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Morning All,


It is a rather dreary morning in this part of the world, but the temperature is above freezing.


Mention that the Seekers were still going with their original members made me wonder which is the longest standing band still playing?  I always thought that it was Status Quo, who have been going since 1962, but reading around they only seem to have been called Status Quo since 1967.  Therefore, the prize must go to the Stones who seem to have been going since 1962.  That's a long time!


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all


The audience with the dentist had a satisfactory outcome, I suppose.  The recalcitrant fang can no longer be repaired so I am to have a crown which will be ready in about three weeks.  It is what I should have had done five years ago but it is a tribute to the skill of the dentist that the repair lasted as long as it did.  By the time Area Goup started the numbness in the mouth had worn off but my tongue is still getting used to the presence of the temporary fitting.


This morning I need to write the report of last night's meetng for it is copy date today.  I'm sure the editor does it deliberately.  Once that is out of the way other things need to be written but they will not get done today.  What will is the preparation of a batch of chicken in mushroom sauce.  Once that is done the unspecified pottering can begin.  At the back of my mind is a nagging suspicion that I have overlooked something important.   Time will tell.  Until it does, warm thoughts to the ailing, recovering and missing.



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Mention that the Seekers were still going with their original members made me wonder which is the longest standing band still playing?  I always thought that it was Status Quo, who have been going since 1962, but reading around they only seem to have been called Status Quo since 1967.  Therefore, the prize must go to the Stones who seem to have been going since 1962.  That's a long time!


According to Rolling Stone's criteria it's actually U2. Aaaarrggg!

Edited by AndyID
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  • RMweb Gold

..........which is the longest standing band still playing? 

The Band of the Coldstream Guards has been around a while.

Not sure if it's the original members though.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hey up!


I need to sort out some crust earning model railway work today. For reasons best known to my head my modelling mojo has been left in Australia. It got to Singapore after last weekend so should be back after this weekend. (I hope).


Time for my mugatea.


Have a great day everyone.



Ps don't mention the cricket.

Edited by Barry O
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a bright and sunny village. Various things got done yesterday and a good natter was had with Baz over a cuppa. A set of circuit boards were collected that he had acted as courier for. When I got back I consumed and enjoyed a Fat Rascal that had been bought at Betty's on Tuesday, I even survived the church AGM unscathed.   Various tasks will no doubt be allocated shortly when the boss wakes up.   Apart from that there's not a lot to report.


As to names.   My mother was christened Evelyn but her family always called her Pixie as she had been a vey small baby.   My father refused point blank to call her Evelyn as he had had a teacher that he hated called Miss Evelyn.  He and most people called her by the first half of her surname which was Ambery.  I must have continued the tradition by marrying a young lady called Elizabeth.  She has always been Beth to me and most family and friends. She was however Lizzie to the people that she used to work with but was occasionally Elizabeth to her late father and aunt when the circumstances demanded. 


Hope to hear some news from Debs.



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Morning from a delayed Thameslink service. All trains seem to be delayed due to congestion what ever caused that.


Yesterday I awoke with bad back pains with my back going into spasms, worse than ever beforr. I have been getting these quite frequently since having to use the Thameslink trains so wasn't going to make it even worse by travelling into work yesterday, so went back yo bed after taking pain killers.


My back was OK till having to stand for 20 minutes awaiting our delayed train and have managed to turn sideways in the seat with my back partially to the wall but now that we are getting even later crawling behind a stopping service beyond Purley it's now hurting.


Even the delayed Victoria service that follows us has overtaken us at Purley


I need to make sure I am OK for loading the layout into the car tomorrow night then unloading at Ally Pally on Saturday.

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Up early this morning for round 3 of the chemo. In a way, I will be happy having a rest for a day, as I have probably been doing too much while the roofers are here. Looks like being a nice day, so they will hopefully make good progress today.

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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here.

5 hours sleep in bed and another on the sofa, thats good for me...


I arrived home to find two packages, one from someone called Slater contained bumpy sheet materials.

