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Evening everyone


Well tea went down very well with everyone, as did the remainder of Wednesday night’s cheesecake!


We then all sat down and watched Wallace and Grommet and the Were-Rabbit, as Amelia said she would like to watch it. A great choice if I don’t mind saying and always makes me laugh. Every time I see it I always spot another reference to an old classic movie that I’ve not spotted before. It really is laugh out loud stuff.


Once James and Amelia had gone home, there was a quick tidy up and then it was wine o’clock and a nice bottle of merlot was disposed of.


Goodnight all.

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Our ISP has been telling us that our connection has been upgraded FOC to 100 Mbps but when I ran a speed test I was lucky to see 12 Mbps. I was about to bend their ear but I thought I better just make sure our wireless network wasn't the culprit, so I plugged my laptop into the E-net port on the modem. They told no lie. It was doing 115 Mbps !!


Yesterday I splashed out on a new router (rooter in the UK) which has improved things quite a bit. The following was inscribed upon it:



Edited by AndyID
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E‘ning, folks!


Currently at my parents‘ in Schleswig-Holstein for a few days of vacation. I must say the seaside isn’t too bad that far out of season, and, in fact, I understand that spending Christmas and New Year here is becoming rather popular.





My home town & district (Hayes & Harlington, now with the borough of Hillingdon) was twinned with Schleswig, my school taking part in exchanges.  Great to hear of it again! Enjoy your stay, Dom.


Best wishes to Debs and Mal, and the ailing.


' Night all and nos da.

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Our ISP has been telling us that our connection has been upgraded FOC to 100 Mbps but when I ran a speed test I was lucky to see 12 Mbps. I was about to bend their ear but I thought I better just make sure our wireless network wasn't the culprit, so I plugged my laptop into the E-net port on the modem. They told no lie. It was doing 115 Mbps !!


Yesterday I splashed out on a new router (rooter in the UK) which has improved things quite a bit. The following was inscribed upon it:




I was just about to give you a friendly/supportive when I saw the New Branding!

Always good to goto bed on a good laugh!

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Good morning one and all, with particular thoughts to Debs and Mal


I made a customer service enquiry of Tesco yesterday, having failed to find one in particular of my staple foods in the frozen cabinet where it used to reside.  It was Everyday Value Pollock Fish Cakes since you ask.  The customer services lady who sells me my perpetually unsuccessful donation to charity lottery ticket could not tell me whether the product had been deleted from the whole Tesco empire or merely my local branch, so I sent an e-mail to head office.  Here is part of the reply:


"On reading your email, I have searched on my system and I can confirm they have been deranged and are only available in some of our stores. Unfortunately, none of the stores in your area are stocking the fish cakes.


This doesn't necessarily mean that no one likes these products, it's just that there are other items that are more popular. Therefore, we sometimes have to devote our limited shelf space to these items.

Thanks again for contacting me and I hope you have a nice weekend."


The lad who wrote that will be running the company one day.  Into the ground, possibly.  His use of the word "deranged" is interesting.  There was me thinking that it is a mental state.  I wonder what he will say if I ask him which stores are stocking the fish cakes?  The list of staples that I can no longer obtain in my local store is already too long and my loyalty is being tested.


After daubing an unfortunate shade of green paint over the newly formed landscape of the Camel yesterday ahead of its public debut at Biggleswade next weekend I plan to engage in pottering today, much of it unspecified.  Later I will prepare sandwiches to see me through tomorrow when I am at the Doncaster show.  Little if any time will be spent watching TV thanks to the saturation coverage of the winter Olympics but many tasks await my attention.  No change there then.


Warm thoughts and best wishes to the ailing, recovering and missing



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Mooring Awl Inner Temple Here,

Another poor nights sleep due to this cold, 4 hours sleep plus one on the sofa later.


The MRC went well, I spent most of the night fitting windows, preprinted plastic sheet, from freestone models, I cut to size . The big problem I had was the Dormer windows, which had been built with the roof still behind them. My big fingers trying to carve away the roof and fit windows in an N gauge house was difficult.

