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Evening everyone


The shopping trip at the Trafford Centre was successful, so I’m told and I even managed to pick up a pastie for dinner from the butchers, mmmmmmmm, it’s always nice to have one of those for dinner. By the time we got home, the sun was out and shining brightly.


After dinner, it was decreed that we were to have a lazy afternoon. Well I can honestly say that I didn’t mind that at all, I mean, I can sit in the garden reading just as easily as the next man can. So, that’s what we did, after Sheila and I took a stroll round the garden (it only took 10 minutes) looking at what has suddenly sprung into life, we then sat and read for a while.


Unfortunately, we heard from James this afternoon saying that Amelia wasn’t well, so they wouldn’t be here for tea after all. A little bit disappointing, but that’s kids for you isn’t it. So it was decided that a quick change to the menu should be made, as sausages aren’t Sheila’s favourite dish and we had fish and chips instead, I put the sausages in the freezer or next week.


After we then opened a bottle of red, the contents of which have now been consumed and the bottle placed in the bag ready for recycling tomorrow.


Goodnight all.

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Yep!  I think  know The Boss would concur as well. One thing "we" don't do on holiday is laundry. Oh no.  :no:

Years ago my father showed me the laundry bill from his London hotel ...

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Good morning one and all


For the second time in three days I was becalmed at Harlington yesterday afternoon on my way to London.  The cause this time was not dodgy monitors but a signalling fault.  The train was emptied and all directed over the footbridge to the up fast where the train behind had been told to wait.  This was a praiseworthy rapid response and I reached my ultimate destination in good time for the event.   However, if Thameslink as a whole is becoming as glitch-ridden as this it does not bode well for the new timetable, which will depend heavily on trains presenting on time to enter the core [Kentish Town - Blackfriars].  Not my problem!


The event took place in a studio nestling in the spacious back garden of a house on the edge of Metroland, three bus stops from Eastcote station.  There was some stunning and bold photography to view and discuss, with wine and canapes too.  As a bonus, not only did my old school chum remember me after all but so did another who turned up, the latter having had the added advantage (?) of spending three years at university with me.  The event gave me more than a slight lift but whether it will help me pick up the camera again remains to be seen.  The journey back into London was a bit of a trundle and the description of the train as semi-fast laughable but despite the travel hiccups it was a Good Day!  How easy it is to lose touch with friends and how remarkable to rediscover them after over 50 years.


Today I had hoped to catch up with another friend that I have not seen for far too long but that has collapsed at his end.  Instead, I have the opportunity to mow the lawn.  You can almost sense the unbounded joy which can only be bolstered by a long hot bath, initiation of the next batch of laundry and the consumption of a large bowl of porridge garnished with wheat germ and a spoonful of the epicurean honey I bought on Good Friday.  I might even treat myself to toast and marmalade afterwards.


Warm thoughts now to Tony and Aditi, Debs, Simon, Mal, Andy P, Andyram, reluctant owners of black dogs and anyone else facing a long haul



Edited by chrisf
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Wooooppppiddddooooooo! Won on the lottery...err it's £2.60....

Cancel the flights!

And so I arrive at my first outdoor umpiring of the season....with all the MCC Law changes will it be just as good as it has been? I fear not..possibly a train crash in the making!


Enjoy you next 24 hours on Planet Earth and may those that ails see improvement to their health.



Edited by Barry O
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Morning all from the village that is lovely and sunny at the moment.   


Smiffy, I like those photos of La France Profonde, it's only 8 weeks till we will have moved over for good.   We can't wait.   


Best wishes to all especially Simon, Mal and Debs plus all the others that my brain can't remember.   Also Neil, very glad that you've been able to get back on the bike and that Mike (NB) was able to get back on the superior form of 2 wheels.


Here, Beth is due to go out for breakfast.  I have some task this morning then aim to start clearing the garage and deciding what to take and what to throw.   It was suggested that I get a mate to help me with this task,    I firmly rejected that suggestion but have brought some strongly built boxes back from France to pack tools in.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Wooooppppiddddooooooo! Won on the lottery...err it's £2.60....

Cancel the flights!

And so I arrive at my first outdoor umpiring of the season....with all the MSC Law changes will it be just as good as it has been? I fear not..possibly a train crash in the making!


Enjoy you next 24 hours on Planet Earth and may those that ails see improvement to their health.



