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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from the village west of Dean woods.


Happy birthday to Chris and may the chemical warfare continue to work for many more years.


Good news from Debs, we must be careful. Also hope to hear from Mal and that Neil's foot continues to heal.


I attended my late colleagues funeral yesterday. He was 90 and had drawn his pension for 38 years which I think is great. He only paid it for 30. However I am fairly sure that I was the only former colleague that attended and realised that anyone who had known him would be a minimum of 60 now.


Not much has been decreed for today apart from some more work to get the back bedroom ready for occupation on Thursday. I will probably spend some time doing more tidying and packing in the modelling room.


Regards to all and the sun has now come out.



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  • RMweb Gold

Luckily I've never had a problem with electronic billing or online banking and have been doing it for several years. My one major problem ( about 20 years ago) with post was a credit card that never arrived but a bill for about £3000 did. However it never cost me anything but some inconvenience. I reported it to Royal Mail because we'd also noticed some envelopes arriving slightly opened at the corner of the flap and one of their inspectors visited and assured us that it would be fully investigated.  It eventually transpired that the thieving so and so was none other than our friendly postman at the time who was caught in his own car with another sorting and opening envelopes. However he wasn't caught until several months later. B#stard.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday Chris and you reminded me that I will reach the same landmark age in a few months time, in fact on the first day of our annual exhibition. Unlike Chris however I have avoided using chemical warfare and will try to do so for as long as I can but having said that I resorted to paracetamol last night as Arfur Itis was giving some of his wet weather warnings. Nice to hear that Debs is on the up and please pass on my good wishes. Muggertee calls so I'll be back later.

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  • RMweb Premium




Tardyness is due to the fact that the new incisions are in the same place as the originals from the foot rebuild, apparently this leaves less of a mess when it's all over but in the interim the lower blood supply in the scar tissue slows healing. 





Indeed, and that's why on my third hip op, the surgeon would not go in on the old incision uses for the first two, as he was concerned that the healing would take a lot longer.

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AndrewC, we went through much the same process with an old house in the UK which was great at the time and we stayed there 20 years, but we couldn't face doing it again when we came here almost 16 years ago and went for a new build. Not really our style of house TBH but the heating bills are a small fraction in comparison.

Our last house in Canada was a new build in a new area. Lucky for us we were able to design and choose just about everything we wanted. We even reversed the stock plan from the normal giving us something unique as it was one of a kind in the end. In some ways we are taking some of the best bits from there and incorporating them here. First floor bathroom with laundry facilities. Through lounge and as open plan as possible in a Victorian Terrace. Patio doors off the kitchen. Oak flooring. Depending on whether or not we burn through the contingency budget we may even be able to add a small ground floor WC under the stairs. 


I'm another fan of online banking. The only issues we've ever had was SWMBO's office WIFI had been hacked. Her card details were scooped when ordering online. Not the bank's fault. The bank spotted it before she did and sent her notices through the app and text message. Other than that, I know to the penny what is happening at the touch of my finger print. Paper on the otherhand, has presented us problems in the past. When we were in Charlton there was an outbreak of identity theft linked to scumbags sifting through the paper recycling bins. Lucky for us we weren't affected but it was incentive enough to minimise paper and everything with our name or address, or any identifying text gets cross cut shredded. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Happy birthday Chris and welcome to the three score years and ten club;  great stuff this chemical warfare as it's worked on me (presumably) for the past 18 years and of course for folk like us it's 'free'.


Interesting to read that John got in touch with the composer of some music he'd sent to Debs - seems to have cheered her up but I wonder if he's now thinking of trying to contact Elgar as well?  (useless fact - the film 'Séance On A Wet afternoon' was the final film produced by the short lived British independent film production company Allied Film Makers which involved a number of well known British actors of that era).


No G word today but a Tesco excursion is required so I'm informed by the management.


Have a good day one and all

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  • RMweb Premium

We recycle anything important to be destroyed.... into heat in our stove.

Not a bad idea, but I do find, sometimes, that the paper ash tends to clog things up until disposed of..


Now that reminds me - the stove still needs cleaning from last night.

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Anything with our names on goes as paper to light the woodburner. No paper leaves the house with names on it.


Visit to Sister Drac went OK, and the new nurse (or whatever they call them now), was very pleasant and chatty.


