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Things are coming along here. SWMBO still has a sore back at times, but is getting massage and physiotherapy. We went shopping today -- I found a 150W LED bulb for the garage. Dayle bought rugs for the bathroom, then took one back for a larger one (after I made her measure the space). 


My Tom Lehrer awareness goes back to the 50s or early 60s when Mad magazine did an illustrated version of The Hunting Song.

There's ten stuffed heads in my trophy room right now;

Two game wardens,

Seven hunters,

And a pure-bred Guernsey cow.

Edited by BR60103
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My Tom Lehrer awareness goes back to the 50s or early 60s when Mad magazine did an illustrated version of The Hunting Song.

There's ten stuffed heads in trophy room right now;

Two game wardens,

Seven hunters,

And a pure-bred Guernsey cow.


I remember one year the results of the first day of the hunting season were reported in the local paper here as "Hunters 1, Deer 2". 

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I've just been reading through the Wikipedia article on Tom Lehrer, which is amusing in itself -


In 2013, Lehrer recalled the studio session for "Poisoning Pigeons in the Park," which referred to the practice of controlling pigeons in Boston with strychnine-treated corn:

"The copyist arrived at the last minute with the parts and passed them out to the band... And there was no title on it, and there was no lyrics. And so they ran through it, 'what a pleasant little waltz'... And the engineer said, '"Poisoning Pigeons in the Park,' take one," and the piano player said, '"What?"' and literally fell off the stool."   That reminded me of the first time I heard his songs, when our Physics master brought in one of his albums as an end of term treat. and some of my classmates, helpless with laughter, emulated the pianist by falling off their lab stools. 
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... "Poisoning Pigeons in the Park," which referred to the practice of controlling pigeons in Boston with strychnine-treated corn: 

"Poisoning Pigeons in the Park" has such delightful phrasing and rhyming.


"My pulse will be quick'nin'

with each drop of strychnine,

we feed to a pigeon

it just takes a smidgen ...


By the way, as Ian (Roundhouse) indicates, "Spring is here" at least here in Portland this weekend.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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Today is NOT Mothers Day/Mothering Sunday here, that's on hold for a few more weeks yet, still not sure why that particular event isn't on the same day here as much of the rest of the world, whereas Fathers day is?!?

Mother's Day / fathers day are a modern Americanism, much more to do with the sales of cards and invented gifts.

The American Mothers Day (observed on the same date in Australia) is very much a "Hallmark Holiday".


In the pre-internet days it was always very confusing for me as an ex-pat unless someone had helpfully supplied me with an Australian calendar. While Mothers' Day is the same in the US and Australia, Fathers' Day is not. (They are off by three months,). Back then it was too much to keep up (along with putting something in the post a month in advance) so I just didn't bother. 


In my married days, Mothers' Day was fraught with landmines, having to properly manage the offspring to suitably observe the occasion with sufficient, but not too much, fanfare to meet 'er indoors' varying requirements for what constituted suitable celebrations.


I have subsequently developed a pretty allergic reaction to "Hallmark Holidays" and in that spirit have exempted my son from any responsibility to observe Fathers' Day.

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And has anyone else spotted that in some countries (but not all because the dates vary) Mother’s Day is nine months on from Father’s Day?

Based on my quick research it's eleven months in the US, and eight in Australia but I don't keep track, and that's just me letting the facts get in the way of a good story.


I am however partial to the following, for their silliness:


Pi Day:coming up this week on 3.14 (March 14)

May the Fourth (be with you): Star Wars Day

Towel Day: (May 25), two weeks after the anniversary of Douglas Adams' death

Talk like a pirate day :(September 19)


And there is absolutely no obligation to participate.

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Good morning one and all


Getting to last night's concert had its moments.  At Kings Cross intending passengers were not being admitted to the Underground because of some piffling protest which seemed to need most of the constabulary to keep it under control.  Fortunately the 63 bus got me there in time.  The concert itself was good but would have been so much better if there had been more than the dozen or so in the congregation,  The regular keyboardist was absent due to an irresistible and lucrative gig in the Maldives but a more than acceptable substitute acquitted himself well.  Nicola, the fiddle player, could not dance because of a skiing injury!  I was on my way home by 10 pm and indoors by 11.30 with the aid of a superbly white-knuckle taxi ride.


