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  • RMweb Gold

Good afternoon Folks.


I hope you've all had a great weekend, and the weather holding up.


Decorating continues, and finally I should get some ground marking done. I've done some serious 'looking at' thanks to Pete of this parish, regarding his railway workshop & shed.


Tiling tomorrow, and hopefully, the new boiler going in.


Have a great week, everybody!




This is the best size tile to use it took 30 to do the whole kitchen, the photo was when I was part way to finishing the kitchen off 2 years ago.  :butcher:



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  • RMweb Premium

None of those.


I think the waiting list for a Morgan is a bit more than 6 months...
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  • RMweb Gold

This is the best size tile to use it took 30 to do the whole kitchen, the photo was when I was part way to finishing the kitchen off 2 years ago.  :butcher:


 attachicon.gifWP_20160410_17_03_03_Pro (1).jpg

I like the kitchen in the photo. I'd better not let 'her' see it!.


I've just used the B&Q cheapy white tile, just with a different pattern & grout. My local gas fitter is well impressed, so we shall see. I've got a back wall to tile out, and then hang a chrome towel radiator. It's quite a dark in there, so I'm using a lot of white to throw the light about. I'll try to remember to get some photos.





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  • RMweb Gold

This is the best size tile to use it took 30 to do the whole kitchen, the photo was when I was part way to finishing the kitchen off 2 years ago.  :butcher:


 attachicon.gifWP_20160410_17_03_03_Pro (1).jpg

I used quite big tiles when I rebuilt our ensuite shower room some years ago. It actually seemed easier than previous attempts at tiling with small tiles.

I don't think I could cope with such a task now, the minor plumbing today has left me feeling sore!

I checked the pipes, and valves and there seem to be no leaks now. Earlier every time I stopped one tiny drip, another one revealed itself.


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  • RMweb Premium



Rick, MAN ZOOM lives just by me, but it is MAN 200 M! It is on an awful Ford Piuma thing.


Nice to see Debs replies showing improvement, if ever wishes could heal someone.....


My usual pang of jealousy at the Ally Pally show discussion, I SO miss attending and exhibiting at shows.  Our trips across never seem to fit in with shows either and its too expensive on the ferry just to go for a quick weekend. 


Managed to walk a mile at lunchtime, surprised myself.  Paying for it now, but you have to push.  I'm seeing the Orthotist tomorrow, we'll see what that brings. Wheels?

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening Awl,

Just watched the Mcgregor history of the RAF.

Sadly disappointing, nothing new expressed, the Sopwith Camel of Ww1 and the Mosquito of Ww2 both of some importance were not mentioned.

Sadly with the ever diminishing number of veterans, no one i had not seen before, was still alive to be interviewed. Although I can only blame father time not the McGregor's for that.

The show came across as a very thin coffee table book of the RAFs history.


Meanwhile at last week at work we had the visit of a " bright young thing" engineer from headquarters, to see why our current big project is late. She went from engineer to engineer asking almost the same questions from each one.

I'm not sure whether she thought her suggestions would be met with wild enthusiasm in a typical yank " we can do this" but our engineers quietly replying with "tried that" or "that won't work because " didn't go down well. Her somewhat strident voice could be heard from a long way and wound up some senior engineers who have only stayed on to finish this project.

I hate to find out what her no doubt glowing report of herself will do when it hits the fan at HQ.


And on a more chearful note I shall be blind as a bat tomorrow, temporarily that is, as I have eye tests at 09:00. So for several hours after the eye drops will mean, I'll be sensitive to light and very out of focus. SWMBO will be out at her weaving group, So me and Ben will slob out, I'll finish that merlot and have a relaxing day.


In view of Deb's comments a happy Border collie in the snow..




Good night to you all especially Debs.

Edited by TheQ
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Another lovely day here today, so the roof is nearly finished. Just ridge tiles, and tiling around a chimney to be complete, but the latter needs a relocation of existing scaffolding. It will then probably take us weeks to clean up the outside of the house, unless of course we get some heavy rain, but you don’t pray for that sort of thing in Cumbria, as once it starts, it tends not to stop!


My sleep was still a little disturbed last night as a result of the steroids, but as I have completed those, tonight might be better. However, I did manage a trip into the local metropolis of Whitehaven to buy a roll of shed roof felt, and this afternoon, we walked down to the church for the funeral of a near neighbour, recently deceased at 93, so he had a good innings for someone who was torpedoed and his ship sank in 1943, nearly drowning him.


Weather and roof work permitting, tomorrow’s plan is for a trip into the central lakes to visit Wray Castle. No 1 son and DiL have not visited it, so will drive us, which will make a change for me.

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  • RMweb Premium

How good to hear from Debs. Please pass on my continued best wishes for her recovery.


Meanwhile Scatty Cat, who has hitherto always bolted and hidden from Neighbours (Upstairs) chose tonight to remain and make friends when they came down for tea-and-chat.


Now off to bed. The weekend only contained 47 hours and I haven’t yet found the missing one. Dawn broke later than she did last week. She seems remarkably accident-prone as she breaks every day. Should I notify someone in high places?