One from someone called Amazon ( Amazon seems to be a name now used for naming children in Scotland, but this didn't come from there) containing flat sheet materials..

Amusingly they had pre-printed labels on them saying do not bend, with Spending £80, I think you realise Geoff Capes would have had problems bending the packages...


This now means I will have to draw up two things,

A Type 84 Radar post-15969-0-79996100-1521705316.jpg which works out at about 5 inches across.

Thats someone stood on the arm, which gives you an idea of scale.


A surprisingly large place called Kyle ( no not Jeremy), Kyle (no not Jeremy) works out to be about 5ft 9in (sorry that is Jeremy) 1ft 8 in by 1 3/4in. Whether some shrinking of Kyle (no not Jeremy) occurs has yet to be decided. 


I'm now measuring a 20G ohm resistor, which is slightly larger than 20G ohm. Unfortunately the meter only goes up to 20G ohm, so I'm having to introduce a 1000ppm offset. It's being particularly stubborn to settle, so....


Time to... do some sketches while I wait..

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning Peeps

I thought I'll go nautical today, photo of the River Tamar from the Royal Albert Bridge does anyone know the name of the pub with the blue canopy.





                                                            enjoy your day All



:secret: P.S. what's this about cricket ?

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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here.

5 hours sleep in bed and another on the sofa, thats good for me...


I arrived home to find two packages, one from someone called Slater contained bumpy sheet materials.

One from someone called Amazon ( Amazon seems to be a name now used for naming children in Scotland, but this didn't come from there) containing flat sheet materials..

Amusingly they had pre-printed labels on them saying do not bend, with Spending £80, I think you realise Geoff Capes would have had problems bending the packages...


This now means I will have to draw up two things,

A Type 84 Radar attachicon.gift841.jpg which works out at about 5 inches across.

Thats someone stood on the arm, which gives you an idea of scale.


A surprisingly large place called Kyle ( no not Jeremy), Kyle (no not Jeremy) works out to be about 5ft 9in (sorry that is Jeremy) 1ft 8 in by 1 3/4in. Whether some shrinking of Kyle (no not Jeremy) occurs has yet to be decided. 


I'm now measuring a 20G ohm resistor, which is slightly larger than 20G ohm. Unfortunately the meter only goes up to 20G ohm, so I'm having to introduce a 1000ppm offset. It's being particularly stubborn to settle, so....


Time to... do some sketches while I wait..

That's not Midland Radar(RAF North Luffenham) - I picked a good few bushels of mushrooms there.....

Edited by shortliner
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Up early this morning for round 3 of the chemo. In a way, I will be happy having a rest for a day, as I have probably been doing too much while the roofers are here. Looks like being a nice day, so they will hopefully make good progress today.

Hope it all goes well, Simon, thinking of you today.




My maternal grandmother was a Florence, always known as Nanny Flo. Mum was Winifred Doreen who only answered to Dawn (apart from her parents and brother who always called her Win which she hated)

I had a couple of aunts, who were sisters, Florrie and Dolly. Don't hear those names often these days.


Course, Florence was big in the Magic Roundabout.


Great to hear from Debs. Thanks, John. When she mentioned le gros fromage I imagined a huge camembert flunking around the ward.


Hope you have a good day.




PS When is the RMWeb cricket team playing England?

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  • RMweb Premium

That's not Midland Radar(RAF North Luffenham) - I spent a good while there......

That pictures Nicked from the a website covering all RAF ground radars  it's Neatishead, although that grey building shouldn't be there, it might be temporary during a rebuild. I visited North Luffenham once to pick up equipment, and also sailed against them on Rutland water and at Black horse Broad Horning. For both I was representing RAF Neatishead. I've a X (crosstrained) on the Type 84 and a Q (qualified) on the SSR750 perched on top.  I've worked on the ones at Neatishead, Boulmer and  assisted at Staxton wold.


I've inherited a layout called Tiree with a Station called Scarinish on it,  during my research on the place, discovered that in 1953, the RAF built a radar station just behind Scarinish on Mount Gott. Fully built, partly manned, just waiting for the radar to arrive, then cancelled, when they discovered the Type 80 radar was so much better than the previous Type 14 down on the airfield.  So that instead of 66 radar stations, they built about a dozen.


