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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Great to hear news from Debs and I'm sure she enjoys the 'black' humour of the paramedics. Bin day today so the usual bin lorry dawn chorus this morning including one that sounds like unlubricated flanges on a tight curve. A couple of extra bags for them this morning as I was on cleaning rota at the club last night. Thats it for now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

G'day all,


Now properly getting on here as Will Hay and his crowd have finished - smashing film and great fun even if it is a load of nonsense in (many) places.  And talking of laughter it looks like Debs had a fun ambulance ride back to the care of Sister Jen - hope it means she's well on the road to recovery so fingers are duly crossed.


Prescription to put in to the Tesco pharmacy today but no shopping order as yet, presumably that will be announced just as I depart.  No other major plans but i do need to get a cheque off for an OFs' lunch in April - this lot want the money upfront (we used to pay on the day) and their price reminds me why I bailed out of this group sometime back although it is a proper sit-down job at the Somerset CCC ground.  Decided to give a go as an old pal is going and i won't otherwise be seeing him this year as he's rather awkwardly off on a canal boat towards the end of April when I would otherwise have seen him.


Have a good day one and all

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all.

We are going out this afternoon to visit the RHS garden at Hyde Hall. Just for somewhere pleasant to walk. I think that they are preparing for Easter activities so we may see some bunny hiding. They have an event sponsored by Lindt most years. Last year they had a very Peter Rabbit lookalike nailed to a pole in the vegetable garden. Not at Easter though.

I missed the start of the Will Hay film but it is repeated on Sunday so I have set the Sky box to record it.

Matthew phoned yesterday and asked me to print and send a copy of his master's thesis to the Netherlands. Of course when I turned my PC on it went into a series of starts and restarts. So I had to use Aditi's computer. When I returned to mine it had sorted itself out. It is very rare for my PC to misbehave even though it is getting dated, I bought it when Matthew first went to Leicester University so it must be nearly 8 years old.


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  • RMweb Gold



As to names.   My mother was christened Evelyn but her family always called her Pixie as she had been a vey small baby.   My father refused point blank to call her Evelyn as he had had a teacher that he hated called Miss Evelyn.  He and most people called her by the first half of her surname which was Ambery.  I must have continued the tradition by marrying a young lady called Elizabeth.  She has always been Beth to me and most family and friends. She was however Lizzie to the people that she used to work with but was occasionally Elizabeth to her late father and aunt when the circumstances demanded. 



We find it easier to refer to each other by our respective ranks, even Elsa the Staffy!


She is generally known as Schweinhund!

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  • RMweb Premium

Aft’noon all.


Reasonable morning had. Credited by our Safety Standards Manager with acting correctly when spotting a problem. About 1cm of a tape-type bag strap was protruding from between the doors after they had closed and interlock obtained. I refused to give the “safety check complete” signal (the second raised bat to Joe Public; the first means station duties complete) until the guard re-opened the doors and the entire bag was inside the train. According to Mr. Manager many would have either let that go or missed it competely. Door interlock will be obtained if there is pressure of one rubber against another; it is a known issue that very thin items trapped between will not prevent interlocking but there is a very small risk of this causing a trap-and-drag incident. No compromises on safety here.


The Seekers must be in the running for the longest-lasting band still performing with their original name and members though membership has fluctuated over the years and they have taken a few years away from music along the way. U2 may well be the band who have continuously performed with their original members for the longest time.


“Roving with The Seekers” has an adaptation of the usual Whiskey in the Jar tune but that to Waltzing Matilda (listed on this album as Queensland Version, which is new to me) is their usual as I linked above. There is also a song 500 Miles but it probably pre-dates both the Proclaimers being born! It also pre-dates this mob who I have an amount of respect for.




Now that is a work-out for the drummer! And they’ve got through a few of those.


Excellent progress report from sbeD in her ECNALUBMA. There’s plenty of good spirit there even if the flesh remains weak for now.


Off to pick up the hired car now, then home to press the togs. Mother will finally be laid to rest tomorrow after Storm Emma and the Beast from the East combined to prevent that three weeks ago. I may be absent for a couple of days.