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


It’s been another beautiful sunny day, most of which has been spent in the workshop. When I went to the workshop first thing to measure up for the control panels wood, I could just about see my breath. Later it was once again warm enough for short sleeves.


However, my first task of the day was to hang several of Sheila’s cross stitch pictures on the wall of the attic, along with a big clock, after that, I made myself a muggertea. Once that was drunk, I set of to the local DIY shop and purchased the wood required for Max’s control panel. Whilst there I had a chat with the proprietor and he informed me that he has been running the shop since 1964, it’s a veritable Aladdin’s cave of bits and pieces, I’ve been going there for at least 40 years.


Today was Michael’s birthday, so after tea we both popped round to see him and Sarah. She’s feels and looks a lot better, but is still currently off work. She’s not eaten properly now for about 3 weeks and has lost about 1 1/2 stones during that time. Although she’s glad to have lost the weight, it’s been a drastic way to lose it. Thankfully she now seems to be over the worst, but is still a little weak, but at least she is now starting to eat a little.


Andyram. That’s a cracking photo, very atmospheric!


John. Thanks for the updates on Deb’s, glad to see she replies are getting more coherent, should I be worried she’s getting back to normal? As ever, fingers crossed for her continuing improvement.


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Gold

It shouldn't actually need any pressure at all, but yes, I did pump it once - didn't want to flood it.





If it was a bit cold I wonder if you did flood it?  Alas it's all too easy to do that with a cold Citroen engine (no need to ask how I know) and if it was a possibly connected to flooding one answer which seems to work is to use the hottest plugs the handbook will allow - that made a big difference on the GS.

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  • RMweb Premium

This goes against everything that sounds sensible.


I was taught to start a flooded engine with the foot to floor and choke fully out........ And quick reactions when it fired.


It certainly worked with a Kent crossflow.




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My first task this morning will be to go and buy a new fluorescent tube for the kitchen.


Did you "LED" it? Last week I replaced all of ours with LEDs. They ain't half bright. Lorna said the utility room was now like that scene at the end of 2010 :)

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The new(est) Maigret series showed up here on the telly last week. "Now, where have I seen that face before" I thought. "Oh Crickey! It's Rowan Atkinson!" I thought it was quite good actually - at least it was interesting to spot all the antique French voitures.

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If it was a bit cold I wonder if you did flood it?

Not cold on Sunday evening. Quite mild. Thing is, it started and ran fine for about a minute. Long enough for the suspension to rise. Then it cut out and refused to restart.


 Alas it's all too easy to do that with a cold Citroen engine (no need to ask how I know) and if it was a possibly connected to flooding one answer which seems to work is to use the hottest plugs the handbook will allow - that made a big difference on the GS.

Instruction book says standard plugs are Champion L82Y with a plug gap of .80 to .90mm.


Haynes Book of Lies says Champion L82YC, with gap of 0.8mm.


Hot plugs are an idea, but how to get hotter than standard?

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Not cold on Sunday evening. Quite mild. Thing is, it started and ran fine for about a minute. Long enough for the suspension to rise. Then it cut out and refused to restart.



Changing to hotter plugs is not going to fix that. It stopped either because no fuel (or too much fuel) was being supplied or because the ignition system stopped producing sparks at the plugs at the right time. There are many potential reasons. If you don't fancy spending a lot of time testing things, take it to a good mechanic. The worst thing that can happen is for the problem to go away for no apparent reason then suddenly reappear on a motorway in the middle of the night.

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Good morning one and all


I do wish that the staff at the bank would remember to reload the self-service account management machines with paper in time for start of business on Monday mornings.  If they did, they would not have to spend all morning printing out statements for customers and trying to sell them insurance or super de luxe accounts in the process.  The cheeky mare who did my printing affected surprise that my gas bill had risen by 30%.  So it has, but it has been cold this winter and I am on the lowest tariff.  Next?  People who try to sell me things bring out the worst in me and the worst is not far below the surface.


My next call was at Argos, where I browsed the doorstop catalogue for clock radios.  It could not tell me why a mains operated device needs a battery which you can order at the time of purchase.  Perhaps there is an intelligent human in Currys who can tell me.  Oh, wait ...   Then I called at the pharmacy for my chemical warfare and as usual collected an IOU in respect of one item which must be ordered.  As exactly the same happened at the hospital dispensary when the drug was first prescribed I was not surprised.  It should be in tomorrow.


This morning will see the fodder run.  Poorly Pal has asked for pork to go with Thursday's stirfry and quantities of other stuff required are such that they should fit in my backpack, aka the mobile home.  The trip will be made after 9.30 on the bus and be leisurely, as compared with the hectic dash in the car if I go at 8 am.  NB: I reserve the right to revise those arrangements.


It is heartening to hear of Debs ths morning.  To her, and to the ailing, recovering and missing, I proffer the customary warm thoughts and best wishes.



Edited by chrisf
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It could not tell me why a mains operated device needs a battery which you can order at the time of purchase.  


I've always understood that those are meant as backup to keep the clock running during power cuts.

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