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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl, Inner temple Here,

A not so good nights sleep of 3.5 hours in bed followed by intermittant dozing on the sofa...


Light frost around on the car but not on the ground.


One cockwomble this morning as the lights turned green at some road works , a motorcycle pulled out from behind me and tried to out accelerate me before I reached the actual road works, he only just made it. He then proceeded to go no faster than I would have done and was slower at the corners....


 I noticed yesterday on the NDR another vehicle didn't make a round about, this one took out the turn left sign on the roundabout and then it turned left digging a deep trench through the mud as it's not yet grassed over...


Tonight is the Border Collie Appreciation  Society, where I shall assemble some wire and post etched brass fencing at 2mm scale, this could interesting with my big fingers...


Time to... go measure some current shunts...

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  • RMweb Premium

Oh Dear this email has just come through, this will,

Delay next weeks major equipment,

Cause me to have to do time sheet juggling, as It runs after my working time,

I can't get overtime as our department doesn't have an overtime budget 'cos I'm the only one entitled to it..

Cause me to loose two hours of my life on something I can do b****r all about...


""On Monday we will be going through a New Manager Assimilation Process with XXXXX, facilitated by me. This process is part of the immersion for managers entering new teams, either from within XXXXXX or outside and participation is mandatory.

• Accelerates mutual learning and understanding of all parties
• Increases the opportunity for the manager to add value - especially effective in periods of growth and change
• Proactive approach to addressing the business and team dynamics issues
• Can be a mini team building session, that is controlled and safe

The Session
• XXXXX presents “Who I Am” deck to you
• XXXXX leaves the session.  Participants respond to the following questions:
1. What do we know about XXXXX already?
2. What do we want to know about him?
3. What concerns do we have about him joining the team?
4. What should he know about us?
5. What problems/business issues will he face?
6. What things are going well in our team and in the organisation?
• I will  list responses confidentially, and record responses on flip charts posted on the walls around the room
• During a break, XXXXX comes returns to the room.  He gets 5 - 10 minutes to quickly read through the responses. 
• You all return to the room, and I will lead XXXXx through the group’s questions/responses/issues.  

XXXXX  and I debrief on the session: what went well, key learnings and insights, identify issues he will follow up on. If necessary, XXXXX will address topics during 1:1’s

If you have any questions, let me know.""

Edited by TheQ
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning awl from a bright and sunny but cool village.


Good news about Debs but I'm going to have to slit on one or two that are threatening to post picture of models.


Various ebay parcels got posted yesterday and another goes today. All getting more stuff out of the back bedroom. I also managed to tidy a bit of my modelling room and put my fiddle yard control panel up so I on work on it. (That's close enough to the edge for me.


The rest of the day will no doubt unfold, a committee meeting at Bramham then an evening at the clubroom.


Q, that sounds like an utter load of tosh. Why doesn't he just come and spend half a day a week in each lab working alongside you.


Good wishes to those who are ailing. Neil, Beth got up to 3,928 steps so she's probably going to get to 5000 first.


Regards to all.



Edited by jamie92208
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Frosty start but now sunshine and blue sky hereabouts and will hopefully be a nice day.

Great to hear some good news from Debs. Before I get grassed up can I just say that I apologise profusely for transgressing the rules about posting certain pictures but I am not always fully in control of my actions and this may happen again...and again....and again.




At times there may also be cake.(I believe that is permitted)




I would go and sit on the naughty step now but The Boss says I'll be in her way so I'll find a quiet corner of the cellar (aka the cupboard under the stairs) to go and ruminate about about my bad behaviour.


Have a good one,


D.I. Sobedient.









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  • RMweb Premium

^^^ Review that message, not entirely anonymous :no:

:no: Thanks :no: I reviewed it several times before I posted it and still managed to miss one... :beee:

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  • RMweb Gold

Oh Dear this email has just come through, this will,

Delay next weeks major equipment,

Cause me to have to do time sheet juggling, as It runs after my working time,

I can't get overtime as our department doesn't have an overtime budget 'cos I'm the only one entitled to it..

Cause me to loose two hours of my life on something I can do b****r all about...


""On Monday we will be going through a New Manager Assimilation Process with XXXXX, facilitated by me. This process is part of the immersion for managers entering new teams, either from within XXXXXX or outside and participation is mandatory.


• Accelerates mutual learning and understanding of all parties

• Increases the opportunity for the manager to add value - especially effective in periods of growth and change

• Proactive approach to addressing the business and team dynamics issues

• Can be a mini team building session, that is controlled and safe

The Session

• XXXXX presents “Who I Am” deck to you

• XXXXX leaves the session.  Participants respond to the following questions:

1. What do we know about XXXXX already?

2. What do we want to know about him?

3. What concerns do we have about him joining the team?

4. What should he know about us?

5. What problems/business issues will he face?

6. What things are going well in our team and in the organisation?

• I will  list responses confidentially, and record responses on flip charts posted on the walls around the room

• During a break, XXXXX comes returns to the room.  He gets 5 - 10 minutes to quickly read through the responses. 

• You all return to the room, and I will lead XXXXx through the group’s questions/responses/issues.  


XXXXX  and I debrief on the session: what went well, key learnings and insights, identify issues he will follow up on. If necessary, XXXXX will address topics during 1:1’s

If you have any questions, let me know.""

Would it not be simpler just to connect him to one of your machines and see how he measures up?

