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Plenty of snow here in North Yorkshire, and a bit of a blizzard going on at present. Looks like 6 inches landed last night, not only that but it seems a bit powdery, and wind is helping it get into all sorts of places it shouldn't be.


Traffic on the road outside looks to be moving very slowly, and I have decided to take the day off work. It's a bit of a waste of a day's holiday but it is a 40 mile round trip I have decided to be a wuss and not venture out in these conditions. All our schools have decided not to open so we are all in today. Have lit the back kitchen wood stove, and will do us all a root vegetable stew with dumplings for lunch, very wintry sort of food, and comfort food to me. 


Here's hoping conditions improve back to something approaching normal for tomorrow, but meanwhile will be trying to use the time positively. Hope you all have a good day likewise.

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. I will be staying indoors today, I doubt very much if anyone will turn up for the club tonight. At least six inches of snow outside now and if I want to go out I will have to dig the car out. Now time for a muggatee, be back later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a rather snowy village.  We are east of Jim (Dick Turpin) and what he got over night is now falling on us.    Beth got off to Leeds earlier on and hasn't rung to say she has had any problems.   We've now got about 2 inches of the white stuff but traffic is passing normally but a bit slower than usual. My mate who lives at Settle Station has just posted that trains on the S&C are running normally.  I will go out and clear the drive shortly then have to set off east to Casteleford to pick some stock up.


On the family front things seem to be sorted and obnoxious BiL seems to have accepted them.


Hope everyone stays safe.


Regards to all.



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Good moaning all from the winter fantasy land of the boring borough. Couple of cm of white crap here. Queue panic. Southeastern has gone into total melt down. Pardon the pun. TfL seems to have forgotten how to operate buses, and both Bexley and Greenwich councils managed to not start gritting in time. SWMBO is currently on a bus heading to Woolwich and the DLR. The normal route isn't running but another route is on diversion taking the same route as the normal bus through the area. Go figure. Current temp is -7c. That is far colder than what was predicted, and the coldest temp we've had in nearly 15 years in the UK. 


Looks like this weekend's Freemo meet may be off. Shame if it is. It was to be Millarville's last scheduled outing. Either way on Sunday the modules are getting stuffed into storage until after the building works and probably until after I renovate the shed. It's almost 10 now and needs some remedial work. Likely I'll empty it out, put in new flooring, add a couple more electrical outlets, rerun the cat5 cable from the house, new roof felt, new roof insulation, better lighting, etc. 


The siren song of coffee is luring me downstairs. I cannot resist any longer.


Enjoy the day. 

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Just been out to the cold, cold snow, with a broom... I had a thought and it was correct (thats unusual) the air intake to the lab A/C was completely blocked with snow.... it not now...

There is about a foot of snow round the back of the building but had been sucked up and blocked the intake grill...

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Greetings all from a snowy LBG.


3 or 4 inches of snow in Sidcup, but Southeastern have managed to run a (delayed) service. I guess quite a few people aren't bothering as I unusually got a seat. Both Lurkers' schools have decided to close which pleased Mrs Lurker as she didn't have to attend either. It was quite nice walking through relatively crisp and fresh snow. It had that nice crunch underfoot.


In other news, someone has tried to use my debit card for a fraudulent transaction, so has now been cancelled, which is a PITA, as various things run off it - such as the shopping delivery, which is due on Friday. However I think that the shopping will be delivered before Ocado try to take funds, at which stage I will be able to give them alternative details. Still, at least the unusual payment was declined in any case so I have lost nothing.

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Recalcitrant Manx buses have now been coaxed out of their garages - about five minutes after closure of all schools had been announced due to there being no buses.  Manx life.


Temperatures just struggled into positive territory, after -2c earlier.  Looking at the netweather radar the snow seems to be hitting the lake district, then stopping as the clouds come over the warmer water, the clouds re-starting to snow when making landfall in Northern Ireland.  Seaweed twirling here is a difficult task, due to the surrounding relatively warm water with the addition of a 2,000 foot mountain in the middle of our rock confusing the weather itself, never mind computer models and internal twirl-o-foot apps.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good moaning all from the winter fantasy land of the boring borough. Couple of cm of white crap here. Queue panic. Southeastern has gone into total melt down. Pardon the pun. TfL seems to have forgotten how to operate buses, and both Bexley and Greenwich councils managed to not start gritting in time. SWMBO is currently on a bus heading to Woolwich and the DLR. The normal route isn't running but another route is on diversion taking the same route as the normal bus through the area. Go figure. Current temp is -7c. That is far colder than what was predicted, and the coldest temp we've had in nearly 15 years in the UK. 


Looks like this weekend's Freemo meet may be off. Shame if it is. It was to be Millarville's last scheduled outing. Either way on Sunday the modules are getting stuffed into storage until after the building works and probably until after I renovate the shed. It's almost 10 now and needs some remedial work. Likely I'll empty it out, put in new flooring, add a couple more electrical outlets, rerun the cat5 cable from the house, new roof felt, new roof insulation, better lighting, etc. 


The siren song of coffee is luring me downstairs. I cannot resist any longer.


Enjoy the day. 

Freemo meet in not off as of yet  - will have to see what Dan says today. If it is still on, then I will be there now that Preston show is off.


More snow at home than yesterday.


