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Morning all


After a five day wait the plumber did not arrive yesterday. Nor did they call or leave a message. When I spoke with the maintenance department they could not raise him on his mobile either. They have however suggested they will call me back today .....


Which reminds me of this little gem



Off to the House of Fun now. There will be reading time later.

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At the dawning of another day - Gooooooooooood morning Vietnam one and all


Yesterday's concert was well worth the trip to London.  The band were on top form and were clearly enjoying themselves amid a terrific atmosphere.  I now have three new CDs and on my way to Wakefield on Saturday a start will be made on listening to them.   At the venue all was not straightforward concerning the supply of ale - £4.80 a pint!  The bar in the music room was not open so I had to go back to the main bar for a pint of Pride, which of course the barman had to fetch from the music room.  Before I found the Pride [that is Fuller's London, not any other sort] I sustained myself with Faversham Bay steam pale ale, served in what I can only describe as a pint goblet.   The journey south was made in the declassified first class section of a 700 bound for Sevenoaks where the seats are slightly less uncomfortable.  The homeward run was on the 22.48 all shacks because I just missed the 22.35 East Midlands because I was chatting to the band and getting them to sign the CDs.  The final lift to the day came from the taxi driver who asked me if I had work in the morning!  The cab was dimly lit ...


Today sees the funeral of Roger Elkin, for years a stalwart of the Swiss trip and an accomplished speaker on many things rail related.  I cannot attend because the event coincides exactly with a dental appointment at which my crown will be fitted.  I hate injections but I would hate the process even more without the jab in the gums.  I had better have a good breakfast since the next meal will be much delayed.  Rice pudding, anyone?  Before the dental surgeon wields his tools I have the pleasant duty of paying in a cheque from Ernie.


Andyram, please do not feel guilty at unburdening yourself here.  We all do it and with good reason.  Simon, no treatment is enjoyable.  I am dreading the day when the hormone injections have no further effect and the Prof starts me on chemo.  This leads seamlessly to the warm thoughts and best wishes proffered to everyone in distress.



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  • RMweb Premium

The Swiss Railway Society has recently upgraded to 'The Swiss Railway Society Company Limited by Guarantee' for the prime reason of limiting public liability at exhibitions etc. Most other clubs and societies are doing the same. Whilst Charitable Status is beneficial financially, does it limit you from public liabilities?


It does is you go for the Charitable Incorporated organisation (CIO) status.  This was introduced by the Charities Act 2011 (IIRC) specifically because charities were having trouble getting people to act as trustees due to liability issues.   A Charity that I was secretary of was in the process of going for the Limited Company status but changed course mid process and became a CIO.



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  • RMweb Premium

Good moaning all from a rather damp Charente.    Best wishes to Simon and Mal and positive thoughts to all who are struggling to keep the Black Dog in the kennel. Also hope to hear some more news from Debs soon.


Yesterday various things got done and I had a very pleasant drive through many small French villages to a "Centre de Finance Publique" where a very pleasant young lady explained that she would love to help me pay French Income Tax but I had crossed the border into a different Departement and that I actually needed to go to a "Service impots Particulair" in Charente Maritime rather than Deux Sevres.   She did complement me on my French however and gave me a nice little print out with all the requisite addresses and phone numbers.   Apparently Income Tax can only be collected in the morning as all the offices are only open from 08.30 to 12.00.   Perhaps this is because it is too difficult to make sense of the regulations after a long French lunch.   


We were going to go to the said office, which is in St John's Danglies, but having spoken to them I have to go next week.  However we are still heading that way to have another look for a car for Beth.


Regards to all.



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Hey up!


Our application for CIO is in. When I see "Company limited" it looks like the £400 it cost to register my company.


The CIO route means you can apply for rate reductions and grants. If you have no premises then the CLbG route is probably more appropriate.


Any roads up its dark and grey up here in the North West Leeds Highlands.

Tasks for today is to hunt for two missing locos, do another scorers presentation and pack for a trip to Romaldkirk.


Hope we have news from her Debness soon. And to anyone who needs our thoughts and support....may your day be pain free and may positive progress be made in your recovery.



Edited by Barry O
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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here.

A poor nights sleep, many wake up and turnovers and probably less than 5 hours sleep, SWMBO is getting better after her cold.


Going home last night it was misty still with added occasional rain, so the seaweed inspectors, for the second day in a row, got it wrong with their promise of sunshine later. Today they are forecasting rain later, we shall see.


On the way Home I went via the Big orange shed there seemed very little traffic on the road, the car park was almost full!!! once inside the place was full of grandparents with kids running around. I went there for more cladding to finish lining the inside of the model railway shed, I also picked up a can of dark grey primer to coat the viaduct piers with.