Now the Type 80 being a wire mesh aerial is very difficult to model successfully, However several sites had the Type 80 later replaced by a Type 84.

Since I have a X on the 84 and a Q on the Type 88 /89 (very similar mobile) I've decided to model the 84. I've already sourced a 4rpm 12v motor to drive it.

Edited by TheQ
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That pictures Nicked from the a website covering all RAF ground radars  it's Neatishead, although that grey building shouldn't be there, it might be temporary during a rebuild. I visited North Luffenham once to pick up equipment, and also sailed against them on Rutland water and at Black horse Broad Horning. For both I was representing RAF Neatishead. I've a X (crosstrained) on the Type 84 and a Q (qualified) on the SSR750 perched on top.  I've worked on the ones at Neatishead, Boulmer and  assisted at Staxton wold.


I've inherited a layout called Tiree with a Station called Scarinish on it,  during my research on the place, discovered that in 1953, the RAF built a radar station just behind Scarinish on Mount Gott. Fully built, partly manned, just waiting for the radar to arrive, then cancelled, when they discovered the Type 80 radar was so much better than the previous Type 14 down on the airfield.  So that instead of 66 radar stations, they built about a dozen.


Now the Type 80 being a wire mesh aerial is very difficult to model successfully, However several sites had the Type 80 later replaced by a Type 84.

Since I have a X on the 84 and a Q on the Type 88 /89 (very similar mobile) I've decided to model the 84. I've already sourced a 4rpm 12v motor to drive it.

Spent a fair amount of time playing with the T264 and FPS6 at Sopley too, on the using, not techie, side.

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Spent a fair amount of time playing with the T264 and FPS6 at Sopley too, on the using, not techie, side.

I trained using an FPS6 as part of basic radar training.


So you can write backwards?, SWMBO was a Scopey we visited the RAF RADAR Museum at Neatishead, they have a vertical glass board similar to the one she used to stand behind and write on. This bemused a child of about ten about being able to write backwards, so SWMBO instantly wrote the childs name backwards for it, having been out of the RAF for over 15 years at the time.


I just looked up the T264 not having come across it before,  and on a general website  about Marconi radar came across a bad sight.... Me...taken 1978 in an advertising poster with a T84 and a T92 frightening that...post-15969-0-64427900-1521720252_thumb.jpg

I'm the one in the middle, IIRC the one in the green waterproof jacket was Chief Tech Croft my knackered memoery can't drag up who was the third

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John CB.

Thanks for the updates about Debs.

Made me smile over my morning cuppa (bottle of Lucozade actually)


So we still have a bit of time to post railway pics and talk about muddelling while the coast is still clear.




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Meanwhile the search for a decent solar panel to help maintain the CX battery's state of charge continues. The car is parked on the north side of the house, but the best sunlight shines on the south side. It's gonna need a long extension cable....

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Morning everyone


It was a busy old day yesterday, I went swimming just after breakfast. I managed well over 60 lengths, even managing to do 6 consecutive lengths of front crawl. The day started out sunny but cold, 0C when I walked to the baths, but it warmed up quite considerably when I walked home.


The curry went down well last night, in fact, they all wanted seconds, but alas, it put all I’d made on their plates, (I swear they’re not fed at home)! The carrot cupcakes went down well too!


I don’t know what was going on yesterday evening with the web, but I couldn’t get on to rmweb at all and for some strange reason, I was able to go on most other websites though, also my phone wouldn’t connect to my own modem either! £&*#£&@#&*#((


Simon. I hope your 3rd chemo session goes as well as it can do.


Back later

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John CB.

Thanks for the updates about Debs.

Made me smile over my morning cuppa (bottle of Lucozade actually)


So we still have a bit of time to post railway pics and talk about muddelling while the coast is still clear.




I had to go and wash my Flip Flop and Screen and re fill my Tea Mug.

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