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One for Horsetan.


One wonders what the grounds of refusing service were....

Hygiene, probably.


Man in flat cap on skewbald looks like a Traveller to me. They generally don't obey any rules.


EDIT: had a closer look at the photo, and notice he's carrying a hunting whip, plus his horse appears to be rather well-groomed, so I wonder if he's one of the local hunt servants.

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Thoughts to Rick today and hope that everything goes as well as it can.


Also thoughts to Dom - hope the shock is wearing off and that you're physically all right.


Our council tax bill arrived a couple of days ago - it's our first increase for years, so shouldn't grumble. Otoh, we're paying at least twice the sum paid by similar in Westminster - what gives?


Very damp night, some minor roof leakage which will need to be addressed very soon.


Have a good day



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  • RMweb Premium

Thoughts to Rick today and hope that everything goes as well as it can.


Also thoughts to Dom - hope the shock is wearing off and that you're physically all right.


Our council tax bill arrived a couple of days ago - it's our first increase for years, so shouldn't grumble. Otoh, we're paying at least twice the sum paid by similar in Westminster - what gives?


Very damp night, some minor roof leakage which will need to be addressed very soon.


Have a good day



A very expensive tramway?

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Looks as if the weather will be OK today but the forecast for tomorrow isn't that great. Nothing planned for the weekend, I would like to go to Ally Pally but the idea of driving or using public transport is off putting somewhat.


One for Horsetan.


 One wonders what the grounds of refusing service were....

Perhaps he was taking the horse to see some of his relatives? :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It would seem to be a pleasant morning. Sunny occasionally and not cold or wet.

We have a few minor things to do today, collecting prescriptions, buying some milk and Aditi suggested I purchase the parts to repair the currently inoperative outside tap. Not to repair it right now of course...

Have a good day.


Edited by Tony_S
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Morning all,


I hope Dom is getting over the incident - not at all nice even when you walk away in one piece.  Trust the day will go well for Rick and family.


I believe we might be going out for lunch as I hope to attend a meeting this evening where 'disgusted of the Thames Valley x XYZ' are invited to 'question' GWR's MD over 'problems with the train service' - most of which seem to be down to NR or DafT.  The meeting will be chaired by our MP so that should be good for a laugh especially if I gat a chance to turn the heat on him ;)


And tomorrow it is off to Ally Pally, possibly accompanied by the lad - who has sussed out that a normally useful chunk of the UndergrounD, i.e. the H&C and the Circle Lines will be closed, along with the inner part of the Met and part of the District, so this will mean either a different route to KX or accessing the W3 omnibus at one or other of its starting points (one of which was in total disarray last year due to station entrance rebuilding).  Not the end of the world but no doubt the lad will not be keen to make the return journey via Reading which suits me as it lets me avoid the footbridge at Twyford.  Anyway we shall see what transpires and i shall no doubt head for the Gaugemaster stand at 12.00 to take part in the cunning plot which one of their staff has organised to rope in punters - really clever idea that.  Of course it does depend on my ability, or otherwise, to actually find said stand.


Have a good day one and all and hopefully I'll see various of you tomorrow

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If I were arriving at Brunel's cathedral from Twyford to find the H&C/Circle in bits I would head for the Bakerloo, change to the Piccadilly at Piccadilly Circus and emerge blinking into the sunlight at Wood Green.  Alternatively I might take the 205 bus from Paddington to St Pancras and enter the catacombs there.



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I done a TFL website check for getting to Ally Pally and it's too many changes and too much walking for my back coupled with seeing most of the layout some several times

 it seems pointless going so no brown nosing for me this year enjoy the show everyone I'll stay at home playing trains :locomotive: .

 Wembley would be a better venue with far better access by public & personal transport  no doubt some would say it wouldn't be. :boast:

Edited by 81C
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Greetings all from LBG.


I hope Rick's day goes as well as these things can, and that his mother is given a decent send-off.


And that Dom is recovering from his shock.


Not a lot to report from Lurker Towers, just a lot of lurking going on!

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Second half of the current chemo session now complete, which means I am now half way through the total course, with 3 out of 6 sessions done. Tomorrow I will see if the new anti-sickness drugs are doing their bit, otherwise I will have another uncomfortable weekend.


The wild and wet weather of early this morning has died down, so I might get out for a short walk this afternoon.

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If I were going by train tomorrow the suggested route is C2C to Limehouse , DLR to Bank, Northern Line to Moorgate and Great Northern to Alexandra Palace. Though plans are afoot to deposit me at Gordon Hill and approach from the north.


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  • RMweb Gold

I have never attempted to upload any of the photos I took in Canada last year.


This is an experiment see if I can manage to do it.



Let me know if you can see this.


If you can, then you are looking at Lake Louise, late afternoon last August

Yes I can see it. When we went it was in blizzard conditions. The ice was just starting to melt. Edited by Tony_S
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Well in which case, I will post a few more photos assuming they are of interest.


When in Vancouver we went across the Capilano suspension bridge -  it's about 330 feet across and 150 down to the river below.





We also went up Grouse Mountain, which overlooks Vancouver. It was a little hazy up there, but this is only half an hour from the city centre



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I must be a little unusual. I found my first dead body (woman on Croy beach in Scotland) when I was 12  - and on the way home there was an auto accident where another woman was lying on  the tarmac with most of the top of her head missing (pre-seatbelts; this, apparently, was fairly common).

