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  • RMweb Premium

As long as there is no evidence of ball tampering you are usually free to partake...


There's lots of names for it but I thought this was a family show ;)

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  • RMweb Premium

Simon, hope you feel better in the morning.


I will do some modelling on my return from Robin Hoods Bay as I have crust earning to do...but cricket season starts soon....


Time for some shut eye, sleep well/have a great evening/Morning.



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Horsetan, has the Citroen been retro-fitted with electronic ignition? If not check the vacuum tube between the inlet manifold and the distributor. This used to be a common problem with vacuum advance/retard, engines cutting out when not under load. This is often due to the vacuum tube becoming perished or collapsing. The ideal would be to fit electronic ignition, some for 'classic' cars is even made to look like the originals. I disposed of my classic vehicle some years ago when I had a sudden outbreak of reality, the new owner in that time has got little further than myself in getting it back on the road.

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... Horsetan, has the Citroen been retro-fitted with electronic ignition? If not check the vacuum tube between the inlet manifold and the distributor. This used to be a common problem with vacuum advance/retard, engines cutting out when not under load. This is often due to the vacuum tube becoming perished or collapsing. The ideal would be to fit electronic ignition, some for 'classic' cars is even made to look like the originals.....

The CX has LE/LE2-Jetronic engine management and has AEI.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


Well the boiler has had its service and been given a clean bill of health. It is in very good condition according to the technician and he also complemented me on the trace heat installation too!


Once he’d gone and we’d had a brew, it was declared that WE need to go shopping, so of to Sainsbury’s we went AND as they have on offer on wine and we were getting a bit low, we thought it would be rude not to take them up on the offer. So we restocked the cellar, however it wasn’t just with wine, I also added a few gottles of geer too!


Then after dinner is was decreed that the woodwork of the hall stairs and landings (all 5! of them) as well as the door frames (11 if you include the front door) needed cleaning. I must admit they’d taken a bit of a battering lately, what with all the decorating and boiler troubles. So we set about with a bucket of hot some soapy water each and cleaned all the woodwork etc. after an hour it had all been done and we could sit down for a well earned cuppa.


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Daft busy at work for a few days...

Plenty of important jobs done that got in the way of the planned tasks. Just need to do the postponed 2 days work in one tomorrow (including tomorrow, so that makes 3) before off Thurs/Fri. Wish me luck.


Rant time (fairly uncommon from me but I blame the medication)


Why is it when a thread appears and the OP doesn't seem to get what he wants and once the dust settles after 5 pages of going around in circles, starts another just under two weeks later with the same basic aim? Within two pages that has gone the way of the first.




And on another thread a poster claims that he's tried forever to find an item without success and then when pointed in the direction of said item then replies with "I saw it but wouldn't buy it because it was too expensive and other excuses"




Rant over - time to take the tablets.


Now for the good news. 


I can't understand why ebay auctions end at 0020 Sunday morning unless you hope for drunken bids. In my case, there were no competing bidders (and I wasn't drunk) #cheapebaywin


A visit to London beckons in July - Mrs NB suggested the Royal Mail underground railway with no prompting from me #result


Have a good third day folks.




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It does seem a bit strange, but it's not such a terrible idea. Heating water with electric elements is quite energy efficient. The bit that's not so efficient is the conversion of pressurized water gas (steam) into mechanical energy. It's not all that different from fireless locomotives. Just another type of battery.

Edited by AndyID
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Should I disappear in a puff of smoke tomorrow, this might have something to do with it.


If you haven't already guessed, I'm not a big fan of antiscience. It's either science, or it's complete BS not.

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  • RMweb Premium

Then after dinner is was decreed that the woodwork of the hall stairs and landings (all 5! of them) as well as the door frames (11 if you include the front door) needed cleaning. I must admit they’d taken a bit of a battering lately, what with all the decorating and boiler troubles. So we set about with a bucket of hot some soapy water each and cleaned all the woodwork etc. after an hour it had all been done and we could sit down for a well earned cuppa.


Where's the "Don't tell my wife" button?

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Morning All,


It is a rather wet morning today - having rained heavily pretty much all night, and it is still raining!


Public transport is in chaos this morning.  The trams and U-bahn are striking in Frankfurt, the S-bahn tunnel is closed for renovation and the buses are on strike in Offenbach and Wiesbaden.  Coming to work early, by car sometimes has distinct advantages.


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all


The gremlin has returned to my bedside clock radio and it is not good for me to assume wrongly that it is 40 minutes later than it really is.  I have to stride purposefully into town this morning to collect the last of the chemical warfare from the pharmacy and may well keep going until I reach Argos for another butcher's at the catalogue.  I had forgotten about the need for clocks and things to keep going in power cuts.  The prrsent device has no battery and when the power fails resets the alarm to 1.11 am!  This afternoon I have the food prepping to do for tomorrow's visit to Poorly Pal before loading the car ahead of tonight's trip to MK for the HMRS meeting.  In between times I have a stack of comics to read.  For once last night the item at the top of the bedside insomnia pile did its job well and slumber came rapidly.


There being no more today about which to rant, I offer warm thoughts and best wishes to the ailing, recovering and missing, with special thoughts today for Simon.



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  • RMweb Premium

Girding of loins being undertaken in preparation for filling the car full of clothes, beer, wine, whisky and food. We shall then drive to our destination via Moreasons in steamer to collect more provisions before undertaking the final part of our trip to Robin Hoods Bay via scarbados.


