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  • RMweb Gold

A good few hours in Naaarwich which included a lunch from the market (where a variety of different foods from different countries are on offer) - Chinese was our choice today.


Back home and a bit of gardening, the daughter was not happy at that idea but was reminded about doing her bit and soon got out of the strop. The girls were trimming back some nettles / blackberry bushes when I pointed out that Ratty was watching them from the compost heap - quickest they've both moved for a good while ! Mr Rat was not impressed and headed back into the undegrowth for further exploring.


I've ordered myself a night vision camera to watch my hogs, (hedge variety) and anything else which appears in the garden at night - should be interesting - and hopefully not too scary !

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Thanks for the heads up Tony about the traffic as I'm off to the Sudbury show tomorrow but first I have to collect my friend and his young son from Benfleet first. I hope that by making an early start I can avoid the worst of the traffic so it looks like I'll have to start half an hour earlier to make sure.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Thanks for the heads up Tony about the traffic as I'm off to the Sudbury show tomorrow but first I have to collect my friend and his young son from Benfleet first. I hope that by making an early start I can avoid the worst of the traffic so it looks like I'll have to start half an hour earlier to make sure.

It must have been an accident as it cleared later but by then it was too late to go. The reservoir car park shuts promptly at 5pm. The traffic delays today were unusual as on a sunny day the queues are usually for people going to Southend not those going towards London.

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That big yellow orb in the sky is shining very brightly.


However it won't last that long as I have uncovered and cleaned the patio furniture after its winter hibernation and put the parasol in place.


Doubtless it will be pee-ing down by Saturday :yes: :yes:


Best wishes to you all,




I have been proved right in the past hour. Does that make me a Weather Profit Prophet?



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Great to hear that you have the sun at last and can enjoy it.  This end just thinking about mowing when the heavens opened up ... now it has stopped the grass is too wet to cut!  As a day itself it has not been that warm and the wind has made shirtsleeve order not the thing to do.  Otherwise quite pleasant and SWMBO about to make some curtains.



Thanks Peter. I enjoyed it so much that when Mrs G and son went for a walk from St Bees to Whitehaven along the coastal path, I mowed the lawn in the sun, then sat down in the sun for a bit with a cold drink (non alcoholic!)


After that I drove into Whitehaven to collect the walkers, stopping at the Beacon museum to check out our Thomas layout. Just as well I did, as Thomas was stalling in one place, so I did a few running repairs, to improve his running, then Henry was not running well either, as the tender wasn’t sat correctly, and the coach couplings were disengaging. Although it is a new loco drive Henry, the tender still has the Ringfield block to weight it down, and the block had come away from it’s correct position, so I clipped it back in, and it was a lot better after that. I suspect that club members may need to make occasional visits to check running over the next month and a half of the exhibition.


I had expected to be really tired by now after the lack of sleep last night, but the effects of the steroids must be keeping my energy levels up. I just hope that they die down for a decent sleep tonight!

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In accordance with Debs’ wishes not to worry anybody, I’ve held off posting until we had a resolution.


Last weekend Debs negotiated some time out prior to the second Chemo. In that time she got her hair done and celebrated her birthday with her parents. She went back in and had the second chemo session, but had to travel to Probate court on Friday to deal with the administration of John’s will. What could have been extremely difficult turned out very well for our Debs, and she can now proceed. I could almost hear the sigh of relief.


The chemo, plus the worry about Friday, had knocked her spirit considerably but she’s now back into full humour and pun mode, so beware the awl.


The next chemo (three of five) starts at 23:00 on Tuesday. I can only hope that we’re going to see an improvement in her health along with the improvement in her spirit with the worry now lifted. Health wise we’re not out of the woods yet, but increasingly hopeful.


Debs texted me earlier to say that a year ago today they got John’s confirmed diagnosis, so it’s a bittersweet anniversary for her.


Now I would like to publicly thank Alan – Benachie, who has tirelessly put together a daily newsletter for Debs – and this has really helped.


Addition - Debs has read this message and has asked me to add her deep gratitude and appreciation for his dedication and generous kindness in messaging, cannot be overstated.


