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  • RMweb Gold

Modern Railways landed after lunch. Mick (NB) is going to be busy as NR are apparently going out to tender to replace a large part of their yellow painted monitoring fleet.




I recently got the impression that his interest might be turning in the direction of UP yellow rather than the NR version.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hey up!

Slept well and now feeling peckish so breakfast is in order.


Youngest Herbert has noted that NZ expects people to use common sense. No accident chasing law firms here!


Having read the reports on what went wrong with a big construction firm all I can say is...do we believe in the mega money grabbing bean counters?


Simon, hope the chemo goes well, Andy hope the beer is good, hoping for news from Debs and Mal.


A number of ERs have now been missing for quite a while, which is concerning. Hopefully they are ok.



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' Evening all from red dragon land.


I know it is getting the bins ready and out for tomorrow's collection, but...

I am not a happy bunny - two smelly, grey and dried out lamb shanks BINNED!

I was just about to remove the plastic film from the top of the box and put them in the oven when I thought the smell was a bit strong for a sealed container.


There was a small tear in the film on the side of the box which I had not noticed.  Judging from the state of the meat, I would say it had been there for some time.  Ah, well.  Better be even more fussy when I go shopping. He won't like that!  :no:


More weathering on his TT deck accomplished.  Now off to do dinner.  Heads, it's Plan B.  Tales, it's ? :jester:



Take care everybody and extra best wishes for Debs, Simon, Mal and Andyram.

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Today’s saga


She messaged by at 8 saying she was being denied breakfast, so I sent up the collected messages of RMWeb


She texted again at 11:45 saying 


“Ok, its decided , im offf om my eay to theatre .Phone off for th duratiion D

Nothing then until Sister Jen texted at 18:45 saying that Debs was still in recovery.


Debs texted at 8:30 this evening saying


“Im ok lpease dont woorry. D”


My text back said that we’d worry of we want to :)


And I'm not sending up the collective messages until I hear from her again. 


I then told Jen that I’d heard from Debs - she replied saying that she worries too!


Apparently the procedure has resulted in a controlled heart rate which has been high for more then a week. 


More tomorrow.


Jen has done a 12 hour shift today, BTW. Dedication.



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening Awl,

As someone mentioned earlier, the cold that is going round at the moment does drag on a bit, I'm still occasionally coughing and spluttering, hence a large hot toddy by the bed at the moment. I sincerely hope those getting our best wishes at present don't add this cold to their problems.


Ben the Border Collie, is still holding his paw up occasionally, I've been instructed to get some dispersible aspirin ( childrens) on the way home tomorrow. It's what our vet told us to give our previous collies when they did something like badly bruise a paw añd is often prescribed for dog arthritis.


We have promise of extremely cold easterlies for the weekend, I shall try to warm up anyone east of here( most of you) by having a big bonfire. Easterly is away from the neighbours thatched roof, and I have a huge accumulation of garden twigs / brambles/ hedge cuttings to get rid of. The ash will then be added to some new raised beds I have to build before spring. A large pampas grass may also be cooked if the wind is perfect.


There are some road works just off of an A road I use on the way to work and back. I have never seen anyone working there in over a month, although the trench does grow, move, get filled in. They must be on very short hours as I doubt they work in the dark in the mornings and are gone before 15:15.. More annoying is the traffic lights are left there 24 hours a day when the carriageway is not obstructed by their work.


Oh and by the cremated Swan someone's nicked a load of the aluminium road works signs. This helps me, because when they were there, the lights saw the landrover approach about half a mile away, and turn green, then I'd lose sight of the lights behind the signs and I guess it of me, so just as I get there they turn to red again....it doesn't happen in the car, so I think the big flat front of the landrover is being picked up at that distance.


Next door neighbours just rung, she thinks her partner has just had a stroke, SWMBO is going round. Paramedic / ambulance called ( I think it's just arrived) we are 4 miles from a remote ambulance station, but 25 from a hospital. I've been told to look after Ben, but he's lying by the back door waiting for SWMBO to return.


The neighbour ( female ) doesn't drive, so I suspect if he gets carted away I may end up being a taxi driver tomorrow or the weekend. An ambulance has now arrived after the paramedic car..so the road outside is now blocked (it's single track), I will NOT be going out to put stupid notices on a windscreen.


I hope you all are having a good night...good night.

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  • RMweb Premium

I recently got the impression that his interest might be turning in the direction of UP yellow rather than the NR version.


FEC blue rather than BR blue more like........


Don't worry too much - the yellow stuff is still to the fore.




Edited by newbryford
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


Normal service has been resumed and today work has continued in the attic. I’ve re-varnished 3/4 of the floor, having first pushed all the furniture into the un-occupied 1/4, it was a little cramped. Hopefully I’ll do the last bit tomorrow morning.


This evening we had James and Amelia round for tea, which tonight was, as Amelia requested, spaghetti bolognese.


Glad to read that Deb’s surgery, minor though it is, went well.


Goodnight all.

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Canada is attempting to have a new sport added to the Winter Olympics - ice volleyball:




As with beach volleyball, specific clothing, appropriate to the venue, will be required. Competitors will dress in hockey skates and gloves, parkas and toques. 

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  • RMweb Premium

We're getting out a bit, but basically to quiet coffee shops as Dayle is still coughing and I cough a bit. Definitely avoiding any place with vulnerable elderly types -- I'll be skipping 2 railway meets in the next week. (Does anyone want to run Windermere station?)


The Grand River watershed is in major flood state. One highway closed because ice was pushed right over it; other roads just water covered; low lieing towns also inundated.  The Grand must be one of our longer rivers in southern Ontario.


Best wishes to those that are worse off than I am.

