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  • RMweb Premium

I got that T shirt!


We had a crossing point on the Waithwith Road west of Catterick Garrisnon which had to be kept clear.


When we weren't shovelling and brushing mud, it was brushing and shovelling snow!


Unofficially, we were quite popular with the local civilians because we had a Chieftain with a dozer blade fitted which was much better than the local authority snowplough.


We also used to deliver bottles of propane to folk in need.

The POL point at Bovi and Lulworth were fine in nice weather.......

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  • RMweb Gold

tricky thing, beet storage, can't be too warm so outdoor storage is good but frost damages them too, so preparations for rapid lifting required

As a special treat when I was 8 and staying on a relatives farm in Scotland I was allowed to help feed the cattle with rather stinky beet that had been standing a while.
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  • RMweb Gold

We just insured our house and contents through the same nautically themed company as we have a multi-car policy with them.


Cutting a long story short, we have to have business insurance on our property as the Obergrumpenfuhrer has clients to the house. (Although we do not have to pay business rates on the property thank goodness)


We renewed the insurance at less than half the price quoted by the existing insurer, and with an enhanced top of the range package to boot.


Plus our car insurance, which is being tied into it is being given extra discount when it renews at the end of June.


Sadly the savings made do not get passed onto either the  7 mm fund or the 7/8ths engineering department.


Not only that but I dealt with a very pleasant young lady based in Cardiff and not an outsourced overseas call centre, whom I do find difficult to hear on my bad side.

Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Gold

As a special treat when I was 8 and staying on a relatives farm in Scotland I was allowed to help feed the cattle with rather stinky beet that had been standing a while.


When I was a youngster the local farmhouse and yard was actually in the village. Every year they got a lorry load (or more) of sugar beet pulp for cattle feed which was just tipped in the farmyard and stunk the place out for days. ISTR it was quite hot when you stuck your hands in the heap.

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

When my dad retired 35 years ago he and my mum went to live near Peterborough. There was also a large sugar beet processing plant not far from  their new home. Not only were the roads covered in mud for part of the year but the mud was deposited by convoys of tractors and trailers travelling at 12-15 mph. It got so bad that the Roads Agency and Customs* organized a 'sting', and there were some pretty hefty fines dished out. *Customs were involved as most of the tractors were running on 'red' diesel on public roads.

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Debs Update


She’s had a major operation yesterday and is in ITU where she’ll remain until at least tomorrow. On Monday she was moved under blue lights to another medical facility where they have really state of the art equipment, and, with an international medical team, had a procedure lasting over four hours, and in all this success was not guaranteed. She texted me on the journey saying that her escape was anything other then low key. She asked for the sirens as well, but was told that she had to behave. They did put the sirens on for her.


On Tuesday she had a battery of tests and I tried to keep her amused by virtual visiting all day. Yesterday she was prepped at 6 and went to theatre at 8:30. She was conscious throughout as they needed her to react to ensure that they were doing the right thing. She was then moved to recovery and then into ITU where she will remain for the moment.


Without this operation the consequences would have been really serious.


When fit to travel she will be returned to Sister Gem’s care, but that may be a while.


Her nephew James has been keeping me informed. And Debs herself has not let her sense of humour diminish. She texted yesterday morning whilst undergoing pre-op prep and hoped that Sandy and I would have a good day. She also texted yesterday evening post op telling us not to worry.


I have been holding off sanding anything else to her for the moment, but will start sending soon. After getting on for three months in hospital she really is getting bored, but has accepted that she needs to get better as fast as she can so that she can escape. Fresh air would be good, and a change of scene, so pics are really appreciated. She and Sandy have been swapping sewing pics.


Today there have been more exchanges - in this ITU she’s allowed her phone so doesn’t feel as alone.


One of the things she had to do as part of the tests was to read a passage so that they could assess changes during the operation. This passage:


"When the sunlight strikes raindrops in the air, they act like a prism and form a rainbow. The rainbow is a division of white light into many beautiful colours. These take the shape of a long round arch, with its path high above, and its two ends apparently beyond the horizon. There is, according to legend, a boiling pot of gold at one end. People look but no one ever finds it. When a man looks for something beyond his reach, his friends say he is looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.”



Apparently it contains every phoneme of English, so that changes can be assessed.

