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Found the bunny photo.

I think Peter rabbit has been upsetting the Gardeners too much by eating all the carrots..



That pole he's on looks painfull   !!!!!!!!!!!

Postively hare-raising.


I don't think it's a straw pole either.

No hanging bunnies today.

Longitudinal impalement was a form of capital punishment that was popular amongst Ottoman Sultans. I remember reading a reference to a group of captives set out on sharpened stakes in the water beneath the Sultan's palace as a warning.


The mind boggles regarding how excruciating it must have been.

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Should you happen to like the uilleann pipes and organ music, you might enjoy Celtic Solstice featuring Davy Spillane on the pipes. A track here


I like "Sweet Comeragh" sung by Karan Casey.


One of the tracks is called "Farewell to Govan" which has some significance because Lorna was a student nurse at the Suffering General in Govan (at the time of the Ibrox Disaster.)


Have you heard the galubet & tambor?


Good morning one and all


The audience with the dentist had a satisfactory outcome, I suppose.  The recalcitrant fang can no longer be repaired so I am to have a crown which will be ready in about three weeks.  It is what I should have had done five years ago but it is a tribute to the skill of the dentist that the repair lasted as long as it did.  By the time Area Goup started the numbness in the mouth had worn off but my tongue is still getting used to the presence of the temporary fitting.


Aah!Fangs ain't what they used to be.

Edited by JohnDMJ
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Evening all


I took advantage of an offer in the local rag and bought a Northern Rail Rover for today for the princely sum of £10. For that price I travelled from the East Coast along the Tyne Valley line to Carlisle then around the Cumbrian Coast line to Barrow. I offered thoughts for Simon as I passed through St Bees and looked out for NHN but the IOM was hidden in a grey murk. As I hadn't done it before I continued from Barrow to Lancaster mostly around the sands of Morecombe Bay. From there it was back to Carlisle and home. I would have liked to fit in the Settle andCarlisle line too, but that will have to wait for another day.


From river to coast, from Lakeland fells to salt marshes and sand flats, what a beautiful and varied country we live in.


It was ok here so it must have been inbetween us!  Rained at 5 but we had a decent day.

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E‘ning all. Cripes. Tram 1, Car Nil could be a summary of this shift. Car flatly ignored LC signal and trashed itself against my tram. No-one hurt but not a nice feeling regardless. Going to see a physician tomorrow as I certainly need a break after this scare.


Be well and safe, all. :bye:

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I completely understand, Dom, having been there a few times myself. Not as the driver but as on-board customer-service person usually right at the front and even less able to prevent things the driver. Seeing the inevitable aporoaching - even for a split second - and knowing there is nothing you can do to prevent it is always unnerving.


The one time I was the driver it was a fully-laden school bus which was written off by a drunk driver. How we got away without any injuries that day still beats me. It takes a hefty impact to write off a bus through bending its chassis. The car was completely embedded in the side of the bus with nothing much left of it ahead of the windscreen. I think she might still be paying that one off. As a drink-drive incident her insurer refused the claim but we obtained judgement agaist her for the cost of a replacement bus.


In other news the cat-sitter has let us down for tomorrow night meaning Catty McCatface will have to fend for himself and not eat all of two day’s rations in one sitting. We shall fill his bowl before we leave in the morning and are back during Saturday afternoon.


Night all. I’ll be back sometime after the funeral.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


Straight after breakfast I took Sheila and 18 cupcakes to her Zumba class. I then went about locally to do a bit of shopping, I tend to spend less when I shop on my own than I do when Sheila is with me. After that, I didn’t do an awful lot, surfed the web for a bit and generally sat around doing nowt!


Tomorrow I will turn an old wardrobe into a storage cupboard by adding a few storage shelves inside. It will then be moved into the small attic room and replace a smaller cupboard that will go into the large attic room, the one I’ve just decorated.


Goodnight all.

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I've never seen as few members on the site as there are just now - only 8. There are 42 guests and 2 'anonymous users' which appear to be Google and Bing.

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It's early morning over 'ere. I'm up for about an hour now and in another I'll be on my way to work. On the East coast it's close to midnight (well, just past IIRC) meaning on the West coast it's mid-evening. Down Under people are hard at work or (about to) having dinner, so no, I'm not surprised RMweb (and ER's in particular) is quiet this time of day ;)


Yes, but there's usually about 30 members on at this time. 8 is unusually low.

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Good morning one and all, with thoughts to Rick for today.


Ater the fodder run today should be quiet.  This is just as well as there are some things to look up for the next bit of the Class 116 thread, plus sandwiches to make for Ally Pally tomorrow.  I plan to join the 12 noon gathering if you'll have me.  I will not post tomorrow as an early start is required so that I may have a good breakfast in London before climbing the Northern Heights by whatever means.  If time permits it will be the W3 bus from Finsbury Park, if not it will have to be the Piccadilly Line.  I prefer the scenery on the W3.  In a parallel universe it would have been the Northern Line all the way to Ally Pally.  After the show I am due to meet an old friend at Kings Cross for a pie and a pint.  It is too long since our paths have crossed and we must both savour the encounter.


Yesterday I wrote the Area Group meeting report and spread it among the deserving.  Later I made a batch of chicken in mushroom sauce but with proprietary sauce.  It is nice with broccoli and mashed potato, since you ask.  Fear not, gentle reader, I will have something different today.  I'm hearing as I type that the invites for the Royal Wedding are out.  I am not expecting one which is just as well as it the event clashes with ExpoEM Spring.  Where would you rather be - Windsor Castle or Bracknell Leisure Centre?


