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  • RMweb Gold

Our last full day on the West Side of the pond and its another sunny day here in the Mile high city.


On a train to Westminster from Union Station. I believe that this is the first stage of the line that will eventually run to Boulder but for now its just one stop and an hourly service outside peak hours.


Last night we ventured to Grandma's House, a quirky brew pub to the South of Downtown. Enroute we stumbled across another new brewery so it would have been rude not yo call in.


More breweries today after this short train trip.




Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Gold

Yo All

I sat last night trawling the dog shelter websites again as SWMBO has admitted to some of the family we are getting a dog, as I would prefer a GSD (not allowed) to a poodle

 I found a lovely 2-5 y.o.bitch called Alessia she is a Malinios (Belgian Shepherd Dog) hopefully house trained she some what smaller than a GSD all I need to do is get SWMBO

 off her butt and go and see if the she would be suitable for us my police daughter says her force has some used for tracking and they are a very intelligent, I'm not holding out with

 this one but it's a breed I prefer to some of the woosey mutts the neighbours round here own.


Enjoy your day. :biggrin_mini2:

We had some Malinois in our dog section and found they are a far better working dog than a GSD.


However, being a really intelligent dog they thrive on  hard work (they think it's play) and they need  a major amount of exercise daily to keep them both fit and from preventing boredom  setting in.  If they get bored, they get grumpy and can take that out on the furniture or anything else they can chew at!  So be prepared to get really fit!!


If I were 10 years younger, a Malinois would be my next choice of dog. But don't let my Staffie let you hear me mutter that. Ian (tomparryharry) is quite right about the SBT as a great dog to have around.  They love being a member of the family and often turn around and look at you with that look that says: Wot!  I'm a dog?

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  • RMweb Gold

We had some Malinois in our dog section and found they are a far better working dog than a GSD.


However, being a really intelligent dog they thrive on  hard work (they think it's play) and they need  a major amount of exercise daily to keep them both fit and from preventing boredom  setting in.  If they get bored, they get grumpy and can take that out on the furniture or anything else they can chew at!  So be prepared to get really fit!!


If I were 10 years younger, a Malinois would be my next choice of dog. But don't let my Staffie let you hear me mutter that. Ian (tomparryharry) is quite right about the SBT as a great dog to have around.  They love being a member of the family and often turn around and look at you with that look that says: Wot!  I'm a dog?

That's the Idea I looked after 2 GSD's for 2 years almost daily till my daughters ex p!ssed off with them and I've become lazy, We did hear the pair totally wrecked the ex's house one day

last year when left for too long on their own.



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. The forecast keeps changing the amount of snow we are to expect tomorrow, upwards. The trip to Hornchurch is still on as the roads I intend to use are well used and should be well gritted and as quite a few in my estimation will not attend giving a better chance of finding a parking space.

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I sat last night trawling the dog shelter websites again as SWMBO has admitted to some of the family we are getting a dog, as I would prefer a GSD (not allowed) to a poodle

 I found a lovely 2-5 y.o.bitch called Alessia she is a Malinios (Belgian Shepherd Dog)

I've also trawled through the dog rehoming websites recently. I shouldn't do it really, it brings on a bout of depression. I specifically look at Staffies. A much-maligned breed, and by and large misunderstood and poorly trained.

When Staffies were considered to be a fashion accessory for people trying to look "hard" lots ended up in rehoming centres. They had been abandoned for not being nasty usually. Most of the ones we used to meet when walking Robbie were from that time. Some people used to get frantic about seeing a Staffie. Certainly not true of the ones we knew.


An interesting discussion on dogs. I had to look up the acronym "GSD". We used to call them "Alsatians" when I was young but German Shepherd is the norm here. I don't like them as family dogs. I was at one point closely related to a family with a male and female pair of large strong German Shepherds. A lot of energy has to be expended to be the alpha dog to a large male German Shepherd.


I was put off herding animals in my youth. The Australian Blue Heeler Cattle Dog is one of the smartest creatures I have encountered but boy are they territorial. They are really good about finding their way back home too, even after being given a new home.  I was similarly put off ankle biters - particularly breeds like the Australian Silky Terrier. "Yip yip" dogs.


Personally none of the Bull Terrier breeds appeal to me but I understand that there are are people who love them. I know people who like Rottweilers as family pets too and those I don't like for similar reasons.


That all might sound very negative. I do like well behaved dogs who belong to others.


My all-time favourite remains the English Labrador Retriever. (The American variant is slightly smaller with a different temperament.) We had one as a family pet for many years. Golden Retrievers can be delightful as well but they are a bit jumpy as youngsters, shed like mad and have a sad tendency to cancer.  I'd love to have another Lab but sadly my lifestyle is not dog compatible right now.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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  • RMweb Premium

Well, I'm just back from the Ben the Border Collie Appreciation Society, where on bimbling through the door everyone said hello Ben.


Border collies need lots of attention and exercise or they get bored and destructive. Whereas Rough collies are much more laid back, once Ben gets a little more trained to our satisfaction, we'll look for a Rough Collie as a companion.


