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Just been sorting out the bike insurance - 4 classics and one modern, biggest 800cc.  I was paying £260 FC with a well known classic specialist, (yes, not a lot anyway I know, little risk of theft here, classic riders tend not to proceed at TT Race speeds and I'm not exactly 17!) and on spec popped in to a local broker recommended by one of the old farts.  £120!  Same cover, same agreed value on the classics.....so what was all the rest for?  Excessive profit presumably.  Happy NHN. 

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Woodworking finished for the day as I have got as far as I can get for now. The task has been greatly helped by a purchase I made a couple of days ago. I bought a cordless drill in Aldi, supposedly reduced from about £50 to £25.99. It is a 20V one, with a spare battery and a pack of drill bits/screwdriver heads. It’s power far exceeds a 14.4V Draper one that packed up recently, and on the evidence of today it was a great buy. Just hope it lasts OK!

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Afternoon all. A quick check in to pass on my good wishes to each and every one of you. I am glad the funeral seemed to go well and my thoughts remain with Tony and Aditi. Thoughts and good wishes to Debs too. I hope we hear some positive news soon.


Here in Derby, the school Easter break is almost at an end. My thoughts about returning to work on Monday remain very negative. These were not helped by the events of this week. Throughout the week I have received a barrage of emails asking when certain pieces of planning would be completed. This followed on from the first such email which arrived on DAY ONE of the school break. I had completed the planning well in advance of the deadline, fitting it around my family time, yet this does not seem to be appreciated by certain members of staff. These are, of course, those without a partner or children. 

 Yesterday Sarah, Amber and I went out for the day to the Severn Valley Railway. It was very enjoyable and I may post some photos later (train warning!!!). Sadly the day was slightly spoiled by an email from one such member of staff asking me to alter some of my planning. This was the fist of at least five emails received during the day. Sadly, this could become the final straw. I have already decided that I will leave this school in the summer anyway (I never intended it to be a long term stay). Whilst I will continue to look for other jobs, I am also strongly looking at opportunities outside of teaching. This includes the possibility of buying a business. A few meetings have been organised over the next few days to see what would be financially viable. Perhaps, just perhaps, a 20 year teaching career may just be coming to an end.


Best wishes




Why buy a business, Andy, (although I don't know what you have in mind)?

I have started 6 from scratch, and sold 4 at a nice profit, and just closed the other 2 without financial loss.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all.


A freezing early morning has given way to a comfortably warmer afternoon with hazy sun.  POETS Day doe snot exist here; I cannot POE until relieved.  Today has not been without its moments.


Moment 1.  Being berated by the chap who had purchased a first class ticket to Waterloo only to find there was not only no first class but no vacant seats at all during the suburban peak hour.  Apparently that was all my fault.

Moment 2.  Receiving an email from our HR department who have apparently not placed one of my references on file and doubted it had even been received.  My response, after a few words with my manager, was to confirm the date it had been submitted, the date HR confirmed to me it was received and to ask in fairly plain English what safeguards exist in that department to prevent accidental loss or misappropriation of staff records - which include much that is personal and private.  I added for good measure that had my references not been received or been unsatisfactory then I would not have been passed (by HR) as acceptable for employment and offered a contract (signed by HR).  

Moment 3.  Arriving home to hear the sound of trickling water.  The toilet was continually flushing and a quick investigation showed the problem to be a faulty inlet valve not closing off.  I attempted a repair.  I failed because a small plastic widget is broken.  I rang maintenance who said they could get a plumber out next Wednesday afternoon.  I replied that I was not willing to pay for water consumption for a continually-running and defective toilet for the next five days (or more, assuming plumber arrives without the required part and has to re-book the appointment).  I was referred by maintenance to the property manager.  I spoke with a very disinterested property manager and pressed my point.  I will not be paying for the loss of water (consumption and sewerage) occasioned by their failure to maintain within a reasonable time.  I was promised a call back.  Yeah, yeah, yeah.  It is POETS Day.  I suspect my property manager has POE'd.


