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  • RMweb Premium

Walked to boggle hole along the beach after the conclusion of the egg fling

Lots of water running down the cliffs and boggle hole was awash. It is very chilly with ice showers every few minutes.

Tea and wads ready for the hordes.


Cakes this year include:

Chocolate corn flake cakes

Cherry and coconut chews,

Cherry biscuits,

Sweet potato and white chocolate cake,

lemon drizzle cake

Sticky ginger cake

Ginger cake

And my own creation banana, pineapple and coconut loaf


Of course I will be good and not have any...



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:unsureclear: Pssss  :huhclear: what  :unsureclear: have those people who are telling the eggy jokes gone  :huhclear: no why  :unsureclear: I thought the thread was going to retun to normal today  :huhclear: since when has this thread been normal

  :unsureclear: spose yer right it's never been normal  :huhclear: glad you agree now shut up and go back to sleep  :unsureclear: OK     zzzzz   




What is 'normal'?

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Hmm, Frisians and Manxmen sound very similar - best not to call a Manxie English!  We have a fair amount of bi-lingual signage here, and one small Primary school that teaches in Manx - the kids go on to perform badly in their early secondary schooling (they try to hide that), so why I ask, just to support an effectively dead language. Teach it yes, but otherwise....hmmm.   I have never heard a word of conversational Manx in 16 years here!  Good morning/afternoon sort of greetings often are, indeed I will use them myself (ooh, integrated!), but conversation is just not heard.


Fastyr Mie!

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Tea and wads done...60 visitors in 2 hours. Haven't gone to the BBC yet..ate our steak in the cottage as were late finishing tea and wads.


Now do we climb the hill or stay in???


And, from an old work mate from Barrow, the question is "Are you normal?"


Up to everyone what normal means to them.


Pete does the liquorice all sorts have those jelly buttons covered in red or blue coatings? They were my favourites.



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I once worked in the liquorice capital of England, namely Pontefract.  In fact the Haribo factory was right at the back of the nick and we shared an approach road so if you wanted to get out in a hurry you might meet a 32 ton artic tanker full of sugar reversing into it's offloading dock which was just past the van gates that served the cell area.   The smell of liquorice was actually quite nice over the town.  However the last fields of the stuff had gone in IIIRC the 70's and all the current lot is imported.



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Evening all from Estuary-Land. All these egg jokes have scrambled my brain. Went down to the bus museum this afternoon with my surrogate grandson and his dad. I must be getting old as although the lad had never seen a side gangway low height double decker before and was quite intrigued by it neither had his dad. I did go down there to find out if they are running their model railway exhibition about May as usual only to find out that it had been cancelled due to the organiser having a new job and not having the time. I hope things go well as they can do in the circumstances for Tony and Aditi and best wishes to Debs.

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That's it. I'm throwing the sanity towel in.


Batten down the hatch after you did, will you? :jester:


E‘ning all. Unwinding with a bit of STTNG playing till something approaching my usual bedtime. A pleasant time was had over lunch, though Easter eggs ( :mosking: ) were exchanged indoors only. Of course, Annika and her cousin got most!


Thinking of the ailing, absent and grieving tonight.



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Night to most.  After our exploits today including a wind and rain swept walk to boggle hole and back I find my eyelids demanding inspection.


Sleep well and thoughts are with those who need our friendship and support at this time.



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Thoughts and best wishes to Tony, Aditi, Debs, Simon and those that need or require them.


Late edit: HB Mrs Rick


Boss duly deposited at MAN airport. Then across a relatively quiet and cockwomble free M62 to Kroy exhibition. (The return was populated by those that have now decided that the longer daylight hours are cause to drive in lane 2 of the motorway when lane one is empty....)


I took Mrs NB's car for two reasons - more economical than mine for such a decent distance and it needed a good run to stop the DPF clogging over time.

Before I set off, I was informed that the heater was playing up.


Three hours in a car with a barely functional heater wasn't pleasant, so it was straight to the top floor of the Knavesmire stand to try and warm up. 


Chris F was spotted in the distance but not able to engage him in conversation. The modelling tokens from my boss were duly used on items that I hadn't budgeted for a couple of days ago.


Coming home was even colder, even though it was only for 90 minutes, but that wasn't helped by going to watch a charity ice hockey match at what I think is the second coldest rink in the UK. (Ice pad 2 at Nottingham is top of my list)


We are now the proud owners of a large muliphoto frame of some of the Blackburn Hawks that was won in the raffle.

Mrs NB is not too enamoured where myself and Junior NB would like to hang said picture....


I am now doing a bit of work at the PC huddled over a fan heater, with a "medicinal" beverage to stave off a cold......


There may be a lie-in tomorrow.


Have a good one folks if you can.




Edited by newbryford
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Good evening everyone


Today started out quite sunny, but we did have a little rain this afternoon, which only lasted for a few minutes.


As is the norm for our Sunday morning’s, we had breakfast in bed, which was then followed by a bit of a lie-in. My first task after getting out of bed was to get a couple of Sheila’s sewing projects and frame them for her. Once done they then wanted hanging on the wall of her sewing room and very pleased she is with them too! Once all this activity had been done, it nicely brought along dinnertime.


However, by the time we’d eaten our dinner they wasn’t really much time to start anything else, so I just went to the workshop and did a bit of tidying up, as recently, due to rushing to get things out of the way, I’ve been guilty of putting things on any empty bit of workbench I could find, instead of in there proper place. Anyway things are looking much tidier in there now!


The evening was then spent with our feet up and a bottle of red, at this rate I’ll be restocking the wine sooner rather than later.


Thoughts with Tony and Aditi, Deb’s, Simon and anyone else who’s in need of support.


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

No problems getting to Dublin.

The sergeant from the police who we spoke to the other day met us airside and we had our luggage collected and were taken to the airport police station to meet the two admin staff from the university geography department.

They took us to the hotel and then on to Matthew's house. The room had been cleaned and all his valuables are with the police.

We then met his post grad supervisor and a couple of his friends. Mary his supervisor said we should know that although the news arrived too late for Matthew to know he had been awarded funding by the Irish Research council. So it was all going so well.

Meeting funeral director later on Monday. Returning to Matthew's house to sort out some stuff.


Edited by Tony_S
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Tony, I am impressed by the efficiency and consideration with which you have been received in Dublin.


May all the necessary procedures continue as smoothly without additional stress above and beyond all you are experiencing in your grieving.


Thank your for your consideration in sharing an update with us. I hope it lessens your burdens, even if just a little, to be able to share it with us. It seems clear to me that we are all thinking of you and Aditi at this time. I know that I am.

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