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  • RMweb Premium

Hoping for some more good news about Debs.


This really should be in the driving standards thread,

Although the vast majority of the snow has disappeared on my daily commute, there are couple of short sections where it drifted quite badly and the snow remains in a deep formation.

There is only room for one vehicle to pass where two would be the norm.


I do wish some people could work that out......



On a lighter note - I put in a random £55 ebay bid for a loco I didn't expect to win (Econami sound fitted Bachmann GP9) and it's mine for £49.75. That's quite a bit less than the cost of the sound decoder alone. 


And what is given with one hand is taken away by the other.

I thought my loco arriving from Canada was free of customs charges. I find out today that it was at Leeds awaiting payment of the HMRC/Parclefarce ransom note - £38.05. B*gger.


Duly paid and scheduled for delivery tomorrow. I will risk posting a photo of it. I think most of you will like it. Maybe even Debs!


It took three days to arrive into the UK from Ontario. Three days sat in the International Hub in Coventry. Two in the North West hub in Preston over the weekend. Followed by two days in Leeds at the nearest delivery centre............ And hopefully will arrive in my mitts in Settle tomorrow.


It's travelled nearly 6000 miles from purchasing it and probably 12000 miles from production in China before that via the US to Canada.

It is indeed a small world for toy trains!


Busy day at work with a major woodworking task accomplished. Mostly using a circular saw. Tomorrow will probably involve sweeping up the sawdust.........


I hope your Tuesday goes well folks.




Busy day at work with various woodworking tasks accomplished. I love using a circular saw - proper job! Tomorrow will probably involve sweeping up the sawdust.........

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What always amuses me is, that if you drive from the south coast of England to the border with Scotland, it is almost as far again to John O'Groats


In the 1960s, before the A74 was upgraded ,I talked to a cop from Lockerbie, who said they had a lot of accidents in their area in the summer, involving people driving from the south of England to the Highlands. They reckoned that when people crossed the border, they thought "That's us in Scotland - we're almost there", where they had almost as far to go as they had already driven. But, thinking as they did, they relaxed and stopped paying as much attention as they should. 

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The UK is quite a fair way north. Edinburgh is further north than Moscow and if it wasn't for the Gulf Stream we would all be under several feet of snow and ice.


Have you seen the projections of possibilities if the Greenland glaciers continue to melt? At some point, it's possible that the warm salt water of the Gulf Stream becomes more dense than the mass of cold fresh water coming off the glaciers, the Gulf Stream goes down under the fresh water, and the Gulf Stream goes no further east than due south of Greenland. At that point, the climate of western Europe starts to correspond with its latitude. 

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  • RMweb Premium

I just had a look at a big map. The Shetlands are on a line that goes through Ungava in Northern Quebec, and is the southern boundry of the Northwest and Yukon territories.

Land's End is level with some bits of Newfoundland, but is a degree north of the western boundary between Canada and the US. (49 degrees).


It's not surprising that John O Groats would be as far again north of the border as Land's End is south -- there's a whole country between each of them.

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I just had a look at a big map. The Shetlands are on a line that goes through Ungava in Northern Quebec, and is the southern boundry of the Northwest and Yukon territories.

Land's End is level with some bits of Newfoundland, but is a degree north of the western boundary between Canada and the US. (49 degrees).


It's not surprising that John O Groats would be as far again north of the border as Land's End is south -- there's a whole country between each of them.


Thurso is further North than Juneau Alaska while Phoenix Arizona is almost as far South as Tel Aviv. You can pretty much pick the climate of your choosing in the US. I like it here in the Northwet :)

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  • RMweb Premium


A couple of people I know have had problems with the eco engine in Focuses. Is that because the 1l isn't powerful enough?


I am very happy with my Honda Civic...and it has a lot of space for layout moving.



A couple of people I know have had problems with the eco engine in Focuses. Is that because the 1l isn't powerful enough?


I am very happy with my Honda Civic...and it has a lot of space for layout moving.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Welcome to Tuesday.


I know just how many miles there are between John O’Groats and Land’s End. I cycled every one of them over three weeks. It took two days to reach Inverness.


