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  • RMweb Gold

If perceived wisdom says don't eat yellow snow what does it tell you about amber stuff?


The last time I remember the wind moving seriously to the East was 1978. We had 8ft drifts.

Just saying.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. A good day at the toy fair today, I picked up some more resin buildings at quite low prices. Apparently the 'ready-to-plant' resin buildings from Bachmann, Hornby and some others are now becoming collectable in their own right. Not surprising as they are made in limited runs that are not repeated.

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  • RMweb Premium

Just got a couple of messages from Debs


​I'm doing this to everyone as it's right that it should be shared as this is a community effort


Got a few thank you's:


Sherry for making me smile with her St. Trinians reminisces.


Tony and Aditi, for the virtual gift of Spring flowers.


The bekilted Alan (benachie) for conjuring wonderful images from his enthralling but by now surely very chilly Scotia.


Neil for sharing his sunny garden railway......but he is sailing close to the wind, sending me pics of  tr**ns! 


Andy for the Legoland pics, I'm particularly loving the port and the bucket dredger.


Gwiwer for his kindness.


Baz for the super pictures from far away.




Then she sent me a second message that I considered not posting, but not doing so would not be right as she's not only typed it but also feels it, and reflects the stuff that I've been able to send to her because of you all caring.


...... to an incredibly kind man and his dearest, who have helped this lady, in more ways than they might ever know . 

I can't ever thank them enough, but I can begin by simply saying, "bless you, for being  you", John and Sandy Colby. .


My eyes are a little damp.




P.S. Can we please keep the stuff coming as it seems to be working. We can't be there, but virtual visiting seems to work



Seconded.  Thank you, John and Sandy for what you have done, and are doing for Debs.

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  • RMweb Premium

An update from the West Middlesex Hospital.


Neighbour (Upstairs) was blue-lighted in but even so required an emergency stop when she lost consciousness and triggered alarms. Flatmate is with her but has not been allowed to see her. Which is both reasonable and concerning at the same time. We are no wiser as to what has brought about this sudden and apparently serious situation in a normally-healthy young woman.


I have asked to be kept updated irrespective of hour. Being a neighbour and a friend does not stop at bed-time. This might be an even more challenging week than we had expected this morning.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


Another sunny day and also another day sorting out the cellar. Today I’ve mainly been sorting out what is to be kept, what’s going to a charity shop and what’s going to the tip. But I have been to both the workshop and the shed to deposit bits and pieces in there correct place. There is a bit of stuff of Sheila’s that I’m not going to make decisions about (I’m not that daft), so that will have to be brought upstairs a few in bits at a time.


Earlier this evening I spent an hour or so talking to my brother in Canada and as is the norm, we didn’t put the world to right, we just discussed any topic that just happens to come up, mainly general chit chat like the weather etc.


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Premium

You know how I said I was going to avoid buying stuff at Glasgow Ex....?


Debs - avert your gaze.













For my future plans.



Relatively good looking by US standards.


Had a good one and a half days at Glasgow with a couple of workmates. They were mostly doing the work as I was officially on days off......


Met loads of modelling friends and even lined up a farewell article for my layout that will retire from the exhibition scene in 12 months time at Glasgow.


The coach set that will be paired with the above loco is scheduled to arrive at work tomorrow, thus avoiding Mrs NB's eyes......


Have a good week folks.




Edited by newbryford
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Hmmmmmmmm!!!, Always the best cure for flu' in Derby is a beer festival :angel: a wonderful cure , I KNOW!, I was born there and lived there for almost 25 years. Used to fish in the Trent and Mersey canal at Weston-on-Trent(we called it Wesson) and used to frequent The Plough but for the life of me, I can't remember whether it was at Wesson or Assen(Aston), perhaps you can enlighten me Andy :scratchhead: ??

Best wishes to all on here who are suffering ill health.



The Plough was opposite the Village Green in Weston on Trent. Sadly it closed some years ago and, despite a campaign by local residents, it was knocked down and replaced by houses.

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  • RMweb Gold

You know how I said I was going to avoid buying stuff at Glasgow Ex....?


Debs - avert your gaze.













For my future plans.



Relatively good looking by US standards.


Had a good one and a half days at Glasgow with a couple of workmates. They were mostly doing the work as I was officially on days off......


Met loads of modelling friends and even lined up a farewell article for my layout that will retire from the exhibition scene in 12 months time at Glasgow.


The coach set that will be paired with the above loco is scheduled to arrive at work tomorrow, thus avoiding Mrs NB's eyes......


