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if Copeland are like Barrow don't bother.. lots of money in charges...carp service!


Ian A, couldn't she bring the Jag home as a present??


Mick B...careful Dr Debs can disentangle your cryptic code! Bit


Ed cold is causing some problems.I am trying to sort out some crust earning by fitting sound making devices to steam powered, rail steered items which drag around other items but cannot concentrate..it would help if "Ready" did mean "ready" Pah!


Been nice and warm, grass cut, her indoors gas been gardening ...now for a bit of cricket watching (IPL)




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I was born in what at the time was one of the houses (belonging to my Grandparents) that overlooked the fields to the east of Acle. We had a view across the marshes that took in the Acle straight and the railway line as far as the bend. On a clear day you had a good view of the now demolished Power Station at South Denes. Modern developments in Acle will have obscured the view.

So your grandparents, would have lived in the area of this photo or just to the left of it.


For those who don't know the long line of buildings across the top is mostly great Yarmouth

The blue water just this side of it is the previously mentioned Breydon water, it can be clear of fog!!

North Denes power station was in the top right of the photo.

The river winding down the left is the River Bure, and normally the furthest turning point of the 3 rivers race is where the bend of the road is. Still called by most the Stracey Arms but it has been a Hindu temple/ meeting place for some years.

The next straight line across that bends in parallel to the road is the Norwich to Gt Yarmouth railway.(304.8mm to the foot scale)

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I believe that good route to AA is plenty of BS........




After a carp journey home on a Thameslink train rammed to the gunnels and 31 minutes late due to numerous signal failures and the new platform 0 closed for safety reasons (signal failures on Brighton Mainline often happen when it gets a tad warm) we are now drinking Harveys Old.


From a..... anonymous

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Evening everyone


What a glorious day it's been here in he northwest. I finished jam making just before 11:00 and then made myself a muggertea. After which, I changed into my old clothes then once again headed down to middle earth to continue work on the radiator covers. The beading was cut, glued and pinned to both tops (I use veneer pins for this as they are much finer that panel pins). As the MDF top is 18mm thick and the beading is 20mm, it was necessary to trim the beading. This was done once the glue on each piece had dried, I removed about 1.5mm of the trim with a Stanley knife, to which I had just fitted with a new blade, then sanded down the excess by hand using some sandpaper and a small wooden block, all this was done before dinner. After dinner, both tops received 2 coats of undercoat each and all is now ready for top coating over the next few days.


I’ve just been the ‘exclusive’ customer in Vidal Baboon’s hairdressing boutique. Once I’d been shorn, I went out and gave the camellias a bit of a water as they seem to have wilted in today’s heat, (they are both in pots), so hopefully they will perk up a bit tomorrow.


Simon. You seem to have had a mixed day as regards results etc, I hope your endoscopy goes as well as these things can.


I think it’s now beer o’clock, back later.

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. I must have missed the bin lorries dawn chorus this morning due to the accidently extended eyelid inspection. I had a colleague who had previously worked for the Co-op funeral service as a driver. He was sacked from that job when he was fined for speeding in a hearse. He had been sent to collect an (empty) coffin and got caught doing 88 mph on the A11. The hearse was a then brand new Daimler, basically a stretched Jaguar Mk. X. The police had assumed it was stolen thats why he was stopped.

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 Probably because it will break down .   :triniti:


Hopefully it won't burst into flames. XJ6's in the US had a bad reputation for doing just that.


Related (old) joke:


Q: Why don't they put ice in drinks in the UK?


A: Because all the refrigerators are made by Lucas.

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It was POETF to the GP today.

Discussed my painkiller reduction for my back and the plan is to take 6 weeks to stop the Gabepentin (reducing one of the daily dose after each week). He seemed really happy with my MRI results and golf activities - it can still become sore sitting down for a period, so the plan is to not sit down too much and keep moving.


If it all goes well, then I hope to be fit for my very first triathlon (discounting a try-a-tri event a couple of years ago) at Ormskirk in late August. 400m swim. 18k bike and 5k run.

Junior NB has also entered the same tri event. There will be some father/daughter rivalry...... (I know she will beat me on the swimming without any doubt, but I'm hoping that I'll make up the likely 5 minutes or so over the bike and run bits)


Grass Moss was cut today for the first time in 2018. The scarifier may make an appearance tomorrow in between sticking bits of plastic and metal to a portable structure that is due to go on display in less than three weeks.....

More will progress tomorrow, but there will be an intermission or two waiting for glue and/or paint to dry that will allow a trip on a bicycle as well as attacking the green stuff.

The tri training begins.





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I enjoyed my beer tonight, a very nice drop of bitter.

That reminds me, I’d better top up my beer reserves I’m I’m now into single figures.



Image curtisy of Robinson’s website





Goodnight all.

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Image curtisy of Robinson’s website







 I went to see legendary Maiden at The Apollo in Manchester on the tour that promoted that album (Peace of Mind) that had The Trooper on it in 1983.






