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I much prefer the A380.


Baz and her indoors


Actually so do I - but I hate the short haul iteration.

Here’s an A380 landing in Japan:




Trust you arrived home by now, safe and sound, Baz....


Best, Pete.

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Good morning one and all


Jamie’s mention yesterday of Tom Lehrer reveals that he is a culture lover.  It takes me back nearly 40 years, to when I used to listen to Paul Veysey on Hereward Radio if I was at home on a Saturday night.  Paul used to play an eclectic mix of music with Leo Kottke being a particular favourite.  One day he asked if anyone “out there” had any Tom Lehrer records.  With indecent haste I was on the phone offering what I fondly believed to be the complete works.  Two weeks later I guested on the programme!  At the end Paul hoped that we would work together again.  The following week he announced that the programme was ending!  Cripes, I thought, what did we do?  Whatever it was, Paul Veysey disappeared from the airwaves.  The last I heard was that he was running a used car dealership somewhere in the Midlands.  Meanwhile, quite independently of my modest part in the Tom Lehrer revival, Cameron Mackintosh was putting together the revue “Tomfoolery”, starring the late Robin Ray.  Tom came over to the UK to help and appeared on Desert Island Discs.  It is reassuring to learn that he is still with us, even if the news came from Wikipedia.


It was a pleasure to meet Phil and Birthday Boy, among others, yesterday at Huntingdon.  I managed to leave my thinking pad at home but will comment on the appropriate thread later.  Tonight I am at the Slaughtered Lamb in Clerkenwell for the 4square gig.  It could be fun getting home afterwards so fear not if I am late posting tomorrow.


Warm thoughts to all who are ailing, recovering or missing – and who appreciate Tom Lehrer.



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Good morning all from a village in the Southern uplands of Leeds.   Yesterday went well with a good breakfast out and then I was even allowed out to Narrow Gauge North.   I also got the last Baluster cast so they are all now ready for fettling.  


This afternoon the hordes ae due to descend for Mothers day so some tidying is on the agenda.   Church this morning and then furniture moving to accommodate the invaders.   The Apple Crumble has been made and the minted lamb is marinading.   


Good to hear from Debs so no small train related pictures.   Also glad that Mr and Mrs Baz have got back safely.   


As to Tom Lehrer, I was introduced to him when I was about 11 when a friend of the family stored her record player at our house and one of her LP's (a 10" one I seem to recall) was Songs of Tom Lehrer.   I played it so often that I still know most of them off by heart.  I now have two of his 12" LP's.   The humour is a little offbeat at times but appeals to me.


Regards to all.



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Flipping eck! Who turned the outdoor heating off!


Thanks for the good wishes. Return home completed safely.


As a special homecoming treat beans and sausages on toast were eaten for tea.

Refreshed after a very good night's sleep. One other problem with the 777 as how cold the passenger cabins get..even flying front Hong Kong to Sydney and Sydney to Singapore.


We have had a great time and now ...I am off to Nottingham Show next weekend, then Alley Pally the next, then ten days in Robin Hoods...I might have to give up cricket to fit my railway stuff in!


Have a great day in the European Zone, sleep well in the American zone and have a great morning in the Antipodes!

Great to hear from Debs. Hope she continues to improve without any "collie wobbles"!



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A quiet day is on the cards today.


No grand family gathering  for this mothering Sunday.


The PH is off skiing in Italy.


His sister will be far too busy with her two offspring down in Reading, although the Obergrumpenfuhrer will use the delights of Whatsapp for a chat.


I have some timber cutting to do for a friend this morning as he needs more sleepers for his 7 mm pointwork, and we are far to mean with our money to support the laser cutting industry: Besides when one has four circular saws to chose from, they must be encouraged to pay their way.


I notice that GDB was very quiet about the Chariot crash yesterday afternoon.  And caused by a Cockrel as well............


Let's hope the Dragon is a little more successful this afternoon.

Edited by Happy Hippo
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Mooring Awl Inner Temple Here,

6 hour sleep followed by 2 hours dozing on the sofa, before being evicted by Ben the Border Collie, who decided it was time I got up.

We've been for his morning patrol, and wandered round the still squelchy garden. There. is no wind it's misty.


When I've finish my mugacoffee it's off down to the sailing club with our comparative warmth outside wearing my normal salopettes not my full winter ones or I'll be sweatier inside the suit than any precipitation on the outside...


See you later....

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Good morning all,

Dry start but rain is forecast.


I notice that GDB was very quiet about the Chariot crash yesterday afternoon.  And caused by a Cockrel as well............


Let's hope the Dragon is a little more successful this afternoon.

Two reasons for that Richard.

Firstly I didn't want to mention the result in case anybody hadn't seen it.