One trolleywomble had a supermarket type trolley loaded with a couple of long pieces of wood, on passing me, he proceeded to spear the opposite aisle, getting into a right mess.  Once the trolley was loaded ( flat bed with small basket), I headed for the tills, observing said trolleywomble  tangleing the long bits of wood with banners hanging above the tills. On leaving  so were many of the grandparents, much cockwombling observed as I loaded up the landrover.


One major cockwomble on the way home, driving a small 4 wheel drive, on approaching the roundabout in front of us, he moved half out into the right hand lane. Then cut the corner on the left, straight lined the roundabout as much as possible crossing all 3 lanes of that and then back again ,as he cut the corner to rejoin the carriagway opposite. Then coming out into the right hand lane before straightening up and moving back into the left hand lane.

After all those antics, at the next roundabout a mile later He was 1 car in front of me...


At that roundabout, there were men removing some of the cones and signs on the NDR. This was followed later at home watching  the local news the sight of a double decker bus wandering round the unopened section, laden with councillors trying to get their faces on TV. They claimed the councillors were viewing the new section, not that they would have got a good view in all that mist and fog.

They then held an opening ceremony and announced... it will open on Monday night...


This morning I left home in the Mist, and didn't see any sign of the dawn, which should have occured before I reached then end of our road., A mile later I came to a halt, with a huge red deer standing in the middle of the road, towering over the car. After a while it wandered off into a field and I was able to proceed.

Shortly after that it started raining and getting darker....


With the Irish unit dispatched yesterday and the major system complete, I looked around for what to do for the rest of the week and discovered one of the two Major units due next week was sat doing nothing. So I negotiated getting it this week (they can have it back anytime if something comes in). This will help a lot, as next week I was due two major units giving 6 days work to do in 5 days..


Well I've spent the last hour zeroing this major system, which is all manual on this old sytem, hence lots of wait for it to settle periods.

Now it's

Time To... proceed and measure 100mV to1000V

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Another grey day has begun here, there may be more showers today and possibly some sunny spells.

Two bin lorries have been so far, one more to come. That's about as exciting as my day is likely to be (unless I get the ladders out)  :scratchhead:  :whistle:

Have a good one,


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Morning all from a very wet Normandy. We arrived yesterday in bright sunshine to a very cold and damp house - we haven’t been here since last October. Still not warm, and still being persecuted by the Goat, so today has been declared a duvet day.


Andy - I used to be ATL school rep, if your school rep isn’t working for you get on to regional, and yes, keep a log of everything, and copies of emails and texts. Push them to give you value for your fees! Also remember that by regulation there must be a governors’ committee to adjudicate staff grievances, but if you go that route you need a strong paper trail.


On the Monty front I’ve just bought myself a birthday present - a bench guillotine for sheet brass and plastic. Looking forward to hours of fun.


Julie is currently planning for changes to the outbuildings - making a grotto/den for the grandkids. More to the point, we need to get the masons out to repoint them, as you can see daylight between some stones!


And best wishes to all those in treatment. An iD - 48kg! Fantastic!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It is rather misty here, possibly even enough to to count as foggy.

I have been instructed to tidy the lounge as our bank manager is calling at 11 this morning.

Otherwise not a lot happening.

I went down in the night to snack on biscuits and spent some time retrieving photos of Matthew from social media accounts. I also had to select some to send to Aditi's aunt in Delhi.


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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning everyone


There’s a big yellow thing in the sky, that wasn’t there when I got up! Sheila has just left for her Zumba class and once again I’m home alone! So I’m off to the workshop, I might be a gone for quite a while!


Back later

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  • RMweb Gold

The Swiss Railway Society has recently upgraded to 'The Swiss Railway Society Company Limited by Guarantee' for the prime reason of limiting public liability at exhibitions etc. Most other clubs and societies are doing the same. Whilst Charitable Status is beneficial financially, does it limit you from public liabilities?



As a BASC shooting coach, I automatically have pli as a part of my membership.  This covers me for shoots I organise and run on private land. However, it does not cover me for working at a country fair or a county show (unless i am working directly for BASC as a part of their team), so I have my own separate professional sports insurance which covers these events.


The reason, as I understand it, for clubs and societies to take out Ltd status is if damages are awards against the club. Where there is a shortfall between the assets of the club, and the sum awarded, then individual club members would be liable  to make up the difference.  Being Ltd reduces your liability to assets only.


Charitable status would not limit your liability, so a decent insurance policy with a third party liability would be required to protect the club.


However, my personal view is even if you have Ltd liability, that is no excuse for not having a decent insurance policy which includes 3rd party liability. 

Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all from a very wet Normandy. 


On the Monty front I’ve just bought myself a birthday present - a bench guillotine for sheet brass and plastic. Looking forward to hours of fun.


Oh how French!