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  • RMweb Gold

Many more positive vibes being sent to Debs.  I think she has had rather more than her fair share of problems over the past few months but glad to see that her fighting spirit is still there. Some of the whingers and moaners in this world could learn a bit  lot from her. 

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Messages to Debs


i'm afraid that I've rather lost track of messages for Debs. I'm sending from Barry O's message 169347.

If you have any messages for Debs please either PM me or post here and I'll try to pick them up. I have 169347 and 169348.

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I plan to travel to Derby tomorrow (Friday), returning Saturday evening. Any advice please?


"Don't" is the worst possible option as trains and hotel are already booked! However ...



Edited by JohnDMJ
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  • RMweb Premium

I plan to travel (by train) to Derby tomorrow (Friday), returning Saturday evening. Any advice please?


"Don't" is the worst possible option as train and hotel are already booked! However ...




The big shutdown around Derby happens later this year.

XC crews are route learning other routes using a pair of Class 50s at the mo - they are based out of Derby.


 I think this is one of them. http://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/train/R79085/2018/03/16/advanced





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  • RMweb Gold

I plan to travel to Derby tomorrow (Friday), returning Saturday evening. Any advice please?


"Don't" is the worst possible option as trains and hotel are already booked! However ...




Here's what the Met Office's seaweed is currently suggesting (guessing?) might happen on Saturday -




PS Friday's current yellow warning is clear of your route and Derby but I'd steer clear of Leeds and Norfolk if I were you.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Premium

Here's what the Met Office's seaweed is currently suggesting (guessing?) might happen on Saturday -




PS Friday's current yellow warning is clear of your route and Derby but I'd steer clear of Leeds and Norfolk if I were you.


That may affect our return to the northwest from Derby. Either Sheffield-Manchester or Brum-Manc are the options.Unless EMT smile upon us and let us go Derby-Stoke.......




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  • RMweb Premium

Talking of snaps..


We spent two nights in Hong Kong. Apart from the smog we really enjoyed the place.


Our hotel was very close to bus/tram and underground stops and had great views


attachicon.gifHong Kong from our window (1024x756).jpg


We had (as most people do) a trip on a ferry


attachicon.gifHong Kong ferry (1024x768).jpg


got to know about the history of the "Peak Tram"


attachicon.gifHong Kong the Peak Tram history (1024x375).jpg


and managed to avoid being knocked down by one of the Trams


attachicon.gifKong Trams (1024x768).jpg.


Overall verdict....we shall be back as there is more to do than we thought there was. (and I wasn't allowed to go for a trip on the trams!)




You can always got to Birkenhead to ride one of them.  They had two built in Hong Kong for their service to Woodside ferry from Taylor Street Museum.   The vintage British ones come out sometimes though.   Of course Birkenhead doesn't quite have the atmosphere of Hong Kong.



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  • RMweb Premium

The big shutdown around Derby happens later this year.

XC crews are route learning other routes using a pair of Class 50s at the mo - they are based out of Derby.


 I think this is one of them. http://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/train/R79085/2018/03/16/advanced






My mate's daughter is a Train Manager for XC and when she told her dad she was going route learning on a class 50 round that area he offered to pay good money to take her place.  She however is getting paid to do it.   Apparently the XC drivers are salivating as they can't wait to drive a 50.



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


Well most of today’s been given over, one way or another to shopping. First thing this morning , as I mentioned earlier, I did a small fodder run. As I got home before 10:30, I made myself a muggertea and then went off to Altrincham, first I went to Machine Mart, then onto Homebase for a few tools and DIY supplies. Once I’d got what I wanted and as I was already in Altrincham I called at Waitrose to pick up things that we can’t get anywhere else. On my way home I called in to the butchers as I literally passed them on the way back. All this was completed before Sheila got back from her Zumba class, as she ended up chatting with her friends afterwards.


The afternoon was spent reading this months RM which I picked up whilst I was in Waitrose.


Goodnight all

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  • RMweb Premium

Yellow snow warning..pah! We are off to Nottingham Show. Snow appears to be turning up later and should be going for our return trip.


Have a steady day at work Rick.

Hope everyone else has as good a time as they can over the next 24 hours.




Ps anyone know how I can turn the outside heating back on????

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