Which is where we came in.


I wish one and all what remains of a fine Friday with special thoughts to Tony, Aditi, Debs and our extending sick list.

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Afternoon all. A quick check in to pass on my good wishes to each and every one of you. I am glad the funeral seemed to go well and my thoughts remain with Tony and Aditi. Thoughts and good wishes to Debs too. I hope we hear some positive news soon.


Here in Derby, the school Easter break is almost at an end. My thoughts about returning to work on Monday remain very negative. These were not helped by the events of this week. Throughout the week I have received a barrage of emails asking when certain pieces of planning would be completed. This followed on from the first such email which arrived on DAY ONE of the school break. I had completed the planning well in advance of the deadline, fitting it around my family time, yet this does not seem to be appreciated by certain members of staff. These are, of course, those without a partner or children. 

 Yesterday Sarah, Amber and I went out for the day to the Severn Valley Railway. It was very enjoyable and I may post some photos later (train warning!!!). Sadly the day was slightly spoiled by an email from one such member of staff asking me to alter some of my planning. This was the fist of at least five emails received during the day. Sadly, this could become the final straw. I have already decided that I will leave this school in the summer anyway (I never intended it to be a long term stay). Whilst I will continue to look for other jobs, I am also strongly looking at opportunities outside of teaching. This includes the possibility of buying a business. A few meetings have been organised over the next few days to see what would be financially viable. Perhaps, just perhaps, a 20 year teaching career may just be coming to an end.


Best wishes



Thank GAWD I'm retired - I'm afraid that my phone is for my use and only gets turned on when I want to use it and it isn't one of these all singing/dancing ones anyway - I have successfully avoided learning how to text, and I'm capable of dumping emails that I have no desire to be bothered with on my computer straight into the trash-can- and blocking/ auto-deleting things from certain addresses - perhaps more people should adopt the same system!  Unless it was being supplied by work they wouldn't even know I had one! and my  office address included an"Out of office" facility, and was ignored when I was.

Edited by shortliner
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Greetings all

I've finished decorating for the day any one thinking of using Dulux Endurance should be aware you need twice as much paint than normal

it's very thick goes on nicely if you don't try and push it through the wall it still required 2 coats but SWMBO is pleased with it me I can be

@rsed at moment it's another day that I've ended up totally crackered. :umbrage:


My very expensive fold up ladder I use in stair wells folded up on me when taking it down it like trying to fold a deck chair 2 damaged shins,

 some extremely rude words with a cut in one shin to boot, first aid was done with a smeer of some antisceptic gell was applied and more rude

words said, they should do something with that stuff to stop it stinging. :ireful:


HER did take me out for my favorite stir-fry at the local restuarant last night which made a nice change for a Thursday, It's feet up for the

 rest of the day. :smoke:

                                                    enjoy the rest of it Albert    :biggrin_mini2:

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon awl,

The afternoon trip home started to look a little groundhog like, with long queue into effin clown town, it was however moving this time. To link two of yesterday's story's, the jam was caused by......a calor gas lorry, loaded with tall red cylinders, driver sat there doing paperwork causing long queues in either direction...


Just after crossing the bridge, car stops in road, low teens child leaps out goes in chippy, comes out, leaps in car, goes a few feet, child leaps out goes in kebab shop, car crawls off and turns in the same direction as I want. Cockwomble parks in taxi rank, I park all of 30 ft further on In a parking space. When I come out of the bank, cockwomble child is getting in car laden with white paper packed food.


Later it's Border Collie Appreciation Society time, but for now a mugacoffee was is on its way.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thank GAWD I'm retired - I'm afraid that my phone is for my use and only gets turned on when I want to use it and it isn't one of these all singing/dancing ones anyway - I have successfully avoided learning how to text, and I'm capable of dumping emails that I have no desire to be bothered with on my computer straight into the trash-can- and blocking/ auto-deleting things from certain addresses - perhaps more people should adopt the same system!  Unless it was being supplied by work they wouldn't even know I had one! and my  office address included an"Out of office" facility, and was ignored when I was.