MoTaT is a fascinating place but ex-Melbourne tram 906 is a class SW6 not a W1 whatever the Kiwis say. Simthung list un trensleshin, perhips? ;)

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Good morning one and all


I reaalised yesterday that Bracknell is near Windsor.  All together now: So what?  Simples.  ExpoEM Spring is the same weekend as the Royal wedding.  Such events tend to distort the market for hotel rooms.  Anyway, I have now secured my billet in the hotel that towers above what used to be Bracknell town centre.  Between now and mid-May there will be further insults about Bracknell, its architecture and town planning.  Heck, I'm spoilt for choice.


In other news, the editor has thanked me for my captions and agreed to me writing some more.  I shall enjoy that.  The poltergeist that kept resetting my alarm clock radio has not done so for three nights now.  I need to remain vigilant.  Iceland sell frozen cod fish cakes which are not as good value as the late lamented pollock ones from Tesco but fit for purpose nonetheless and tasty despite my attemps to conceal the taste beneath dollops of ketchup.  I found a simple recipe for paella in one of Delia Smith's books thst does not involve chicken but does require a Spanish spicy sausage of which the name escapes me.  I predict blank looks at the deli counter.


To the warm thoughts directed at the ailing, recovering and missing, today I add a shout-out for Bill Turnbull who has announced that he has prostate cancer.  Welcome to the club.



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Morning All,


It is a somewhat milder morning in this part of the world.  It also looks like it is going to be fairly sunny, so hopefully Spring is on the way.


Referring back to some of the comments about Scotland - it never ceases to amaze me just how big Scotland is!  Or for that matter how "long" Cornwall is.  That is much the same, when you get past Exeter you think you are almost there, but there is still a long way to go!  Not as far as to John O'Groats but nevertheless it is quite a way.


Time for a coffee.  Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium


Chorizo by chance?


I used to drive to lossiemouth from Leeds occasionally. It was an awfully long way.


Rick, obviously they have a problem as all 3 were described as W1s to us....



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, this is you funeral war correspondent reporting, pay attention at the back there.


Awkward BiL has now flown back from Tenerife but has not yet stuck his oar in.  However he is on his 2nd marriage and wife 1 was going to come with their daughter. Daughter has now announced that she doesn't want to sit with her mother and wife 1 can't be seated near to wife 2.   We have also been informed that 3 more step grandchildren are attending which means that another pew has to be reserved.


There will be a short quiz later.  I suggested to Beth that we put numbers on all the seats and have some numbered balls in a jar and get each participant to pick a number as they enter the church.  How the 4 that are carrying the coffin would do that could produce some amusing moments.   Apparently my helpful and well thought out suggestion is not to be used.  


Anyway in all this humour has been maintained and life goes on.  Today I need to do some tidying up and will hopefully do some runs to the tip/storage container/charity shop with various boxes. All being well the end result will be that I can actually get some modelling ​done.


Hope that we get some good news from Debs.



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  • RMweb Premium

ChrisF should have been in My local Tescos, due to not many customers getting to the shop last week, yesterday the selling off chiller had two complete chorizo for a fiver each, of which one is now in our fridge.

 Also yesterday, they had no bread at all, as the bread lorries didn't get through fr a couple of days everyone yesteday was stocking up.


Mooring Awl, Inner temple Here,

A reasonable nights sleep of around 6 hours was had,


 As dawn is now after I've arrived at work, I can now leave home without putting the outside lights on, the snew drifts are considerably small and all roads I'm using are two way. the big drift I mentioned yesterday did have some interesting tyre marks on it from the unobservant.

Also for the unobervant the traffic lights round the Cremated Swan were out, alright for me as I approched from the only direction you can see all other sets of lights, But the main through road does a dog leg round the pub and adjoining buildings and can't see each other. It'll be fun if two artics arrive at the same time amd the beet lrries are thundering around at the moment. tlaking of which my road is again it's normal mud colour.


The lead topic on the Morning show on the local radio is the poor design of the roundabouts and their lack of lighting. One of the official grounds for the lack of lights, is on enviromental grounds, the council say it's a dark area.... Alongside Norwich Airport?