Morning from a very cold London. Despite roads around our office being covered in snow there are cyclists about. Did my good deed today helping a woman up after she fell over as we walked to the station. Luckily my other half managed to stay upright all the way. She is terrified of icy pavements so we walked across the park as that was not so slippery as the pavements.


Out train was Ok till nearer London Bridge where we crawled into the terminal platforms over 10 late but thats way better than Southeastern are doing.

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Thanks Simon.  That is actually the best photo of Fraggle Rock from your side I have seen. I'm on the right.....

On the right eh?? Big Brother will be watching!


As to the photo, I take that as a challenge, but I suspect my camera equipment is not sufficiently good to get a photo I can really be proud of. The posted one was off the iPad, and apart from that I just have two cheap Panasonic compact zoom cameras to work with. It is also pretty rare for Fraggle Rock to be as clear as it was last night.


SWMBO has been very stressed this morning, as my car had to go to Egremont for its service and MOT, which meant she had t9 dr8ve there as well, to pick me up from the garage. I don’t think she has ever driven in any snow before, and hates driving at the best of times! Anyway, the journey was made without any problems. Now I just need the car to pass the MOT and then repeat the journey this afternoon.


Fortunately we have only about one to two inches of snow so far. Commiserations to those suffering with more than we have!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


A further fall of snow overnight, probably about 0.25 of an inch yet again and currently nice and sunny.  RAF Benson - which isn't too far away - recorded -10C overnight but it is a bit more exposed than here although we probably weren't too far behind come the coldest part of the night.  In view of the weather the Good Doctor has popped out for a swim, but it will be at an indoor pool so no ice breaking will be required, she has then volunteered to do a little bit of shopping and get the 'paper so I shall simply deal with my main task which is to replenish the ready use log stack in the porch as the wood burner has been ordered back into action by the management.


I do wish various organisations would stop predicting snow fall and accumulation in metric numbers, I'm sure that talking about 10cm of snow is giving people far more nasty ideas than talking about 4 inches of the stuff.


Have a good day one and all and may the recovering continue on a positive path.  

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Why man, divn't be se daft . . . mind, I have had to put a vest on 'cos as not as young as a once was.




I'm down on the seafront with my camera watching the waves come over the pier and lighthouse. Blowing a hoolie and occasional blizzards. Loving it - although my chest isn't what it used to be. I guess my serious winter mountaineering days are over.

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Oooh you're back, I was getting bored missing you all, so I read the local paper.


Anyway the sailing event I reported on, made the local paper with pictures..



One of the Lab techs outside this room took 3 hours to do the 25 miles from his home to here, the difference was he starts a bit later than me and got caught by all the cockwombles running into each other..


After cleaning the A/C the temperature in the lab dropped, it's now chilly 20.705C so I still can't do any work.


In Just under 40 minutes time I'll head straight for home I'll not risk going via a big orange shed today..


The local radio has a "you choose the music" hour from about 13:00, to day the first choice was........Driving home for Christmas....

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Afternoon All


Chilly and windy here - but not as much white stuff as some, so commiserations to those who have more than us.


Sorry to say that I have had to miss a few pages and posts, and haven't even managed to give any ratings.  So it is as ever, generic greetings while 30747 watches a recording of some show with screaming babies and sentimental music. 


Homework done for writing course and I'm off now to get the fire stoked up.


Even sideways, Rick doesn't look much like the young lad I met on some railtours back in the 1970s.


Regards to All


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I thought folk from Aus came upside down, not sideways? :jester:


 I was going to suggest he was lying down on the job.


Tricky getting to work this morning, despite most of my journey being on A roads (I avoided the country route) there was little evidence of gritting.

Although the slippiest bit was the last 200 yards down the estate to work.....


Just been out for a lunch run and it looks like a van has slid down a steep hill next to Settle market square and trapped a pedestrian. Emergency services are in attendance.

The Air Ambulance has just done a circle overhead and then moved on.

I hope the persons involved are not too badly hurt.


The main roads now look a bit clearer so I'm hoping for a steady run home.


Two days off coming up - time for some S&M [*]


Stay safe folks.





[*] sleep and modelling

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HUMP day...


Uneventful yesterday, we had a nice dinner at a local restaurant with our travelling companions - they took Julie to a movie matinee first while I was working, to give her a little change of pace and some relaxation.


Apparently your "Beast from the East" event has taken on worldwide proportions, actually being mentioned HERE with that specific terminology on the morning news!

Then again, whilst they DID say the weather would cause problems for Europe, they also hastened to state that it was only going to amount to 4-6 inches or less in most parts, so some querying as to why it was such a big deal :jester: little do they know ;)


HORRORS AND MAYHEM on the drive in - some awful huge fire in the sky to the east caused most motorists cockwombles to panic and reduce their progress to single digit MPH.

Driving in once a week is problematic since I don't take adequate note of sunrise times and leave a little earlier around this time of year - mea culpa...


Will leave a little early today as I have to run an errand for the Mrs, notably go to the MiLs assisted living complex and return some paperwork, the keys and gather the last of MiLs effects. Mrs WILL return there soon to thank the staff for all they've done over the years (7+ that MiL was there) but isn't feeling up to it right now.


In contrast to your "Beast..." it was +5 and sunny driving in, high will be about the same and predictions that we'll lose about another 2-3 inches of snow cover today (goes FAST when there's sun and above zero temps).


Hope you can cross the HUMP in spite of your weather issues, and head towards a welcoming weekend.

Edited by Ian Abel
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