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Early Risers.


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Evening all. Generic greetings, congrats, commiserations etc. Today has been a pleasant day weather wise, with some sightings of that strange orange sphere in the sky. Today I have felt the best I have done since the Easter break although energy levels remain low. I did find the motivation to tackle the flat packed cupboard for Amber's room. It has been sitting in its box for three weeks but has now been completed. Admittedly I had to stop half way through for a rest due to feeling tired. After taking today's tablet I could easily have fallen asleep. Instead I walked over to visit my parent's. Not sure they were impressed by the buying the business idea. I remain open minded, and no decision has been made yet - still gathering as much information as I can.


Best wishes



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all once again


The cakes went down well tonight, I made a dozen this morning, we now have two left, buy I suspect by this time tomorrow, there won’t be any left at all!


Well, that beer was very enjoyable, but I was very restrained and only had the one, honest!


Just a thought, could a tennis player be called a racqueteer?


Goodnight all.

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Morning All,


It is a fairly bright, and mild morning.  I have the second day of a workshop to look forward to.


This place creases me up even more now that I have seen that half the streets have the same name.


There is also a German light beer brewed in the towns honour.  It is called "F***ing Hell"


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all


It was back to the darkened room again yesterday afternoon for a second viewing of “Love, Simon”.  This is the first film I have seen twice since “The Boat That Rocked” and in time its importance will be recognised.  A friend describes it as “cute” and I suppose it is but it is much more than that.  It has already helped many young people to take the giant and difficult step of coming out.  Will it help the not so young?  Now there's a question.  I will be buying the DVD as soon as it is released [nearly said 'comes out']. 


Last evening I tempted providence by raking the new strawberry bed and planting the new strawberries. If I waited for ideal conditions I could wait for ever.  This morning the fodder run will be accomplished with due despatch.  After that I will still have plenty to do.  I’ve been trying to forget the ironing but fortunately there is not much of it.  I must also find time soon to stroll around the corner for blood tests ahead of the next audiences with Professor Oncologist and Sister Diabetes.


Warm thoughts to Tony and Aditi, to Debs, Simon, Mal, Andyram and anyone else who needs them



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  • RMweb Premium

Hey up!

Seaweed stragglers wrong again, very grey and overcast at the moment. Met office says rain, the BBC with their new low cost weather supplier reckon its light and bright with no rain. Nuff said!


Full of cold, as is her indoors so may have to partake of some lemon and ginger zinger tea later.


Any news from Debs? More medication this week so fingers crossed.


Hope everyone else who ails see more improvements today. Tony and Aditi..thoughts are still with you.


Still missing some ERs.. including Southern42.


Have as good a day as you can everyone!



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  • RMweb Gold

Still missing some ERs.. including Southern42.


Ddolfelin hasn't checked into RMweb for nearly a month now either.

Without becoming maudlin one hopes all is well with those who haven't posted for a while.

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  • RMweb Gold

Greetings and good morning all,

A dull start to the day here but it should be bright and breezy with some sunny spells. 

I might cut the grass today but first task is to visit Sainsbury's.  How unusual!  :no:

This afternoon Gemma & Joe will be here after school so that's a plus.

Nothing else to report at the moment so..

..have a good one.


Edited by grandadbob
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Hey up!



Still missing some ERs.. including Southern42.


Have as good a day as you can everyone!



Polly's husband Ray / Tender has been on most days on various threads, hope she's o.k. as with others missing at the moment.

Edited by Andrew P
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Greetings all from LBG. I see the blue skies attempting to appear from between the white clouds. I think an improvement in weather will bring a lift in spirits. It feels like it has been a long winter.


The other Lurkers are back at school, though I did feel a little sorry for Younger Lurker on Sunday evening; he said. "Well, tomorrow..." to which I said "what about tomorrow?". "I wonder what I'm going to be doing". "Going to school." Poor thing thought he was off on Monday too. Still he seems to have coped, just about. His elder brother does seem to be revising, less than I hope, but probably more than I fear....


