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  • RMweb Gold

Just received this from a pal in Aus - hope the link works





PS I'm not at all sure how it works as it appears to pick up radio stations almost anywhere in the world but presumably it might only be those that broadcast online?  There are only a couple in mainland China that I can find and none in the northern bit of Korea.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Debs has been fairly bright today - she has some neurological tests and an MRI scan tomorrow, so she's been on nil by mouth since 6pm. She has received everything that's been sent and apologises for not responding individually, but is very appreciative of the effort that everyone's making. Her parents visited today with simnel cake to scoff before the enforced diet.


I've tried not to exhaust her, but have been doing Virtual Visiting all day via text and email.


She will be incommunicado from early tomorrow morning so I do not expect to hear anything else until I get home at least.


So if any of you are in contact, don't worry about non-response. I will hear via Sister Jen anyway, who eventually made it home last night.


Thanks for everyone's response. She is amused and maybe a little alarmed by the talk of vegetables of various sorts being inserted, which is not quite what she had in mind. What i think is that she's concerned about the damage to and the feelings of the vegetables, which is why she prefers the careful 9or not) insertions of the inanimate awl.


Still, what do I know :)



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


I’ve finally caught up with all the posts that I’d missed.


We woke up to rain, so that confirmed to that it has thawed, so once breakfast had been consumed, I went and put the boiler condensate pipe back on. So far all seems well and we have no leaks.


Our boiler and hot water tank are sited next to each other in the roof space above the bathroom and back bedroom. Access is via a small doorway (an original feature of the house) on one of the landings near the attic. However, the condensate pipe run is around 5-6 metres in the roof space and exits the gable end wall (which faces east) just above the gutter, so de-icing it by pouring warm water on it was a non starter. There was no way I was erecting and climbing a ladder in that wind. Hopefully the insulation I’ve fitted on the condensate pipe will prevent it happening again. But to be on the safe side, I’ve decided to fit a trace heat element along its entire length, in the hope that it will stop it from freezing again. So, this evening I placed an order for one, hopefully it will arrive before we had another cold spell!


On the subject of school dinners, I’ll just say they were hot and edible, but the liver, yuck, I’ve never eaten it since. However, my mother was a good cook, but not very adventurous, I’ll leave it at that.


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Oh no Mick we're not back to Felching again.Jamie

I’ve no idea what that is but it sounds indecent...


Edit: Oh, yes, it is indeed. :jester:

Edited by NGT6 1315
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  • RMweb Premium

Looks like you tried them all before taking the photo :sungum:

Nope that was the bar staff under training..at $NZ12 for a large glass it would cost a lot to drink your way down the taps...



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OK, I give up.


Since when did central heating boilers in the UK require a "condensate pipe"?


What or why do they need a condensate pipe? (I'm assuming they are not actually heat-pumps.)


Why the **** do the twinkies that sell them believe that exposed condensate pipes are never going to freeze in the UK exactly at the moment when you least need them to freeze?


(Top Tip to suppliers: London is a long way North of here. Glasgow would be well into the frozen wastelands of Canada. Shetland, well we better not go there.)


:) :)

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Morning All,


We have a reasonable morning in this part of the world.  The little snow that we did have has more or less gone and the temperature is a quite balmy 5°C.


It is just getting light.


Time for a coffee - Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all


The thaw has been accomplished in the street where I live though I suspect that there is way to go in the garden.  I might look later.  My car can now be distinguished from the road surface but the last bit of snow on the windsceen took all day to clear.  Yesterday I finished some captions and they are now with the editor.  I had gammon steak for lunch and in the afternoon carried on watching a m*d*ll*ng DVD.  Something else that was interesting was Matt Smith on Desert Island Discs.  Call The Midwife was such a weepie.


There is purposeful striding to be done this morning.   A letter must be posted, a cheque banked, the weekly donation to charity made [in the form of two lotto tickets] and some fodder procured.   I am down to my last tomato and last yogurt, which are essential, and have finished the fun size Mars bars, which most certainly are not.  Ahead of Thursday's meeting there is stuff to read.


Warm thoughts to the ailing, recovering, missing and snowbound



Edited by chrisf
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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner temple here.

8 hours sleep was had, helped by some Ibuprofen.


Over the last 20 years most people in the UK have changed to Combi boilers, as have I, that reduced my gas bill quite considerably, Combi boilers extract more heat out of the gas, the burning of gas produces water vapour, as this leaves the boiler exhaust much cooler than in a conventional boiler it therefore needs a drain to allow the condensation to drain away.



We had heavy rain for a long time last night, which has cleared 99% of the snew, and even cleared the mud from the road outside our house. However there are several more fields of beet to be pulled, so I suspect the road will return to it's normal brown colour.