About a year later I watched as a man unloading a (then) plate glass window from the side of a glaziers truck had it break and turn him into mush, that was in Brentwood.


From then on I’ve had a man shot about two yards from me and another one (not at the same time) shoot himself in the butt (by accident - the bullet exited through his ankle and narrowly miss my foot) as I was standing even closer, being Range Officer (though I did have plenty of blood on me).


I was on an airplane in Charlotte, taking off for London, which burst three (or two not sure) tyres after the pilot slammed on the brakes before V1 (for the third abortive take off).


That’s enough for now -  but I’m pretty sanguine about close calls and weird stuff that have happened to me  - but you do never forget them.




Poor Rick, I lost two friends and two close members of my family in a one year period.



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Thoughts are with Rick, Simon, Dom and of course Debs.


Pete's travails with the deceased sound like Allan Downes is with cars, if you have read that thread!


I have attended a few bodies in my time, one bike accident and two at sea, and nearly lost my own life on the Derbyshire but for a quirk of fate - that's enough for me thanks.


Old Farts bike club membership reached 30 this morning, it's getting out of control!  Different venue next week, as we meet in the swimming pool café and the local authority close it on Bank Holidays....just when it is needed most.  They won't pay the Bank Holiday rates staff are entitled to.  Moronic, as the extra revenue due to the holidays would easily pay for it.


Laser girl is coming to treat me again (steadyyyyy) at 2.30, hopefully without blasting any holes in my foot  as she is turning it up today.  Hopefully not to 11.....



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I have never attempted to upload any of the photos I took in Canada last year.


This is an experiment see if I can manage to do it.



Let me know if you can see this.


If you can, then you are looking at Lake Louise, late afternoon last August

A view that I remember very well.  Beth and I spent the first week of our honeymoon there back in 1979.  However we couldn't afford to eat in the hotel so went to the diner in the wooden hut across the car park.   The other photos bring back many memories as well apart from the one near Jasper.  I was fortunate enough to ride the Canadian when it was a proper CP train via it's old route.   Good memories.


As to Pete's memories I saw my fair share of bodies during my career.   However one abiding memory is of sitting in the jump seat of  hearse at 3am touring Leeds with a pair of undertakers trying to find a morgue where we could deposit a body.  It was the 1st of April and at midnight our forces reorganised and amalgamated and 2 hours later me and my mate Arthur, with 4 months patrol experience between us were sent to deal with a death in a village that our section had acquired at midnight.  We dealt with it and called the duty undertaker who informed us that the local morgue was not to be used any more.  Thus the search for a 'live' morgue.



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A view that I remember very well.  Beth and I spent the first week of our honeymoon there back in 1979.  However we couldn't afford to eat in the hotel so went to the diner in the wooden hut across the car park.   The other photos bring back many memories as well apart from the one near Jasper.  I was fortunate enough to ride the Canadian when it was a proper CP train via it's old route.   Good memories.



We just visited the hotel, and stayed in one down the hill (the Lake Louise Inn). I also rode on the Canadian in the "good old days" in 1975. That childhood experience inspired me to treat the family to a holiday in Canada to celebrate my 50th. We woke up from our one night's sleep on the train on Elder Lurker's birthday, and the Mount Robson shot was taken that day.(although due the time difference my phone tells me the picture was taken a 3 minutes past midnight the next day!)


and having read other posts, I should wish Simon all the best with his next round of chemo, and Mal and Debs  a continuing recovery

Edited by The Lurker
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Afternoon after a weeks enforced absence from the world of the internet after a Virgin Media van decided to wrap itself round the telephone pole outside my house, knock the pole off the vertical and bring down my landline and broadband at the same time. A neighbour called the ambulance and I called the police and soon we were surrounded by one ambulance, two police cars and two fire engines.


It appears that the driver of the van had a medical even, lost control of the van and veered across the road only to be stopped by the telephone pole. Our biggest problem was going through the triage by the ambulance service, trying to answer their questions with the van being in complete darkness with the driver on the other side of the van. What was even more bizarre was we were still doing the triage when the ambulance arrived. The van driver regained his faculties and was able to walk to the ambulance but don't know how he is now has the police won't release such information. 


With the driver on his way to hospital the fire brigade tidied up the dangling telephone wires and the police arranged to get the van removed with Openreach arriving later to check the status of the pole and marking it as unsafe to climb.


Fast forward today and just over a week later and Openreach arrived to replace the telephone pole and reconnect my landline/broadband just before I was leaving for some retail therapy at The Hobby Shop at Faversham. As I had a friend picking me up for the trip to Faversham left the Openreach guys with access to the side of the house and headed off to Faversham and a Big Breakfast at Weatherspoons. Couple of hours later got a call saying that all was sorted and my link to the outside world was completed.


Got the phone number of the Boss of the Openreach guys and later phoned him to thank him for the work that his guys had done. Think he was quite surprised that he got somebody calling him to say thankyou. Most of the comments I've heard about Openreach have been negative but my experience of them here (and this is the third fault they have dealt with) has always been positive so thought it only right to express my satisfaction.


Now to catch up on the happenings of the last week or so, thoughts are with those facing difficulties,



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