I really did not want to bother her overmuch knowing how the first chemo went, but this last one seemed a little better. Chemo does affect her vision and makes her extremely nauseous, so she’d try to reply if I sent too many messages and she’d feel obliged to do so, so I held off. I am also in contact with James, Debs’ nephew, over what I’m sending so he knows (as do her parents) just how much we all think of her. Now I know she’s in full sense of humour mode (which has me laughing out loud on many occasions) I’m going to resume sending the messages. 


And a personal message from me on my feelings – Debs is proving to me time and time again, over her words and actions that she practices what she preaches. Her kindness, thoughtfulness and overweening thoughts for others above herself makes me humble. One example in conversation is that she said that she’d “been a little bit unwell.” Understatement of her own problems is a mark of the lady.


I’ll forward anything that anyone wants to send, but will hold off when the Chemo is biting.


Debs had read this and says she’s somewhat self-conscious over what I’ve said, but I’ve only said what I've found. She finished her message to me with:


E.R`s are such a smashing bunch aren`t they. Bless you, John.




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Evening all, home after a couple of days in Hampshire, playing with Southwark Bridge. We are trialling a new operating sequence which starts part way through the day. This means that I have a mini session on Friday, setting out the starting positions.



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  • RMweb Gold

More Dexron III needed. Today's litre wasn't quite enough. Fortunately I have another litre tomorrow.

Is the gearbox bigger on the inside than the outside?

I once had a BSA Bantam that needed its gearbox replenishing very frequently. That was dodgy oil seals and the oil was getting combusted, hence the need for frequent decokes too.

Edited by Tony_S
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Is the gearbox bigger on the inside than the outside?

I once had a BSA Bantam that needed its gearbox replenishing very frequently. That was dodgy oil seals and the oil was getting combusted, hence the need for frequent decokes too.

They should've called it the Tardis.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


Well we’ve had a very pleasant and quite night here at BSW01 towers. We watched a bit of recorded TV and finished off another bottle of red, a very nice Argentina Malbec, at this rate I’ll be restocking the wine too!


Simon. Glad that you’ve been able to get out to the beach today and also manage a bit of gardening too.


John. Thanks for the updates re Deb’s, and I hope that things progress for her and that her next bout of chemo isn’t t too bad.


Time for bed now, goodnight all

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  • RMweb Premium



Why is it that the cat can sleep soundly through thunder, lightning and the sound of heavy rain but it keeps me awake? Quite a storm cell currently wetting the Hill. Not to mention illuminating it at random moments. At least it means we don’t get the aircraft right overhead ;)

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  • RMweb Premium

We are now up to double digits in the weather. Much of the ice is melting, but there are still 4 foot banks where the snowplough left it.

We had an event called Doors Open today. Local establishments that have significant or interesting premises take the public in for tours. We missed one -- a newly restored downtown building that is very rare; when we finished coffee the lineup was long enough that our parking would have expired. We managed to see the Little Theatre, a house that used to be a church, and one of the churches. The church was interesting as for some reason the apse was never finished and they turned the function around so that the alter is in the south. We stopped after 3 -- the walk in the park was too muddy.

Guelph has 14 stone churches, most close to the downtown.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

More positive vibes being sent to Debs and also to Simon and anyone else currently not firing on all cylinders.

Blue sky and sunshine and it should be dry and warm for a while but showers, possibly thundery may appear later.

We had a bit of a thunderstorm around midnight but it didn't last very long.