Since then, I have finally decided on which roofer I will use to reroof the house. The current slate roof was poorly installed many years ago, and has not improved with time, so a new tile roof is on the cards. I had a couple of queries for the roofer, and left a message on his answerphone, only for him to turn up 20 minutes later! We had a good chat and he will schedule a time for the roof, which will probably take at least a couple of weeks. Major upheaval and expense, but at least we should then have some peace of mind every time it rains or the wind blows. They will replace all the guttering and downpipes and inspect the barge boards and soffits while the scaffold is erected.

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  • RMweb Premium

Not a bad idea, but I do find, sometimes, that the paper ash tends to clog things up until disposed of..


Now that reminds me - the stove still needs cleaning from last night.

I won't be cleaning our stove, other than a dust off, it get's lit when it get cold in October - November and stays lit till it warms up at the end of March sometimes later...

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Premium

I won't be cleaning our stove, other than a dust off, it get's lit when it get cold in October - November and stays lit till it warms up till the end of March sometimes later...

I let ours go out every night, as it is only a secondary heat source though it does make the front room very warm indeed, as we do use wood and also best Yorkshire coal nuts, as we are lucky still to have a good coal merchant who has managed to supply 20kg bags at six quid a throw delivered, and eh by gum it does throw out a lot of heat when used along with good hardwood logs.  Luckily we don't live in a smokeless zone.

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  • RMweb Premium

Our House only has one Brick walls, I can't afford to keep the central heating on High so it's set to a maximum of 17.5 C. The central heating is run by Tank gas, 3 times the price of mains gas last time I looked.

The stove keeps the living room up to 21C, when we go up to bed, the door is left open and the heat goes upstairs to our bedroom.

Edited by TheQ
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Greetings all, not been able to post for a few days. Belated condolences to Tony and Aditi and happy birthday to Chrisf. It's also encouraging to read of recoveries in progress from Debs, Mal and Neil. Long may they continue.


Life in the world of the Lurkers continues much the same as ever. Younger Lurker enjoyed his trip to the Design Museum. There were a suitable selection of Ferraris for him to admire. On the Friday we say Early Man, which we all thought was funny.


Other than that, best wishes to all

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Happy birthday Chris.




Uneventful trip to JFK, until we got "in range", then NY ATC radar vectored us around the sky for 25 minutes. Having originally told us we'd be on time even after being de-iced at MSP, the captain was very apologetic for the late arrival, though I definitely heard an "undertone" in the phrase "... we were radar vectored for a REALLY long time...".

There was probably an excuse, in that there was some light drizzle, and a few scattered low clouds, NY ATC can't easily handle that sort of extreme weather event   :O   :jester:  :jester:  :O


Very foggy here this AM with JFK reporting 1/10th of a mile visibility, THAT'LL buqqer up the morning departures - result of warmer air releasing the moisture left over from some snow cover here apparently.


Easy drive in today - school is out, therefore much less traffic, apparently it's "spring break"?!?!?! Seems late February is spring :O


8 and fog/mist driving to the client, expected to become 14 and sunny later.


Hope your day proceeds according to some sort of plan.

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  • RMweb Gold

Happy birthday Chris now you have hit the age of being allowed to be a real old crusty .   :jester:


                                                                                          Enjoy your day.

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  • RMweb Premium

Greetings from the Gateway to The World.


I believe I may be on Rick's list of infrequent posters, largely because I don't want to moan or rant, either of which is highly possible on most days.  


Happy Birthday to Chris.


Best wishes for Debs' recovery.


Last Thursday was Martyn's 18th birthday. We had a day out at the New forest Wildlife Park and a Italian meal in the evening. I bought him Duchess of Atholl.


Other recent doings have included a funeral and wake for a friend I'd known since 1970. The new garden building showed signs of water penetration in heavy rain but the suppliers have sorted that out. I can now get the electrics done and the carpet in.


I now need to wave my old git's pass at a bus to EH and do some shopping.


Have a good day



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  • RMweb Gold

Talking of flights, our friends who we often do the xmas trip in the USA (that none of did last xmas) have now started thinking about xmas 2018.


Had a quick look at lfights and prices online. One of the cheapest options avialble at present is Heathrow via Munich to San Francisco taking 31 hours. It has a 17 hour wait in Munich!!


Wont be using that option but one that I did look up is Gatwick to Oakland direct on BA. Now that is a new route for BA and a new airport for us.


Plenty of time for other options though but definitely fancy warmer weather for xmas in San Diego for part of the trip.

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