Not as good as my recent win of 3.1 pounds :sungum:. Nearly enough for a pint in our local.


Morning ALL.


Had a good afternoon yesterday after a meeting finished early, I decided to take the North London line and stopped off for a few minutes to photo passing freights.


Took this video at Camden Road


Grass to cut this morning then its beer O'clock

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Today I was gearing up to do a little bit of decorating in the kitchen and dining room areas of the hippodrome.


However, last night, just before retiring to my scratcher, the Obergrumpenfuhrer informed me that due to the weather, activities for today would be based outside.


Now I will be able to entertain myself on all fours, delicately plucking weeds and grasses from between the cracks in the terrace paving.


She's now up, so I'm orf!

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Morning all. Another sun drenched day has dawned and, for the first time in three days, I have awoken from a decent night’s sleep. The sleeping tablet did the job last night and I have only just emerged from slumber. My best wishes to Simon in hope the medical treatment is a success. I hope we hear some positive news from Debs soon. Also the usual best wishes to all others battling various issues.


Since my last post things have been quite busy. The mornings remain my active time with the tablets continuing to wipe me out after lunch. On Thursday evening i did manage to fulfill a long standing meal arrangement with some ex colleagues. It was touch and go whether I would make it, and I did feel wobbly at first, but things settled down once i relaxed and a good night was had. It was great to catch up and hear how they were getting on. They were very supportive too.

Sadly it appears that things have not improved at the old place despite the head teacher’s impending departure. One former colleague of mine had a breakdown in front of the children and is now signed off for the rest of the academic year. They will not be returning to the school, nor to teaching. Such a sad outcome for someone who was an outstanding university graduate but has only been in the profession for two years.


Yesterday Sarah and I went to visit the business in the morning. Lots to discuss but we are veering towards not proceeding at the moment. The risk might just be too great. An alternative plan is to set up something on my own, initially alongside supply teaching. This is in the early stages of planning.

Yesterday also saw one very nice moment. I heard that one of the office staff was leaving my old place yesterday. The head teacher was going to be out all day so I took the opportunity to pop in with a good luck card. The lady had been a good friend over the years and we still keep in touch via Facebook. I had hoped my visit would be a quick in and out before my tablets started to take effect. I made sure I arrived during lesson time. However my plan was scuppered when an ex pupil appeared at the office door. From that moment news of my presence spread like wildfire and a procession of pupils suddenly started to appear. I was encouraged to stay for the afternoon break time and promptly got mobbed on the playground. It was lovely to see those children again and their reactions really cheered me up. Some of the older children have asked if I will go to their last day leaver’s event, but that will depend on my working situation.

Ultimately I stayed far longer than I intended and had to rush home as the post tablet tiredness started to creep on me. The drive home was a bit touch and go. Lesson learnt for the future and a slap on the wrists for me.


Enjoy the sunshine.



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Thanks to all for the kind thoughts. Feeling OK today, and have managed a walk around the beach today in glorious sunshine, so feel better for that. I will collapse later, as the effects of the steroids are that I only got a few hours sleep last night. As I a, feeling OK, I have lowered the dose of steroids taken today, which may help me sleep tonight. We shall see.


If I have the energy, I may go into Whitehaven this afternoon as there is an exhibition starting called Waggonways to Whitehaven, which for some odd reason includes our club Thomas layout. I think that the idea is to give the kids something to play with. The preparation for the layout to go was very rushed, so I may just go and check it all out.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit cooler this morning, I heard the heating going for a short while early on which meant that when I had my bath the towels having been on the heated towel rail were nice and crisp. Andy, sorry to hear of your former colleague but surely those above your old boss must be aware of his bullying? Running a bit late so C & C's where neccessary and be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Andy, sorry to hear of your former colleague but surely those above your old boss must be aware of his bullying?

In today's 'data rich', results driven schools it is just as likely that the head was being bullied/pressured by those above. No excuse for bullying but sadly that's the way it often is. I was reading an article this morning written by that journalist who hit the news last year by resigning to train as a teacher. Shall we just say that she is not finding it at all as she expected. I'm really glad I got out two years ago.

Edited by BoD
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A‘noon all. Sunny and still far too hot for this time of year. However, I gather rain and thunder are expected to settle in from tomorrow after nightfall, and to stay for a couple of days.