One day a chap rang me in the office and asked why he couldn't get me on my (company supplied) mobile 'phone the previous day - simple answer 'Because it wasn't turned on. I only turn it on if I need to make a call or when I'm abroad.  If you want to speak to me when I'm out you ring my office number and my secretary will page me if she thinks your call is important (i.e. she knew who I would or wouldn't bother to call back).   So dead simple system and the only time I otherwise turned on the 'phone was if i was out of the country - because the pager was mainland GB coverage only whereas the mobile worked in most western European countries except on top of some mountains in Switzerland.  Fortunately the email revolution, or rather our company's changeover to it from BR Micromalil (a far, far, better system) only occurred in my final couple of years in my final big railway job and I simply wouldn't bother with an email if someone sent me one at home while I was on leave.


A mixed Waitrose trip today - on the plus side it gave sight of 3 freight trains, 2 fancy bi-mode trains (running on electrickery) and a DMU, oh and I got a parking space right outside the door of the supermarket.  On the debit side there was a multiwomble convention in one of the fruit and veg aisles - the aisle concerned is at least wide enough for four trolleys to pass in comfort but a pair of cock+henwomble duos plus their trolleys deeply engaged in (probably pointless) conversation succeeded in blocking access to part of the root veg section and barely leaving room for a single trolley to get past them on the other side although I simply pushed our trolley straight through the middle of their conversation, unfortunately without hitting them or their trolleys.  Minor revenge was exacted at the mushrooms when one of the henwombles turned up to find not only her way partly blocked by me plus trolley but to further find, once I'd moved, that all the best condition packs of chestnut mushrooms had already gone because I'd gone through the lot and the best three packs were already in my trolley.  After that, slow coaches aside, the drive home was quite pleasant and cockwomble free.

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Thank GAWD I'm retired - I'm afraid that my phone is for my use and only gets turned on when I want to use it and it isn't one of these all singing/dancing ones anyway - I have successfully avoided learning how to text, and I'm capable of dumping emails that I have no desire to be bothered with on my computer straight into the trash-can- and blocking/ auto-deleting things from certain addresses - perhaps more people should adopt the same system!  Unless it was being supplied by work they wouldn't even know I had one! and my  office address included an"Out of office" facility, and was ignored when I was.

On the other hand, Andyram is now thinking of running his own business. The nature of running your business is, as far as I can observe that it tends to be all encompassing.

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On the other hand, Andyram is now thinking of running his own business. The nature of running your business is, as far as I can observe that it tends to be all encompassing.


But may be more rewarding.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all,


I'd be inclined to agree with Neil. Andy, don't imagine it'll be any less stressful, lower workload, or easier hours.  


Tomorrow may well see me in the same area as another of our number. I shall report back on how muddy his hollow is. Oo-er.  :jester:

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I am coping by being on a one task at a time process, Aditi is thinking about longer term things, so between us we will get through this together.

It’s a long road, Tony and it will not be easy at times. Get in touch at the bad times.

Tony, to echo Pete's sentiments, all the necessary steps are certainly a helpful coping strategy.


When you are back home and and life transitions to a 'new normal' and there are no more 'necessary steps' to tread we are here for you too.

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But may be more rewarding.

When we had our Shops it was a 12 to 15 hour day, 7 days a week. Our accountant sent our Tax return to the VAT Man, they sent us a stinking letter to say we were late with our VAT returns, I rang them to say it was sent 3 Months ago. They had lost / mislaid it. The Accountant sent a duplicate, (all chargeable to US), the VAT Man said it was LATE and should have been in 4 Months ago. I said well it was sent recorded and signed for, but they threatened us with Court action if we didn't pay the fine. We paid the fine, they then said, they had found the original. 


