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  • RMweb Premium

The icy blast has reached the southern Hemisphere with knock on flight delays. A cricketing colleague is facing a day of notalot at Auckland airport as Emirates unlike others has given up flying in to the UK.


Just stay safe everyone!


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Greetings all, it's grey and it's cold at LBG and only a small amount of snow in Sidcup overnight. Yesterday's train home was rammed; it's only because I am impolite enough not to care that I forced my way on to a train at LBG last night. I wasn't waiting another half hour ... but loads of people would have had to.


The trains this morning ran OK. Snow is forecast for much of the afternoon and both Lurker boys' schools are closed again.

Ocado delivered as promised which meant that the others all had a lie in....!



Thoughts are with those shivering and ailing, particularly those with heating problems. I am so glad we bit the bullet and upgraded our heating and double glazing last spring. It's good to read that the Sherry-stuck-in-the snow drama which unfolded last night has ended with her safe.


Enjoy your day!

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  • RMweb Gold

The icy blast has reached the southern Hemisphere with knock on flight delays. A cricketing colleague is facing a day of notalot at Auckland airport as Emirates unlike others has given up flying in to the UK.


Just stay safe everyone!


You not planning to come back soon are you I'd say sod the expence and have another week.

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We were going to see some friends in the Malverns, but we've postponed. Later in the year I may get a trip to the Severn Valley in...


Guerrilla warfare going on over the heating controls here. Julie says I should change up from the t-shirt and shorts... Went down the shed yesterday in open sandals just to prove a point.


Still snowy here but mostly cold, high winds and chill factor. A friend in France has had part of her chimney come down the flue of the woodburner, which can't be used until the flue is repaired. Not a good time for that. We're hoping we've no damage or frozen pipes.


Best wishes to all affected by health, weather, age or circumstance.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning form a very cold Surrey. Not much if any fresh snow overnight in our road but very blustery. Decided to still take today off as leave as need to go to the doctors (8 miles away) to get a repeat prescription. Unfortunately they insist that I turn up and fill in a repeat prescription request despite advising that it may be difficult to get there. Then I have to wait 72 hours before collecting the prescription. They used to do this over the phone. I must find a more local practice soon.





Does your practice not have patient EMIS?  Then you can log on to make repeat prescriptions - works a treat for me as our practice is a 10 mile round trip.  You can frighten yourself too, by looking at al the various test results and googling them...hours of fun.  Makes you realise you're 58 not 28......

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Yesterday Debs was give a different drug to which she had a quite severe reaction. The antidote is slow working. She's not well at all.


I'm going to hold off posting any more to her until she feels up to reading it, but please keep it coming.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Not much snow here of late but by gum that easterly is biting, and when it does snow it doesn't half sting the cheeks.


You may recall that when last reported my daughter and son in law were snowed in, in a holiday lodge in Scotland without water. They were moved to another lodge that did have water and even braved the hot tub. I don't think they were impressed when I said they looked like those Japanese monkeys. I think they were cheesed off as they couldn't leave the site and there is only so much walking you can do in this weather. They are due to leave today and the site owner has offered to tow them off the site and to the nearest drivable main road. However, when last checked, the A1 and other cross border routes are still blocked in Northumberland so we have arranged for them to head to members of the clan who live up that way and stay there until it is safer for them to return.


I am looking after my son's dog at the moment so will have to venture out for a walk at some point. He is an 11 year old black Labrador whose whiskers are whiter than mine but still has great fun seeking out and bounding through the deepest snow drifts. The dog that is, not my son.


Stay safe.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Still a touch windy here but not as bad as it was. Strangely the snow on the road in front of the house  instead of forming a solid icy mass as usual in the current conditions is disintegrating under the traffic instead which means my car can get a grip so that I can reverse onto my drive. If the forecast is anything to go by it will be prudent to shop a bit earlier today as Emma is forecast to dump some more snow on Estuary-Land this afternoon. Happy birthday Ian A and I'm glad to hear that Sherry's OK and fingers crossed for Debs.

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Dunno what all the media hysteria about the weather is. I remember the winters of 1981/2 being far worse, with temperatures down to minus 15 in places. Maybe my memory is playing tricks on me but I recall people still somehow got into work, and schools stayed open - mine certainly did.

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  • RMweb Gold

Dunno what all the media hysteria about the weather is. I remember the winters of 1981/2 being far worse, with temperatures down to minus 15 in places. Maybe my memory is playing tricks on me but I recall people still somehow got into work, and schools stayed open - mine certainly did.

When I was at school in the 1960s the school was usually warmer than home and the food was better!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Good to hear that Sherry has been extracted from the A31, I trust the Channel will be somewhat calmer than photos posted by RFA Tidespring yesterday




Happy Birthday to Ian A. hope you've got yourself a suitable present and fingers crossed once again for Debs.  Our overnight 'heavy snow' didn't although we had an extended shower of the stuff this morning that re-covered the front path plus the wind is blowing a lot of the stuff around.  The Good Doctor duly trudged to work while laddo decided to give the train a try and managed to get there somewhat more quickly than his journey home yesterday evening notwithstanding the need to change trains twice.


We can order our prescriptions online through the surgery or at the Tesco pharmacy as well going to the surgery.  The Tesco ordering system usually works well and if there are any delays inevitably they are at the surgery - Tesco has the advantage of a slightly shorter walking distance but far better parking if I go in the car so it scores highly and the pharmacists are mostly extremely good.


Have a good day one and all

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  • RMweb Gold

I have ventured out this morning. The sidepiece on Aditi's spectacles fell off so I took them to the opticians. As I arrived they had a power cut but fortunately the repair did not need electricity. The roads other than ours were clear and well gritted. Not many cars about.

Aditi has been shopping but didn't go further than her computer to amend an online grocery order for tomorrow.


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  • RMweb Premium

I once had my handmade Cuban-heeled boots freeze to the pavement in Sunderland during the winter of 69/70. Not again, please.



So, I suppose Sunderland constitutes what Sun Tzu called "fatal terrain"…  :O :mosking:

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  • RMweb Gold

In the near future pharmacy managed systems will allow the doctor to write a prescription for multiple issues of an item. Some already do. This has been the norm in many other countries.

At the moment controlled drugs can't be issued to the pharmacy electronically but that too is changing.

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  • RMweb Premium

Sheesh, reading back a few pages re the dire meteo conditions in the British Isles, I'm relieved at it having been mostly sunny recently, even if it has been fiendishly cold! Temperatures but are predicted to rise by tomorrow, at which point it but is expected to begin clouding over…

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