We arrived in a light drizzle. We left in a horizontal 40 mph drizzle with heavy cold rain / sleet coming through it. By the time I was home it was heavy sleet. Then while preparing my just consumed crumpets, hail was hammering to get in.


While Ben was wandering around getting his required cuddles, I continued thatching the Hebridean Blackhouse. Not much was done as it needs to set before the next layer.


So then I inspected the viaduct deck, and found it was either just dry fitted or very poorly glued so I broke it down into its sections finding many years of dust between various bits.

I measured the broken hand rails and found they were a scale 18 inches high. So I don't think they were fitted correctly. They were removed entirely, I'll search for replacements shortly of the correct height..


Further inspection shewed I could reverse the left and right halves so the intact below deck girders would shew outwards. Reassembling with glue I've cut and fitted some plasticard to reinforce the broken, now inside girders.


Tea break was then called, but we found 6 of us plus Ben had been left 6 biscuits. Three said Ben could have theirs, in fact Ben had three bits, I had three bits and one had one biscuit and someone else had two biscuits.

After putting the world to rights, we continued muddling before setting off into the cold cold wind.


Time to search for hand rails while consuming a Whisky.

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Gold


I don't think so. I think we are going to be a "pet free home" for the forseeable future.

I did use to tease Aditi that I would like a degu colony but I wasn't serious, though I think she thought I was.

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  • RMweb Premium

I don't think so. I think we are going to be a "pet free home" for the forseeable future.

I did use to tease Aditi that I would like a degu colony but I wasn't serious, though I think she thought I was.

We've got enough local resident wildlife round our French house to need a pet, with the Barn Owl that live in, wait for it, the barn, the Gerbils that live behind the switchboard in the shed and the Glis Glis (edible dormice) that live in the roof. I've also found evidence of a 3' long grass snake so for the time being we'll stay with what we already share the house with.



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


The day started of dull and wet, but by mid afternoon the sun had come out and it was lovely. For the first time this year, the builders working on next doors house were able to wear tee shirts, instead of big coats and woolly hats!


Not a lot has been done today, as mid-morning I was required to be a taxi service for Sarah. She had an appointment with her GP and Michael was back at work and she didn't feel that she was able to drive herself there.


This evening Sheila and I went to Salford Quays to see Simon Evans and very enjoyable he was too!


When James was young, he often got some of his words mixed up. One mix up was when he saw an Alsatian and mis-pronounced it, calling it an alteration instead!


We are currently a pet free household in the past we’ve had 4 cats, 2 dogs, gerbils and dozens of fish. At the moment it’s quite nice without any, but it may change, you never know.


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Roundhouse: have you looked at the coal trains through Denver?  The loader does such a uniform job that it looks like a string of identical cast plastis coal loads.

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  • RMweb Gold

Roundhouse: have you looked at the coal trains through Denver?  The loader does such a uniform job that it looks like a string of identical cast plastis coal loads.



Yes loads of coal trains passing through, however never in the right place to get photos of them except tonight once it got dark.


I have modelled a unit coal train for my N scale layout, all pretty much perfect loads they way they are done on the prototype.

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Good morning one and all


I might just catch up with the comics today.  Last night I was trying to read one in bed but it fell from my hand twice so I gave up, put out the light and welcomed slumber.  This is no reflection on the content of said comic but its identity is best not revealed.  Earlier I enjoyed making a pasta sauce from pork mince instead of the customary beef and, among other things, a leek chopped into minuscule pieces.  A job for later is the making of sandwiches, for I am off to the Nottingham show in the morning and for that reason may not post if I fail to rise quite as betimes as I should.


What of other burning issues?  I do not have a pet as I have enough to do lookng after myself.


My train of thought just disappeared, as did RMweb.   Instead my ever so helpful laptop wished me happy St Patrick's Day and some intrusive and unhelpful guff from HP Connected Music appeared on the screen.  Does the stupid machine not know that I have trouble concentrating at this time of the morning?


I had better sign off before anything else happens.  Warm thoughts and best wishes to the ailing, recovering and missing.



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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl Inner Temple Here.

6 hours sleep.

The morning patrol with Ben the Border collie, indicates the high winds have been drying the ground surface. There is no lying snow, but the odd flake is falling. Once he'd done what he needed, he ran back to the house, too cold and windy for him.

Ben has been hiding in his cage as the beet lorries have been thundering past since 06:30.


Definitely not outdoor work today, I'm planning on light work in the alley involving some cladding and paint.


Later we have the end of season dinner and prize giving, could be drafty crossing the footbridge in a kilt.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning awl from a village that has turned partially white again with about 1cm of the white stuff. A little bit more is drifting down. No doubt the BBC will be in full crisis mode when I switch the gogglebox on. Not a lot to report but I may well venture out to get some supplies and then we are out to some friends for a meal this evening. There might even be a bit of tidying and some boxes and crates moved.


I hope that all at shows get there safely and enjoy themselves.


Best wishes to Debs and Mal.


Regards to all.



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