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  • RMweb Premium

I'm reliably informed that you can hold off the Grim Reaper with one of those vacuum cleaners.


It's called Dyson with Death.


Oh where oh where is that groan button when we need it.



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  • RMweb Premium

Lots (and lots)of brownie [*] points earned tonight.


Mrs and Junior NB had left earlier this evening as Mrs NB was running a young Guide leaders event at a nearby Scout and Guide campsite (they are indoors - wimps). Mrs was staying away for the night and Junior was returning later this evening.

I settled in for a night of internet research (railways honest!), muddelling, eating and maybe a drink or two.

I had just poured out a large one when the phone rang just as I was about to check it for strength.


Usually, Mrs forgets something when she's away on a camp night and I usually have to pick up the slack.

My phone rings at 7.30pm. My greeting was "What have you forgotten now?"

Her reply was "It's better than that - they've double booked. I've arranged space at work (Mrs hotel) and can you get the keys for the school minibus, come over and pick up the girls to transport them to the hotel as we haven't enough cars to transport them and their gear?"

The school minibus is kept onsite at wife's work and we can borrow it on very odd occasions. This was one of those times.

"When do you want me, as I'm just about to put my tea on?" (Us Northerners use tea instead of the posher "dinner"....)


"About 9.30"was the reply.


There went my plans for combined food and drink.


At  9.30pm, I rolled up with the minibus and by 9.50 I was back home, with many, many points earned. And as these points were earned in front of other Guide leaders, they are worth double!


Tea and beverage duly consumed after the event.


Have a good Saturday folks.





[*] Although called Brownie points, they are of the lesser known, but equally valuable, Guide variety


Ah but what is their shelf life.....



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First beer of the trip and what a view of the narrows Bridges.Look up Galloping Gertie. This brewery also does a beer called that

Ian, you've picked a good time to be in the Northwest. We should see our highest temperatures for the year to date in the next few days. Sunday and Monday here should be quite pleasant. Highs in the range of 20°C are forecast.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


Well it’s been a beautiful sunny day here in Manchester.

However, by early evening it had turned to rain and it’s still raining now.


Today, Instead of painting the furniture in the attic, I decided to fit the trace heat element to the condensate pipe. Whilst I was crawling about in the roof space fitting it, I was reminded of why I never liked doing house re-wires so much! Once done I immediately went for a shower, which was refreshing, but necessary.


We appear to have a pair of robins nest building in the garden, Sheila has seen them darting in and out of the clematis that grows against the garden wall close (less than 5 feet) from one of the kitchen windows. We can see them to-ing and fro-ing whilst we are eating at the kitchen table, Sheila is quite excited about this. In the past we’ve had blackbirds and wrens nesting in the garden, but this is the first time we’ve had robins nesting.


Today it was confirmed that Sarah does indeed have meningitis, further tests have also revealed that she is also suffering from a degenerative back problem. We’re still awaiting to find out exactly what this is, but in the meantime she has not to do any heavy lifting at home or at work. She was discharged from hospital this afternoon and has to stay off work for the next couple of weeks. We are all quite relieved at this, but she still doesn’t like being anywhere near bright lights and the journey home took it out of her. But she is now home and in familiar surroundings, so hopefully that will aid her recovery.


Goodnight all

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  • RMweb Premium

Atomic half life:  They decay quite quickly but there is a residue left around for ages.


Not quite - they only last half the time it takes to earn them.




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  • RMweb Gold

Ian, you've picked a good time to be in the Northwest. We should see our highest temperatures for the year to date in the next few days. Sunday and Monday here should be quite pleasant. Highs in the range of 20°C are forecast.

Certainly feels good weather at the moment sitting outside our next brewery which is 7Seas in Gig Harbor. A bit of a hill back yo the hotel but at least there is our third brewery of the day at the top of the hill as some incentive. Only been here half a day and three breweries but at least we have seen as many trains so far. Didn't expect to see a Kansas City Southern loco until our next trip in the Summer!

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Good morning one and all


Like some others, I will be at the East Anglian show today and will try to remember to bring my RMweb badge.  The shopping list is short but important and my sarnies already made.  It's a bit of a sentimental journey for my late father used to live less than a mile away and the street named after him is nearby.  On the way I will note the progress being made on building the new A14.  I do not look forward to making my own tea and paying close on £2 for the privilege but if the lunch menu is sufficiently attractive I might succumb and have the sarnies later.


