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Delayed getting here today, and I'm truly saddened by the news of Matthew.

Tony and Aditi, I echo all that the other ER family have offered. It's hard to know what else to say in these circumstances. Julie and I will keep you both in our thoughts :friends:

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The events of the last twenty-four hours have taken a toll on everyone. Could I offer what Debs found helped during her times of stress recently.


In our correspondence trying to help her I found a Latvian composer, Ēriks Ešenvalds, (1977-) who had composed some wonderful pieces. This, called Stars, is a setting of words by Sara Teasdale (1884-1933) available here: https://www.musixmatch.com/lyrics/Eriks-Esenvalds-Sara-Teasdale-Voces8/Stars


I wrote to Ēriks telling him what a good effect his music had on Debs, and he was kind enough to message back for her.


There are two versions – one with lights and the other illustrating the instruments used. Neither Debs nor I can decide which we like more. It may be interesting to watch them in this order, if you are so minded.





The second piece is Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958) Fantasia on a Theme by Thomas Tallis, written for the Three Choirs Festival in Gloucester Cathedral of 1910 and this is performed there by Andrew Davis and the BBS Symphony Orchestra Strings. It is for Two String Orchestras and string quartet. This benefits from over ear headphones.


Edited by Coombe Barton
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Whatever I might have had to say this morning would be insignificant against Tony and Aditi's devastating news.  My heartfelt condolences to you both.  That is all.




Day to day trivia my seem important to some. However, we are all united in grief.


RIP Matthew.

Edited by JohnDMJ
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I'd offer something Irish for the funeral yet to come:


However, Monty Python's closing to "The Life of Brian" might be appropriate for someone who has been reported to live life positively to the max.

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  • RMweb Premium

On a similar theme I would offer Mike Oldfield's Ommadawn.   On the morning that Beth's dad died and while we were getting ready to set off to Rachel's wedding I had a bit of time to wait and this seemed to fit the circumstances perfectly.   I think that the Studio version is better but this aint bad.




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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning from a dark Leeds


We had a good trip on and East Coast HST In first class. Unfortunately we were sitting towards the rear of the last coach so by the time the on board crew got to us for food orders they had run out of various hot food options buvI was lucky to get the last beef curry dish. My other half wanted the Mac and cheese but had to settle for duck. She also had the last bottle of ale and I settled for full fat Coke as I had a pint in the Parcel Yard at the Cross waiting for her.


Our hotel is right by the newer Southern entrance at Leeds station so we didn’t get wet getting to there.


We then headed to Northern Monk brewery but as expected we couldn’t get it nndue to them having a beer festival and the tickets had already sold out but plenty of other very good pubs close by.


Today we head to the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway.


Have a good day all and still thinking of Tony and Aditti.

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It may sound (highly) insensitive, but I do want to put in a word of warning. As sympathetic as we are towards Tony and Aditi for loosing their only child and genuinely grieving with them, for the rest of us, life does go on. That includes the mundane, trivial and other small things one encounters on the path of life. Reporting that, if you wish to do so, does not impede on your (genuine) feelings of sadness and grief towards Matthew and his parents. IMO.


la vie continue malgré tout

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As sympathetic as we are towards Tony and Aditi for loosing their only child and genuinely grieving with them, for the rest of us, life does go on.



For this little community, this is a time to mourn.


My thoughts are with Tony and Aditti..

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning awl from a rather dour southern uplands of Leeds.  Thoughts are very much with Tony and Aditi.  I hope that the formalities continue .as well as they can and they get the promised help.   Life did continue yesterday and I have even managed to clear and sweep over half the floor in the modelling room. This morning will be taken up with church and then a walk of witness followed by Hot Cross buns at the parish church.  Apart from that not a lot more.  I wish Ian (RH) and his wife a good day on the K&WVR.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Jamie. Should be quite a good day including quite a few beers.


I am in my element here as the room has an Apple desktop so have real-time trains on screen whilst looking out over the approaches to Leeds Station with RMweb on my ipad and laptop for other browsing with our American Dot giving us weather updates. Had to change location from Fort Myers to Leeds after using it under the layout last weekend.

also a photo from the roof took bar last night. Didn't stay as it was too noisy.




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  • RMweb Gold

Hi all.

Thank you for all the kindness and support. For Aditi and myself our lives will be different. Matthew enriched our lives, He was born when we were 40 and 39 years old. He coped well with having "older parents".

It will be nice to see "normal" posts.

Yes, we are feeling awful but we are coping somehow and being able to drop in and see what is happening to our lovely group of online friends will help.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Happy Good Friday.


Not a lot happening here today, but I expect that we will find something to do like clear out the large cupboard which has been put off a few times.


Still thinking of Tony and Aditi.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, inner Temple here,

With the events of yesterday, I didn't post, as I have more than the appropriate level of big feet to put in the wrong place..


The sadness has been emphasized by the weather, It's rained much of the night, and this morning it seems it's still drizzling. It was a proper squelch round the Garden with Ben the Collie this morning.


My original plans for the 4 days have been blown by the forecast, wall rebuilding is out. Near freezing is no good for concrete, neither is the rain and snow forecast for the rest of the Easter break.


Some shed work will be carried out, instead as well as a bit of garden clearance. Meanwhile the water distiller is running to generate several gallons of water for the motorboat batteries.



There will be two people missing from the Ben the Border Collie Appreciation Society tonight, Today is the first aniversary of me inheriting the Tiree layout, it's seems such a short time ago we lost Harry. His widow is currently clearing their house in preparation for selling, she wishes to move into town to a smaller home and to be closer to her aunt and uncle that she helps look after.


The other missing person is Ben, with SWMBOs art group not running tonight he'll stay home with her. A bag containing brass that has been visited by acid and sheets of bumpy plastic will attend with me.


After a mugacoffee, time to venture outside...

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Morning all, temporarily peaceful here as eldest son & DiL departed yesterday to spend Easter in Northumberland, but youngest son will arrive here for Easter by lunchtime. We haven’t seen him for a month or so and it will be good to see him again. He has been on a significant diet and has lost about 15 to 20 kilos recently, so our dietary plans for the weekend will be to help him continue with it. I think I might have to have a few crafty snacks as his diet is pretty spartan!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

A dull start here but it's not raining. Yet. That pleasure? is due to come later this morning. No gardening today for me then.

The Boss brought me tea in bed earlier. I suspect that even now she is planning something. Something about us getting some more exercise has been mentioned in the last couple of days. My knee is already aching at the prospect. (and I don't fancy walking in the rain)

Have a good one,


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