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Sincere condolences Rick from me as well.


Also concerned about Debs recovery going backwards, but at least there is some good news with Mal.


Now returned home and the house was very cold as I had thought. Due to problems with air getting into the system, I hadn’t wanted to leave it running at all while we were away. It does take a while to warm up in this weather as well.


Our journey back home from Leeds was pretty straightforward, with a stop at Rheged at Penrith. With it being half term, the car park was pretty full. There was a large exhibition of prints on, but not many of them were to my taste!

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The young lady who died in the Grand Canyon crash was sister to my elder son's best primary school friend. They lived just up the road and although I haven't seen them for quite a few years I have really been hit by the news.

As well as knowing the family I also worked with Becky in years 4 and 5.

Accidents don't normally happen to people you can relate to.

R.I.P. Becky.

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Very sorry to hear your news Rick, I hope that the various formalities go smoothly.


Not good news about Debs but grateful tanks to John for doing such a great job of keeping s all in touch.


Good news about Mal.


Goodnight all.



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Evening everyone


After finishing my muggatea this morning, I went up to the attic work commenced on the painting the ceiling. I decided as I was only going to be at it for half a day, to concentrate on the cutting in where the ceiling and walls meet, round the light fitting, round both skylights, water tank, both ceiling beams, the skirting boards, fireplace, door frames, light switch and sockets. Tomorrow I will get out my big roller and complete the rest of the ceiling and the walls, I also have an extension pole, so it can all be done from the floor.


Gabe. Glad to hear Amal is improving , thanks for the update.


Rick. Sorry to hear the news about your Mum, thoughts with you.


Fingers crossed for Deb’s.


Goodnight all.

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Morning All,


Sorry to hear so much bad news this morning.


First of all, Rick, then Debs and lightengine's friend Becky.  Thoughts are with you all.


We have another chilly morning.  In fact, it is the coldest it has been this winter.  The temperature was down to around -5°C in the forest this morning.


Time for a coffee!  Have a good day everyone...

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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple here,

A bad news day for many, and sadly there is  little we can do about it but give best wishes to those involved.


A reasonable nights sleep was had,  just woken by one lot of coughing.


During the long waits for things to settle yesterday I got  bored, so I started designing the Proscenium Arch for Tiree, quite awkward on a L shaped railway where the inside of the corner of the L is filled by a triangualr board. I've probably got another 2 years before I finish the layout yet and can build the thing...


More frost this morning but i was soft, easy to scrape off.


I doubt it will be Pancakes for me today, as SWMBO will be out at her weaving group when I get home and I am banned from going anywhere near her frying pan...


Today I have a resistor box to do, that has 10 different temperature controller resistors in it, added to that the user has requested I do extra checks, as he is currently automating it's use. So I have to do each measurement twice, once on the box itself and once after the switching unit. This is to make sure we know if the switch box is making any significant difference to the measurements.


Time to check the company spam email


PS just read the company spam, it included a survey on proposals for the company rewards scheme,



Unfortunately it didn't include a tick box for none of the above...

Edited by TheQ
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Rick, many condolences.

I hope for some positive news from Debs.


Been warm again today. Due to the continuing lack of the train from Christchurch to picton we will be up at silly o'clockin the morning to get the intercity coach.


Botanical gardens visited..very nice!


Watching England not playing cricket. Not sure why we employ coaches!


Night all, hopefully continuing improvements from Mal and some positives from Debs.



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Morning all from a village that is snow free at the moment. More packing was done yesterday and various boxes were taken to the charity shop. Then another club evening and the little loco actually got half way round the layout and started to explore the fiddle yard. Two points need repairing/replacing but it was good to see progress.


Today has been designated another tidying day but first I need to nip out to get a large roll of bubblewrap and some more parcel tape. After that if the white stud descends I doubt that we will move out of the house.


Not much good news around, just hope for some better news about Debs and thoughts to Mr and Mrs ID.


On a better thought I've booked my tickets to go to Settle tomorrow so that should be a good trip.


Regards to all



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I'm sorry to hear your news - and I wish you strength to get through the coming days and weeks.


While we're talking about strength, Debs needs our thoughts and prayers too, as does Lightengine.


I am pleased to read that Mal is getting stronger day by day. Long may it continue.


in trivial news, Elder Lurker gets his broken tooth fixed today. Hopefully it won't put him off the GCSE revision he is supposed to be doing! I am at work for the first half of the half term hols but we are feeding Younger Lurker's obsession with supercars on Thursday with a trip to the Design Museum to see the Ferrari exhibition on Thursday.


In the meanwhile, have a good day all and enjoy those pancakes!

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Good morning all,

Breezy and dull here with rain forecast in 54 minutes according to my phone app.

There will be pancakes here today. It is the law. The Boss has been informed and any transgressions will result in punitive action and quite possibly divorce! I have spoken.

Yesterday's parcel arrived (exactly mid-way through the delivery slot advised by DPD) containing a new controller and a few bits of track for a test circuit so that may be tried out today. Possibly.

Before that some more shopping "needs" to be done and I am required as chauffeur/porter.

Have a good one and here's hoping for some better news from our online "family,"


Edited by grandadbob
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Morning All


I've now back read most of the posts that have passed in the last few days, and am saddened by the amount of bad news - Rick's mum's passing, Debs' relapse, Mrs iD's redundancy, to name a few, and the three which need a special mention.  Also thank goodness countered by good news ftom Gabe about Mal's progress.  My supportive thoughts are of course sent and it goes without saying that these are extended to any fellow ERs who might need them.


Rick even the expected loss is a huge blow, but I'm sure that you and your family will find the strength to get through everything.


John and others - thanks for the updates re Debs.  I too was worried, as her FB page went quiet again.  All we can do is to hope and pray to whatever supreme being is appropriate.


Flavio, I know just how the dodge about getting rid of older staff works, as I fell victim to it myself, when I was showing signs of looking for an early retirment deal, and instead lost my job on a trumped up disciplinary which I decided not to fight. 


Cold and blustery here, with horizontal wet stuff which might be rain, might be sleet.  Yesterday was manic as I had a number of visits which were all in different directions, and one of these was punctuated by hail which settled onto almost frozen ground, which resulted in an interesting walk from the car park to the shop.


Today's pointless task is to go round the house replacing those light bulbs which are not low energy (being the ones which we don't use very often) with some that we got in a charity shop.  The EPC assessor is due to arrive soon.  Seems to be just another home selling con job.  Does anybody ever read the EPC assessments on the blurbs when buying a house?

Still, another box ticked.


Back tomorrow (?)

Regards to All


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Morning all from Estuary-Land. I saw a trailer for a film I'd like to see yesterday, 'Peter the Rabbit'. I will have to borrow my friends young son to do so but I don't think he'll object, (the son not the dad). Not good news all round this morning except for Mal of course and just hoping the best for Debs.

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