 Attending heavy metal concerts of the 80s is my excuse for selective hearing with SWMBO..........




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Good morning one and all


Yesterday centred on the retinal screening test and on a rather frustrating excursion into Messenger with someone who types too quickly for me and whose attention span leaves something to be desired.  He and I would both like us to meet to catch up on bygone days and the process of arranging that is ongoing in fits and stops - mostly stops, if I'm honest.  On a sort of related theme, some time ago I stumbled across the website of the photographer Alan McQuillan, lately an academic in Montana.  He and I were school chums but he claims not to remember me, if you can believe that.  Today his latest exhibition opens in a gallery at Eastcote with a private viewing at which the great man will speak.  An e-mail tells me that I am invited so I shall attend.  We have not met for 56 years.  I wonder if I can jog his memory?


Warm thoughts, then, to Tony and Aditi ,Debs, Mal, Simon, Andy P, Andyram, all owners of black dogs and all others in distress



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Mooring Awl,Inner Temple Here,

A very bad nights sleep waking at 02 and a bit, with a stiff neck and a raging headache.

 This required a visit to the kitchen for Ibuprophen and some water before attempting to settle on the sofa while the pills took there effect, they eventually did, but of course I was late getting up.


Ben the Border Collies morning patrol revealed two more pear trees have come into flower, I needed more Ibuprophen and the great fried egg was much higher in the sky. Ben decided that as I was so late up , it must be Saturday, so after his normal charge down the garden I found him stood at the door of the model railway Shed waiting...


The drive drive in was pleasant, this time of the year is best, dry warm ish, and all the hedge rows coming into flower...

 Also on the way in were several tractors in different places with harrows on board obviously in most places the ground has dried out enough, lthough there are a couple of fields still with big puddles in them. I also noticed in Effing clown town, that at a double mini roundabout, water is coming out of the ground up one of the legs of some steel fencing that stops the Effin Clowns crossing at that point. That fencing was replaced recently after it was hit by a vehicle. I guess, the legs of the new fence are a bit longer... it will be absolute chaos when they repair that as it's a fairly key junction...


Similar to ChrisF with old friends reappearing,  due to having to be on Bacefook because much of the younger half of my family lives on there, A name came up for a guy I was at school with and last saw in May 1971, I've sent a suitably caustic comment (he mentions several other former classmates in that thread but not me).


Time to.... go spend the day measuring 21 1GOhm resistors...3 master reference resistors have just come back from being measured at the National Physical Laboratories so I have lots of measurements to do over the next few working days...

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Morning all.


Had an early start to photograph a stone train at Eccles, a pleasant morning to do so, cool but not cold at 05:55 and plenty of wildlife around and the light was nice.


Off to the Dentists soon, a cap fell off my tooth yesterday afternoon so a visit to see what can be done - it's been problematic for a good while now and has fallen off before, this time it looks fatal as it's missing bits - with the CAD generated teeth these days, its a simple matter for them to generate a new one but they may decide other options (big pliers for instance) are more appropriate !


Have a good one all,

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Morning All


Not so bright this morning, and fist and mog are still evident here in North Lancashire.  So much for the lovely weather forecast for "much of the country".


Simon - good news on the chemo, and that there is a shrinkage in the tumours, and hopefully the other lesion is nothing to worry about.


Generic greetings are really all I can offer to everybody else, and these are sincerely sent.


Fodder run this morning, with a trip to the bank thrown in.  30747 has now worked every day this week, which is not what she wants at all, and I will also need to pick her up for art, and then togo and view a house that might me of interest provided we can sell this one.  Hectic day promises, and I have some laminating to do for SWMBO which I have been putting off, so I'll probably be back tomorrow morning.


Regards to All


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Good morning everyone


It’s a bit of a dull start to the day, but according to the seaweed twirlers, it should get sunny later.


This morning, as now seems to be the norm for a Friday, we are off to the Trafford Centre for a bit of retail therapy. Unfortunately there are no shops there (other than WHS) that I can get things that I want! On our way home we will call at the butchers to pick up the weekly meat rations, sausages will be on the list as we have James and Amelia round for tea tonight, which will be sausage and chips.


Back later.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. I was an even earlier riser this morning, nearly an hour earlier than my usual time. However that extra hour seems to have evaporated I know not where. Making plans for the weekend, paying a visit to the Sudbury show on Sunday, got to think about the route but it seems there is no way of avoiding Braintree* without a large detour. The garden needs a lot of tidying but it does not take long for the hay fever to come into play so thats waiting until its a bit cooler. C & C's to all ER's, be back later.

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Back in the chemo suite for part 2 of the current round. The trainee nurse had trouble getting the line into my left hand, then so did the experienced nurse, so I now have three plasters on the back of my left hand, and the line in my right hand instead. I am expecting bruises when the plasters come off.


The heat wave still hasn’t reached here. Yesterday there was a sea mist which stopped the temperature from rising above 13 degrees, and this morning it was only 9 degrees. The forecast is that the sea mist will burn away later and we might just reach mid teens.

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