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  • RMweb Premium

They've just been changing duff flourescent tubes around here, trouble is they've changed from warm white to cool white... my eyes MY EYES... :sungum:


Off shortly  to the Big orange shed for muddling materials,  namely a large amount of white icing sugar for polystyrene... human flesh gluing stuff may also be bought.

Also going via the same company, under another name attaches things without nails, appropriately to get a box of glue and a box of silicon sealant.

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  • RMweb Premium

It does seem the repairs have gone quite well though.

Arthritis is very annoying. I do get such pains but not constantly. Changes in medication have certainly made it more noticeable recently.

I agree about painkillers etc. I have often thought whoever developed paracetamol deserves more recognition (and whoever formulated Sudocreme!)



Yes Tony, the outcome is better than the surgeon had thought at the outset - but he didn't tell me that until recently!  I was close to losing half my foot, so a bit of Arthur-itis and a jigsaw pattern on my foot is easy to bear in comparison.  The CT scans of it pre-surgery look like a random collection of bones in a bag.  Mr Ross Barker, I salute you.


I manage about 50% of nights with no medication, I hope that will improve when the weather does likewise.

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I was quite delighted by this when I saw it (or at least shorter versions of it) on television last night:

Travel Oregon commissioned a commercial from Portland's own Wieden+Kennedy agency. They are headquartered here, but have a global footprint including a London agency. If you've ever seen a Nike advertisement, chances are it was done by them. The animation studio is Danish company Sun Creature.
In an homage to the house style of Studio Ghibli films directed by Hayao Miyazaki it is certainly whimsical by travel commercial standards. I think that suits Oregonians well. My son and several of his Millennial friends are big fans of Studio Ghibli films - they are a touchstone to their childhood. Every scene is based on recognizable parts of Oregon, though it is perhaps "slightly exaggerated".
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  • RMweb Gold

The downside is alcohol of any kind, but my favourite red wine is the worst, makes it ache like hell.  Good for my liver, then.  Except for the paracetomol.....


You could try doing without the demon drink :O   I know it sounds horrific but for a variety of reasons I have reduced my alcohol consumption to virtually nothing and often go several weeks without a glass of cider or wine - in fact I rarely drink the latter nowadays.  The only exception I make is our week on the briny where it would obviously be extremely to refuse the included wine that comes with dinner and the top notch mix of Pimms which comes with our  evening visit to what used to be the ward room (now open to all ranks).  As our first trip this year will be with the Starboard Watch it will be interesting to sample their offering of Pimms - unless a certain senior Electrical Engineering Officer and ace Pimms mixer is doing a spot of moonlighting on the opposite watch.

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  • RMweb Premium

I have not had much at all for the last year, Mike.  For the reason stated!  Interesting it shows in the blood results, my GP was taking the mickey almost when he was telling me.  I haven't drunk much at all for several years really, maybe was 6 units a week before my accident but it still shows.  Apparently when folk tell doctors they have 3-4 pints a week its easy to tell they're lying in blood results, and they usually double what people admit to!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all from PDX.


Awaiting our flight to Denver which has just arrived at the gate so should be an on time departure.


Had an email from mum today. Her brother in OZ died a day ago. Didn’t even realise that he had been ill. Not sure if mum will be able to fly out there for th funeral with the impending house move.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning...late again.


Hospickle visit a bit drawn out, to say the least, but I am sure the delays were due to people who needed medical attention more than me.  The fracture clinic was demonstrative of the recent cold spell, a lot of broken arms and wrists on show.  Three of us in a corner comparing notes on foot/ankle injuries! :friends:


Foot doing OK, but arthritis already creeping in to the non-fused but damaged joints.  The fused bits from the two operations are OK though, so that's good news.  The arthritis goes with the territory for this type of injury, the alternative being....no fore-foot.  I'll take the arthur-itis thanks.  Now awaiting orthotics being made (another 2 weeks) and the usual physioterrorism,


Now about to take shares out in anti-inflammatory and painkiller manufacturers.......  :jester:

Neil have you ever thought about using one of those clinics in Switerland   :jester:

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At the risk of being slightly political, after recent events in PA I'm going to my shed now to blast out a rendition that starts


"Hey mister tangerine man......


