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  • RMweb Premium

It was -1c at the pub - roaring fire inside made all well. 


And.....not a lot else. Snow flurries continue, but nothing lying.  The ferries are off - distant view of the Irish Sea from the pub showed why, it was very white and foamy!  'UK cut off'.

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  • RMweb Premium

Snowing harder now. 

And settling. 

A snowy RAT beckons.


swmbo has offered a lift. I suggested that she might like to pop out and warm the car up beforehand.  :mosking:

Apparently not.  :blackeye:

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  • RMweb Premium

Not had time to catch up but hope everyone is well.


One or two problems with the layout but mainly worked ok.


A bit snowy but roads and car parks clear.



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  • RMweb Gold

Too busy around Union station. So a final pint at the airport. A nice dark Munich beer by Denver Chophouse and Brewery. They have a big place next to Union Station in the old UP office building


Edited by roundhouse
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Ah yes, temperature.


4c according to our electronic seaweed, but 'feels like' Minnesota!  Force 7-8 is not helping, I really struggled earlier when in Ramsey, the one crutch not being quite enough in the wind.  A walking stick is OK mostly now, but I can't balance in the wind.  No not that sort of wind..... :fie:


Hmm... Wonder if a walking stick would have helped Gerald Ford to fart, walk and chew gum at the same time?

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Plenty of wintry blizzards on gusty multi-directional gales our way - brrr. They are calling it a mini beast from the east, but according to my kids' books, a mini beast is the new term for an insect, so we are now experiencing an insect from the east apparently! 

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  • RMweb Gold

Plenty of wintry blizzards on gusty multi-directional gales our way - brrr. They are calling it a mini beast from the east, but according to my kids' books, a mini beast is the new term for an insect, so we are now experiencing an insect from the east apparently!


They were called minibeasts as after nature rambles there was always one child reporting back "Please Miss, it isnt an insect, it has more than six legs and a multisegmented body..." I think my child was a bit like that. Many of his teachers were the sort who didn't like to be "informed" by a child.
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. I did venture out to the show at Hornchurch at about 11 but without my usual companions as the junior half, last weeks birthday boy and his sister were being taken out by his aunt. As I surmised the parking was easier despite the hall being as full as usual. I made a few purchases only one being a model, and of an aircraft so mentioning it here should be OK. When I got home mid afternoon the snow had returned and within half an hour of my getting home the car had a fair coating.

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  • RMweb Premium

E‘ning all. Cripes, am I tired. Doubtlessly an effect from the antibiotic again...


About five inches of snow have fallen over the past 24 hours. It is quite windy as well, which contributed to a host of traffic problems. Buses and trams operated out of timetable for safety reasons till the afternoon and Heiterblick was cut off due to OHLE icing, while Leipzig Central was closed altogether, causing major disruptions on the railway.


Further north, the Brocken Railway had to be closed due to heavy snowfall and snowdrifts. Snow depth at the summit was reported as 1.3 metres, and winds exceeding 100 kph resulted in a windchill of -42C.


Gee. Makes me ever more glad for this-here comfy sofa...


Best wishes to y‘all, lewdies... :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium

A package arrived from the US today.

Another gratuitous railway pic to live dangerously. 

It's a CF7 - these were rebuilds by the Santa Fe in the 1970s and many still remain in use today with shortlines


Oh dear, wrong item, I suspect. It’s not yellow...



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A day spent in the warm.  I watched two Rugby games, one irrelevant result and one good result, then as usual couldn't bear to watch Wales.  If I had, we would have lost. Second in the Six Nations isn't bad.  Anyway I've been busy with the Charles Roberts order books.



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  • RMweb Premium

What an uplifting post from Debs.   Even if not made by Her Self directly here.  That has had a positive effect at the end of a day which carries some less than wonderful memories.


