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Early Risers.


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At the dawning of another day, greetings.


I do hope that Tony and Aditi were able to draw some comfort from what came across in Tony's description as a tasteful and dignified funeral.  I must admit to having had rather moist eyes at 3 pm yesterday.


May I associate myself with Dutch Master's remarks above.


Warm thoughts to all in distress for whatever reason.



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I'm glad to hear the 'professionals' did what thy do so well, and supported Aditi and Tony when they needed it most.


We are often critical, but their professionalism is borne from often bitter and painful experience.


Best wishes to one and all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner temple Here,

 Another poor nights sleep,


Very windy, chilly Northerly this morning, which along with the heavy rain over the last few days is why the entire Broads have a flood alert at the moment , but it's only orange not red...


The major system, passed it's test, I have four shunts associated with it, to finish, one is warming up at the moment. Then put it on, for the cross check.


I bought a plastic drawer set yesterday ( 8 12X16X4 inch drawers) , to take with me to the Ben the Border Collie Appreciation Socitey.

It will sit at the end of the layout to take all the muddliing bits and pieces, currently sitting on the top of, or under the layout getting in the way. You just need sun glasses, every drawer a different luminous colour..


So all companies with over 250 people have to publish the average pay for males and the average pay for females in the company. There will be a lot of males very upset at being well below the average....


Ah,warm up completed,


Time to measure...

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  • RMweb Premium

Blooming eck it's sunny here!

But flipping chilly!


Safe journeys Tony and Aditi.

Hope Debs is feeling better and progressing back to good health.


Happy Birthday Mrs Grandadbob..have a great day and a super meal tonight.


May just take a stroll along the beach today. Or maybe a trip to Whitby..or....


Have as good a day as you can


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  • RMweb Gold

Sunny here and I'm waiting to get into the bathroom as usual, another round of decorating today :resent: , Happy Birthday Chris :danced: (Mrs GDB to others)she deserves to be treated 

 well today having put with Mr Crusty all these years  :jester: Bob don't go and injure yourself today and spoil the event .


Later today I will be running my new loco on the layout having cleared it of bits and pieces thats been dumped on it, any SWMBO items will be throw in the garden for

  :girldevil: HER to sort out, I must unload the car of garden stuff we went to Fossil day @ Be & Doo yesterday for large pots as it was hissing down when we arrived home

the car was left loaded.

                                                                                                                              have a good day all George

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning Folks. A gloriously sunny day in Newport.


A major dog walking exercise beckons, hopefully we're starting to see the last of the wintry weather. After a couple of days off with 'Black Dog', I need to get back to my tiling.


Have a nice & hopefully enjoyable day everyone.





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  • RMweb Gold

Aditi and Tony,


The Dutch Master has summed the near future up so well but from following many of your previous missives on the web there will be many happy lasting memories to help relieve the hurt and the hole that you now have in your lives. Pleased to hear that the funeral went well and that in retrospect Matthew was in the midst of doing what he loved. Thoughts are with you both.



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Sister Jen says that Debs has had a very rough night with reaction to medication, but the our day course ends today. I sent Jen Tony's last message to be read to Debs - it was and then Debs texted me back very briefly, saying thanks.


We wait.



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We did sleep last night. Exhaustion I think. The UK family members all got home just before midnight.

It was so bright in our hotel room this morning I thought we had slept until midday.

We will have a short walk today. The hotel is right next to a set of locks on the Royal Canal. This evening there will be some paperwork to complete.

Thank you all again for the kind thoughts and support. I am coping by being on a one task at a time process, Aditi is thinking about longer term things, so between us we will get through this together.

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  • RMweb Gold

Tony and Aditi, glad you slept and have a pleasant walk.


It’s sunny here in London today. Decided to go and get a pasty for lunch form London Bridge station. Loads of Police about so I wonder if some one well known is due to visit.


Suffering with my back since being back on the Thameslink services. Those seats are awful.


Got a small package in the post last night from Hornby. It is the missing tender step on a rebuilt West Country. Very quick response form the, and way easier than having to send the train pack back to Rails for a replacement despite them offering free postage. I may well fit the step tonight.


Looks like mums move is going to happen very soon. Luckily brother from Hong King is over for a couple of weeks so he is sorting out the things that I don’t have the time off work to do such as visiting th solicitor etc.

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Continued thoughts for Tony & Aditi and also Debs...


BIN day, no BINs for me being on Long Island, 'yay'!


Slow to almost comatose yesterday at the "client", working through some new stuff but the day went reasonably quickly.


ZERO and sunny this morning, therefore the NY TV weather version of "very cold for the commute", PAH! Supposed to reach 8 for the high.

Contrast with back home where it's -12 and a high of 2 expected :jester:


Hoping everyone can enjoy their day, back later...

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  • RMweb Premium

Still sunny and a tad chilly but..who cares?


Been for a walk along the beach. Got back in time for a power cut.

Hope that Debs medication does it's job.


In the North East we had/have a post funeral wake. It consisted of various sandwiches, pies, cakes and the odd beer. It was more of a celebration of a life well known and seemed to bring in my family at least a rememberance of happier times.


So I raise a glass and a sandwich to someone I never met face to face but filled all who knew him via the ERs with positive thoughts..



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Afternoon all


So pleased that Matthew's funeral went well yesterday and that Tony and Aditi are coping in their own ways.


Today we have bright sunshine for the first time in three days - Monday to Wednesday were just awful, cold and sleeting and raining. Blugh!


Collected car from body repair shop yesterday. Took it in on Monday to get some scratches and a dent fixed. You may recall some so-and-so damaged the car and ran away two or three weeks ago. Decided it was too small a job for the insurance but too large that it needed doing. A bit like broken windows, if you leave a car with noticeable damage other people who damage it further just won't bother to let you know, so the whole thing turns into more of a tip.

Anyway they've done a great job! Well pleased.


Hope your afternoons are sunny.



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