I also laid a path to the house using ballast, I'll later give it a light wash to make it different to the track.

As An experiment, stone paper was glued to a viaduct pillar, I'll check it next week to see if it's what I want, it seems a little light at the moment. So a dark wash may be tried.


Lots of cars have started going past the house, this is unusual as we live in the middle of nowhere. We are however on a single track road, which can be used as an alternative to the two way main road, I suspect an accident. The road outside is a sheet of ice, with signs of a few snowflakes having fallen.


Shortly I'll have breakfast, to be followed by going out to work on the alleyway once the sun is properly up.


Time to... Head for the kitchen..

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Morning All


Quick visit before a postponed fodder run, as yesterday became a bit manic - may as well tell all, as we're looking to move this year, and the last week or so has been taken up with getting this place on the market, and looking at a few new places locally with smaller gardens.  I had forgotten just how dreadful the whole business was, and if there is one class of person whom I hate, it is Estate Agents.  One property we've tried now a few times to get to see it, to be told on the day that there is a hitch of one sort or another and the viewing has been cancelled. 


So it's thanks to Gabe for the update on Mal's progress, thanks to those who are relaying messages about Debs, and a hope that Neil's progress continues. 


And of course, generic greetings to my fellow ERs.


Regards to all,


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Good morning all,

I missed posting yesterday as every time I came on here something else interfered.

Dry and frosty start here and it is expected (by those who know these things) to become very breezy with some rain, possibly heavy, later.

As I intend to stay in today that does not bother me. I will be on domestic duty for a couple of hours then after lunch there are a couple of rugby matches to watch. Whilst I'm fairly sure that Ireland will beat Italy I think anything could happen at Twickenham.  I of course will be rooting for England but as is usual with this particular encounter I will not be putting any money on the result, particularly in view of Wales' demolition of Scotland last week. The Scots did not live up to expectations but Wales were superb.

Chris, re fishcakes: For quite a while now The Boss has been making them herself following a recipe from the Hairy Bikers. They are really tasty as are quite a few of their other recipes. Mind you I do realise that your rather full schedule might not leave you the time to make them yourself. 

Another call from the surgery yesterday re X-rays which show some arthritis. How much and where exactly will be discussed with the Doc along with blood test results but he's on holiday next week so an appointment has been made for the following week. 

My porridge is calling me so....

...have a good one,




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Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit cold but hopefully it will warm up later, weather forecast wasn't much good as the new BBC graphics decided  to plaster 'London' over Estuary-Land. When I visit Tesco's later today I will have to keep a watchful eye out for any deranged fishcakes lurking in the aisles or behind the shelves. Question is are they dangerous? are they going to leap out on unsuspecting shoppers and grab them by the throat? Tesco's should come clean or at least confine them to the freezer cabinet. Best wishes to Debs and Mal and any other ER's who are under the weather, now a hot bath awaits, be back later.

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Morning all from a slightly breezy village.  Not a lot to report except that a good evening was had at the club and the little engine was able to explore more trackage for the first time.   Today has been decreed as a 'more tidying day' but as the person who issued the decree has not yet surfaced from her pit I'm not sure how much will actually get done. I'm contributing to the tidying effort by disposing of stuff on Ebay and the first parcel is due to be posted today. More items may be added later.


Thanks to Gabe for the update and good wishes to Mal and Debs.


Regards to all.



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Mornin' awl


Reading this morning's Chrissive (ChrisF missive, in case you're wondering!) (enjoy your trip to Doncaster tomorrow, ChrisF!), and associating this with his voluntary fascination for writing reports, reminds me that I have been asked to throw a few words together about the proposed new Trix / Minitrix items announced at (well, actually a couple of weeks before) the Nűrnberg Fair for our fortnightly e-Zine; copy to be presented before Wednesday next!


