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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


The snows gone, but it still cold. I looked in on the boiler this morning and noticed that the trace heating was on, it seems that it’s doing it’s job very well, so I’m pleased with that.


I made a huge pan of curry sauce this morning, then after dinner I fitted the knobs back on the attic furniture and also replaced all the shelves on the bookcase too.


Goodnight all

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a brightening village.


Like Chris I detest those styli for signing for deliveries. I had to sign several yesterday as I either dropped off or received parcels.


Anyway yesterday I got various tasks completed and had a good evening at the clubrooms tidying up wiring on the Austrian layout. Breakfast is about to be consumed. After that Beth and I are off the Betty's near Harrogate for an "Afternoon Tea". The vouchers were a very welcome present from the daughter of a late friend who's model railway items I have been helping to dispose of. The parcels that I posted were the last unbuilt 7mm kits from his collection. It should be a good time out. Then no doubt I will return to carry on with the tidying.


Hope to hear some more news re Debs.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening again from Estuary-Land. I have a problem, I booked four seats for the rail trip to Bath next Tuesday the 27th, and the people who said that they would like to take the other three seats have all dropped out. So I have three spare seats and only a week in which to fill them. The pick ups are Southend East, Upminster, Barking, Stratford and Slough if anyone is interested please PM me.


Phil, I hope your erstwhile party paid in advance and you're not out of pocket. 

Southend East was a favourite of mine in my youthful commuting days; the monotony of emus was broken there daily by a Class 31 or 37; that siding is long gone to housing I understand.

Interestingly there's a similar excursion that does Alresford to Southend East later in the year. That'd be a somewhat Benjamin Button kind of journey for me! 


Hope you find some takers. :) 

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning from an overcast Surrey.


I finally got to sleep after 2am.


Apart from the time difference too many other things happening.


Uncles funeral was yesterday so there was no chance of Mum being able to go to Melbourne for that. On top of this there’s now issues with both the potential buyer of her property no wanting to knock the price down significantly after waiting months for them to get the survey done. I smell a rat. Onthe property mum is after there is now a planning issue just come to light many months after mum had the survey done. So not really sur what to advise her. If I am getting concerned over this ai hate to think how it’s really affecting mum in her mid 80’s. She doesn’t really want to move or need to financially but she knows that the house is getting too much for her to look after.


Add to hat one of my sister is n laws going in to hospital soon. Only just found out but not sure what for.


More minor things getting to me such as our daily commute . All three journeys since landing at at Gatwick on Sunday have had problems and my other halfs ticket bought on Sunday won’t work the ticket gates which then takes longer to get through with so many other passengers tickets also failing and needing the gate line staffs attention. Queued for some time yesterday but had to give up as we would have missed the following bus after the one that we had already missed due to trains being late. Bloody musical platforms at ECR last night and the snow and slippery conditions on th new footbridge wasn’t good. She tried to change the ticket this morning but it wold take 5 to 10 minutes to do so and we would have missed the train which was on time for once. (Edit it’s not now). So we will try again tonight.


From having such a great week away we have certainly landed with a big downer. At least health wise we are ok, so we are luckier then many others really.


Looking forward to Ally Pally show and the apres drinks on Saturday night with a number of other exhibitors from Cumbria as that should take our minds off things hopefully.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Coldish start but the snow has all but disappeared, just a few traces left on grass verges and our lawn. Some light rain or drizzle forecast and the chance of a bit of sunshine later.

When I'm offered one of those gadgets to sign for parcels I just put an X followed by a squiggle. If I ever get asked what it stands for I may well say Xtremely P!ssed Off.

I won't be P'd Off later though as it's Tuesday so Gemma & Joe will be here after school. As you all know by now that will brighten up my day considerably. Their visit means that a trip to Sainsbury's is required to get some more food in, particularly for Gem as she is still trying to be a veggie. (She had a little lapse for a couple of days last week but is having another go)

Still no muddling mojo here and it has now been noticed in "high places" and SWMalwaysBO has suggested that I do something about it. I am thinking of going to Ally Pally, if I do it will be on Saturday.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

A pretty awlful nights sleep was had, 4 hours then some unsatisfactory dozing on the sofa, as my brain refused to shut up without the help of recycled news on the TV.


Welcome to spring, the real spring, not the fake spring, being foisted upon us by meterologists.


I don't think the new boss has quite got the hang of his job yet, he had his cornflakes after getting here.....


A dudlesack is generally recognised as the German or similar Flemish bagpipe, which have two forward facing drones.


The Highland Great  Pipe has three drones resting on the shoulder facing backwards.  (generally just known as Bagpipes in the UK)

The Scottish Small Pipe is a revival of on old form of indoor pipes pumped by the elbow like the Irish Ulliean pipes.