 The drive in Shewd most roads to be clear of snew, except that in one section of an A road it's still down to one lane with a 3 foot drift down one side. I expect at least one cockwomble to not be looking  ahead today and attempt to drive through it. Several other places had the road width narrowed a bit by snew drifts.


There were two wombles on the road still driving as though the roads were entirely covered by Ice, but getting past them was easy once a clear of traffic bit of road arrived...


 The seaweed inspector said there is a possibility of 13C next week, so they'll be forecasting a drought shortly after.



 Time to... go find something to do...

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  • RMweb Premium

Mental note...be out of the UK for Jan 2019 to April 2019.....


It has been 27°C here today. Gently frazzled so more water required and early to bed.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning.  No trains here, I know when I'm beaten.


Q, not quite right, a combi boiler is not necessarily a condensing boiler - its about the dew point within the exhaust.  A condensing boiler as you say is most efficient and thus the flue gas temperature is lower than the dew point, thus you get liquid condensing out in the exhaust flue.  This was to be avoided at one time as it is corrosive due to being acidic, but modern materials are sufficiently resistive to this, thus greater efficiency can be achieved without your boiler rotting away in 12 months. Allegedly. A combi can be non-condensing - there's one just here.  I bet it outlasts the condensing boilers.....

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  • RMweb Premium

Just received this from a pal in Aus - hope the link works





PS I'm not at all sure how it works as it appears to pick up radio stations almost anywhere in the world but presumably it might only be those that broadcast online?  There are only a couple in mainland China that I can find and none in the northern bit of Korea.

Works ok in the Land of the Auck.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning awl. Respect from here I will behave in future so that no vegetables are harmed. (Can I uncross my fingers now)

Some green has actually appeared on the lawn and the thaw is well on the way though there is fist and mog around.

Beth has departed to meet her friend at Asda then to take her step mum shopping. I will await further reports on the seating wars. A plan has finally been produced but the awkward BiL gets back from Tenerife sometime today or tomorrow so the truce may not endure. I think that my day out riding trains on Wednesday (The day before the funeral) may have been a fortunate date to have arranged with my mate.

Apart from that I now really do have something to look forward to.  A guy that I knew at school who's a friend on FB wanted someone to go to see the Strolling Bones with in Manchester.   Tickets have been procured and I am going to see them on 5th June.   I managed to see one Beatle, Paul McCartney in his first ever concert with Wings, that cost me all of 50p. I managed to see the Who Live in Leeds a couple of years ago so in my confused mined the Stones complete the set of the big three.  All being well another tick on the bucket list.


Hope to hear more good news about Debs, now that I'm a reformed character (For the moment) and that other ER's may continue to improve.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

It's been raining but the sun has now made an appearance. Forecast to cloud over and then more rain or drizzle later.

I will be shortly be leaving on a new car hunt. Their are now 4 possibles on the list. This may change as the day progresses.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning.  No trains here, I know when I'm beaten.


Q, not quite right, a combi boiler is not necessarily a condensing boiler - its about the dew point within the exhaust.  A condensing boiler as you say is most efficient and thus the flue gas temperature is lower than the dew point, thus you get liquid condensing out in the exhaust flue.  This was to be avoided at one time as it is corrosive due to being acidic, but modern materials are sufficiently resistive to this, thus greater efficiency can be achieved without your boiler rotting away in 12 months. Allegedly. A combi can be non-condensing - there's one just here.  I bet it outlasts the condensing boilers.....

I agree brain not being in gear yet this morning, I was using combi instead of condensing.  With the problems I've seen on our supposedly more reliable brand condensing combi, I may well switch to non condensing Combi next time... The savings on gas with condensing are rapidly disappearing with larger repair bills...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning from a warmer Southeast than last week.


A good weekend at the Freemo event in Epsom in lieu of doing the Preston show. Home by 5pm last night.



The roads around Redhill station were bad yesterday with buses replacing services to all points South of there hence queuing up in the road to access the station. Half a dozen buses in the station car park again this morning.Trains running Ok apart form the Gatwick to Reading ones which are cancelled between Blackwater to Reading till Friday whilsty they repair a broken point since mid last week. Luckily we wont be needing to use those services.


Another short week for us.

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Finally caught up, and will risk my one two and only venture onto the Debs/HH annoyance zone.






Now then, I see that Debs' FB page is a bit revived, and hopefully will have more content soon.


Generic greetings to all.


Back tomorrow?

Regards to All


ps for the interested, this is a private garden line nearby.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Greetings from dry but rather overcast Essex.

Chris' post reminded me that I have a cheque to pay in. I may do that today. Our nearest bank branch is closing in May. I don't think this is a rural closure.


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