Secondly my thoughts about it at the time were and are probably unprintable on this forum. TBH I wasn't completely surprised as I haven't believed for a while that England are as good as some people are trying to make them out to be. Yet again they seem to be unable to sort out the breakdown and gave away far too many penalties. 16 yesterday! They are also missing something (quite a lot) in attack. Very easy to be an armchair critic but it is obvious that the wheels have come off. I fully expect the fortress to crumble next week and Ireland to deservedly complete a Grand Slam and ISTR that at the beginning of the championship I did say on here that I thought they were favourites for the title.

Mother's Day here will now not be as planned due to Nicki's illness. Son Steve is bringing a present later for The Boss and Abbie is deputising for Nicki.

I will be watching rugby this afternoon and would expect Wales to win that one comfortably.

Have a good one,


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Morning all.

Foggy here , not too cold though.

Breakfast soon then a day of tourism.

I think the wait for Matthew's Dublin bus last night was a combination of rugby crowds, Saturday shoppers and people who had been attending a referendum rally.


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Two reasons for that Richard.

Firstly I didn't want to mention the result in case anybody hadn't seen it.

Secondly my thoughts about it at the time were and are probably unprintable on this forum. TBH I wasn't completely surprised as I haven't believed for a while that England are as good as some people are trying to make them out to be. Yet again they seem to be unable to sort out the breakdown and gave away far too many penalties. 16 yesterday! They are also missing something (quite a lot) in attack. Very easy to be an armchair critic but it is obvious that the wheels have come off. I fully expect the fortress to crumble next week and Ireland to deservedly complete a Grand Slam and ISTR that at the beginning of the championship I did say on here that I thought they were favourites for the title.



I agree about Ireland, and your comments about the English team.


I'd also say that Wales have let themselves down badly with a reversion to the 'kicking game'. Kicking for ground advantage is all very well, but to do it against a team that will catch it, run with it and retain possession is not a good tactic. By all means 'test the fullback'  but to persevere with this for so long in a match when it is obviously not working beggars belief. Especially when they do finally decide to change tactics, run the ball and then start scoring. 

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I did that accent quiz. I appear to come from West London and sound like Hugh Grant. That is not a comparison I would have made! Though it did suggest I was least likely to sound like someone from Manchester.

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I did that accent quiz. I appear to come from West London and sound like Hugh Grant. That is not a comparison I would have made! Though it did suggest I was least likely to sound like someone from Manchester.


Me too and those of you who have met me will see the obvious similarity!   :jester:

Edited by grandadbob
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Deeply insulted by the accent test - it had me down for Sunderland. Sunderland???  I'm no mackem. Bloomin  southerners......


In other news, tries to think if there is any.....Hmm.


A little jealous of Jamie going to narrow gauge north, it is usually a regular for us as we stay with friends in Yorkshire at this time of year for a joint celebration of birthdays and wedding anniversaries, and the boys sneak off to NGN.  I have exhibited there in the past too, some time ago.  Current and past lack of mobility have stopped us from going two years in a row.

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The only evidence so far that Scotland will be playing rugby here this weekend are a few men in kilts. Perhaps we will see more out and about today.


Don't worry, Tony, I'm sure the Scottish rugby fans will be gentle with you.

Firstly I didn't want to mention the result in case anybody hadn't seen it.

Secondly my thoughts about it at the time were and are probably unprintable on this forum. TBH I wasn't completely surprised as I haven't believed for a while that England are as good as some people are trying to make them out to be. Yet again they seem to be unable to sort out the breakdown and gave away far too many penalties. 16 yesterday! They are also missing something (quite a lot) in attack. Very easy to be an armchair critic but it is obvious that the wheels have come off. I fully expect the fortress to crumble next week and Ireland to deservedly complete a Grand Slam and ISTR that at the beginning of the championship I did say on here that I thought they were favourites for the title.

Mother's Day here will now not be as planned due to Nicki's illness. Son Steve is bringing a present later for The Boss and Abbie is deputising for Nicki.

I will be watching rugby this afternoon and would expect Wales to win that one comfortably.

Have a good one,


Thought the style of rugby played by Ireland and Scotland yesterday was good. Ireland made some really good moves which worked, such as continually stealing the ball in Scotland line outs; Scotland attempted some great moves which, had they worked, would have been spectacular. We need to practice, practice and practice.

By contrast, I didn't really enjoy the style of rugby played by France or England; England could have won yesterday had they not conceded a penalty every 5 minutes. Eddie has a tough job for next week - but it is tough for any team to win at Twickenham and think that England could still beat Ireland.


Talking of Ireland on Mothering Sunday - popping round to see my 92-year old mum later today. She still has all mental faculties but is now unsteady on her feet - having discovered recently that her grandmother was born in Ireland, she is up for becoming an Irish citizen (dual with UK) so that she can get an Irish passport for when she travels to the EU. It also means that I and our adult children would qualify, too (but not my wife, but Gabe's all right because she can get a German one via her mutti). The hoops we have to jump through, eh?