Can we have our fine money back PLEASE = No it was 4 Months late getting here, (that was the replacement).

We then got a letter from the Courts.

UNBELIEVABLE, you couldn't make it up, could you.

Edited by Andrew P
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Indeed, I'd forgotten that, haven't been in NJ for ages - they'll struggle into the 20th century yet Pete, just you wait and see



Even Oregon allows you to pump your own gas now (in some places anyway.)


(Sorry Michael :) )

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Off to Mangapps tomorrow morning, haven't visited the place for about 12 years. Decided to visit Stowe Maries some other time when it is a 'flying day'. The reason is that it's rather expensive, £19 for the three of us, adult, senior citizen and child.


Greetings all

I've finished decorating for the day any one thinking of using Dulux Endurance should be aware you need twice as much paint than normal

it's very thick goes on nicely if you don't try and push it through the wall it still required 2 coats but SWMBO is pleased with it me I can be

@rsed at moment it's another day that I've ended up totally crackered. :umbrage:


My very expensive fold up ladder I use in stair wells folded up on me when taking it down it like trying to fold a deck chair 2 damaged shins,

 some extremely rude words with a cut in one shin to boot, first aid was done with a smeer of some antisceptic gell was applied and more rude

words said, they should do something with that stuff to stop it stinging. :ireful:


HER did take me out for my favorite stir-fry at the local restuarant last night which made a nice change for a Thursday, It's feet up for the

 rest of the day. :smoke:

                                                    enjoy the rest of it Albert    :biggrin_mini2:

Are you going to change your name to Robert? :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Off to Mangapps tomorrow morning, haven't visited the place for about 12 years. Decided to visit Stowe Maries some other time when it is a 'flying day'. The reason is that it's rather expensive, £19 for the three of us, adult, senior citizen and child.


Are you going to change your name to Robert? :jester:

Why that one ?.


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Even Oregon allows you to pump your own gas now (in some places anyway.)


(Sorry Michael :) )

There were days living in Chicago, in the dead of winter, when I didn't want my leather gloves to smell like petrol, and whille barehanding the freezing pump handle and shivering in the cold outside my warm car that I wished something as civilized as gas station attendants was still a possibility.


I will grant you that there are times when you are in a hurry the process of waiting for someone to fill your tank is agonizingly slow, but you do get used to having someone do it for you and now I quite like it.


I'm not one to habitually embrace the "cockwomble of the day" tales related here in ERs, but today I'd like to indulge, and beg forgiveness for my self-indulgence from those suffering with much more pressing issues related to health or loss of loved ones.


/selfish rant on

/first world problem on

/trivial gripe on

I had a short business trip this week - two trancons (there and back to Boston) in two days which is exhausting. I took great care to park my car at the short term parking structure at PDX. It's a very nice car park as car parks go. The stalls are angle parking and they carefully paint not one, but two lines (with an approximate outside dimension of a foot or so) between each stall and there are occupancy sensors to help you find a space. As is my wont I had made an effort to park carefully - even making a second try. (It wasn't perfect, the front right tyre was perhaps an inch closer to the paint than the back right tyre but I was well inside the lines on all sides.)


When I returned to my car a Chevy Suburban driver (parked on my right) had somehow managed to not only have his front left tyre inside the line, but his rear left was over the second of the two lines which delineated my space. I have no idea how the driver got out of his vehicle. (S)he must have been very slim indeed.* My right mirror was folded in - something I didn't even remember that it could do, it's been that long since there was a need to fold it.


* Something that does not necessarily correlate with Chevy Suburban owners, but metaphorically living in a glass house, I should not fat shame.


