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Early Risers.


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This morning’s rain finally cleared at lunchtime and it brightened up enough for me to go out for a walk this afternoon. There was still a stiff southerly wind, which meant that it is still cool here, rather than the dizzy temperatures being seen elsewhere in the country. In these situations, it does p*ss me off when the London based TV keeps telling us how fantastic the weather is, when more than half the country is most likely getting wind and rain! They seem to have trouble grasping the concept that there might actually be life outside London. Rant Over!

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Forgive me ERs for I have sinned as it is a long time since my last confession.


This morning I went on an OFMC jolly to Chirk to visit the Dapol factory and shop.


The purpose was to accompany one of my cronies who was to pick up a sound fitted Dapol 57xx pannier tank.


Just prior to departure, the Obergrumpenfuhrer reminded me that no more expenditure in a 7mm direction was to be expedited.


On arrival at Chirk, the kind lady behind the counter revealed that she had a black early crested 64xx with a bit that had broken off (part of the injector moulding).


As a result it was on offer at 25% off list.


Now I really need a 74xx, but the thought of the 'St Fagans Flyer' speeding through Splott West en route to Pontypridd, via St Fagans, Creigau and Tonteg Junction was too much for the imagination, and before I could stop it,my credit card had jumped out on my wallet and dived into the slot of the card reader.


I had to press a number of buttons to get it released.


The kind lady then gave me a heavy blue bag and a business card for a very good divorce lawyer.


However, I am well versed in subversion and deception. 


After all after 7/8ths live steamers, a 7 mm pannier is a doddle to hid amongst all the others that are sitting in Cardiff East Dock shed.


The new night vision attachments for my ratting gun arrived today.  I'm now off to set up some targets so that the PH and I can try it out this evening once it is really dark.

Edited by Happy Hippo
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it is sunny here! At last!!


Haircut accomplished. meeting notes completed and typed up...now some tea followed by a visit to the eye specialist and then ... the AGM of the Leeds Model Railway Society...


c u later.



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Not forgetting the Sin, the Wail and the Excess.

Or the Tims, the Grauniad or the Indypendant, for that matter. They all have "agendas" and in any paper you care to name there is some good journalism, but it is padded out by "bottom of the barrell" journalism and "clickbait" opinion pieces written - far too often - by people who (to quote Terry Pratchett) "know not of wot they speak"


Pulitzer Prize journalism it ain't.




p.s. Hurrah for Private Eye

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However, I am well versed in subversion and deception. 



 No need for subversion in NB Towers.


"It's just something from work that I have to test dear....."


As it's been dry and not too shabby on the temperature front today, there may be a call of "FORE!" later........


Catch up later folks.



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Something no one wants, there are 750 job vacancies at Stansted airport, though I admit a great many won't be well paid.

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Forgive me ERs for I have sinned as it is a long time since my last confession.


The new night vision attachments for my ratting gun arrived today.  I'm now off to set up some targets so that the PH and I can try it out this evening once it is really dark.

Just remember that it's for 4 legged vermin and not the 2 legged variety though once ID becomes PM that may well change.



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A question to Mike (Stationmaster), can you recommend a firm of Solicitors and an Estate Agency branch (ideally from an outfit with a branch in Windsor as well)?  Not for me, but for a friend dealing with an estate.



I would have thought the Royal family already had solicitors to deal with their estate in Windsor :sungum:

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EA Alert....


I was sitting at my modelling bench in the cavern and happened to see a video on the shelf on the left.   The title was "Hooters on Blue Ridge".  



I was quite shocked that such a marvellous piece of film footage could have arrived somehow.    N & W anyone.



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... We had a rose bush arrive this morning and Hyde Hall should have whatever it is (rhizome powder?) the roots need sprinkling with.




Mycorrhizal fungus.

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  • RMweb Premium

EA Alert....


I was sitting at my modelling bench in the cavern and happened to see a video on the shelf on the left.   The title was "Hooters on Blue Ridge".  



I was quite shocked that such a marvellous piece of film footage could have arrived somehow.    N & W anyone.



Not a blue movie I hope.

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Evening everyone


I managed to get everything I needed from the big DIY shed. When I got back, Sheila was already at home, she’s been told that everything is fine with her new meds and her repeated prescription has now gone to two monthly, she’s very pleased, as am I.


This morning’s swimming session was good, as the kids are now all back at school I could do a bit of decent swimming, getting in around 70 lengths in in total. Once again I managed a length in 17 seconds and that was just before I got out too!


This afternoon whilst I was washing my hands at the kitchen sink I spotted a brimstone butterfly in the garden. We usually see one around this time of year, but it’s usually mid March, but then it has been a bit colder this year.


Work? Oh yes, I remember that! I used to do that, but now I get paid to stay at home.


Goodnight all.

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Mycorrhizal fungus.

That was what we bought!Hyde Hall gardens looked really nice today. We didn't find a vase to buy.

Thursday will be visit MiL day probably. We will decide after breakfast whether we go for lunch, afternoon tea or both.

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I found out today that my Auntie's funeral is a very small affair as instructed by my dear departed relative with only very close family involved  - close as in husband, two daughters plus partners and grandchildren. No SIL, friends, nephews or nieces. I feel a bit sad at that, but will respect Auntie's final wishes. Her other final requests were that a tree will be planted or a donation to BHF made in her name. That will be carried out.


Enough of the morbidity - that isn't me.



A parcel arrived at work today that contained a dark blue box with something blue and yellow inside that has 12 wheels and runs on parallel strips of metal about 16.5mm apart. It has the letters CSX on the side.

Finally tracked down a delivery to my niece in the US that I thought had gone missing as it was shown as delivered last Thursday. This is silver, has 8 wheels and runs on the metal strips as above. This carries the wording Caltrain


Evening golf went reasonably well this evening. No need to shout "FORE!" for any errant shots, so quite pleased with that.


Followed by another midnight oil burning layout building session.

I'm just awaiting my Silhouette cutter to churn out some more bits of styrene with lots of holes cut into it.


Luckily I can set the whole (24' x 10') layout up at Mrs NB's work between functions, so as soon as the wedding open day finishes on Sunday afternoon, I'll be moving stuff in and setting up for a test and build session until the following Thursday. I may be a bit distracted next week.


Have a good day Þūnresdæg folks




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When we moved here we maintained a current account and a savings account with the RBS. The accounts are no longer required and as the local revenue get a tad twitchy about offshore bank accounts I have drained both accounts to zero balance. I'm wondering if we have to write to RBS to tell them to close the accounts, or will that happen automatically?

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