Decided to order the Rails/Bachmann Caledonian 812 as preserved. Looks very lovely in blue - normally it's anything SR green for me.


Hope you have a good day - and Baz, have a good first 24-hours back in the chilly air.



Edited by Purley Oaks
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Morning all,


For soem totally unaccountable reason the accent quiz indicated that I come from Suffolk - presumably nobody at the BBC has ever heard a Suffolk accent and wouldn't know one if the tripped over a swede. (that's a turnip if you come from the south western part of Devon).  and we pay a portion of the Licence Fee for some idiot to produce that nonsense.   The G word has been mentioned in connection with today so I quoted the Met Office's view on the matter- this could get interesting, seaweed and a Cray(fish?) 'puter vs the G word.


Laddo has set off for a day of cable terminating in Great Cockcrow land so hopefully he will return with all his fingers and the offspring are taking their mother (and me I hope) out for a pub meal this evening.


Have a good day one and all.


PS Forgot to add - welcome back Baz, sorry about the weather, apparently it's something to do with the time of year.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Morning all.


Sunday began unfeasibly early when cat-features decided I was required to play. At 6am. Grrrrr. Attempts to get back to sleep were met with claws in the arms, repeated head-butting and the presentation of his aromatic hind quarters to my face. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.


Cat-features finally gave up and was heard munching his breakfast when WhatsApp (which I very seldom use) pinged. There was a lovely message from my younger cousin offering her kind thoughts on Mothering Sunday. She quickly had a similarly supportive message in reply as it was her own mother’s passing at the end of last year which saw me driving mum to that funeral. That turned out to be the last time mum travelled anywhere from home before her own passing.


These things put into focus just how challenging the past 12 months have been.


The Easter Conundrum has been solved. Sister needs a break and is happy to stay a few days at ours and care for the cat while we take a break in Cornwall with friends. That was at risk with no cat-sitter.


Welcome back Baz. You echo my sentiments regarding aircraft. Why do you think we traded up at the first opportunity and paid a little extra to fly the A380 rather than the 777 from Melbourne to London? The 777 still flies the cheaper night-time departures. The A380 in question is a large (and very comfortable and quiet) aircraft not the Kingskerswell by-pass in Devon. You won’t be flying around that any time. Just to avoid any doubt ;)


Have a good Sunday

Edited by Gwiwer
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Don't worry, Tony, I'm sure the Scottish rugby fans will be gentle with you..Mal

They were in my presence very well behaved. A woman on the LUAS told me she had been flashed by a couple of kilted Scotsmen. However they were wearing underpants with "pogue mahone" embroidered on them. They apparently thought this would amuse the locals.


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I noted in the accent test that describing small piece of wood in the finger as a spelk certainly strongly identified my origin to the north-east.  Yet, despite having lived in several different parts of the country, and over here for 16 years, I have hardly ever heard an alternative (splinter, when I have).  Most odd.  Cornish Mrs H says spelk too.  And other, much more rude words when referring to me.....


Curry last night was superb, but the red wine on top was a bad idea, Rennies had to be resorted to at 3am.  So knackered this morning, struggling to complete simple tasks currently.  Mrs H had a new Parker-Knoll power recliner for her birthday, and I was fitting a switched plug top to several of the other things fed from the same plugboard.  The chair (shades of ChrisF's Mrs Electric-Chair) needs a permanent live feed as it has battery backup (really - so you can get out of it if the power goes off!) that requires that, the other things being lamps so needed to be switched.  Fiddly bloody things, these switched plug tops but useful. 

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. My accent is also apparently West London but I and my anticedants have little if any connections to West London. The nearest I know of is a G-G-Grandfather who lived in Holbourne, and he harked from Devon.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. My accent is also apparently West London but I and my anticedants have little if any connections to West London. The nearest I know of is a G-G-Grandfather who lived in Holbourne, and he harked from Devon.


I too apparently have a West London accent, even though I am through and through Midlander! I don't say 'barth', for Bath, for example, or graarss, for 'grass', etc--so I think the BBC accent thingy is nonsense. On the other hand, I did one the BBC's online survey things once about where in the UK would suit me most to live, result--Purbeck, indeed it is one of my fave places, and could quite happily retire there if I ever got the chance...





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Good afternoon folks,


It's a lovely afternoon here in South Wales, and a trip on the Monmouthshire canal (towpath) beckons. Afterwards, to cure a c&ck-up of my own creation. I've just re-motored a Baccy 56xx, and it now goes faultlessly, but in the wrong direction. Curses!


Out again with the soldering iron...


Have a good afternoon, and enjoy!



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