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  • RMweb Premium

Approximately 280 years of railways and they still don't have a common coupler / connection system, what chance do us modellers have?


Two locos and a small train that would be Midland Railways...


Shortly I'll see if I can get some sleep without interruptions from blowing exhausts..


35 year together in November, it's almost as though SWMBO and me were married.


I see the beast from the east is going to have another go, the coming weekend, just in time for Snowflake Sailing Clubs end of season regatta and prize giving dinner ( Guinness stew and a PuD).

For your delictation radio 2s record of the week..https://youtu.be/Cr3Z2u9LRHk

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Evening all. A big thank you for the kind comments. I would like to pass on my heartfelt thoughts and condolences to Rik (Gwiwer). Warm wishes to everyone else and congrats to those who have celebrated a wedding anniversary recently. Sarah and I are matrimonial rookies compared to many on here. In the summer, God willing, we will celebrate our 8th anniversary.


 Another update from this corner of Derbyshire. The completion of a certain application has, surely, removed one of the reasons for lack of sleep. However, completing and submitting the application just 15 minutes before midnight was not the best preparation for a good night's sleep. Sure enough restful shut eye was limited. This meant another bleary eyed and exhausted start to a Monday morning. Although this term is only 4 weeks long it does seem to be turning into a marathon.


 In terms of the application I feel quite relaxed about it. I do not expect to get the job and I do not expect to even get shortlisted. However, after spending what seems like an age debating it, I have at least made a decision to "have a go". I continue to look at other jobs and opportunities. One thing is for sure, I do not expect to still be at my current school in September. If I do not find a new role I will resign and go back to supply in September - unless I can find a suitable alternative career. I have not ruled that out either.


Best wishes



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  • RMweb Gold

Andy ID - thanks for the memory - an awesome sight in '67 for me flying over the rockies to Vancouver prior to my Greyhound back-packing 'adventure'


Congrats to all those who have anniversaries recently and to those coming up.



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Lake Pend Oreille from Schweitzer Mountain?


Yes, that's the view looking East. They opened a rather nice restaurant right there at the top recently. You can ride the chairlift even though you're not skiing.


I did stop in for lunch and an IPA while I was passing. Well, who wouldn't?

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


Great progress was made in the attic with that paint brush, all the furniture that has required painting has now had one topcoat applied. Hopefully, tomorrow will see it all getting a second and then it’s just a question of putting everything back into place.


Sheila and I will celebrate our 40th anniversary later in the year, we’ve been together just over 40 years, but known each other for nearly 42 years. James often says that I’d have gotten less for murder and I’d be out now!


Andyram. Good luck with your application.


Goodnight all

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  • RMweb Gold

Iain, Check out Train Mountain in Chiloquin OR. Longest Miniature Railroad in the World - over 30 miles of track....





Best, Pete.

It was shut when we went past there a few years ago. That was the year we visited Crater Lake. No car this time. Just beer and we now have an American Echo Dot working sitting in the next brewery - only tech bought so far on this trip. Edited by roundhouse
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On our morning walk we went beside the railway (local, up to one train a day). It was mildly snowing and temperature was about freezing. There were little strips of snow on the tops of the rails at the joints -- the same length as the fishplates while the rest of the rail was bare.  A few places like crossings and deep shadows had more snow.

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Good morning one and all


Yesterday was unremarkable.  I could do with some more of those but not too many.  Before I head over to chez Poorly Pal today I ought to do a quick fodder run.  If I time it right I can be there and back in half an hour with the car.  That, of course, is a big 'if'.


I've not done the accent thing but if I have one I reckon mine is West London for the simple reason that I was born there.  Someone once told me that I had a guards officer's accent but it is clear thst he had never met a guards officer.  I'm not aware that I have either.  Whatever I do have, it was not good enough to get me a job with BFBS in 1969 or Radio Bristol in 1970.  Let us set another hare running: whose is your favourite radio voice?  I am torn between Keith Skues, who is very guards-officer, and the late great John Peel who was anything but.


Lots to read still so warm thoughts and best wishes to the ailing, recovering and missing.  Fingers crossed today also for Andyram.  There must be some way out of there.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning to most.


Spent yesterday afternoon using a new (replacement) dirty water pump to reduce the pond in our front garden. More water pumping required today.


Starting to sort out photographs from our trip. With loadsaphotos this may take some time.


Found my work bench yesterday...... No middling completed.


Have a good day/evening/morning*





* apply as required

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Morning all. An unremarkable and rather damp day yesterday but the mood had, as expected, returned to normal. Thanks to friends here for your support.


Belated happy anniversary to Mr & Mrs NHN. Where you lead others follow - we met 25 years ago next month and shall mark 23 years married in October.