Unless there has been a miracle and internet has arrived in the Bay it may 've the odd visit so behave yourselves.



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  • RMweb Premium

Mick, if it's the threads I think it is it looks like someone young who is using RMWeb as his research tool before doing lots of printed items. Trouble is they aren't listening, have little understanding of costs and are poorly equipped to deliver working "kits".


As it's coming up to Easter we will also see multiple items appear in the 800s thread..



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from the village that despite Neil's wishes is still north of Ikea. However I will shortly have to come up with some new geographical references. As far as I know the nearest large shed with blue and yellow signs is at least 160km's from our new home. 


Sad news about John Flann.  I didn't know him but had come across some posts on the thread about the railways of Portland. He will be a sad loss.   


Anyway yesterday I went to see the good Count's sister with no major ill effects.  Then some more tidying and several boxes filled.  A crate of waste paper that needed destroying was generated so in the evening I spent a pleasant hour in the back garden feeding paper into the firepit.   I did wonder whether Big Brother was watching as I felt a bit like those embasy staff that you hear about who burned confidential papers in the back gardens of embassies when war broke out.   I will obviously have to keep a look out for men with bulging jackets and earpieces as I go about my unspecified pottering.


Beth has departed to her usual Wednesday morning Weighwatchers.  I have breakfasted and shortly will be off to the printers, who happen to produce MRJ, to sort some book stocks out.  Then it's off to a hospital appointment and whilst in the big city will do some more sorting of book stocks.   More talk of books this evening and then hopefully I will have handed over my responsibilities in this area.   It should be an interesting day.


Regards to all those suffering, ailing etc.



Edited by jamie92208
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It does seem a bit strange, but it's not such a terrible idea. Heating water with electric elements is quite energy efficient. The bit that's not so efficient is the conversion of pressurized water gas (steam) into mechanical energy. It's not all that different from fireless locomotives. Just another type of battery.

Back in the late 1970s, I worked at the Glaxo pharmaceutical works at Ulverston. They had a Barclay fireless engine in operation there, which apparently was still in use in the 1990s, but is now stored at Carnforth. It worked well, as the works had a large steam ring main, so the loco could easily get its steam refill at various points on the site.


After yesterday’s tiredness, I have managed a decent nights sleep, so feel a bit better so far today, although I have woken with a headache, so paracetamol have been taken. I think that today will be another quiet restful day with luck.

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In my yoof I used to tinker with cars a lot but as I got older the idea of lying in an icy puddle underneath it in January gradually lost its appeal.Then I got company cars and that was it - any problem and off to the garage they went. I have continued with this policy ever since. The only time I lift the bonnet is to check the oil and water. Mind you, looking at modern cars I wouldn't have a clue where to start on anything else anyway.  :no:  I even had to get help to fix the front indicator on my Focus a couple of years ago.  :banghead:


I am very much of the "don't mess with it" persuasion, having had company cars, and little or no skills. When I picked up a new BMW about 10 years ago, the salesmen was talking me through things and opened the bonnet to show me where to check the oil. There was a minute or two of silence followed by "hang on a minute, I'll just check with the workshop". He hadn't realised it was one of the new breed where even oil is checked using the onboard computer!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

A very grey day here and pouring with rain and it is forecast to stay wet for most of the day.

As we are approaching a holiday weekend The Boss has made an executive decision and the main Sainsbury's shopping trip will be made today as "it will be very busy there tomorrow." She knows about these things as she is an acknowledged expert in all things to do with the aforesaid emporium. I just nodded wisely and will go along with her. I'm running low on beer anyway. :onthequiet:

Lack of modelling mojos has been mentioned recently and mine is the same, it has disappeared completely and I've not even played with the trains lately.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Good morning all, generic greetings from a corner of South Derbyshire that remains grey and cold. The weather is certainly not helpful for planning days out for the Easter break - especially with a lively six year old who needs constant entertainment.


Yesterday we ventured up to Masson Mills outlet in Cromford. It is less of an attractive proposition since the closure of its Hornby outlet although they do now stock a decent sized Oxford Rail range. The reason for the visit was to look at the bedding sale in the Ponden Mill outlet because we are getting in need of new stuff. Not much purchased though.


Today I think we have the delights of the Byrkley Garden Centre near Burton. Sarah needs a new electric pump for her fish tank. I ma, possibly, fit in a visit to Mech Models afterwards. Amber has a swimming lesson at 3.30pm so we will be clock watching a little. Straight after the lesson I need to load up the car for the Burton Toy Fair. I have a table booked in the hope I can offload some of FiL’s model railway collection. Yesterday was also spent test running the locos and pricing everything up. Hopefully I can sell some of it to contribute to his pond fund.

One or two of the locos needed some attention after their less than well cared storage (dumped in a set of drawers in the garage following the house move). Sadly the weathered Midland 3F I have been promised seems to have suffered more. After erratic running some whispers of smoke could be seen coming out from under the rear wheels and now it does not move. Great!


Have a good day,


Best wishes



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit late this morning having overslept, what with the lack of sleep over the previous couple of nights and the clocks going forward its no surprise. Weather here is the same as GDB reported, pretty awful. The sciatica hasn't cleared completely but a couple of paracetamols are keeping it in check.

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