I don't know if I could have easily got out of the space, but for the fact that the spot on my left was unoccupied. Had I been required to reverse out straight I'm not sure my mirror would have cleared the rear end of the Suburban - even if folded. (I know that many of you are familiar with the Suburban - they are, give or take, the largest SUVs on the road.) Since the spot was opposite the elevator bank it is tricky to reverse out under any circumstances since all you can see in the mirrors is a blank white wall, virtually eliminating any sense of depth perception. (My 15 year old car does not have a reverse camera.)


One of my biggest motoring pet peeves is large truck owners who can't be bothered to centre their large vehicles in a parking spot. Compounding this by parking diagonally into an angled parking spot is the epitome of lazy parking. If you are going to drive a big truck, you have to make a point of parking as courteously as possible. I don't know why that is too much to ask.


Maybe the guy on the other side parked poorly restricting the space and there were no other spaces available?  That's the most charitable thing I can say. It wasn't what I was thinking at 10:30pm last night.

/trivial gripe over

/first world problem over

/selfish rant over

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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I just want to clarify a couple of points. I think, from what has been said, that some people may think I am looking for an easy life. That is not the case.

I have been a teacher for 20 years and I have been a very good one. I have regularly been rated as good or outstanding by Oftsed, senior leaders, LEA advisors etc. For five years I produced some of the best progress data in the county of Derbyshire. 

 Last year I was treated like dirt, bullied and undervalued by a head teacher who had already forced three highly paid teachers out of the school. This wrecked my self confidence, almost wrecked my marriage and left me tired, stressed and doubting my own ability. 

 This year I took a supply post, then a permanent post in a school that had difficulties. The staff motivation was at rock bottom due to poor management. My experience was not valued there at all. When I was put in charge of a curriculum area I was not allowed to make the changes which I suggested - which I knew would provide improvement. I was then criticised for a lack of progress from the children within this curriculum area. 

 I have since been redeployed to another school in the group to take a challenging class after their teacher walked out. I have had little preparation time for entering the class. 

 During the Easter holiday I have received a barrage of emails requesting certain planning aspects be completed. These were completed well before the deadline. Not for the first time the planning was sent back with amendments required. Some of these amendments contradicted earlier requests. I completed most, but refused to do some of the requests which amounted to doing a piece of work twice for the sake of satisfying a curriculum leader. 

 The first email request was sent on the first day of the holiday. There has been no thought to the fact I would like to spend time with my young family. 

 During term time I get up at 6am - rush to work for 7.30 and work until 5.30pm. I then come home and restart work at 7.30pm until 10pm most nights. on some nights I end up clock watching when helping put my 6 year old daughter to bed.


The fact it - you only get one life. My daughter is growing up fast. I want to spend time with her.


Somehow I need to reclaim some kind of work / life balance. 


I am continuing to look for other teaching jobs - it is the only thing I know. But the next step is management - either headship or deputy. That is a lot of work. So I have started to look at other avenues. I applied for an Education Officer job at the Severn Valley Railway last year. I continue to look out for such posts at various tourist attractions. I am now looking at whether  a particular business is a viable option. Yes it would be a lot of work - but it would be work for me. I would be calling the shots. It may not work out  - if not financially viable it will not happen.


I want to work, earn my money but have some time with my family.


Best wishes



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Car packed ready for an early departure tomorrow. Shame it was so damp over Easter Sunday and Monday


Time for some eyelid inspection methinks



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Morning from a Sunny Surrey.


We didn’t stop in our local Wetherspoons after the staff decided to just serve the first person in front of them rather than serve in order. Our biggest gripe with Wetherspoons chain.




It does seem to be a trend that the staff are unable to notice the order in which customers arrive at the bar!


Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,


A stop at the hole in the wall was required to obtain untraceable muddleing tokens, for tomorrows purchases at the Norwich show. Nothing is actually required, but if you don't have the tokens, you can guarantee there will something there..



Even ATM withdrawals can be attributed! Hope sufficient tokens were acquired to avoid additional trips thereto! However, replacing any unspent tokens into the sourcing account could give an indication of the exact spend and so be counter-productive.

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