Andy, what else could I say re your colleague, except that I completely sympathise. Such stories certainly aren’t good publicity for convincing anyone of taking up a career in teaching, and seem to be becoming far too frequent for comfort...


Generic C&Cs as appropriate and supportive thoughts to all of our number missing and ailing.



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We did set off after lunch towards the reservoir walk. However on reaching the A13 it was obvious the traffic wasn't moving. Our Fiesta doesn't have Sat nav so a quick check on my phone (Aditi was driving) showed traffic jams nearly all the way we were planning to go. So we came home. Very quiet in the garden. Just pigeon noises.

A lawn mower has just started !

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Hello Peeps

The Plasterer has been and gone it was nice to find some one who liked doing a good job and he cleaned all the mess up hopefully I can mist coat it (20% water 80% paint)

on Monday once that is dry 2 futher coats of white matt will be applied then walls can then be done followed by the skirting should be done by Friday easy peasy said SWMBO. PAH !!


GDB enjoy your cruise remember once the boat starts rolling it's time to stop boozing and walk behind your Bossness so you can slide off if the need arises and when she scowls 

where have you been say the loo I did tell you I thought you heard me, make sure you are kneeling at the time. :laugh:

Tony my Fiesta has SatNav all I do is swear at it, I hate a smart-ass. :threaten:

                                                                                                                                                                                            enjoy whats left of the day youall  I Deller

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon everyone


We woke up this morning to beautiful sunshine, so once I’d eaten breakfast, it was straight outside to do some gardening. My first task was to cut the grass, after that, I cleaned the dining rooms French windows, as they were in a pretty bad state after the winter. Then I got out my pressure washer and cleaned the decking area I front of the workshop, the outside cellar steps, the cellar doors and window, the back door steps, the paths and the patio area. All this activity nicely brought on dinner time.


After dinner I went out and did a bit of weeding in some of the planters and also weeded the main path, by which time I was bucking follocksed. So it was back inside for an afternoon muggertea and a sit down, once I’ve consumed that, a spot of eyelid inspection will take place.


Back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon awl,

A good night's sleep was had...


SWMBO is out doing Nuno felting, what ever that is..


6 hours were spent building raised beds, this has changed slightly, as I build them and now will be 3 3ft by 4 ft beds.

One bed is now built, 2/3rds of the rest of the foundation trenches are now dug and foundation blocks roughly in place.


During the above at about 11:00 onwards microlights started flying over, heading for Happisburgh lighthouse. Obviously some sort of navigation competition, they didn't all get there without a last minute correction.

Ben the Border Collie did not approve of the noise, gave up supervising and asked to be taken back to the house


At around 12:15 the great fried egg showed itself as the clouds cleared. This prompted the consumption of a a can of cider,.....or two.


Sometime later, my back said enough digging trenches, so I returned to the house, took two ibuprofen, and inspected eyelids for 30 minutes.


We, me and Ben have just returned from his long walk, not all the tractor tracks have yet dried out, so Ben promptly went for a muddy paddle. There was a nice south Easterly breeze by this time, but the return leg wth the wind, got very hot, especially the tarmac'd bit.

The sheep with their lambs down on the marshes were carefully watching Ben, but we didn't approach with in 400 yards.

Sheltered wild daffs have now had their flowers burnt off by the sun.

The tarmac is now appearing through the dried mud, as cars driving through leave a dust trail in the air...


A can of something cool is being drunk, there is a good chance of quality checking of earlier eyelid inspections.

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Great to hear that you have the sun at last and can enjoy it.  This end just thinking about mowing when the heavens opened up ... now it has stopped the grass is too wet to cut!  As a day itself it has not been that warm and the wind has made shirtsleeve order not the thing to do.  Otherwise quite pleasant and SWMBO about to make some curtains.



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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all.


It has been wall to wall sunshine here all day. Which of course meant a to do list.

To be honest it was a necessary to do list as we have replaced a rear gate and it needed painting. The dry day was therefore most welcome. Things never go smoothly though. Into the depths of the paint store. Undercoat, yes. Masonry primer, yes. Interior wood primer, yes. Exterior wood primer. You've guessed it. So a walk to the hardware store before I could even start took up the morning. Anyway, it's primed now and hopefully the weather will remain dry so further finishing coats can be added. Oh how I detest cleaning paintbrushes.

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