At this point the computer shut down and restarted with no prior warning.  I will not be censored by a mere tool!  Now then, where was I?  Oh yes, a look at the week ahead.  Tomorrow I am due to visit Poorly Pal but to judge by last Friday's phone call he cannot make up his mind whether he is well enough to receive me.  Thursday night sees a concert at The Stables but apart from that there is little to report.  Just as well really.


Warm thoughts as always to the ailing, recovering and missing



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Morning to most!


I need some warm weather..now!


This week is catch up week and picture sorting time.

No doubt visits to Ers are allowed so.stay calm, enjoy your time here on Planet Earth.



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Good morning all,

Raining here at the moment and more to come along with the chance of some thunder.


GDB Me too as West London, not met you as far as I know but I did spend a lot of time at St Helier in the 60's


Having lived in this area since 1960 I too have spent many, many hours at St.Helier and not all in Casualty as some of you may think. Other hospitals have been available as well. Lots of them.


I was intending to go for a nice long walk today but I think I might pass on that because of the rain although I do need to visit the chemist to collect a prescription. Luckily that is only a short walk.

Tea has been taken up to Her Bossness who has not mentioned yet if "we need" to do anything today. I expect that to change as soon as she makes an appearance down here.

Nothing else to report at present.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

I slept till 01:25 when a car stopped outside with a blowing exhaust, then it chose a route and set off,

A few Minutes later a car stopped outside with a blowing exhaust, then it chose a route and set off,

A few Minutes later a car stopped outside with a blowing exhaust, then it chose a route and set off,

A few Minutes later a car stopped outside with a blowing exhaust, then it chose a route and set off,...

it didn't come back I think...


We often get people lost outside our house just not at 01:25 in the morning with a blowing exhaust.


We also had extremely heavy rain overnight, big puddles everywhere, any snow drifts left are reduced to white patches..


Welcome to Commonwealth day,  Union flags are flown round the world in most countries of the former empire, alongside their own National flag...

post-15969-0-80203000-1520840835.jpg post-15969-0-03116700-1520840912.png



A clip from the local radio as I came in today,


There are an estimated 1 million drivers on the roads today without insurance,

They are 10 percent more likely to be arrested as drunk drivers.

They are approximately 17 percent more likely to be invoved in a road accident, causing death..


A major system to be done this week plus a bunch of Shunts for those who revolted and don't normally fly the Union Flag. (except a corner of the Hawaii flag)


Time to... get to work..





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Morning to most and hope that the awl is being well tended.    


Rick, I hope that the day was not too bad.   Beth and I lost both our Mum's on the same date,(not year though), the Ides of March, then my dad died on the 9th of March and now Beth's dad wen on the 23rd of Feb so all four dates are close together. What we have done for many years is to go out for a meal on the 15th or as close to it as we can, then raise a glass to Absent Friends.  Yesterday Beth actually managed tog et 3 cards from the various offspring and there was a certain theme to the presents as she got two bottles of gin.   The quiet evening watching TV turned into an extended eyelid inspection.   


Anyway Beth has departed for breakfast as Asda with her friend.   I've got to return the borrowed table and chairs to church then drop a signed form off at the solicitors re the house sale.  Then it's parcels to post and stuff to take to various destinations.  Then a talk at the club about a train trip across Canada.   Not a bad day to look forward to.


By the way I was placed firmly in the broad acres, a shire where I have obviously been doing missionary work for too long, time to move on.


Regards to all.



Edited by jamie92208
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Mawnin' awl. 'Tis dreich ootside. Coffee intake currently being ensured.


I gather illness-related staff absence remains high, leading to individual services on various bus and tram lines to be cancelled for several hours as the days pass because all staff reserves who are available are depleted. However, I certainly understand everyone of my work mates who decides in favour of health and safety rather than attempting to drive with fever or flu, as no-one would thank you if you appeared at work and caused something serious to happen due to feeling ill…


Having resorted to intensive application of inhalation, nasal irrigation and other means, it seems like I am slowly getting the upper hand of what remains on the bugs which caught me. Oh, did I say I'm looking forward to this winter really being over?



