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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

A bit damp and grey here and snow is forecast.

I don't have a dog but I do have a pet, my faithful companion for over 50 years who responds well to a pat on the head and a cuddle and is quite partial to the odd glass of Prosecco.  :jester:

We went to see Nicki yesterday and she still looks quite ill to me although she claims to be feeling much better. Tomorrow if she's up to it we're taking her out to lunch.

Today I will be mainly watching 3 rugby matches with the last of the 6 nations fixtures being played today. Much as I would like to see England win I think they may struggle although there have been some changes to the line-up. Still don't think they've found the ideal man for open side wing forward though. As for the other games I'd expect Wales & Scotland to prevail.

As I type it has started snowing.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Debs has had a really rough couple of days, but she's texted me this morning to say that she feels much better. She's had visits from her family which have cheered her up. In her text, as is her usual caring self, she was asking about us and Sandy's aunt.


She's definitely not out of the woods yet but this is very hopeful. She is still in ITU.


Messages, photos, anything to relieve her boredom, would be appreciated.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Not a hint of snow when I woke up at six this morning so I went back to bed, when I got up at 7:30 the snow was starting. I will not be going to Hornchurch this morning but perhaps this afternoon. Best wishes to Debs and Mal and any other ailing ER's, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning from a not so snowy Denver.


Looking at our security cameras, snow is now falling at home but not sticking yet. Hoping that the flight from Gatwick to here departs on time so that we can return on time. Mind you if we had to have a few more days here I wouldnt complain but my liver might!


Also, I have to get a layout ready for Ally Pally next weekend.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning from a not so snowy Denver.


Looking at our security cameras, snow is now falling at home but not sticking yet. Hoping that the flight from Gatwick to here departs on time so that we can return on time. Mind you if we had to have a few more days here I wouldnt complain but my liver might!


Also, I have to get a layout ready for Ally Pally next weekend.

As I type climbing out going north east to get round London.



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  • RMweb Gold

It's prep!ssitating down here in jolly Hampshire the roofes have just turned white and the Horrorsons car park is rammed no doubt the good folk of Farnborough 

 are panic buying as usual it will be grid locked in a hour, I've just taken a delivery of 2 sun loungers of all things Her has taken to buying stuff on line now.

There's stacks of railway items in the to-do cupboard so I might settle down in the mancave for the rest of the day after one small (I'm told/ordered) task to be done.

 I did offer to push SWMBO off the top of a local multistorey car park on the toboggan we have in the garage I melted with the scowl.  :jester:  :girldevil:  :punish:  :sorry:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     enjoy your day All                                                                                                                                                                                                     

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Morning all,

No snow here so far, and none expected, as most of it is due on the east side of the country. A circular walk over the cliffs has been done this morning and is was perishingly cold in the wind. Glad to be back home with a hot coffee. House seems very quiet this morning with no roofers hammering away! Yesterday’s roof work involved replacement of the lead in the valleys, then we actually had some new tiles fitted. It is starting to look like a proper roof again. The old lead from the valleys was cracked in a number of places, which explains why water was leaking in down one of the valleys.


I will be watching some rugby this afternoon, and recording the rest, as SWMBO will not be impressed if I try to watch all three matches live!


Thoughts with Debs and other ailing ERs.

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No dog in South East London, incompatible with lifestyle and garden security.  I'm a Jack Russell Terrier person.  They are now, somewhat confusingly, three different breeds.  The Parson Russell is the long legged variety and the Jack Russell has shorter legs.  These are both Kennel Club breeds which is rather worrying.  The third breed is the Russell Terrier and my long departed Todhunter of Halscombe (Toddy, Tod, T,That Dog, where's that bl0ddy dog - he answered to all bar the last) met that description.  He was a Somerset farm dog, built like a tank and would dig under, smash though or jump or climb over any fence.  Jack Russells can climb, Toddy could shin up a tree trunk at a 20° angle, the problem being no reverse gear!.  Retrieving him from 10 foot up a tree could have been an interesting exercise, except that on command he would jump into my arms.  He loved children and cats, hated foxes and squirrels, and beat up German Shepherds just for the fun of it. 



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  • RMweb Premium



Sunny and, er, snowing here.....at the same time. Odd.


Going out for lunch with John & Anne, provided the mountain road isn't snowed in - the pub is up there, well on the way back down the other side.


Snow has stopped already - just a flurry really.  At 1500 feet the road is often less hospitable than chateau NHN at a soaring.....90 feet asl.

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  • RMweb Gold

I will be watching some rugby this afternoon, and recording the rest, as SWMBO will not be impressed if I try to watch all three matches live!