Hope the neighbors approve.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Received a parcel this lunchtime, an e-bay purchase made 8 days ago. A rather expensive but rare diecast model. One slight problem though, it came from Russia! Seriously though it came well packed in the 'solid' white foam plastic, the stuff that you can cut without creating a snowstorm unlike expanded polestyrene. That has been stashed away for future use. Neil, when my Arfur-Itis was diagnosed I was told to avoid red wine and red meat and in fact I havn't drank any alcohol for ages.

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I was quite delighted by this when I saw it (or at least shorter versions of it) on television last night.


Every scene is based on recognizable parts of Oregon, though it is perhaps "slightly exaggerated".

Lovely, but how could they do a commercial for Oregon scenery without including sand dunes?

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  • RMweb Gold

Red wine has no deleterious effect on any of my aches and pains. However white wine does cause me some problems. Not all white wines though.

When my doctors experimented with stopping my immunosuppressive medication everything seemed to cause problems.


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  • RMweb Premium

Red wine has no deleterious effect on any of my aches and pains. However white wine does cause me some problems. Not all white wines though.

When my doctors experimented with stopping my immunosuppressive medication everything seemed to cause problems.



In my experience wine has never caused me any aches and pains apart from occasionally a morning headache.   However we've solved that with using our local vineyard in France who don't put sulphites in their product.   However there is one side effect.  It seems to improve my French after a glass or three, at least that's what I think.



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  • RMweb Gold

I have not had much at all for the last year, Mike.  For the reason stated!  Interesting it shows in the blood results, my GP was taking the mickey almost when he was telling me.  I haven't drunk much at all for several years really, maybe was 6 units a week before my accident but it still shows.  Apparently when folk tell doctors they have 3-4 pints a week its easy to tell they're lying in blood results, and they usually double what people admit to!


Yes, definitely shows in blood tests and if you're on warfarin they take a particular interest (alas, I'm booked a test a week after coming back ashore  :senile:  ).  In the INR clinic a good many years back one of the nurses gave a young fellah a right telling off in front of other patients for drinking excessive quantities and he denied it - as a cocky youngster would - only to be told the exact amount of alcohol he had consumed the previous night, his face was a picture.  And of course all present had been given a useful lesson hence the lad's public telling off.

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  • RMweb Gold

I have not had much at all for the last year, Mike.  For the reason stated!  Interesting it shows in the blood results, my GP was taking the mickey almost when he was telling me.  I haven't drunk much at all for several years really, maybe was 6 units a week before my accident but it still shows.  Apparently when folk tell doctors they have 3-4 pints a week its easy to tell they're lying in blood results, and they usually double what people admit to!


Bloody hell! I'm always honest about my booze intake. If my doctor doubles what I tell him it's no wonder he looks rather horrified. 

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Lovely, but how could they do a commercial for Oregon scenery without including sand dunes?

It's an editorial challenge. I thought that Eastern and Central Oregon got relatively short shrift. No lava beds, Smith Rock etc.The vastness of southeastern Oregon is visited rarely by anyone but birds.


It would have been fun to see an Arrakean Sand Worm appear as a whimsical creature in the Oregon Dunes though. ;)

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  • RMweb Premium

And another sadly passes away - Jim Bowen.


A letter from America today. Request for non-payment of a $1.40 toll - two 70 cent tickets

The I-95 is the main north-south highway through the Eastern seaboard (I think it's toll free along it's 1800 mile length) and it is connected to Miami airport via the Airport Expressway that is about 4 miles long.

Alternate routes in the area involve non-major roads with consequently longer transit times.

It was as we exited by the airport that Mrs NB thought we had just been on a toll road and neither of us had seen any signs that we had entered a toll area - no toll booths - all done by licence plate recognition.

It's the principal connection from a major highway to a huge airport - a licence to print money.


I have checked the details of the letter and it tallies with when and where we were, so looks like I'll be paying the toll - with an admin charge of $19.98 as they charge $9.99 per transgression...........


I can pay online but they offer the service of sending a check. For the satisfaction of the cost of a stamp to the US, I think I'll let them work for their 20 bucks.

I need to find out if I can send a cheque with a dollar amount...... Does anybody know?


Two days off now and the intention is to play golf for the first time since mid-October as last Saturday was rained off. There will be much stretching and warming up of the back required.

I still haven't had the MRI scan results, but I'm feeling a lot looser and think that the errant bits of disc are retreating back to where they belong. Still the odd twinge when sitting in the wrong chair for any length of time but it's far better than it was a few weeks ago.