Less than a month till it's all supposed to be open, but with the snow and the rain before that I'm expecting it to be delayed. When that is opened, is when the real traffic starts, as the last section is that that joins the road to the A47.


Time to... go find a major system...

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Hoping for some more good news about Debs.


This really should be in the driving standards thread,

Although the vast majority of the snow has disappeared on my daily commute, there are couple of short sections where it drifted quite badly and the snow remains in a deep formation.

There is only room for one vehicle to pass where two would be the norm.


I do wish some people could work that out......



On a lighter note - I put in a random £55 ebay bid for a loco I didn't expect to win (Econami sound fitted Bachmann GP9) and it's mine for £49.75. That's quite a bit less than the cost of the sound decoder alone. 


And what is given with one hand is taken away by the other.

I thought my loco arriving from Canada was free of customs charges. I find out today that it was at Leeds awaiting payment of the HMRC/Parclefarce ransom note - £38.05. B*gger.


Duly paid and scheduled for delivery tomorrow. I will risk posting a photo of it. I think most of you will like it. Maybe even Debs!



I would be questioning those charges. 


£11.25 for the ransom. 20% vat of £49.75 is £9.95. Even if they charged on the postage cost that should have added no more than £4 on £20 postage. The maximum you should have been charged is £25.20  Sounds like they incorrectly applied duty to a low value item. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Rain overnight but should be some bright and sunny spells with the chance of more showers later.

Jamie, my sympathies but certain people should be told their fortune. For crying out loud it's a funeral and personal animosities should be put to one side out of respect for the departed.

Mick, I am quite a Ford fan having had 2 Escorts, 1 Cortina, 2 Sierras, 1 Mondeo and currently a Focus.

Main criteria apart from liking the look and driveability of it are:

1. I need to be able to afford to buy and then run it. (Sounds obvious but it would be easy to get carried away)

2. Automatic with preferably a petrol engine.

3. Higher ride height than my Focus.

4. Reasonable rear seat leg room for adults.

5. A few "bells & whistles" without being stupid about it.


Today I'm hopefully looking at the Seat Arona and Ateca.


Have a good one,


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Russkies 'allegedly' knocking folk off again I see.  Nasty.


Talk of E Types puts me in mind of my mate Marty, who rebuilt one from a scrapper about 25 years ago.  He was at a car show a couple of years ago, and another owner rolled up for a chat - turns out the cars had consecutive registrations!  Marty's is the blue one.


attachicon.gifmarty's E.jpg


He often seems to get in old car conversations, and folk never believe he has an E Type.  He knows every nut and bolt of this car, there wasn't much left when he began to rebuild it.  Note: He was single then!

An old boss of mine rebuilt an E Type. When he died it disappeared only to reappear in the garage in the village my sister lives in. Now owned by an ex rally driver.



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  • RMweb Gold


Chris, I don't think you will have any difficulty getting chorizo. Was it last year that Jamie Oliver received death threats for suggesting using chorizo in paella?


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Chris, I don't think you will have any difficulty getting chorizo. Was it last year that Jamie Oliver received death threats for suggesting using chorizo in paella?


I think it was. Thing is there are as many variants of paella as there are villages in Spain; a good many of them use chorizo. Paella Valenciana originally had rabbit in it, but no chorizo.


Chorizo will usually be in the chiller cabinets with the other meats of this type - Tesco do a good picante chorizo. When I make a paella I use bomba rice; I recommend it. I also find fresh rosemary goes extremely well in it.

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In the very quick turn of events, roofers have arrived this morning to replace my leaking slate roof. I called them yesterday lunchtime to accept their quote, and the boss turned up yesterday evening, while I was out at the MRC. SWMBO told him that I would be back later, so he called and we agreed that he would start today. His guys arrived just before 08.00, rather to our surprise, and have offloaded a batch of scaffolding, and have disappeared to take down the scaffold from a previous job, then bring it here. We hadn’t really planned to get it done until spring/summer, but as the opportunity has arisen, we have gone for it. We are now praying for good weather for a couple of weeks!

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