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  • RMweb Gold

I have also now cancelled most of the pre-orders that I had because firstly it was becoming stupid and secondly the money can be put towards my new car.




Just how many pre-orders did you have?


Or was it  an  rtr 5" gauge A3 Pacific?

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning awl from a village that could almost be getting sunny somewhere south of Baz.   A good days work was done yesterday and a carload of boxes went to the container and the tip.  I hope that I took the correct ones to the differing destinations.   


This morning we are off to Bradford for Beth to see her orthopod re her hip operation in January.   I might well continue to tidy up and also have some parcels to post.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold



Just how many pre-orders did you have?


Or was it  an  rtr 5" gauge A3 Pacific?


Richard, at one time it was somewhat north of 1K and climbing. I kept being tempted by pretty little tank engines and one or two bigger ones..In my defence I had the great bulk of that money saved in my muddling fund but have now transferred it to the car fund, the car having become a priority as the present one will costs me lots of money to fix before the next MOT.

The only orders left on now are the Rapido Stirling Single and Dynamometer Car which I've paid deposits on and possibly the Locomotion Dean Goods. (Sound version which is fairly imminent)

Still thinking about that one.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Sunny here.

We will be looking after one of the guest lecturers for the French Circle. She was supposed to be staying with someone else but was worried about where her car would be parked overnight. She had stayed with us last year and was happy with our road so will stay with us.

Perhaps we should not let her know about the incident that happened while we were away at the weekend. Lots of police cars, a tow truck and ambulances. Someone on the run from an earlier incident had tried to rob a cab driver. The cab ended up in someone's garden and the alleged robber ended up flying through the air and landing in another garden.

Yesterday in another part of Benfleet an incident required two helicopters, lots of ambulances, police cars and fire appliances. Machete attacks and setting people on fire is not normal round here, well not since the Viking times.

I don't have anything too exciting today, only a visit to the dentist tk look forward to this afternoon.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Sad news indeed about Stephen Hawking, what is surprising that he survived for so long with such a terribly and rapidly advancing debilitating disease. I knew of three people who have died of MND all within a year of diagnosis which makes his survival for 54 years all the more remarkable. Bright and sunny here this morning so going to make the most of it as its not predicted to last.


My take on this is that once the evidence is passed over to Moscow, they will conduct a very detailed analysis of this.


They will report back that yes it was the nerve agent as specified, but it was used by rogue elements from within the relevant department.


These rogue elements were working without the knowledge or authority of the state , have been apprehended and dealt with accordingly.


A statement will be made over how regretful this incident was and how damaging this could have been for international relations between the two countries.


Boris will make a statement thanking our friends for their robust and thorough investigation and  the subsequent action to prevent such a terrible thing happening again.


Now all will be happy in 'LaLa land'. (aka Parliament).

Until the next time when the whole process will be repeated, Groundhog Day anyone?

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Morning one and all from a very wet Kernow.


Cyber bullying, interesting modern concept where people think they can say what they want, often behind the cloak,of anonymity.


My top tip, having now met two individuals who thought they could make rather inappropriate comments towards me....... is to be careful, as you never know when those comments will catch up with you.


In more ways than one. ;)

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  • RMweb Gold



The world is a sadder place today for two reasons.  The first is, of course, the news overnight of the death of Professor Stephen Hawking.   We have lost one of the most remarkable and brilliant humans of all time.


The second reason is closer to home.  If you have ever wondered what cyber bullying looks like, I refer you to the Falcon Brass thread.  Certain people should hang their heads in utter shame for their crass, insensitive, hounding and selfish comments which at their worst are more suited to Donald J Trump than members of RMweb.  Expulsions have taken place for lesser misdemeanours. 


That is all.



It's a shame about Stephen Hawking I'm amazed what he done in his lifetime considering his illness R.I.P. 



I can't agree more with you Chris the Falcon thread was a bomb waiting to go off if you look at the past two pages appears to be the same nasty people that are present in other locked threads it's about time something was done about them

 I know two of them tried it on me I just fought back and they backed off, I'm sorry to say this but the conservative attitude to selective moderation on this forum will allow it to fester and these trolls to continue.