Warm thoughts and best wishes to the ailing, recovering and missing, with special thoughts to those in recept of ongoing treatment



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Morning All,


We have a somewhat misty morning in this part of the world.  However, it is reasonably mild.


Hope you are feeling a little less shaken this morning Dom.  What Rick said is also true - I was once on a bus in Mainz.  A Porche overtook, and then cut the bus up to turn right.  There was that awful feeling of "surely not" as I could see everything unfolding.  We ended up T-boning the Porsche!  Nobody was hurt in that incident either, but the Porche driver decided to start a massive argument with the bus driver (despite being in the wrong).  The police were called, and it wasn't until they arrived that things started to settle down.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning awl from a sunny village.   


Dom, I hope that you are feeling OK and thoughts are with Rick today as well as the manager of the AWL of course.


I managed to get quite a few crates and boxes packed yesterday and even managed to get to see some floor in the modelling room.  Then had a pleasant evening giving a talk in Castleford.  I'm not sure as to whether "A pleasant evening and Castleford" is an oxymoron or not.    Breakfast will be consumed soon then I will have to venture into Morley for various reasons.   Shopping this morning and then this afternoon to visit the good counts daughter for a PSA test.   Hopefully some more tidying will be done and then an evening at the club rooms.


Have a good day and may all those travelling to Ally Pally have a safe journey.



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There’s a lesson there, somewhere.


Best, Pete.

I wonder why we aboandon racing in our metal masted boats when there is lightening about...

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Hope you are feeling a little less shaken this morning Dom.  What Rick said is also true - I was once on a bus in Mainz.  A Porche overtook, and then cut the bus up to turn right.  There was that awful feeling of "surely not" as I could see everything unfolding.  We ended up T-boning the Porsche!  Nobody was hurt in that incident either, but the Porche driver decided to start a massive argument with the bus driver (despite being in the wrong).  The police were called, and it wasn't until they arrived that things started to settle down.



Thanks, Robert (and to all, of course). It did shake me to the bones indeed. This was such a noisy impact and massive jolt that for a moment, I expected my tram to derail. Didn't exactly sleep well either, truth be told.


While I still fail to comprehend how the motorist managed to oversee my tiny little tram and the LC signal (which at this crossing activates fairly early), what really p1ssed me off this time was that you really do need to tell some passengers that the ride really is over after such a crash. To be honest, I did need to bite my tongue when I did. Do people really just turn off their brains as soon as they walk up to a stop?


Anyway, thinking of Rick and everyone else with less than agreeable tasks to attend to this weekend. And, of course, the ailing and missing…

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  • RMweb Gold

Even fewer people on the trains this morning.


Maybe they are all fed up and decided to drive as th M25 at a Merstham is at a standstill heading clockwise as our train passed over it.


POETs today . Moving desk from the decent spacious window seat into the middle of the office so not happy about that. It’s to make way for a new director so now so will be surrounded by three earwigs. At least next week is only four days and I am out of the office one of those.

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry and dull here and that's just the weather. A breezy day with light rain and possibly some sunny periods is on today's menu.

I hope that things go well Rick and glad no one was hurt Dom.

Along with yesterday's Council Tax demand the postie brought two other missives. One from the surgery offering me a place on a Diabetes Prevention Programme (I thought my blood sugar was OK last time but apparently it is slightly higher than normal) The other was from my energy supplier stating my meters are old, need replacing and offering me a new smart meter. Are the two connected?

Will this stop me having HbA1c tests? We should be told these things. I've decided that my blood sugar is nothing to do with the energy supplier so will decline the smart meter. They can fit a new normal one if they like.

My help is needed today with a couple of domestic tasks. Oh goody.

I'm still thinking about whether to go to Ally Pally tomorrow.  :scratchhead:​   The downside is that the journey will take me about an hour and a half on 2 buses and 3 Tube trains. The upside is that I don't have to pay any fares.   :imsohappy: The other upside is of course that I may bump into one or two of you good people. :yes:

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Mooring Awl, Inner temple here.


A good nights sleep yippeee...


Taking Ben the Border Collie out for his Morning Patrol, he spied an Intruder, and shot off chasing a deer round the garden. Once call from me and he broke off the chase and returned to sit by my side.. Good Doggy... When we got him he would ignore us and go off chasing the deer across the fields until he realised He wasn't going to catch it.



I won't be going to Ally Pally  for the show, I only go the there once every two years with my sailing compatriot to the National Dinghy Exibition, we meet at his house 3/4 hour from mine on the way to London and it be one of our turns to drive on to London. It's a further 2 hours to London from His house. The Alternative by train would mean parking somewhere near Norwich station, spending nearly 2 hours on the train to Liverpool Street and then what ever it takes from there to AP.

The cheapest ticket I can see a 3 month advance return would be £28 per person + parking+ underground. It's very much cheaper by car for two and much quicker. 


The next Show for me, will be the Norwich show on April 7th at Hellesdon School NR6 5SB, only about a mile from where I'm sat now. It used to be organised by someone I knew from work, but sadly he died a week or two before the show a couple of years ago.


I must admit I hate crowds, and find it unpleasant at times. So I tend to be first in the queue, see the must see things, then retire to a corner with a coffee or two, while the main crowds get in  the way, then return after the main rush.


SWMBO ordered some wool yesterday for her latest weaving Project, as the company only accepted payment by Paypal she had to use my account.   £159!!!  Hmm I think I feel a an order coming on


Well, not the full size one here, pictured at Bo'ness, where a long time ago, I did assist? working on her as a gopher. She has never been on the railway I'm modelling, but Rule 1 will apply.


I've been typing this in the settling time, between which I've measured 4  1G Ohm Resistors,


Time to .. do some more...

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