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Evening all.


It has been a difficult day. A day on which I had hoped to deliver Mother’s Day flowers in person for the first time in almost 20 years. Instead I have been feel the loss. Not a single person has enquired how I might have been feeling (including SWMBO) which has added to some perfectly normal feelings of loss. And no-one here need be the slightest bit concerned as I would not really have expected such - it’s more family and close personal friends who might have though to ask.


I’ll be fine in the morning. Tomorrow is another day.

Morning all


Sorry to hear of your day yesterday, Rick. Funnily enough, when we visited my mum yesterday, she said that she'd heard something on the radio or tv yesterday morning about remembering absent mums. Gabe has missed her mum for five years now and we smile fondly reminiscing about her.


Good to hear from Andyram, and trust this week will be much much better than last.


Liked Pete's contrails video but am unsure just how that much was caused by one plane - can anyone here explain how contrails are caused - I thought it was hot exhaust in cold air.


My UK passport expires in May so during the Beast from the East ordered a new one online on Thursday 1 March. Sent my old one back to the Passport Office in Glasgow (received Friday 9 March); text on Saturday telling me that my new passport had been sent; text this morning saying my passport will be delivered today or tomorrow. That's just 11 days which is pretty good. I imagine that having most details the same - date of birth, name, sex, address, with a new photo (taken at home on an iPhone) looking vaguely similar to the one they have on file, all help. Am impressed nonetheless. And ordering at an off-peak time helps, too.


Hope your Mondays go well.



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Happy Anniversary Neil and Mrs NHN.


Some sorting already done.... lummy getting up at 6am helps to speed the process.


I now need a mugacoffee to keep the sorting going....



Her indoors has severely chewed UK Inland Revenue. She had a nasty gram saying she hadn't paid. They banked the cheque in January. They eventually admitted they had mad a mistake...no sh!t Sherlock!


And yes, would you believe it is Commonwealth Day .. some countries have a day off we have.. a Church Service.. that will renew our old relationships with them......not




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Have a good week everyone. Spring is upon us, and a good dose of sunshine is a welcome tonic.




Ha! We’ll be under a Winter Weather Advisory for 24 hours from tonight.......

This Global Warming is getting too cold...


Best, Pete.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. There was a bit of thunder and lightening last night and the rain appears to have fallen all last night but now has stopped. I lost my mum over 30 years ago before mothers day became over commercialised, so it was just a card with which my mum was perfectly happy.


I remember one year the results of the first day of the hunting season were reported in the local paper here as "Hunters 1, Deer 2". 

That reminds me of when I was visiting a friend in Connecticut many years ago. It was October and the begining of the hunting season. I was advised not to venture into the woods as the hunters shot greater numbers of each other than they did the white tailed deer the intended target. The white tailed deer were one of the causes as the hunters followed the practice of the bears so the packing of camoflaged toilet paper was regarded as a neccessity after a few 'accidents'. :jester:

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OK, can't put it off any longer, I need to post a birthday card, and the post box is half way through the village.  A walk there and back is a big day out at the moment!


'I may be some time'.


Its even further to the pub, I haven't got that far yet :cry:

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Happy Anniversary to Mr and Mrs NHN.


Dry here this morning in contrast to the forecast, so the roofers are happy in their work. For a good part of the roof, we now just have the new breathable felt membrane and new wood laths. This is waterproof as no rain came in on Saturday when it was pretty wet outside. We did get a bit of vibration noise from the wood vibrating in the wind on Saturday night, so we had to move my brother, who was visiting for the weekend, into a different bedroom on the other side of the house!


I spent a good part of the weekend removing nails from the old roof laths, so I can reuse some of them, and put the rest on the woodburner. I soon discovered that a complete roof replacement means a lot of laths!


The accent test shows me as West London, which is not a million miles from Berkshire, where I was raised. 40 years in Cumbria doesn’t seem to have altered my accent much.

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