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Apparently this is one of the young ladies who works the outside seats on a Ryanair flight.


She is shown sitting in her take off position!




Doors to manual.


^^^ If she needs a place to stay.... :rolleyes: :maninlove:





It's Ryanair. She'll charge extras for that. Edited by Horsetan
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Most of the oak tree more than 12-13 feet above ground level is now in small pieces but there are two largish boughs still to remove, once I can work out how to get at them without cutting them too low down.  Tomorrow might see a renewed onslaught assuming I still have any working muscles.


I think my views on suitable ships on which to travel are well known - in fact we're wondering what on earth we might do for an alternative when she goes for razor blades in a year or two - but in the meanwhile here she is off Mevagissey and complete with rust in various places if you enlarge the pic.  The black line leaping out of the sea finishes exactly between the two beam windows of our preferred cabin, there's also a third window looking aft from the cabin onto the boat deck.  Maximum passenger capacity is 12 (twelve) and we have tended to go for 'the entertainment' on our most recent voyages as there were some new, quite challenging, jigsaws available in 2016 and last year.


G'night all


















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Evening everyone


Yesterday was Sheila’s birthday, I won’t reveal her age, but the first number of her age is exactly twice that of the second. As for the day, well we did absolutely nothing..... .............. out of the ordinary. First thing was a trip to the Trafford Centre, then it was home for dinner.


Then we spent most of the afternoon reading, which was very relaxing. We then had an early tea of fish and chips, as I didn’t fancy cooking, we know how to party here! As we were expecting visitors to be coming and going anytime after 6, we didn’t see the point in opening any wine before then, but when the last guest went, just after 8, it was declared to be wine o’clock precisely.


Today has been another day when not a lot has been done really, by either of us. A bit more shopping was done this morning and then once again, an afternoon were we both sat down a read for a bit, which makes for a pleasant change. I’ve not had much chance of catching up on yesterday’s and today’s post, I’ll try and catch up tomorrow.


Tony. Sorry to hear about Robbie’s passing.


Andy. Hope the new job gets better with time.


Goodnight all.

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I once went on a rowing boat on the River Wear in Durham City. Passengers 3. Crew me.

Tuppence per person per trip?  or did they pay nobbut fivepence for three?

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Found some more working wifi in Wellington.

Sad news Tony and Aditi.


Successfultimately trip to Napier. En route we had an Umpires and scorers meeting of the Northern Region of the ECB ACO.


We then drove to Napier for the Art Deco weekend. Fabulous! Music, dancing, people in 1920s clothing, veteran cars, flying displays (5 Harvard's doing acrobatics, RNZAF doing a Red Arrows display in their turbo prop trainers, a P51, Tiger Moths and a Dakota)


Some UK based supercharged Bentleys had been shipped over.... obviously some people have a lot of spare cash!


And..we met up with some UK kit proprietors.. Judith Edge kits.


The Cruiseliners are a pain in the behind. To keep them returning to ports special excursions are played on which means other people miss out on excursions ( our trip on the Tiarei Gorge railway was over an hour late as the Chinese, Germans and American cruise liner passengers train was late back as they didn't think they needed to on the train at a set time. In other places businesses are seeing a rise in verbal abuse from these passengers.... not Good!


To me the cruise liners look like a block of flats laid on its side...doesn't appeal me or her indoors.


Stay warm and safe.



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Good morning one and all


The past two days have been tiring, as m*d*ll*ng is when you do it mostly standing up.  Friday's was part of a last desperate attempt to finish the Camel before its public debut.  Saturday was its public debut with work in progress.  I will say more about that elsewhere later.  For now, suffice it to say that there are rather a lot of expanded polystyrene granules in my toolbox.  Today's unspecified pottering may include their removal.  It will certainly include cooking myself a lump of sirloin steak, whenever that is.  Before any of that I am due a long soak in the bath, hopefully to banish aches and pains arising from the past two days.


In the week ahead I have on Monday to stride purposefully towards the surgery to drop in the prescription renewal form.  On Wednesday there is Area Group in Harpenden.  I shall travel by train for once as there is only so much of the M1 that I can take.  On Thursday I am due to visit Poorly Pal and cook us something Chinese.  The next fodder run will check out special offers for Chinese New Year.  There is something else in the diary this week but we will deal with that nearer the time.


It was good to see encouraging news from Andyram yesterday - fingers crossed for you.  Cheerful despatches from the direction of Debs cause widespread rejoicing and reports from those travelling overseas are in danger of making me jealous!  


Best wishes as always to the ailing, recovering and missing



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Mooring Awl,

6 hours sleep, back painful.


The biggest ship I've been on would be the various ferrys to the outer Hebrides, mostly they were built as nuclear bomb shelters (I'm not joking)

I've also used the Kyle ferry while going to school.

The most recent would be the Reedham chain ferry.


Time to go have some breakfast with ibuprofen, before going out on the water in a 20ft Yeoman.

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Good morning all,

A bit of sunshine and blue sky has appeared through the cloud and it should stay dry but more cloud later.

Glad I could make Debs laugh. The worrying thing is that if she continues in this vein she will be bringing out her dreaded awl and let's be honest, none of us "would like it up 'em."  :no:

Two rugby matches watched yesterday and only partially enjoyed as Quins came a cropper at Leicester. I'll have to record today's match between Wasps and Exeter as Nicki and the kids will be here for Sunday lunch / dinner. (Not sure what time the meal is scheduled as the Boss hasn't yet seen fit to inform me)

First priority though must be some breaking of fast with, at least, eggs and bacon. I'm trying to lose some weight so my breakfasts this week have been porridge. Lunches have been minimal and evening meals of "the good for you"   variety. There has only been 1 pint of beer all week! It's just not good enough.

Don't know if I've lost any weight yet but today I'm having a day off especially as there will be Chris's home-made steak pie later. 

Have a good one,

N.O.T Soslim of Sutton.

Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Up early this morning as I'm taking a little lad and his dad to the Epping and Ongar Railway today. The lad is looking forward to it as as well as the trains there will be a special vintage bus service and he's getting into buses, much to the disgust of his dad who is a diehard railway enthusiast. Thats all I have time for now, be back later.

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Morning all.

Nice to read about today's culinary experiences. Today I will be partaking of clear liquids including litres of Klean Prep this afternoon. I don't plan any trips out today.

It is very sunny here. Aditi plans to go out into the garden and do some pruning.


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No that's a ship.


It's boats are dangling from the davits. :jester:

Ships are known as "boats" to them that worked on 'em. As in when meeting an old shipmate in a bar in a far flung port the 1st question was "what boat are you on now?" Edited by lightengine
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Ships are known as "boats" to them that worked on 'em. As in when meeting an old shipmate in a bar in a far flung port the 1st question was "what boat are you on now?"


Not where I worked!  Boats are the little things that people 'mess about in', or submarines.

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