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Another look at Finn McCool, the skewbald hunter who definitely has a taste for salt and vinegar crisps, to the extent that he now hoovers entire bags for himself:




If he starts drinking wine, I might have some explaining to do....

If he pops down here he can tuck into salt & vinegar fish & chipspost-19606-0-52059800-1522688276_thumb.png Edited by lightengine
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Been off the air for a bit, only to return and learn of Tony and Aditi's great loss, and a loss to everyone here on ER. I can't add anything that hasn't already been said.


One reason for my absence is because my Dodge pickup suddenly became extremely dodgy. Lorna and I took the dogs to the vet for their annual check-up and on the way home the truck developed a sudden nasty vibration. At first I thought I had drifted on to the rumble strip or a tire had picked up a huge bolt so I moved over to the hard shoulder and stopped. Then I realized the engine had stalled and wouldn't re-start.


Courtesy of the AAA the Dodge was hoisted on to a flat-bed and delivered to the local Chrysler dealer. Turns out it had a broken valve spring. Fortunately the valve didn't punch a whopping great hole in the top of the piston. I'm lucky it happened so close to home. It would have been much worse if it had conked out in darkest Wyoming a few weeks ago.


The truck has only done about 72,000 miles but I've had it for eleven years, so I'm trading it in. The replacement will have a larger cab with a second row of seats to accommodate grandchildren, dogs, etc. It also has a diesel engine from Italy and a 8 speed transmission from Germany. It's supposed to be quite economical. We shall see.

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Evening all from a damp ferry terminal at the mouth of the Port. Set off in 3 unches of snow 0 degrees C. Now just rain but 12 degrees. Very slow journey down with cockwombles galore including 6 in a row on the M40 5 of them German cars. Ttfn.



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Tony, I am impressed by the efficiency and consideration with which you have been received in Dublin.


May all the necessary procedures continue as smoothly without additional stress above and beyond all you are experiencing in your grieving.


Thank your for your consideration in sharing an update with us. I hope it lessens your burdens, even if just a little, to be able to share it with us. It seems clear to me that we are all thinking of you and Aditi at this time. I know that I am.

Can’t really add anything to what you spoke out so well, Michael.


E‘ning, all. Wasn’t feeling my best today for unknown reasons but a trip to the zoo for watching a variety of cute animals turned out to have been a good idea.


Going to see my team leader tomorrow who had offered an ear for talking about the crash the other week, as well as several other topics we hadn’t been able to cover when we last met.


Not really sure whether there’s anything else worth mentioning, so, may I send a round of thoughts and strength to everyone in need...


Nite-y... :bye:

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Greetings all from a dull Sidcup. The rest of the Lurker clan went off to the in laws in Washington and have arrived safely. I’ve done not a lot although I did hear skylarks when I went for s stroll this morning; it always amazes me to hear them so close to suburbia. I also cooked myself a venison and chorizo cassoulet. It was ok but not as tasty as I had hoped.


It is good to hear that Tony and Aditi are being looked after in Ireland.


Have a good end to what remains of the day.

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Evening all, and it's the last few hours of what seems like a very long (in a good way) 4-day holiday. 

Return to work tomorrow is just for 2 days, where I'll be doing all the jobs that "should" have been done if there was time. 


This afternoon, as forecast, I've attached parallel metal rods to plywood bases and will be attaching wires to said parallel metal rods later in the week.  


Thoughts with Debs, Tony and Aditi and all ERers in need. 

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Stopped raining here this afternoon but it keeps threatening to return and Arfur Itis is informing me that it will return about 3 tomorrow morning. The seaweed wranglers inform us that this Saturday the temperature will hit a heady 18 C. so I'm contemplating a trip to Mangapps with the lad and his dad. I might even manage to fit in a visit to the restored WW1 airfield at Stowe Maries, last time I visited there the restoration had only just started.

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Debs Update


Today she’s started on a new treatment regime instead of the one that gave problems. Thus far, although she feels bleh, (her word), it’s better, but she’s on 15 minute observation - so no sleep for any of them.


Let time she was so far out of it she coudn’t communicate but now she’s texting, albeit briefly.


More news as and when.



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 Only banged my head twice, and didn’t draw blood at all!



Who do you think you are - GDB?


On second thoughts maybe not, no blood drawn................





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I don't know what's worse - yellow rain or yellow snow.....



The best advice I can give is


Don’t drink yellow rain

Don’t eat yellow snow

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We gave had quite a busy day. After breakfast we had a little walk and ended up at the railway station Matthew commuted from. Oddmseeing the bridge where he usually ended his phone calls home. He often chatted courtesy of train Wi-Fi. We could see his house from the station. Later in the morning we made all the funeral arrangements. We then walked to the house and collected all of the belongings. We have passed on a lot of clothes to charities.

The cremation will be on Wednesday. Things happen differently here, much quicker than back home. We collect ashes on Thursday and will spread them appropriately. Not a problem here, I remember Ian (olddudders) mentioning rules and regulations in France.

We are flying home on Friday. We may have to come back if the Garda keep Matthew's stuff for longer, perhaps they can courier it to us, not really important. We found some documents that we wanted, his degree certificate from Utrecht (still unopened) and also a Screech Night certificate from Newfoundland.

His PhD supervisor came to see us tonight along with one of Matthew's friends.

Tomorrow we are going to Maynooth and visit the geography department.


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Travelling to Long Island today, and as Pete noted they are going to get some blizzard/tornado/hurricane/avalanche/earthquake 2-4 inches of snow through about 1-2PM... so I've just been informed my flight is ALREADY 2 hours delayed. GREAT.



We actually got more snow than expected - about 6 inches, yet my 75’ driveway is clear now without my intervention (though the 40’ additional section of an L outside the house is still covered because it’s shaded by a tall Pin Oak. Must investigate heated driveways, someone I know has one outside of Boston. Probably just too cold in Minnesota


If your package is coming from FED EX then their DC is actually inside Newark Airport - which despite it’s name is in Elizabeth - with a nice little Monorail to the NE (ex. Pennsylvania RR) mainline station.

EDIT: I may indeed be wrong here - according to my Wife - whilst it is a major  “hub” for Fed Ex the DC is actually just outside the Airport perimeter....


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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