everyone...hope I'll be less drowsy later on!

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Morning All,


It is still dark here, and rather chilly. Still, there's no snow.


I went to the dentist yesterday evening, and everything is fine so that's good.


I did suggest getting the power washer out and feeding it from a bucket of hot water but this wasn't "sensible".


I think that's a wonderful idea :lol:


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all. Cool but dry and fairly bright in Leith.


Went climbing again last night but I think I must have pulled a muscle on Friday as my right arm was very painful after my third climb last night. Will have to have a rest from climbing for a week or two to allow itto heal. Will do some gentle swimming today.


Have a good Tuesday all, and look on the bright side. It's not Monday.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


I'm posting this from my normal location at my main PC which is on the landing. It is normally pleasantly warm here but without central heating it isn't! The wireless range of the new router is much better so I'll go and log on in a warmer room with my netbook pc.



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Greetings all you groovy protoplasms. Another chilly start to the day here in the boring boring borough. I'm beginning to think this part of SE London is duller than Belguim.


Got a quote on the LandRover. £390 for a new alternator incl labour & VAT. That's the dealer rates. The local spanner wanted £100 for a used one and £150 to install it as its such a <bleep> of a job. I think for an extra £140 I'll play safe and get the new one properly installed with a year's guarantee.


Spent part of the past couple of days working on the club modules. Ballasting is sole destroying. Need to get to 4D models to pick up some sculptamold so I can get on with the rest of the scenery.


The insomnia fairy has been visiting the past couple of nights. I drop off for about 20 mins then I'm wide awake and restless until 3 or 4 am. Not even Melatonin is working this time.


Thats about all. Have a good one.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, There appears to be some blue in evidence between the oktas. The Artex is gone! Now all I have to do is repair the dreadful plasterwork that was hidden beneath. Clearly the last time work was done on this ceiling it was done on the cheap, par for the course for the previous owner of this house. The decaying lath and plaster ceiling was removed and replaced by plasterboard but the plasterer obviously wasn't skilled enough to do the curved join between wall and ceiling properly. I have a substantial crack all the way round the room to sort out. Something to do on a work day though init.


Hope you manage to untangle the boiler folks Tony. Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Gold



Hope you manage to untangle the boiler folks Tony. Have a good one all.





I hope I have! The call centre person said he would email the engineer and his regional team leader with my query (and what I think the part number is). I can't see why they should have any problem about getting the right part in time for the return visit on Thursday. Our boiler is the only one in that series of models that has a different fan to all the others. It would appear to have an extra hole! I only originally looked up the part details to see how much it would have cost if I hadn't got a service/repair contract on the central heating! My wife normally spends ages in the shower but was much quicker this morning, but she didn't complain about the cold water.



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  • RMweb Premium

Our boiler is the only one in that series of models that has a different fan to all the others.

I had a similar experience with spare parts, and it turned out that the part that the engineer had ordered could be fitted with a small modification carried out on installation, as the original part was out of stock and obsolescent.


Cloudy here again this afternoon, and just got back in from my five hour day - work also insist on making me take a meal break for a 5 hour day, which is not legally necessary, but I'm not arguing with then - life's too short.


Tony has the new router now stabilised and is it giving you a better speed?


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold


Tony has the new router now stabilised and is it giving you a better speed?


Regards to All



It has stabilised at the slow speed of the old one but it is more stable and doesn't keep failing as the old one started to do. I still think there is a local effect. There are BT vans everywhere round here with lots of men digging and doing things to green cabinets. I presume this BT infinity work (due here early summer) The wireless on the new Homehub is much better. Here in the dining room the signal is "very good" now where it used to be poor to non-existent. If it doesn't speed up I'll ask again but I'll wait until the boiler is fixed.









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Afternoon all,


Distinctly grey and dismal here, was hoping to do some work on my old Rover but rain stopped play (old car electrics, what a pain), so managed to get a tiny but very satisfying bit of modelling done instead. Thanks to Dilbert of this parish, I now have some carriage roof boards to add to my WR stock :)


Off to work at 23.59hrs..... why does the missus always ask if I want a beer with my dinner when she knows I'm working...?



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Morning All,


It is a rather chilly, and damp morning here with temperatures right around freezing.


I looks like it is going to be a busy day in the office today.


was hoping to do some work on my old Rover but rain stopped play (old car electrics, what a pain)


There's only one thing that more of a pain than old car electrics... Old Rover electrics :lol:. The Mini reminds me of this from time to time...


What sort of Rover do you have Nidge?

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Odd – me and my GF had a nightmare at about the same time this night. I admit I am still feeling a bit harried from it right now :unsure: . I felt as if I was having the beginnings of a migraine in the afternoon yesterday, which but I could prevent by taking some ibuprofen. I wonder if there may be any relation between migraines and bad dreams?


Have a good day everyone!

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