St. Patrick's Day is the anniversary of a dear friend being found by her six year old son having passed away in her sleep from an epileptic seizure after just 28 years with us.  Apart from the lad she left her twin sister, who remains a stalwart friend, and her partner who was out fishing that fateful night and came home to the dreadful news.  St Pat's was her favourite day of the year and as usual she had been looking forward to a big party.


Today is also a week away from mother's rearranged funeral.  Sister has had another three-day attack of vertigo (diagnosed as BPPV) which has knocked her for six at precisely the wrong time.  Not that there's ever a right time to suffer from that condition.  I have spent more time than usual in supporting her and ensuring she has the required arrangements in hand.  There has been some concern over the attendance of another family member with whom some of us do not see eye-to-eye.  After some trying times seeking a workaround we have agreed that - as much as anything to keep the numbers manageable - we shall arrive at sister's after breakfast and have "house time" with her then while the aforesaid branch of the family will stay on after events and spend some time then.  We are off to our overnight hotel after the wake anyway so an acceptable compromise seems to have been reached.  Why is there always one person / branch of family who simply cannot or will not share space with another at this sort of time?  It makes things harder than they already are.


And despite the snow, currently several centimetres thick on the ground, the away team won the egg-chasing and the quietly-supported team were removed from the FA Cup and will not proceed to the semi-finals.


Alcohol has been consumed.  I need no excuse and offer none either.  But it has not been in excessive amounts and it allegedly keeps the cold out. 


G'night all. Wrap up and stay safe if you have to go out.  It's notter tall nice out there.

Edited by Gwiwer
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening Awl,

We left for the sailing club dinner, and after 1/2 mile came back for the trophy I had to return.

We left for the sailing club dinner, and after 1 1/2 mile came back for the Landrover, it started blowing a blizzard.

We left for the sailing club dinner, and got there, having past a few remaining snow drifts, left by the big beast from the east.

Only those parts not covered by the kilt are frozen.


As it was st Patrick's Day, we had Guinness and beef stew followed by chocolate brownies with Bailey's sauce. Very nice it was too.


There were 17 trophies available for which we qualified for about half, and of that we won 4. Including the one I returned..


The blizzard had been going the whole time we were there so they rushed the event so people could get home earlier.


Driving home at times I was down to 10 mph as it was a white out. There is only about an inch of snow on the roads so the car could have made it, but I was much happier in the Landrover.


I'm now in my pit with a hot chocolate hoping my feet defrost soon..



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Evening Awl,

We left for the sailing club dinner, and after 1/2 mile came back for the trophy I had to return.

We left for the sailing club dinner, and after 1 1/2 mile came back for the Landrover, it started blowing a blizzard.

We left for the sailing club dinner, and got there, .......

Third time lucky, then?

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Just back from the SRSCLBG (aka the Swiss railway Soc) AGM in Derby. Flurries of snow all day, one or two near-blizzard conditions! However, clear walk back to the station and trains running normally. Now back in deepest West Sussex in the warm!


Time to change to G9 LEDs I think... plenty around and not too expensive..


I had G9 LEDS at the flat I rented a few years back; broke several whilst trying to change them. My house is now fitted (98%, I have 4 B22s for hall, landing and loft) with GU10 LEDs. More robust fitting, wider support, including dimmable, and easy to source. If you've ever seen fluorescent light fittings, GU10 is similar to the fitting used for the starter.


Thoughts with Debs, Mal and others that need them.

Home to Blackburn/Manchester/Brum/Derby/Nottigham/Derby/Sheffield/Doncaster/Yor/Blackburn/home - not bad for £20 courtesy of Northern Trains and XC day explorer tickets.


For the Hoover fans amongst ERs.


D407 and 50049 rolled into Derby and about 7 people got out of the lead cab....

attachicon.gif407 50049.jpg



Long day out - knackered.

See you all Saturday.





When was that taken, Mick? Looks similar to the pair south of Platform 1 yesterday and today!


How do you get links to photos to show as photos in the replies to their original posts on this forum?

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  • RMweb Premium



When was that taken, Mick? Looks similar to the pair south of Platform 1 yesterday and today!