Yes, comments have been passed here but I will disregard. As I've stated here before I like living dangerously.


Talking of rugby I've had an email this morning from my old club inviting me to a special meeting along with all members past and present as the club is in danger of folding after 80 years. They're struggling to raise a first XV let alone a second team and need volunteers to help run the club as well. Back in the 60s and 70s when I was playing we regularly put out 5 sides. Very sad to see this happening particularly as they've recently got planning permission for a new clubhouse.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and it's steady snow here in 'ampshire. We may well venture out for a walk in the latest wintery scene later. 


Re dogs, I'm being pestered to allow a Cavalier KCS. 

Never having owned and operated a dog before we're somewhat sceptical about the practicalities. Smallish house with no utility room - no real place to clean it up after a walk; build a conservatory for several £k? And who looks after the children's fish tank? Here's a clue - not them. 


Meanwhile a ragu sauce is on the hob and will be partnered with some wholewheat pasta later. 


Oh, an a trip on a RAT.  :drink_mini:


Thoughts with Debs and all that are in need of positive vibes. :)

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning yet again from Estuary-Land. Well the snow has abated and is even showing signs of melting. I think I might venture out to Hornchurch now, or when I've cleared the accumulated snow from the car.

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  • RMweb Premium

Ah yes, temperature.


4c according to our electronic seaweed, but 'feels like' Minnesota!  Force 7-8 is not helping, I really struggled earlier when in Ramsey, the one crutch not being quite enough in the wind.  A walking stick is OK mostly now, but I can't balance in the wind.  No not that sort of wind..... :fie:

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon awl,

Shed work completed as planned, MRC heater checked out and is working, I suspect they had it on the huh, as I found its got a tilt switch inside.


Ben the Border Collie is a mucky puppy, he's just returned from his main walk and I've told you what our road and lane is like.


We've had the odd snowflake, mostly flying past at 50 mph plus according to the nearest seaweed station.


Coffee is about to arrive / has arrived, Ben is enjoying his coffee, I'm wrapped up on the sofa defrosting.


Eyelid inspection will follow, before I choose which kilt to wear for the dinner tonight

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We've had the odd snowflake, mostly flying past at 50 mph plus according to the nearest seaweed station.


Eyelid inspection will follow, before I choose which kilt to wear for the dinner tonight


Will that not be a little chilly round the wotsits? :)

Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Premium

Will that not be a little chilly round the wot sits? :)

Eight yards of heavy wool fabric is somewhat warmer than a pair of trousers.

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  • RMweb Gold

It's another lovely sunny day here in Denver. They really do celebrate St Patrick's day here. A big parade and many dressed in green. Thought we were being clever to wait till just before the parade starts to get breakfast but everywhere is busy so a bit of a wait to get served.


Luckily we should be getting the train to Denver Airport before the parade finishes. Might even get a quick pint in the Terminal bar at Union Station if its not too busy. Noon station is a complete transformation inside since my first visit back in 1989 when it just had one train a day. Still only has one Amtrak a day but a 15 mi ute interval service to the airport and an hours off peak service to Westminster. A bit different to the Westminster one in London.

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  • RMweb Gold

Enjoy the train ride. Last time I was there I was on my cycle tour and rode the bus in with my bike on the pull down carrier at the front. Your flight's just crossed Hudson Bay. Hope you have a good flight home.Anyway I've packed 9 boxes of books and it's cup of coffee time.Jamie

Thanks Jamie.


When I checked earlier it was about half hour early eta into Denver so we being well we will be into Gatwick on time in the morning.

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  • RMweb Premium

Fairly constant but very light snow here. Not settling anywhere except on cold metal such as cars not used earlier in the day and on bus stop plates.


What does one do on St. Paddy’s Day in the snow? One sets out into the elements, destination Bunnings. My first visit to the UK iteration of an Australian icon. An Aussie would recognise it. Identical corporate signage, layout and (mostly) brands. Similar competitive prices. Similar slightly tacky sausage-and-soft-drink stall outside. And I came away with most of what was required, same as I have done 12000 miles away for the past 17 years.


There is an egg-chasing contest up the road which seems to be an excuse to avoid running buses within a couple of miles around. More walking than intended was therefore required. When a bus did appear the driver had obviously had enough grumbles about long waits in the snow and met each new one with a curt “You can always walk”. Not the finest example of customer service and, as it turned out, his was not the finest example of driving skills either. The centre line seemed to be treated as something to be crossed and re-crossed randomly and without reason.


All ended safely with a muggertee and I have four legs to support a board the purpose of which need not concern this thread ;)

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