BTW have a good day youall

Edited by 81C
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Morning all, pretty breezy here today, but that isn’t preventing the ongoing roof work. Half the roof is now covered just in new felt and nailed down with laths. The roofers have started on the other side of the house today. I am still removing all the nails from the old laths and then storing dry in the dry for use on the woodburner. I rather overdid it yesterday, and my knees would hardly move by the evening, so today’s mail removing has been done mostly sitting down to save the knees!

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  • RMweb Premium

Mawnin‘ awl, and as I wrote on the appropriate thread, RIP, Professor Hawking. Brilliant minds like his are far too few and far between to begin with, so I wonder if we will see someone his equal emerge in our lifetimes...


A bit better on this end this morning, and I’ll try to avoid prolonged contact with other people for the next few days just to be safe.


Cheers, folks!

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I think the late Prof. Hawking may still be around a while yet - I'm waiting to hear whether his part in Radio 4's current Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Hexagonal Phase continues.

.....'I want it and I want it now yesterday - if not earlier' ....

Edited for accuracy.

Edited by Horsetan
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HUMP day, and Pi day (American calendars only of course!!)

Concur on the sad morning news here of Prof. Stephen Hawking, much admired although I am not clever enough to understand more than maybe 10% of his writings at best (and THAT may be optimistic!), he did manage to outlive his life expectancy by something like 40 years so I think the scientific community and the medical professions can take something from that.


Drove to the "new" client offices today, now looking at a 30 minute commute, instead of 10 <bletch>. Not exactly busy/congested, but a long slog on suburban streets.


-1 and sunny driving in - DIRECTLY towards the sun, but given it isn't a highway, just suburban streets littered with traffic lights, few cockwombles encountered!


Hope the HUMP treats you well and you enjoy any Pi you manage to acquire ;)

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Breezy here, but bright and cold.


Reading a few of the comments about the Falcon Brass thread prompted my to head that way - wow, how things have gone pear shaped there.  Regrettably, it appears that some of the protagonists are the same ones who have been of similar behaviour elsewhere.  I can remember when THIS site had a reputation on other modelling sites for being too heavily moderated, which to the complainers was not a "good thing".  It appears that the moderation is no longer quite so good, and that we are now hosting online slanging matches.  Time for some serious warnings from on high, methinks.


Generic greetings and a belated happy birthday to NHN.


Back tomorrow?

Reagrds to All


my birthday!

And have a good one

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Afternoon All


Breezy here, but bright and cold.


Reading a few of the comments about the Falcon Brass thread prompted my to head that way - wow, how things have gone pear shaped there.  Regrettably, it appears that some of the protagonists are the same ones who have been of similar behaviour elsewhere.  I can remember when THIS site had a reputation on other modelling sites for being too heavily moderated, which to the complainers was not a "good thing".  It appears that the moderation is no longer quite so good, and that we are now hosting online slanging matches.  Time for some serious warnings from on high, methinks.


Generic greetings and a belated happy birthday to NHN.


Back tomorrow?

Reagrds to All


And have a good one

thank you. I will, in July :)

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning...late again.


Hospickle visit a bit drawn out, to say the least, but I am sure the delays were due to people who needed medical attention more than me.  The fracture clinic was demonstrative of the recent cold spell, a lot of broken arms and wrists on show.  Three of us in a corner comparing notes on foot/ankle injuries! :friends:


Foot doing OK, but arthritis already creeping in to the non-fused but damaged joints.  The fused bits from the two operations are OK though, so that's good news.  The arthritis goes with the territory for this type of injury, the alternative being....no fore-foot.  I'll take the arthur-itis thanks.  Now awaiting orthotics being made (another 2 weeks) and the usual physioterrorism,


Now about to take shares out in anti-inflammatory and painkiller manufacturers.......  :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

While Aditi is out having a haircut and then a pub lunch with a friend I have been making the house fit for visitors. It was anyway, but Aditi will be happy now.

12C and sunny here. The garden plants will get very confused if forecast weather for the weekend happens.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning...late again.



Now about to take shares out in anti-inflammatory and painkiller manufacturers.......  :jester:

It does seem the repairs have gone quite well though.

Arthritis is very annoying. I do get such pains but not constantly. Changes in medication have certainly made it more noticeable recently.

I agree about painkillers etc. I have often thought whoever developed paracetamol deserves more recognition (and whoever formulated Sudocreme!)


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