Generic thoughts and wishes as always.

Edited by JohnDMJ
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Morning all from a grey and cold Hill. Egg-chasers are forecast to form passing showers during the afternoon wearing scarves indicating their preferred nation.


Excellent news from Gabe for which thanks are also due. I recall Mal saying at some point that she had his log-in details in case of need. Positive progress in Camp Debs as well. Continued best wishes to you both and to our other sick and injured.


GrandadD1ck could indeed be misconstrued as a malady of the undercarriage. As could a translation into German where it becomes Großvaterdick.


Aussie pies - despite being the national food they are notoriously disgusterous. Pie, hot chips and a cold beer seems to be the staple diet of many. Among problems I have encountered are: “pastry” which required a jackhammer to break, deceptively cool pastry with searing hot mouth-burning contents, a total absence of flavour, a suspected absence of the animal implied by the description and the sheer unadulterated nerve of charging for a portion of sauce. Aussies will only consume pies when the latter (and sometimes also the former) are awash with “red sauce”. Some places give you a portion, some have a bottle on the counter but some charge extra.


Do not confuse pies with ‘pies. The latter is the abbreviated nickname for the oft-maligned Collingwood Football Club who play in black and white stripes and are therefore the Magpies. BiL (British) thought it ironic that everyone was eating pies while watching the ‘pies and chanting “Carn the Pies” (come on).


Long day yesterday visiting mother straight after work. Found her quite bright and alert and professing to feeling “a little better” which was encouraging. I visit again on Monday. SWMBO cancelled her engagement last night having felt too tired to party. We both slumped in front of the 1980s “vintage” music channel on tv until we could stay awake no longer. A busy weekend and week lie ahead. I’ll pop in when I can.

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Morning all,


Chris I will see if our friendly household possessor of a Tesco stock app has the capability of interrogating a range of their establishments rather than just the one where she labours.  Tesco do have an annoying habit of discontinuing things we like and we have suffered several losses although one or two items have returned.  Waitrose aren't much better (or should that be 'are just as bad?') but at least they finally put an end to the great Yorkshire Gold (tea) famine and the loose leaf variety  returned to their shelves a few months back - and four packets of it went into our trolley yesterday.  And, as I mentioned previously, Waitrose also seem choosy about what they stock in their different branches - the great claim that supermarkets give us more choice is I'm afraid often more of a slogan than a reality.


And back to reality for me as I am today once more tasked with cleaning of the vacuum, deep joy.


Have a good day one and all and may all those who are improving in their health continue to do so.

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I haven't posted for a few days due to some rather bad news: Mrs iD has been made redundant, not only that but she was made redundant exactly one month before turning 60 - when she would have become eligible for a number of packages and benefits now denied to her.  To say I was somewhat miffed and displeased with her management would be a serious understatement. Fortunately, she has 3 months notice and then goes onto a plan for 2 years that provides 60% of her former salary and - importantly - also pays for her private and state pensions (this plan would have lasted a lot longer had she been made redundant at 60). With my business only just taking off (I have a one day/week contract plus the potential for another 4 [or 5 if the client is happy to have me work on Saturdays]), this represents a serious drop in income. Like many of our age we are asset rich and cash poor. Needless to say the idea of "going postal" on her management has crossed my mind.... Fortunately, Mrs iD - although concerned by the drop in income - isn't unhappy to leave the "daily cr*p" behind. Ironically, I would be most happy to keep working, whilst Mrs iD would happily retire tomorrow...


But this sorry situation is typical of the f***ed up mentality now pervasive amongst politicians and the upper echelons of business. It is a mass of contradictions: saying that individuals in future must work until 67 before being eligible to retire, yet for anyone over 50 the chance of getting a new job is now very slim; they say they "must" import lots of cheaper or cheap labour (skilled and unskilled!) as there "aren't enough qualified/suitable people" for the open positions, yet there are a lot of older individuals who would be quite happy to work...