Yesterdsy I was sent some black and white pics dating from September 1953.  I know the story attached to some of them so with a bit of luck and a following wind they will enable an article to be written.  Not this weekend though.  Getting to tomorrow night's gig, or more to the point getting home from it, will be problematic enough because Network Rail are digging up a short but significant bit of Thameslink.  Still, when one has followed a band almost since its inception and known one of its members longer than that it is only right to show loyalty, and ones face.  How I remember the night, and the backache, when I went to Iron Acton to see Strawhead and spent the night in the car, which at the time was a Mini.  Breakfast at the Aust service area was magic though.


Enough I say.  Warm thoughts to each and every one who is ailing, recovering or missing.



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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Here,

5 hours sleep so far I'll try for a little more shortly.


We went to the Ben the Border Collie Appreciation Society, they managed to get the club layout into a car earlier, so I'm not required today. However I'll still turn up early, if they need me I'll help, but otherwise I'll just attend the show. Either way I'm quite happy paying the £3 entrance fee to support the show.


Ben barked a bit when a new prospective member turned up. But after I introduced them to each other, Ben then went into his normal mode, begging for cuddles..


Ah my attempt for more sleep won't happen, 06:15 an artic lorry has just trundled 6 ft from the window, that means they are about to start loading sugar beet. Sugar beet dropping 15ft into an empty artic is quite loud even from 100 yards away. The artic has just passed back again from the turning point, bong bong bong...rumble rumble rumble. This will go on for four or five hours looking at the pile.


Last night's work included thatching a Hebridean Blackhouse, some landscaping, and an hour recovering the plastic mouldings from a 5ft long brick embankment wall. This is not needed after the landscape redesign. But I will reuse some as part of an overbridge. They are surprisingly thin mouldings which is why the builder had back filled the moulding with polyfilla.


Second artic has just trundled.


Time to. Inspect eyelids..

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all, 

Lots of rain last night and more to come today. There may be some brighter spells later.

Not going to the Basingstoke show today as other things here that were put off during the Great Car Quest now need doing. Probably just as well as most of you will know by now that when I get to a show I can't help myself and hand over tokens for things that I don't really need.  :whistle:

This afternoon there are two rugby matches to watch so that will (not) keep me quiet for about 3 hours.

Lamb shanks are on tonight's menu but apart from that no other plans have been made for the evening. (Apart from a couple or few drinks  :yes: )

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Considering the weekend schedule I presume your Friday motto was "be prepared"?

I hope that it not in the sense that the late Tom Lehrer wrote about.


​If you're looking for adventure of a new and different kind

​and you come across a girl scout who is similarly inclined

don't be flustered, don't be blustered. don't be scared.

​Be Prepared.


​As to brownie points, as well as halving a half life they can also be very quickly withdrawn by the award authority and the half can is also variable.



Edited by jamie92208
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Got to be quick this morning as I'll be on my way to Huntingdon shortly. I will look out for Chris but I don't have a badge but I will be accompanied by a young man with a saucer sized badge proclaiming that he is 10 today. I will also be running over peoples toes with my wheeler. So bye for now, bbl.

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I hope that it not in the sense that the late Tom Lehrer wrote about.


​If you're looking for adventure of a new and different kind

​and you come across a girl scout who is similarly inclined

don't be flustered, don't be blustered. don't be scared.

​Be Prepared.


​As to brownie points, as well as halving a half life they can also be very quickly withdrawn by the award authority and the half can is also variable.




I do hope that Tom is still with us.  He must be 90+now if he is but if he has passed away the reports passed me by.



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  • RMweb Premium

Just been out for the morning patrol with Ben, squelch, squelch squelch. We've had an exceedingly large amount of liquid falling from above. I think some of us may be needing a boat to get to our respective shows today.

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  • RMweb Premium

I do hope that Tom is still with us.  He must be 90+now if he is but if he has passed away the reports passed me by.




Thanks for that Chris a quick check of Wikipedia reveals that he is 89 and still with us.   I am very glad to be corrected.



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  • RMweb Gold

Not quite - they only last half the time it takes to earn them.




What with inflation as it is and current interest rates it is hardly worth banking them.

You could put them into bondage if you are that way inclined.


(Rainy) morning all.

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  • RMweb Gold


So far we have had showers, sunshine and now overcast here in Dublin.

We got here nearly 4 hours later than expected. The aeroplane had an engine fault. At 5.15 we got refreshment vouchers and an announcement that a 15 minute engine test had commenced and we woukd hopefully board in 15 minutes. We did!

The only evidence so far that Scotland will be playing rugby here this weekend are a few men in kilts. Perhaps we will see more out and about today.


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