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With pictures from the Daily Wail here.


How would you write that up in a will Ivan?

Quite easily. You can specify if you prefer your ashes to go in a tender, or mixed with ballast....


The deceased gentleman had very nice taste in rolling stock.

Pity not P4, though.

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  • RMweb Gold

Where's Ian I hear you ask. In days gone by when I had to "work" for a living, there was at the next workstation, four individuals called Dave, Dave, Dave and "not Dave".  :scratchhead:


And I worked at one time when there were five Peters out of eight and once had a class in which there were seven Emma

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


Like yesterday the day started out dull, by mid-morning it was beautiful sunshine, only to go dull again in the afternoon. Ive spent most of the day in the kitchen, I made a tea loaf and 36 carrot cupcakes before dinner and then decorated the cupcakes after dinner. The cupcakes are for tomorrow night’s tea as they have been requested by Evie. Some will also be going to Sheila’s Zumba class on Thursday, as that will be the last time class is on until after Easter, as the church hall, where the class takes place will be being used for other purposes.


After tea tonight (just for quality control purposes you understand), I thought I’d better test one, just to see how they’ve turned out, I think they’ll go down very well with everyone!


When I worked for British Steel, the shift I was on had 4 Peters, 4 Johns, 4 Brians 1 Paul and the foreman’s name was Tommy, he really let the side down.


Bagpipes, I quite like them, so long as they are played well. As for organ music, give me Bach’s toccata and fugue any-day.


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Gold


I need a weekend to recover form the last three days <yawn>


For those who may be interested in a brief history of the life of a 100 year old "women's baseball pioneer", here's the obit from the Sunday paper;





Ian - well worth reading - seems to have been a wonderful woman .



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  • RMweb Premium

General comment based on many above posts: with seemingly so many of us at Ally Pally on Saturday, could I suggest a meet at the Gaugemaster stand around 12:00 (I'm not, technically, working but can be on call as at all shows I attend!) for group relocation to a more suitable location, e.g. the Palm Court Bar?


We are covering two shows this coming weekend.

Supporting Gaugemaster at Ally Pally and Scoutrail at Settle.

Guess where I'm going....?


It won't be the Palm Court Bar.


Busy day today as we have visitors from one of our product manufacturers. More new stuff to test!

Same again beckons on the morrow.



Have a good third day of the week (according to international standard ISO 8601)




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  • RMweb Gold

Bagpipes TheQ, Gwiwer, jamie92208, NHN have all stirred memories in one way or another.  Mine was as a student arriving early one morning to meet my hosts at the Kerrera Ferry.  They were going up for the annual Highland Games and would I like to join them.


Marching up behind the bagpipes with the rest of the population of Oban in that setting was really really great -its over 50 years ago and I wonder if they still do it.  As previously mentioned the 26? parked on the hills above while the motormen ate their sandwiches added to the spectacle of the day.


Bach’s toccata and fugue - yes also great.




Edit - spelling

Edited by PeterBB
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Like it was last week?

Very much the same, though the trees are now closer to blooming.


The rain you encountered has left us and the sky is perhaps slightly bluer. (I'm going from instinct - not your lovely pictures.) It was really pretty today. Another day in paradise as they say. The top third of Mt Hood I could see this afternoon was really gleaming.


You might have enjoyed the local news attention over Uncle Pete rolling some empties off the tracks (and their wheels) at the east end of the Steel Bridge on Sunday. Every one of the networks carried it all evening - mostly because they had great viewpoints on N Interstate Ave and N Thunderbird Way to do live remotes and Sundays are a slow news day. KOIN carried on a cringe-worthy interview with an 'enthusiast'.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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  • RMweb Gold

Very much the same, though the trees are now closer to blooming.


The rain you encountered has left us and the sky is perhaps slightly bluer. (I'm going from instinct - not your lovely pictures.) It was really pretty today. Another day in paradise as they say. The top third of Mt Hood I could see this afternoon was really gleaming.


You might have enjoyed the local news attention over Uncle Pete rolling some empties off the tracks (and their wheels) at the east end of the Steel Bridge on Sunday. Every one of the networks carried it all evening - mostly because they had great viewpoints on N Interstate Ave and N Thunderbird Way to do live remotes and Sundays are a slow news day. KOIN carried on a cringe-worthy interview with an 'enthusiast'.

Yes saw that on KGW new yesterday. Its quite a itght curve around those silos.


Often taken photos around Steel bridge although not this time.

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Morning All,


We have a cloudless sky here too.  It is extrememly clear today.  It is also slightly warmer - a positively balmy -3°C!


Time for a coffee.  Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all


If only I had known that Finbar Furey is no longer with the band.  Apparently he left to pursue a solo career, so no uillean pipes for Chris last night.  The concert was disappointing in other ways.  Most of the audience were clapping along like performing seals, which is not a bad thing per se but some of the songs were just not designed to be happy-clappy.  There was no addition to my CD collection.


While we are still with bagpipes, Paul and Barry Ryan covered "I love how you love me" quite attractively using the Scottish variety and of course the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards were no. 1 for six weeks with "Amazing Grace".  Alan Freeman was responsible for that.   It was only an album track when he played it but play it he did, week after week, until the record company capitulated and issued it as a single.


This afternoon I must attend upon the dentist so that he may assess the amount of civil engineering required to repair my mouth.  Tonight there is an Area Group meeting in Bedford which I shall have to run [not that I mind] as the organiser has picked up a bug.  Before bedtime I need to see to the bedside clock radio as the gremlin reset it again last night.  Could it not have waited until the weekend?  Oh well.


Warm thoughts and best wishes to all who are ailing, recovering or missing



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Good morning all,

Frosty start here and there has been much scraping of various neighbour's car windscreens from 5.30 onwards as they prepared to wend their way to work. No such task for me I'm glad to say. The sun is shining and should do for a while but it may cloud over this afternoon.

Tea has been taken up to The Boss who I believe may wish to "go out somewhere" today. If that means I can ignore the garden for a bit longer then great, I'll go along with her plans.

Nicki is going back to work today and as she only does a half day on Wednesdays that's not a bad way to ease herself back into the swing of things as I still don't think she's 100%.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It is dry and cold here.

I have deposited a black bin bag and a food waste caddy ready for collection. That is probably enough activity for today.

Have a good day.


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Mooring awl, Inner temple Here,

4 hours sleep in bed, 3 hours on the sofa then I thought in five minutes I'll get up... half an hour later ... PANIC!!!


A light frost this morning, scraping the windscreen and side windows didn't help in my delay...


An odd thing on the way in, for some weeks we've had roads works, while they were laying gas pipes, then at one point in the middle of nowhere, they brought 5 gas pipes of two different sizes up vertically from the depths of the pit, caped them and then buried them just below the surface..


I'd been thinking of having a war memorial on my Tiree exhibition layout, now I'm thinking of having a lone piper playing alongside on a looped tape, do you think that will go down well  at an exhibition ? or will I get buried under the war memorial?.

There will also be a whisky distillery, from which will waft a slight scent of.. something cheap and nasty, my single malt won't be wasted like that...

Now one of my Grandfathers, was  RSM in the 7th RTR, and  their regimental march was

Oh that lot should hoist their kilts up, some knee should be showing...



PeterBB if you go to Oban on 23rd of August this year,    http://obangames.com/newsite/


The airconditioning was fixed yesterday, an outside thermocouple had failed, so I was able to complete current yesterday, and started resistance which is continuing...



Time too... Take the next Measurement...

Edited by TheQ
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