I think Jamie made a sensible move not being flippant about our HMRC. I have learned to my cost that overseas officials tend to take a dim view; I was taken aside for questioning by US immigration when I said I worked in tax, but don't worry not for the Inland Revenue....


Consider it a lesson learned.



Best wishes to those who are ailing in body and mind and spirit.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Our friends from Norfolk visited yesrerday. We talked a lot!

I will take Aditi's car to have its winter tyres replaced with two of the tyres I have been storing over winter and 2 new ones.

Then a trip to Chelmsford to have a repairer assess the bump and broken light my car acquired yesterday.

More friends coming this evening. No shortage of people to whom we can chat to about Matthew.

Various organisations want original versions of the Irish interim death certificate. So I emailed the Dublin coroner's office to ask how I could get some. Very simple it would seem. A nice email reply asked for my address and how many did I want. They also said they would phone to let us know when other results and full certificates would be available.


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  • RMweb Gold

Greetings ______  


Not much happening here SWMBO is off shopping for most of the morning so a small amount of respite is coming my way, SiL Chris is outside in the freezing

cold finishing off the garage sofit & facia I'm hoping his electician can check one of my storage heaters for earth leaks as he is working in next door fixing the mad

womans lights yes she is as nutty  :crazy:  as a fruit cake but likeable.

                                                                                                           Have a good one Don  :biggrin_mini2:

Edited by 81C
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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


It’s a dull start to the day here as well. Sheila has just gone out for her 6 weekly hand therapy treatment, so once again I’m home alone, for now anyway. So I’m off down to the cellar to make a start on applying some undercoat to the radiator covers.


We’ve not heard from Duncan for a while!


Back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning everyone


It’s a dull start to the day here as well. Sheila has just gone out for her 6 weekly hand therapy treatment, so once again I’m home alone, for now anyway. So I’m off down to the cellar to make a start on applying some undercoat to the radiator covers.


We’ve not heard from Duncan for a while!


Back later.

I think he has a very nice new lady friend to amuse himself these days.  :spruceup:  :wub:  

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Greetings from the borough of boring. I've been a part time spectator for the past 5 weeks as trying to use the forum on a phone or tablet is more trouble than its worth. 
Still thinking about Tony and Aditi. I can't begin to comprehend their loss. 
Good to see Debs posting and in fine form. Things can only get better I hope. 
To others a host of generic greetings and well wishes. Far too much to try and catch up on properly. 
Once upon a time in an early Dilbert comic strip they were trying to come up with a new product name. Something spacey and sciencey. The result was the only name not taken: Uranus Hertz. 
Today is day 25 of the scheduled 50 day house renovation. At the moment they are about 10 days behind schedule. I've come to the conclusion that the house hates us. Everything has become a challenge. At least the bathroom is finished. (almost) That was my office so I've been sans personal laptop for the past several weeks. Now working in a temporary space cleared in the kitchen. We've found wiring that loops back on itself. Plumbing that goes nowhere. Gas lines abandoned to the old fireplaces but never removed. Plumbing that looks like a small pair of Nintendo Italian plumbers were at work. Rather than remove the redundant bits or streamline the piping runs, they just boarded over them. Yesterday the remains of 2 mice were found in the old bathroom ceiling during demolition. Yuk. The latest gotcha in the renovation is the back bedroom. The plaster literally collapsed off the wall once they tried removing the wallpaper. The back wall of the house at one time split from the party wall. On the outside this is a very thin crack that has long been sealed. On the inside it is a 100mm wide gap that was hidden behind the plaster. Several of our neighbours have similar damage and the working theory is the damage was caused by the shockwave from a 500lb bomb that landed around the corner from us. To fix the problem they just re-plastered the inside and rendered outside. The upshot is we can't use the wall to secure a girder to hold the chimney stack when we remove the breast to floor level. The old style gallows bracket for holding up chimney stacks are now verboten by most councils. The wall will now have to be strapped to the party wall with steel brackets and the "gap" filled with a semi-flexible cement to bind it together. Just what we needed. The only good thing is the structural engineer is happy with the solution and it will cost less than £1000 to do. 
Back to work. Oxford for the rest of the week. 
Enjoy your day. 


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