Edited by BR60103
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Morning All,


First of all, best wishes to Debs, Simon and Mal.


It is a very chilly morning, with a biting Siberian wind!


Still, the sky is clear - which is nice.


Have a good day everyone...

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Good morning one and all


Not too bad a day with Poorly Pal yesterday.  Lunch was enjoyed, some m*d*ll*ng got done and the talk in the evening very good.  It was perishing cold, as will be the case today, and the fan heater in the shed where the layout loves had to be persuaded not to keep tripping the safety button on the extension lead.  The car is across Mrs Electric-Chair's gateway and will have to be moved as soon as someone goes to work and leaves a space for me to occupy.  The outcome of that may determine whether the fodder run is done by bus or by car.  Each has its merits.  In any event the tool kit has been in the boot for a fortnight and will benefit from being brought indoors.


When I got up I noticed that my bedside clock/radio has somehow managed to reset itself by 12 hours.  I am easily baffled by technology.


There is still encouraging news from those of our number who are on the sick list.  Long may this continue, with ongoing good wishes and warm thoughts to the ailing, recovering and missing.



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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring awl Inner temple here.

An Average nights sleep 5 hours in bed and about an hour and a half on the sofa.


The Next Door neighbours partner was carted off to the James Paget Hospital, which is on the far side of  Great Yarmouth, this creats more transport problems, as there is less from there, to anywhere near home, than there is from Norwich. A car drew into nexr door about an hour before I left for work this morning so I guess that's her coming back by taxi.



No frost this morning but it was COLD...


Coming into work a 4 wheel drive was parked in a layby with no houses near by, lights in the field, poachers?


One cockwomble followed me for a long while at 60 in a sixty limit, then when I slowed in down to 30 in a 30 limit, swept past and on at I'd estimate 50 plus... Soon after I  gained a tail of traffic behind me through effin clown town while I was still at 30 in the 30 limit. but when Ieft the 30 to go to a 60 limit, I left them behind?!


Well I just have to finish of a customer unit this morning which will take a couple of hours mostly generating certificates, after that err.. well I've nt a lot to do, But I do have a genuine Poets day, reclaiming back the two hours  had to stay for the meeting on Monday...


Time to... wander down to the lab...



I must remember the Asprin for Ben,



I must remember the Asprin for Ben,



I must remember the Asprin for Ben

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning from a frozen but sunny Surrey.


As is usual when we are travelling with bags for the weekend the bus is later than usual but not to worry, so are our trains. Hopefully our last trip this week on a great white worm aka Thameslink 700 unit. The rock hard seats have made it into the news this week but the response is that they need to be fire proof. Odd as a I thought most modern train seats already were. Hoping that we don’t have to use on fm Cambridge on a Sunday as the Norwich Mainline is closed. On upside is that due to engineering works around Gatwick we do have a Gatwick Express units terminating at Redhill so we may have a fast run from Victoria.


Hoping for POETs later as we are on the 17.30 off Liverpool Street.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning.  Chilly here at 2c but no frost, oddly. Air must be drier.


Gad to hear Debs is still on the way to recovery, makes my issues fade into insignificance.


Old farts bike club later, all the way to Ramsey. 4.5 miles.  That's about my limit for driving at the moment, but thank crunchie I bought that automatic as otherwise it would be weeks and weeks before I could even think of driving. 


The cuts are healing leisurely as previously discussed, but the 'inside works' of the foot still feel very messed about with, I note some additional nerve damage now as I can't move the three middle toes more than a smidge now (a smidge is an Si unit of measurement) although the big and little toes work reasonably OK.  This is sort of to be expected, you can't go delving into something so deeply and not cause some damage, physio will get some of it back in time hopefully.  This is currently causing balance issues until things start working better so still on crutches for 3 more boring weeks as I am still only partial weight bearing.  A real bind as I want to go back to work, GP not happy that I do so currently, but I suppose I'm happy just not to have lost half my foot, which was close. 


Catching up with my reading though now that my head is clearer (stopped most painkillers - the strong ones anyway), and thus even noticed Chris F's slippery letter.  I like corrections like that, having come across so many incorrect 'facts' repeated ad nauseam because someone read it somewhere, without researching or cross referencing the source. 

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A quick good morning from the house of wedding prep. Yesterday went quite well apart from a panicked phone call from the lady who has made the cake. Her kitchen tap had come apart and flooded the kitchen, including the bowl of icing, fortunately not the cake, and she had no water. Fortunately I was able to go over, work out how the tap went together and get her water back on and the tap working again. The cake was safely picked up and also the buttonholes. The couple from Aviemore didn't get here till 0100 due to a navigation error. Apparently the sat nav took them to Clitheroe.


Anyway the day has dawned frost so I've now got to go and retrieve the cake from the car boot in case it has frozen. Then it's off to feed Gavin the cat.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all, 

Frosty start here but although the sun has appeared it is forecast to remain chilly.

Lots of positive vibes being sent to Debs, Simon & Mal and let's hope improvement continues. Also sending best wishes to the wedding party.

Domestic stuff scheduled for this morning and there is a possibility that I may get a haircut so that will while away another 2 or 3 minutes. Later The Boss is going to have her hair done, that may take a tad longer.  :whistle:

Have a good one,

Edited by grandadbob
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Anyway the day has dawned frost so I've now got to go and retrieve the cake from the car boot in case it has frozen. Then it's off to feed Gavin the cat.


Regards to all.



I'm not sure that Cats like cake...

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  • RMweb Premium

I'm not sure that Cats like cake...


Ours did.  The pair of them once devoured an entire Marksies Madeira cake we inadvertently left out - unopened.  Couldn't work out why they didn't want breakfast, then found the remains of the wrapping.

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