The Ulliean pipes,  originally known as Union Pipes, because the drones are all together in a group. Changed to Ulliean when the word Union got associated with the act of union of the UK and Ireland. Ulliean meaning elbow as Ulliean pipes are powered by an elbow powered air pump. Ulliean Pipes are small pipes designed to be played indoors, not outside or in a great hall like the HGP.


English pipes, well the only remaining English pipes in constant use are the Northumbrian Small pipes. A mouth blown set of pipes with 4 drones grouped together. but designed for indoor use.

Many other areas of England had their version of great pipes, with no or up to three drones, with one or two chanters.


Norfolk has a dozen or so church glass paintings  of bagpipes generally indicating two drones. Norfolk still has a bagpipe maker, who produces a variety of pipes.  http://www.jimparr.co.uk/earlywoodwind/zampogna.shtml


Having bored you lot,


Time too.. find something to do as the lab A/C is still broken...





Most countries in Europe had some version of Bagpipe..

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Bright but started chilly and the car needed to be de-iced first thing this morning, as I had to take 30747 to work as her lift was not forthcoming. 


Everbody's posts have been read and rated, and generic greetings are on offer as needed. 


Quite a lot on today, so won't tarry here, jobs domestic, trip to the bank, and a haircut, all before getting back for the return from work taxi trip,


Back later/tomorrow.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

English pipes, well the only remaining English pipes in constant use are the Northumbrian Small pipes. A mouth blown set of pipes with 4 drones grouped together. but designed for indoor use...

You learn something new everyday. I always thought the Northumbrian pipes were bellows blown.

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  • RMweb Premium

You learn something new everyday. I always thought the Northumbrian pipes were bellows blown.

Not always but yes they can be.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny here this morning with just the odd bit of passing cloud. I will have to find out later today if I can cancel the tickets without any great loss but with only a week to go I very much doubt it. On the up side I can offer them to my fellow MRC members at the club meeting tomorrow night, I'd rather give them away than not use them at all. Thats it for now, hope to hear from Debs soon, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It is warmer than yesterday.

I don't feel particularly springy.

I hope everyone had a good day.



For ChrisF. Smartphones have quite good video recording. Rather better than the brick sized camera we had 25 years ago.

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  • RMweb Gold


For ChrisF. Smartphones have quite good video recording. Rather better than the brick sized camera we had 25 years ago.

I spent the first fifty odd years of my life trying to avoid having my photograph taken.

Quite successfully too.

Then they went and stuck cameras on b!uddy phones.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Welcome to this year's second 'First Day of Spring'  (the meteorological 'First day of Spring' was on 01 March).  In celebration of the equinox snow has finally vanished this morning out at the front of the house but still a few small patches plus some on a shed roof in the back garden.


On current plans I shall be heading for Ally Pally on Saturday notwithstanding the fact that our new service of electric trains on the mainline gives longer journey times (by almost 10%) than the DMUs delivered 52 years ago, such is 'progress' on the DafT controlled railway.  But enough of that as today I am told I am to be tasked with the cleaning of vacuum, clearly the management is quite convinced that I am good for nothing hence I am tasked to deal with it.  But the dining room table got a mention as well recently and that is a tad more than nothing so maybe I am thought worthy of more complex tasks?


Have a good day one and all

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Afternoon all,


As I sit here typing this I can see two huge pigeons chasing each other around the lawn, it looks like one of them is determined to engage in 'a bit of the other' with the other one... Spring is just around the corner!


Off to Toton later on for another not so top secret mission behind enemy lines, I shall endeavour to sneak in and back out again without disturbing the weeds too much. It really is a grim old place these days, the admin / train crew block has been demolished in favour of the inevitable portacabin, while the lads who work there are never too sure of their continued employment. My heart goes out to them.


Stay safe all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All


Bright but started chilly and the car needed to be de-iced first thing this morning, as I had to take 30747 to work as her lift was not forthcoming. 


Everbody's posts have been read and rated, and generic greetings are on offer as needed. 


Quite a lot on today, so won't tarry here, jobs domestic, trip to the bank, and a haircut, all before getting back for the return from work taxi trip,


Back later/tomorrow.


Regards to All


My SWMBO :spruceup:  is GWR Star class 4040.  :laugh:  :punish:  :blackeye:

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Afternoon all

A wonderfully bright and sunny day here. Chilly though, so walk was curtailed a little. Just about to make a cheese and mushroom omelette for us both for lunch before Gabe goes off to work.


Like Chris I detest those styli for signing for deliveries. I had to sign several yesterday as I either dropped off or received parcels.


You still have styli? Last time I had to sign with my forefinger. Unlike anything I'd ever signed for before, I couldn't tell if it was my writing or not.


musical platforms at ECR last night and the snow and slippery conditions on th new footbridge wasn’t good.

As someone who used to use ECR regularly, have they connected the new footbridge up with Cherry Orchard Road yet?


Hope you all have bright and sunny afternoons



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