Now where’s me bat? I need to wave at trains! Have a good Cheeseday all.

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Morning awl from a cooler but dryer village than yesterday.    I got the parcels posted and then had a good evening at the club watching a talk about a trip across Canada by train.   Fascinating as the club projector decided to resort the pictures and randomly refused to show some of the jpegs.  Malcolm who was doing the show di a great job as the pictures appeared randomly on screen. We must have travelled well over 100,000 miles as we went from jasper to Winnipeg, Toronto and Vancouver in quick succession.   However there were some great pictures.   I did the journey in 1978 so it was interesting to see the changes. 


I also spent a lot of time yesterday, and Sunday looking for the charge for my camera batteries.  Nothing was found so I arranged to borrow one from a friend at the club.   I brought it home and went to plug it in in a socket in the sitting room and found,  Guess what, my own charger was already plugged into the same socket but had dropped down behind something.  


Anyway a new day lies ahead.   Breakfast and the ironing are the first tasks then I really must make a major assault on the modelling room.   


Belated best wishes to Mr and Mrs NHN on their anniversary.   We will get to 39 this year a week before we leave the house for France.


Regards to all.



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Mooring Awl, Iner Temple Here,

6 hours solid sleep that was good...


 I  often hear Keith Skues  on the  Local radio, I wouldn't put him in Guards officer language class.. He has semi-retired to the same village as my sailing clubs, which is how I've also met him a couple of times. To me he has a well off, but not Posh accent, I think he's lived this way for nearly 30 years. He has of course, spent some years attached to the military, lived in many places like me, which tends to give a fairly non regional accent..


We've had much more rain overnight  so many fields, roads and ditches are now full of water. Many roads are already showing signs of ice and frost damage with sections of tarmac coming up. I fear that with the cold weather returning with the Beastly Eaterner returning at the weekend, we are going to have much more road damage.


Meantime in this rare period of warmth, in sheltered spots, we now have Daffs out, I've also seen the first tree coming into leaf. That's in  for a big shock...


Time to.... continue the battle with this major equipment, Current, AC and DC mostly today..

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all, 

Blue sky and sunshine here at the moment but there may be the odd shower later.

Talking of odd showers I hope we're all well this morning?  :jester:

I woke later than usual and The Boss brought me tea in bed. It would appear that "there are things to be done." There's a surprise.  :no:

Not sure what needs doing apart from my postponed walk to the chemist to pick up some medication.  :scratchhead:  :dontknow:

Kids will be here later as usual after school and the good news is that Nicki is slowly improving but has been told by the doctor to stay off work again all this week. She's hardly ever been off in the past and then never more than a day or two. (apart from maternity leave).

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Premium

If you can see this then the company network is up and running again, only lost about 30 minutes work and a further 30 minutes working time...

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  • RMweb Gold

If you can see this then the company network is up and running again, only lost about 30 minutes work and a further 30 minutes working time...

Nope, can't see it, your network must still be down.


One of my favourite voices was John Arlott. Although it is what he was best remembered for, he was more than just a sports commentator. I'm not sure how you would describe his voice but it was wonderfully evocative.

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Morning All


Not raining this morning, and I could have been a real ER today, as 30747 has a full week's work and an early night meant an early morning start, as there is a limit to the sleep that I can have, so with a 9.30 bed, we were well awake by half five this morning. 


Neil, sorry I missed a happy anniversary mention yesterday, must have slipped past me when I was backreading.  Mine is like many here, in the high 30s - 39 to be exact, and another big one next year.


Greetings of the generic sort are offered all round.


Much to do today, including a massive sort out and reorganise of my railway book collection to sort out doubles.  Also a large shopping list and a last bag of coal and a few more logs to collect on preparation for next week's expected cold snap. 


Just a quick edit - I finally managed to get the camera software sorted out (I bought it in December) and got the user guide downloaded - to find that in most countries the camera also comes with a charger (not included), a software/driver disc (not included), and a user guide (not included).  Also, that the software is, after all, not essential, as the camera can be used as an external drive.  No wonder it was a bargain - to print 56 pages cost a lot in paper and ink


Back later/tomorrow.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning one and all.


Brilliant blue sky this morning, although I suspect slightly colder. Some dog walking first, and then:- Arrgh! Decorating!


Actually, it's my fault. I promised some decorating before I could start on a new railway shed. Problem is, I can't remember just 'how much' decorating.


Have a great day folks, and enjoy the weather.



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Pump is ...pumping


Sorted out an eye check up with the eye consultant "sometime in April"


Breakfast eaten


Times etc for taking layout to Nottingham Show...sorted


now to get on with my list of "chores"  grrrh!



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