I am convinced that the reasons older people or - in the main - not hired are fourfold: 1) we are expensive due to length of service and level of expertise acquired, 2) having all this experience and not needing (any longer) to "make a career" we tend to be immune to all the management BS these so-called managers spout, 3) we are (for the most part) NOT politically correct, having had our professional coming-of-age in an era when individuals were not so "fragile" and identity politics was unknown, and 4) many managers are - secretly - terrified of us oldsters; fearing that we would either expose them them for the incompetent charlatans that they secretly know they are or that would rapidly supplant them and take their jobs away...


Anyway, much solace is being provided by the doggies and the quiet satisfaction of knowing that we really do have everything we need and that we just need to cover some running costs....


Still, it IS a bit of a bu99er!





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How old is the oak planking?


After a certain age, oak 'goes off',and becomes very, very hard. Hence the reason it was used in ships frames.


If it is old oak, then you'll need really decent router cutters to cut any slots and recesses.


Secondly, I have found that the cheaper routers sold by the likes of Aldi and Lidl, although quite capable machines, lack the ability to easily set them to a preset depth.


They also have a less than adequate plunge lock which means you can be half way along a slot and then the lock stops working and the router cutter retracts back into the body.


Do a couple of test runs on some scrap timber first just so you know what the router can, can't, and is likely to do.


I speak from experience....some of it bitter! :jester:

The oak plank is relatively recent. And I do have a few bits and pieces of scrap wood upon which to try things out.


Head on over to the Non railway modelling thread for photos....http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/42805-non-railway-modelling/page-12&do=findComment&comment=3039808

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I haven't posted for a few days due to some rather bad news: Mrs iD has been made redundant, not only that but she was made redundant exactly one month before turning 60 - when she would have become eligible for a number of packages and benefits now denied to her.  To say I was somewhat miffed and displeased with her management would be a serious understatement. Fortunately, she has 3 months notice and then goes onto a plan for 2 years that provides 60% of her former salary and - importantly - also pays for her private and state pensions (this plan would have lasted a lot longer had she been made redundant at 60). With my business only just taking off (I have a one day/week contract plus the potential for another 4 [or 5 if the client is happy to have me work on Saturdays]), this represents a serious drop in income. Like many of our age we are asset rich and cash poor. Needless to say the idea of "going postal" on her management has crossed my mind.... Fortunately, Mrs iD - although concerned by the drop in income - isn't unhappy to leave the "daily cr*p" behind. Ironically, I would be most happy to keep working, whilst Mrs iD would happily retire tomorrow...


But this sorry situation is typical of the f***ed up mentality now pervasive amongst politicians and the upper echelons of business. It is a mass of contradictions: saying that individuals in future must work until 67 before being eligible to retire, yet for anyone over 50 the chance of getting a new job is now very slim; they say they "must" import lots of cheaper or cheap labour (skilled and unskilled!) as there "aren't enough qualified/suitable people" for the open positions, yet there are a lot of older individuals who would be quite happy to work...


I am convinced that the reasons older people or - in the main - not hired are fourfold: 1) we are expensive due to length of service and level of expertise acquired, 2) having all this experience and not needing (any longer) to "make a career" we tend to be immune to all the management BS these so-called managers spout, 3) we are (for the most part) NOT politically correct, having had our professional coming-of-age in an era when individuals were not so "fragile" and identity politics was unknown, and 4) many managers are - secretly - terrified of us oldsters; fearing that we would either expose them them for the incompetent charlatans that they secretly know they are or that would rapidly supplant them and take their jobs away...


Anyway, much solace is being provided by the doggies and the quiet satisfaction of knowing that we really do have everything we need and that we just need to cover some running costs....


Still, it IS a bit of a bu99er!






Big OUCH!!!!


Sounds like a seagull! Unfortunately, management has never married and is oft addressed as Miss Management; her legacy seems to be spreading.


Hopefully, your new venture will pick up on the foundation of having current contract(s); the doggies will give you love and affection without knowing about the human circumstances around them!

