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  • RMweb Gold


I don't lean towards violence, but, I'd love to get all the architects/owners of these companies in a room and kick them all in the bo!!ocks... :triniti:  :butcher:

You are far more charitable than I.


Although it involves bo11ocks, it also involves a wooden shed, a bench vice with a removable pin, a can of petrol, a box of matches and a blunt  Stanley knife

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  • RMweb Premium

Yes I remembered Ben's Asprin, unfortunately Tescos didn't and there was a sorry we are out of stock label, on dispersible Asprin. So I took a risk and bought infant calpol, which is paracetamol based. Luckily further research shows that's ok as well, in infant sized doses, For less than 5 days in a row.


A definite no no is ibuprofen, very toxic for dogs.


Meantime the neighbours partner, is on life support, so that doesn't sound good. I'm not needed as taxi driver as the partners adult children have arrived.


Food is about to arrive, later we, me and Ben, head to his appreciation Society, where I will play with some 2mm scale viaduct piers...


Meantime eyelid inspection beckons,...

Edited by TheQ
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Our friendly and incredibly helpful 'Microsoft' support people all seem to have 'phone numbers located in remote corners of Scotland notwithstanding their far from Scottish sounding accents.  if you do a google search on the number you're likely to find a lot more about the way it is used rather than just where it allegedly belongs.


If I'm in the mood I like to have a bit of fun with these halfwits as wasting their time is great entertainment especially when they ask me to press a certain key on the keyboard and I say i can't find them have to tell them which kets are next to it - that really gets them going.  It's all amusing to play totally stupid so when they ask what I can see on the screen I wait for the screen saver to start and then tell them exactly what I can see, the Eiger usually confuses them.   


I'm incredibly helpful to the nice Microsoft people and press the Windows key and type exactly what they ask, viz: microsoftdotcom.  Why do they then get so narked with me?



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  • RMweb Premium

Hope the day went well Jamie despite your sad news.


I have to pay a toll fee for our trip today. At $2NZ it is not a lot but if you don't pay..ouch!


Off for a mugacoffeee and breakfast.



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  • RMweb Gold

We haven't had any Microsoft or Broadband scams for a while, they must be working through another area code.

We seem to be getting a few of the "accident that wasn't your fault" calls again recently.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Condolences to Jamie on the loss of his FiL. I get e-mails from something called the Big Deal offering to save money on my energy bills. Needless to say they go straight to the spam folder. One thing that annoys me is at the bottom there is an 'unsubscribe here' button, I never subscribed in the first place. I'm certainly not going to click on anything on these e-mails.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all.


My legs and I are very tired* after a long but most enjoyable day at Model Rail Scotland. Sadly, and for obvious reasons, I didn't meet up with Mal for a chat this year but we have agreed to do so next year. Having missed some layouts and not given some others the attention they deserved I think my legs and I might try for a two day visit next year. Having clan members living not too far away should make it relatively easy (and cheap).


Haven't had a chance to catch up but will have a quick read back tomorrow in case I have missed anything of import.



* other expressions are available.

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  • RMweb Premium

Our friendly and incredibly helpful 'Microsoft' support people all seem to have 'phone numbers located in remote corners of Scotland notwithstanding their far from Scottish sounding accents.  if you do a google search on the number you're likely to find a lot more about the way it is used rather than just where it allegedly belongs.


If I'm in the mood I like to have a bit of fun with these halfwits as wasting their time is great entertainment especially when they ask me to press a certain key on the keyboard and I say i can't find them have to tell them which kets are next to it - that really gets them going.  It's all amusing to play totally stupid so when they ask what I can see on the screen I wait for the screen saver to start and then tell them exactly what I can see, the Eiger usually confuses them.   

Scammers, our phone displays the telephone number/name of whoever is calling, if it’s a number we don’t recognise or is withheld, we don’t answer, it’s as simple as that. However, if we feel playful/mischievous enough, we might answer. Sheila will sometimes put on an Eastern European accent and pretends she doesn’t understand English, she can keep it up for quite a while too! It’s bl00dy hilarious to listen to. Whereas I just pretend to be deaf!