How do you get links to photos to show as photos in the replies to their original posts on this forum?


They arrived in Derby at 1330 ish - just as we left for Nottingham - but photted them on the way back about an hour later.


For those involved in tech support/customer service.... you may identify with one or two of the callers.




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They arrived in Derby at 1330 ish - just as we left for Nottingham - but photted them on the way back about an hour later.


For those involved in tech support/customer service.... you may identify with one or two of the callers.





I arrived in Derby at 14:32 yesterday!

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,


Somewhat snowy in our vicinity and the stuff has been falling for the entire evening having turned to bigger flakes late this afternoon.  But it is clearly wet snow and is settling, or not settling in a very peculiar fashion with bare patches mainly on hard surfaces other than cars and more on grass than on the garden paths/. Forecast to continue all night as 'light snow' so we'll see what we see on the morrow.  Laddo in his inimitable fashion returned from Norwich plastered with the stuff on arriving home having failed to take any sort of head covering or a longer jacket or coat notwithstanding the warnings and he's currently defrosting in a hot bath.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


We woke up this morning to beautiful sunshine, but by mid morning it was blowing a gale and we had a few snow flurries. Then, by mid afternoon we’d had some really heavy snow fall, but the wind was so strong that most of it blew it all away! At times the snow was passing our windows at 90 degrees to the ground! However, the weather didn’t prevent me from walking to the Indian takeaway form tonight’s meal, as it was cold I decided to go for chicken jalfreze.




This morning I went down to the workshop this to give some knobs a bit of a polish. I fixed by fixing a short length of screwed rod into each one and then put them in the chuck on my lath, using a bit of fine sand paper to get the finish I was looking for! Once done they all received a coat of clear varnish, I’ll give them a couple more coats tomorrow and then they’ll be ready for putting back on Monday.


Today would have been my parents 62nd wedding anniversary, if they’d stayed married and we’re both still around.


Glad to see that there is a little bit of improvement from Deb’s.


Goodnight all.

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I find myself with a (very) small first world problem this afternoon. At worst this is an inconvenience but being minor, is taxing my decision making.


I have a company 'do' to attend this evening. My attendance is optional with no professional consequences of non-attendance. A colleague who works in my hall would like to go but would like to know someone he knows well will be there.


Due to changing circumstances, this might very well be one of the last of these events and while it's not a long way away, it is more or less downtown and I live in the suburbs. This afternoon is a rainy St. Patrick's day. Should I go, I shall have to (mostly) refrain from adult beverages to suitably navigate the flood of "once a year Guinness drinkers" on their way home.


Meanwhile my motor car is not starting reliably. Pretty much everything is operating nominally - except for the little safety interlock switch on the clutch pedal that needs to make contact for the ignition system to work. (I've had problems with it before. It was repaired once.) Running errands today it has worsened dramatically and is now taking four or five 'goes' before contact each time I start the car.  I had noticed some irregularity yesterday, but nothing I couldn't rule out as not pressing the pedal all the way in.


On my errands this afternoon, I did swing by the place where I normally have my car repaired shortly after 4:00pm. I was hoping that they closed at 5:00pm. No, they closed at 4:00pm.  I really don't fancy finding my car stranded downtown on a rainy evening and having to tow it, despite the fact that everything else on the vehicle is fully functional. I am reminded of the allegorical lost nail for a horseshoe.


In these interconnected days Uber would actually be a viable solution, but I don't have the app loaded (and don't really want to). Taxi cabs in the suburbs here take forever and are very expensive. Public transit is not really an option. I shall have to make my mind up soon. Blowing the whole thing off has a very big appeal right now.


A good Sunday to you all, particularly those fighting illness, caring for ill loved ones or grieving a loss.


In the spirit of the day, may I share a clean, non-racist, groan-worthy St Pat's Day "dad" joke?


What is green and sits in the garden?

Paddy O'Furniture. 

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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