Then the afternoon will be sorting stuff for the club exhibition to be held in November. We've had a venue/date change due to the situation at our previous venue becoming unfavourable for holding a show.


Friday is trainspotting photographic research day with a mate.  Armed with Northern Trains and Cross Country day tickets who knows where we'll get up to. Plan A version 1 is to visit Banbury and buy a ticket for a loco haul back into Brum with a Chiltern 68.

Then across to Derby to see some yellow stuff maybe.


Have a good Thursday folks.




Edited by newbryford
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  • RMweb Gold



"If my doctor doubles what I tell him it's no wonder he looks rather horrified". ... if you are honest the blood alcohol results will not be double so rest assured no worry.


 The Stationmaster


In terms of  "cocky youngsters" we used to see some expressions on young diabetics when we were able to test what their blood glucose levels  were over a three week and six week period as well as the immediate value.  It also meant fewer admittance to the wards ... makes one wonder why some came to the clinic with a high blood glucose expecting to be warded (for nurse attention?) only for us to know that they deliberately raised it before the visit again because of the three and six week results.



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And another sadly passes away - Jim Bowen.


A letter from America today. Request for non-payment of a $1.40 toll - two 70 cent tickets

The I-95 is the main north-south highway through the Eastern seaboard (I think it's toll fee) and it is connected to Miami airport via the Airport Expressway that is about 4 miles long.

Alternate routes in the area involve non-major roads with consequently longer transit times.

It was as we exited by the airport that Mrs NB thought we had just been on a toll road and neither of us had seen any signs that we had entered a toll area - no toll booths - all done by licence plate recognition.

It's the principal connection from a major highway to a huge airport - a licence to print money.


I have checked the details of the letter and it tallies with when and where we were, so looks like I'll be paying the toll - with an admin charge of $19.98 as they charge $9.99 per transgression...........


I can pay online but they offer the service of sending a check. For the satisfaction of the cost of a stamp to the US, I think I'll let them work for their 20 bucks.

I need to find out if I can send a cheque with a dollar amount...... Does anybody know?


Two days off now and the intention is to play golf for the first time since mid-October as last Saturday was rained off. There will be much stretching and warming up of the back required.

I still haven't had the MRI scan results, but I'm feeling a lot looser and think that the errant bits of disc are retreating back to where they belong. Still the odd twinge when sitting in the wrong chair for any length of time but it's far better than it was a few weeks ago.

Then the afternoon will be sorting stuff for the club exhibition to be held in November. We've had a venue/date change due to the situation at our previous venue becoming unfavourable for holding a show.


Friday is trainspotting photographic research day with a mate.  Armed with Northern Trains and Cross Country day tickets who knows where we'll get up to. Plan A version 1 is to visit Banbury and buy a ticket for a loco haul back into Brum with a Chiltern 68.

Then across to Derby to see some yellow stuff maybe.


Have a good Thursday folks.




I was at Derby yesterday, and there is YELLOW stuff everywhere, as they are building a new platform by the looks of things, so NOT the YELLOW stuff you want Mick. 

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  • RMweb Premium

I was at Derby yesterday, and there is YELLOW stuff everywhere, as they are building a new platform by the looks of things, so NOT the YELLOW stuff you want Mick. 


That's another reason to visit Derby, to see the work that is going on with the remodelling of the Derby station area.

Pretty certain I've seen diagrams of the new layout on Rmweb and can't find them.


edit - found this instead: https://www.railengineer.uk/2017/08/25/79-days-at-derby-in-2018/




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I can pay online but they offer the service of sending a check. For the satisfaction of the cost of a stamp to the US, I think I'll let them work for their 20 bucks.

I need to find out if I can send a cheque with a dollar amount...... Does anybody know?

I expect you can. In the US I can have a cashiers cheque made out in GBP ... for a fee. You would probably need to do the same but in USD. I don't believe you can write a personal cheque in a foreign currency - at least you cannot do that here. 


Even for people who maintain a particular balance, banks here want to charge for cashiers cheques in foreign currencies, even if they waive other charges. Here it requires a visit to a branch and a meeting with a banker to make this happen.


This sort of thing is normal with rental cars in the US. Hertz use this outfit. It's highway robbery - and quite literally so. The "service" charge is usually an order of magnitude larger than the tolls.  In much of the US cash toll plazas have disappeared.


There was a particularly arcane system in Queensland where I had to telephone the toll authority within a certain number of days of using the tollway. I think I had to give them a credit card number over the 'phone.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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