Julie can dust off the knitting needles and shawl, laughing incessantly as another Aristocraft figurine bites the dust

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I must confess to a sin of omission.  When composing this morning's tract I fully intended to compliment Flavio on his weight loss and commiserate with him about Lucy but it slipped my mind.  I suppose the expression "it shouldn't happen to a dog" is not in quite the best of taste.  It so happens that JohnDMJ and I spent the day with Flavio just after Christmas and his progress was very noticeable.


I should have been on the way to the dentist now but my appointment has been delayed for the most ridiculous of reasons.  I will try to remember to explain tomorrow.



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Morning all from Estuary-Land. The usual bin lorry dawn chorus was enlivened by the bottle and glass one squeaking like a rusty door hinge. Just as well as there didn't seem to be a lot for them to collect this fortnight. Weather is still dull and overcast as predicted so no change there.

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I missed the bin trucks this morning not that I'm bothered about them I was out at the barbers having a trim I buqqered off out to get away from SWBMO nagging 

"are you going to do this than and the other" I waited for Her to come up for air then said I will do like my mate does GDB I'm going to Sainsburys  potter about 

and do a few odd jobs I've not done bad this morning attach 2 bits of trellis to the arbour replaced a wall switch and a wall plate the new ones She got are smaller 

so some filler and paint required to tidy up, I do wish she would not poke her nose in and let me buy the new fixtures and fitting.


                                                                                                Off for some lunch have a good one    O.D. D'Jobb 

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Afternoon all.


Did I mention that not only is the screen on the camera extremely dim but the only PC with a firewire connection (I've tried a firewire card in another PC but ti doesn't see the camera and of course, now I don't want to move the camera so I have to use what I've got (story of my life)) reboots every now and again - so I have a fan running gently - with the casing removed from the PC - to give a smooth, but consistent, airflow. It appears to need around half an hour each morning to get up to temperature and is then stable. I've now managed to upload just over 80 tapes (of one hour each) so progress is still in the right direction. One digital file was too small, so something had gone wrong - when checking it I found the first few seconds were of a moment when "record" had obviously been pressed by mistake as it's me moaning at my son - happy memories.


After a balls up (I think a loco was out of fuel) delay which resulted in some interesting light engine movements yesterday, the Freightliner stone finally left Trowse (Norwich) this morning, running 1 day late. I think it was driven by a forum member as there was a lot of waving and tooting as it passed me. I'll post some pictures later on.



Regarding schools.


My Mrs is having a grim - but not terrible time - since her schools headmaster changed 12 months ago, staff morale is low and the good ones are all leaving this summer, discipline is very poor, some of the kids are feral (yes, really it's that bad), one member of staff has been accused of being a p....le (without any cause, it's pure fabrication) and rather than supporting him the headmaster has put the kids who are causing him major issues in his class - such is the effect that one bad apple can have.


Today I have been married a week - and neither of us has murdered the other yet so we must be doing well.


Have a good one all, and thoughts to those who aren't having such a good time.

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Technical issues abound, I've just lost two hours working time due to a broken lead. After taking apart connectors at one end with difficulty it of course wasn't that end, The Other has got a connector on that I've never taken apart before, and I was worried about breaking it. So I took it to someone who knows these plugs,  he said thats easy to take apart and...

Several swear words later, about 15 minutes and a large adjustable spanner on a small plug, it did come apart..


 Some bright spark had used heavy duty loctite where it's not needed, So I took it to a repair bench with 5 solder irons, a vacuum machine so you don't breath in the fumes, magnifier's, lights and an array of other soldering type equipment and.... no power to the bench..

 Eventually I found a bench with one Iron and power, one 30 second trim back a wire and resolder into a bucket and it's now working 3 feet away, but now won't be finishing it's routine till the morning. As it needs several key presses during the run.


About 46 minutes 38 seconds till I can go home...

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War time convoys return...


Well almost, we've had three days of fog and mist, so the tourists have been forbidden to cross Breydon water, where they often manage to go off course and run aground on a bright sunny day.

So they are now waiting for the tide and the Broad Authority Escort boat to go down in convoy across Breydon with the tide and then as the tide turns go up the Bure back to the yards...


From bottom left on the map to top right and turning left into the Bure, round Great Yarmouth station.



PS if you go at the wrong time,

A You might not get under one of the bridges,

B, You have a 6mph boat against a 4 or 5mph tide, you can spend a long time going nowhere fast...


PS,PS, I've just looked up the tide and Low tide at the bridges is 14:53, you should get there one hour after low tide for perfect timing.

So that lot should be setting off about now..


I have less than 7 minutes till I set off , so time to go do my time sheet...

Edited by TheQ
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BIN day :( alas, the new BIN service arrives earlier than the old one, and I was still contemplating my morning cuppa when I heard the truck go past...


Quiet day yesterday.

Today off in moment for my six-monthly dentist visit for the standard check/cleaning and an admonishing because I'm not doing all the correct maintenance I should, tsk, tsk :O


Presently 2 and mostly sunny, a staggering high of 12 forthcoming.


Enjoy the day everyone.

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