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A handy expletive but also, when well played, something of an interest here. There is something uniquely stirring about the massed pipes and drums in full flight and something equally evocative when a single piper, unseen in the dark, breaks the silence of the evening as happened to me once when awaiting the overnight train to London at Crianlarich. They have even been used by rock musicians and their bands as diverse as Roy Wood’s Wizzard and Runrig.


Must be the Celtic blood in me ;)

Even better use in Pink Floyds, Wish You Were Here as performed by Alpha Blondie

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all,

I'm ploughing through a task list handed to me by swmbo who has had to go away for a couple of days. 

Let's just say if she was a project manage no-one would accuse her of having a "light touch" on projects.

Random items from task sheet: 


08:10 Take the boy to school, dressed in jogging trousers, white top, school jumper, trainers. 

(In fairness she only told me what gear he had to be in rather than the what gear the car had to be in.  :jester: )


And so the list goes on. Hey-ho, saves my brain for higher thought processes, like which beer to have tomorrow night. 

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Postively hare-raising.



Back from today’s chemo session. I said earlier that I thought I needed a rest day. I wasn’t joking as I think I spent most of the time either asleep or dozing. Previous anti sickness drugs have been changed to a different one, supplemented by steroid tablets, as the consultant thinks that they can also help combat chemo sickness.


In my absence, the roofers appear to have nearly completed the front of the house, but I haven’t been out the back to look at progress there.

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That pole he's on looks painfull   !!!!!!!!!!!

THAT's what that is!!!!! :O  :jester:


BIN day...

Nothing significant to report from yesterday except a quick trip to the rental property - the ladies texted me to say the bathroom vent fan wasn't working.

Apparently their collective college/university "ejukashun" didn't include knowing what a GFCI is/does. The fan is protected by one on the circuit and is ADJACENT to the fan control. Pushed red RESET and everything works again :) :rtfm:


Nowt much happening today other than work.


+2 and cloudy, expecting 4 for a high.


That's all for now...

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  • RMweb Gold

Oh joy of joys! The postman has just left me a present in the form of the annual Council Tax ransom demand. My happiness is unbounded. NOT!


My other half pays the council tax so I dont get feeling of enjoyment of opening the envelope although I soon hear her huffs / sobs :sungum:

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  • RMweb Premium

My paternal grandmother was one of a large family most of whom never married (WW1 generation) The 'aunts' as they were collectively known had such names as Thuza, Jessie and Gertrude. They all lived into their 90's and had some good stories to tell. They'd all been involved in the women's suffrage movement as well.



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  • RMweb Premium

We spoke of bagpipes -I thought you might appreciate these ! Sound ON! Volume UP! Eyes FRONT!https://www.facebook.com/MetalAsFuk/videos/1078352615636551/?hc_ref=ARTtRsbpQAgTXFgvIEjVNP9NvIF8aRPmv4AR5XuCN6g1HjX_Qljtg32SO6FVSS71ORo

HOW good does it get?

WHY have I missed these until now?

WHERE shall we go for dinner and afters?



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  • RMweb Gold

For those enchanted by the feminine form, search the web (and particularly YT) for the Harp Twins.... :maninlove:

The Kitt Twins are very good harpists, but from a musical perspective my personal opinion is they are not a patch on Cecilia De Maria whom I have heard play on a number of occasions.


(Funnily enough St Cecilia is the Patron saint of harpists)

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Found the bunny photo.



I don't think it's a straw pole either.


I was wondering how they attached him then I figured it out. Pole tacks.



Oi! Stop shoving. I was just about to leave anyway.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all


I took advantage of an offer in the local rag and bought a Northern Rail Rover for today for the princely sum of £10. For that price I travelled from the East Coast along the Tyne Valley line to Carlisle then around the Cumbrian Coast line to Barrow. I offered thoughts for Simon as I passed through St Bees and looked out for NHN but the IOM was hidden in a grey murk. As I hadn't done it before I continued from Barrow to Lancaster mostly around the sands of Morecombe Bay. From there it was back to Carlisle and home. I would have liked to fit in the Settle andCarlisle line too, but that will have to wait for another day.


From river to coast, from Lakeland fells to salt marshes and sand flats, what a beautiful and varied country we live in.

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