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  • RMweb Premium

Would it not be simpler just to connect him to one of your machines and see how he measures up?

1 V 120A or 1000V 10uA ?

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  • RMweb Gold

GDB is probably too big to sit on the  'naughty step'  Latest idea for the naughty step is that it is now 'the thinking cloud"




Edit = spelling

Edited by PeterBB
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Bright and sunny this morning (if a bit frosty) but its predicted to last for most of the weekend. The Q's post made me realise why I wanted to retire as soon as possible, and that was very nearly ten years ago. I'm off to spend my Tesco vouchers later, I've waited until today because a few magazines that I regularily purchase have hit the shelves this week and there is also a double points voucher. Heres wishing Debs, Mal and any other ailing ER's the best and bye for now, be back later.

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  • RMweb Gold

Oh Dear this email has just come through, this will,

Delay next weeks major equipment,

Cause me to have to do time sheet juggling, as It runs after my working time,

I can't get overtime as our department doesn't have an overtime budget 'cos I'm the only one entitled to it..

Cause me to loose two hours of my life on something I can do b****r all about...


""On Monday we will be going through a New Manager Assimilation Process with XXXXX, facilitated by me. This process is part of the immersion for managers entering new teams, either from within XXXXXX or outside and participation is mandatory.


• Accelerates mutual learning and understanding of all parties

• Increases the opportunity for the manager to add value - especially effective in periods of growth and change

• Proactive approach to addressing the business and team dynamics issues

• Can be a mini team building session, that is controlled and safe

The Session

• XXXXX presents “Who I Am” deck to you

• XXXXX leaves the session.  Participants respond to the following questions:

1. What do we know about XXXXX already?

2. What do we want to know about him?

3. What concerns do we have about him joining the team?

4. What should he know about us?

5. What problems/business issues will he face?

6. What things are going well in our team and in the organisation?

• I will  list responses confidentially, and record responses on flip charts posted on the walls around the room

• During a break, XXXXX comes returns to the room.  He gets 5 - 10 minutes to quickly read through the responses. 

• You all return to the room, and I will lead XXXXx through the group’s questions/responses/issues.  


XXXXX  and I debrief on the session: what went well, key learnings and insights, identify issues he will follow up on. If necessary, XXXXX will address topics during 1:1’s

If you have any questions, let me know.""


It is clear to me that whoever wrote that hasn't got a real job and has probably never had one and is doing no more than aiming for a mega score in the b*llsh*t bingo stakes.  If I was sent something like that I'd do exactly the same as I did when one R.Branson got involved with the concern I worked for and held a 'briefing and introduction evening' - I went sick (to be more accurate I had been on the sick and delayed my return by a couple of days as I realised such a load of cr*p  would only make me ill again).  What I find even more difficult to understand is why senior management put up with this sort of totally unproductive garbage and my written response would probably give the poor idiots apoplexy.  Q, I wish you all you wish yourself for that session, incidentally it is spelt '....ocks' at the end of the word, not '....ox'.


And now, Good Morning all,


Contrary to the forecast - which would seem to have only amounted to a toocast - we have had a very hard overnight frost and it is only just being driven away in the parts the sun is reaching.  On a more positive note the continuing low temperature is driving thoughts of the G word from Mrs Stationmaster's thoughts for the day - so far.  No other plans for the day apart from popping to Tesco to collect a prescription and get the 'papers.   The local rag should be less ragged this week IF they have published my latest epistle, perusal of the 'Letters' page(s) will be the proof, or otherwise of that particular pudding.


Enjoy your day one and all and may the recovering continue on positive upward trends.

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  • RMweb Premium

All that management speak gattocks made me think about good managers. One of the best way that I liked was bosses who came wandering round the station in a morning, muggatea in hand, spending a short time in each office but chatting to all sorts of people at every level. By the time they got back to their office they knew exactly what was going on and the people certainly appreciated the contact. I tried to do the same and am sure it paid dividends. At one station the Divisional HQ was in another building across the town. One Superintendent was only seen in the station a few times in her tenure. Most officers didn't even know what she looked like. One week I was the night Inspector and knew that she had official duties in each of the three sections of the division on different nights. Never once did she take the opportunity to call in at any of the stations and see the night shift parade for duty. I must add that most of her male colleagues were exactly the same. It did not go down well with the front line officers.



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  • RMweb Premium

"I wish you all you wish yourself for that session, incidentally it is spelt '....ocks' at the end of the word, not '....ox'.

Especially since an OX doesn't have any... :jester:


All of ypu going to Tescos be careful what you ask for....




This is my local store, and the strange thing is, the only way you could get to see those windows is to use the gate, for which the Key is held in the offical Key locker. So the filming must have been done by another member of staff...

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  • RMweb Gold

Sadly I have to report that Robbie didn't return with us from our visit to the vets.

His passing was very peaceful. The vet and nurses were lovely. I will be keeping his photo as my forum avatar. That image sums up what he was like for most of his life. We were only ever going to have one dog and we couldn't have had a better one.

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Sadly I have to report that Robbie didn't return with us from our visit to the vets.

His passing was very peaceful. The vet and nurses were lovely. I will be keeping his photo as my forum avatar. That image sums up what he was like for most of his life. We were only ever going to have one dog and we couldn't have had a better one.

We're so sorry Tony. Such a lovely dog. Pets become such a part of the family. 


Excuse me I have something in my eye. 

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