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


Woke up to a frost this morning, but just as was the case yesterday, I wasn’t intending to go out so it didn’t matter.


After breakfast I managed to finish of the attic floor. Once that was done I disappeared to the cellar and started clearing away lots of accumulated stuff, so that I will be ready to start work on creating an office/work area in there, which was going to be my next project. However, as I was clearing said stuff, I came upon the wood I’d bought to make a couple of radiator covers. So I thought, instead of moving this from one area to another, I’d actually make them. This will have a couple of benefits, it gets rid of said wood and earns me a few brownie points at the same time.


Once I’d knocked off for the day, I nipped to the Trafford Centre to pick up a click and collect package fro M&S, there and back in less than 40 minutes!


After tea, Vidal Baboons exclusive hair dressing boutique opened for business and I have been suitably shorn.


Neil. A smidge is indeed an SI unit, just a little bit bigger than a bugs knacker!


Jamie. I hope the wedding went well. Also so sorry about the bad news about your FiL.


Ian A. And not just the bo!!ocks, things you could do with a cold chisel and a vice!


Goodnight all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Wakey Wakey!


Had a lovely day visiting waterfalls, plodging in the Pacific and watching loadsalocalcricket.


I am awaiting food as lunch seems ages ago.


Have a great day!


Edited by Barry O
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Good morning one and all


My bedside clock/radio has puzzled me again.  Last night I reset it.  During the night it reset itself so that it displayed 05.30 when it was only 04.50.  One can do without irritations like that.  Technology baffles me.  I have been sent a link to a 'streaming only' album which I should like to have.  What do I do with it?  Helpful answers only, please!


Today I need to do another fodder run.  My forgettery was on top form yesterday and I came back without the oranges and one or two other things.  Never mind: as it is Saturday I can use my bus pass at a suitable hour and think I will have breakfast at the supermarket.  Later today there is some writing to do and later still I may watch the DVD that arrived on Thursday.  It will be too cold for gardening though and I fear for the clump of snowdrops that I was given earlier in the week.  Gardening is something [else] at which I am hopeless and next month I will probably lament once more at the way in which nettles, dock leaves and other triffids have colonised what is supposed to be the strawberry bed.


Let there be happy times ahead and in the faint hope of achieving them I proffer warm thoughts to the ailing, recovering and missing



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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, inner temple here,

A very good night's sleep of almost 8 hours was had....


We had a prospective club member turn up last night, a real life train driver, do they make them that young? Or am I getting old?


I've been out on morning patrol with Ben the Border Collie, there is no frost. However the ground is frozen solid, even putting my considerable weight on Adrian mole's hills, they did not collapse.

Shortly, after a mugacoffee, I will try to warm you up by lighting a bonfire, the wind is in a safe direction with promise of it going round to an even colder safer direction.


There are snowdrops all over the place but the daffs are sensibly not flowering yet.


Time to... Go put the kettle on...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Rather chilly here this morning.

I think we are going to see MiL today so hopefully the M25 will be clear. In fact it usually takes as much time to get through the Enfield traffic as it does to get from here to the motorway junction for Enfield.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Last night was date night at a lovely Italian restaurant in Twickers. Owned and run by Italians and clearly having the services of a very good chef. I enjoyed the sea bass with clams served with cubed zucchini and cherry tomatoes in a subtle chili and garlic sauce. Hers was a pork and mushrooms main which had an Italian name I don’t remember. Excellent food, very good ambience, quite reasonably priced. A three-course meal for two with a bottle of house wine was £70


We are about to depart for sister’s today. More of mum’s stuff will be gone through. Final plans for next Friday’s funeral will be made.


It is sunny upon the Hill but not a single degree of Celsius is on offer.


Have a good weekend. Thoughts remain with our sick, injured and absent members.

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I'm incredibly helpful to the nice Microsoft people and press the Windows key and type exactly what they ask, viz: microsoftdotcom.  Why do they then get so narked with me?




And you wonder why I am reluctant to help with your PC problems!  :no:



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