Up early and rarin' to go but not due to join the ship until 15.00 hrs. I'm rather looking forward to it!  :yes: :imsohappy:

Have a good one,


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Good morning one and all


There are better ways of spending Saturday than mine yesterday.  After getting the laundry pretty much up to date I started on the garden.  There is much more herbage in the green bin than there was but I seem to have made little impression on the jungle and much remains to be done.  One of the new strawberry plants has already died but I should be encouraged that some of the others are in flower.  The weeds proliferate on the path and a start has been made on squirting them with herbicide.  This would have given some satisfaction had the pump worked properly but I could not raise enough pressure and may need a new one.  By 4 pm I did not want to do anything except lie down and possibly go to sleep.  It may have been the sound of the black dog scratching at his kennel that roused me.  The first salad of the year was prepared and eaten and a start made on the next two captions for my editor.  With nothing to distract me except the Queen's birthday concert on TV - not even flipping Casualty! - I ploughed on and have only to review and titivate the results today.  After the spectacle of Ed Balls strumming a ukulele, which would have distracted anybody, what sent me to bed not rejoicing was Mrs Brown's Boys.  I suppose someone thinks it's funny but I wasn't in the mood - in A mood, possibly.


Gentle reader, if you detect a grain or two of self-pity in the above you may be right but John Coombe Barton's posting of news of Debs was more than enough to set things in perspective.  Always, always, always there is someone in trouble a heck of a lot worse than me and I should remember that more often than I do.


Today I also need to speak to Aunt Bristol in connection with a possible outing next Sunday, end up hating ironing again, cook myself a nice lump of sirloin and keep half an eye on the London Marathon.  I must also try and get some sense out of a Messenger correspondent who has asked me to help him achieve an objective but has yet to learn that communication is a two-way process.


My fingers seem to have learned Icelandic to judge by all the typos this morning.  It has taken longer to correct them than to compose this tract.


Warm thoughts and best wishes to Tony and Aditi, Debs, Simon, Mal, Andy P, Andyram, all owners of black dogs and anyone else in distress.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. No evidence here of any thunderstorms last night or this morning but feeling as if there should be. I was/am hoping for a short sharp one as it would clear the pollen though the hay fever is not that bad at the moment. C & C's to those ER's who require them especially Debs and Simon. Now for muggatee and then off to Sudbury.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a sunny village.   We did have some lunder and thightning last night and some rain but all seems fine today.   

​Great to hear more news from Debs and hope that things go well in the coming week.   Simon, glad that you were able to get out for a walk.   Chrisf, I hope that things start to look up and that dog stays in it's kennel.


We got quite a few things done yesterday and I put the stair lift on Ebay and got the first few buts of the garage cleared.   Then an evening consuming some liquid produce and catch up TV. 


Today we are off to Lincoln to visit No 1 son, whose birthday is on Monday. We're going to spend some time with the family and then take them out for a meal.   Beth is hoping to be taken out for a ride on her firstborn's new Ducatti motorbike.   I will watch from a distance.  It will hopefully a good day.


Good wishes to all and sundry.



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  • RMweb Premium

More Dexron III needed. Today's litre wasn't quite enough. Fortunately I have another litre tomorrow.



You might consider striking a deal with some Persian Gulf oil magnate if this bottomless guzzling-up continues like that!  :O


M'nin' awl. Didn't sleep well, feels like. Hoping for thunder to indeed arrive the coming night…


Delighted to hear from Debs. I'm not sure I would have that kind of resolve if I were in her place, as I'm sure I've said before.


Continued best wishes for everyone ailing or otherwise suffering…



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning from a sunny but cloudy North West Leeds Highlands.

Thanks for the update John, more photos on their way later. Hope Debs continues to progress well.

Simon, fresh air is a wonderful healer.


Yesterday I umpired a schools game. One of the bowlers took a five for..4 bowled one caught behind. After 41 overs the home side were all out for 113. The away team were 29 without loss after 3 overs...then the spinners came on. After 42 overs the away team got to 117 for 6...a long day!

Went to the pub to meet up with some friends (Other than at cricket matches we always seem to meet at a pub, last time was in the Pig and Whistle Rotorua!)


Have a good day whatever you do today,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

I don't think we had thunder or rain here overnight.

It is quite sunny at the moment though I don't think it is forecast to be quite as warm as the last few days.

I am not sure if we are going to retry to visit the reservoir. Perhaps would be better on a weekday. There is a marsh walk with bird reserves on Canvey. Perhaps we could go there for a walk. At least it doesn't have any hills.


Edited by Tony_S
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