Have a good week folks.




I think you are safe with that photo. It looks more like a space shuttle than a loco,
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After an unseasonably cold week (for late February) the weather has returned to normalcy - valley rain and mountain snow. Plenty of rain today and in the forecast. We're still behind on the rain year, but the snow pack should improve a little bit.


It was unusual (but nice) to have a few nights of snow followed by sunny days.


It was nice while it lasted:



The most recent snow was pretty nice - a couple of inches in the garden, except on the roads which were clear.



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  • RMweb Premium

Mick UP and C&O have more yellow....


Went on the Driving Creek Railway today....fantastic!


Then a trip round the rest of the peninsula...pics will appear later.

Hope you have rested well.


I need some tea..as in food as well as a mugatea. 24C in the garden here. May just stay on to see if it warms up in the UK first.


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  • RMweb Gold

The Plough was opposite the Village Green in Weston on Trent. Sadly it closed some years ago and, despite a campaign by local residents, it was knocked down and replaced by houses.

Unbelievable!!, it was a great pub, thanks Andy. Two things I miss about the UK......English pubs and Derby County, still the Aussie pubs have come a mighty long way since 1971 and I love Aussie Rules so I'm happy.



Edited by ikks
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. It is cold. The small brown birds tried to break wind earlier but found their tail-feathers were frosted up.


No more news from upstairs. Flatmate arrived home at 23 o’clock alone. Thoughts with all those in difficult circumstances.

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Good morning one and all


When I woke it was quiet enough for snow to have fallen.  It hasn't but cannot be far away.  Before it arrives I must stride purposefully towards town to collect my prescription, have it dispensed and fetch a statement from the bank.  What is the betting that the self-service machines are out of paper?  It is Monday morning, after all.  The week ahead promises not to be too arduous, which is just as well in view of the forthcoming excretary weather.


Yesterday I did a bit more writing.   One piece went off to the editor together with a progress report on the rest.  I await his pleasure or absence thereof.   Later I reset the bedside clock/radio once more.  To my relief it has not been wilful overnight.  I wonder what the blip or glitch was?  Today I must try to figure out the logistics of acquiring my own copy of a streamed album.  If you had heard the version of Lilac Wine on it you would want one too.


With encouraging despatches from and on behalf of one seriously ill lady it is time to wish all the best to the ailing, recovering and missing.



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Morning All,


I am back in the office this morning after a quiet weekend.  The temperature is down to -7°C this morning.  Clear and cold, but the biting Siberian wind is still with us.


Time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner temple Here.


A reasonable amount of sleep is somewhat broken as all the aches and pains of gatherning and moving the materials for Saturdays bonfire caught up...


This morning we have Huge snow drifts............ all of half an inch.

The roads are white... ........with the salt that has been spread.

 Two cockwombles this morning, one (BMW) over took me when I was doing the 50 mph limit, I'd estimate at 80+, however I came up behind him, behind a long queue of traffic due to the second cockwomble doing 35 to 40 MPh in a 60 limit on a clear A road. When the traffic from the other way cleared, we all got past him...


This weeks work, mostly a major system, that is our own test system. Due to pressure of work this has not been calibrated for about 6 months, but is suposed to be done every two months. This does play havoc wth the spreadsheets as the predicited values and allowance you get, are of course set up for 2 months use.


Time to.... check the company spam...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

When I sat down for breakfast the Siberian frost seemsed to have given us a miss.

As I look up from my keyboard I note it is snowing. 

So, on that note, I'm predicting traffic chaos, which I really ought to go an join.....

Have a good one everyone. 

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  • RMweb Gold

It's snowing. Just the odd flake though.


Yesterday afternoon we caught a Gatwick Express to Redhill. We had seats but the 12 car train was wedged.


When it arrived into Redhill it took us ten minutes to get down the steps and through the ticket hall and we were in coach three so all those further behind had a longer wait. The problem was the queue for the replacement buses backing up into the station. Whilst we waited a service bus homee we could see people through the staircase enclosure just standing waiting to get down to the booking hall. It made the BBC Southern news that people missed their flights. Southern have apologised as they regularly do but that isn't really any consolation.


This morning the Bedford service was delayed by the Victoria train that's very rarely on time. With a few minutes to go the platform staff put out an announcement that the Bedford service would now depart from platform 0.

As it approached it swapped back to platform 2 so all those that had rushed to platform 0 now had to rush back to platform 2. A lot of unhappy passengers.


Just four days work as we are off to Preston show subject to the weather letting us. Fingers crossed.


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