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iD . Sorry to read about Mrs id's work related events. You may recall a similar thing happened to Aditi just before she was 60, with a " take the voluntary redundancy package " by the end of the month or face compulsory redundancy due to "reorganisation". She chose to fjght it as she was fairly convinced that the criteria for choosing who got the letters was probably not legal. HR kept telling her their methods were sound and Aditi kept telling them they were not sound.

My exit from the education profession due to ill health wasn't handled nicely at all mainly because the person organising it was in my opinion one of those who had risen to senior management due to being a socialised psychopath.

I am glad Mrs iD sees the benefits of retirement. Aditi was a bit concerned about retiring at 61, though this was on full pension. She worked out how much she wasn't going to spend on commuting as well! The great benefit for ner has been health. Her diabetes control was not good but is now excellent.

Best wishes


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Morning (just) all.

It was dry and frosty early this morning. Now it is warmer but wetter. I have been told this is exactly as forecast. Aditi is going over to Enfield to see he mother. I am not going as I feel rather tired, not sure why. We did go out for a nice lunch yesterday but I can't blame that. The first pub Aditi had chosen was full, or at least its car parks were. The next one didn't have a car park but we found a parking space nearby.


Edited by Tony_S
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Afternoon Awl,

Planned work on the Alleyway completed plus a little bit more. Luckily I had just completed the exterior work as the rain arrived at around 12:00.

Ben the Border Collie had a extra long walk from SWMBO, and is fast asleep. Though he's hiding in his cage as the pheasants are being massacred again.


I seem to have some pain in my left arm it seems to be a tendon running through the inside of the elbow, I don't remember doing anything to cause it.


SWMBO has gone to her weaving group, so my cheese toasty and coffee will be followed by a Highland park.


It's a 8 mile round trip to Tescos

A 20 mile round trip to Sainsbury's

A 50 mile round trip to any other supermarket.

So visiting any other supermarket than Tescos is rare.


Time for a large whisky:)

Edited by TheQ
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Sorry to hear Mrs iD's news.  Having tasted redundancy directly and unexpectedly once, and had it threatened twice more, I found it a most unpleasant experience.  I am muchly grateful for basically now being the pilot of my own destiny.  I don't own the business, that is very much John's, but as the other Director I at least have input to its direction.  Scary at times, yet not as scary as the gaping black maw of redundancy. 


Another rather warm (10c) but wet day here, frequent showers. Having planned my first trip out tomorrow, I now see 3c and snow showers forecast.  #sigh#.

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Flavio, I'm sorry to hear of Mrs iD's redundancy - looks like some HR  person thinks they are being clever with the timing - or just plain vindictive, hope they get the chop under even worse circumstances.  My own final (as in this time it is goodbye) redundancy came at age 52 and to be blunt was abysmally handled by the twit in HR - regrettably the one who was good at such things had just left after fixing his own redundancy.  The other problem with mine was that it came four years before my planned date for making myself redundant so the pension hit was considerable but as ever once it came down to net disposable income once the mortgage had been cleared using redundancy money we were about £10 per week worse off.  The key as ever, and as mentioned by Tony is not just what you lose  in income but what you might save in outgoings - the net number is the one that matters.


She could also perhaps look on it as an opportunity - although hardly fair too say this to you I know - but sometimes it can offer advantages and opportunities.  Anyway come what may I wish you both the very best.

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I to have faced the prospect of redundancy. My employer told me on the Thursday afternoon he was giving me three weeks notice of my being made redundant. (three weeks because I had been with him for three years.) The following day I came across an old work mate I had not seen in many years and he told me he would make inquires as to the job situation with his employers. We parted and I was sure it would be many years before I saw him again. The following Monday afternoon our paths crossed again and my ex work mate told me he had made inquires  and I should come and see him the following Thursday afternoon. This I did and was offered a job, with immediate start. When I pointed out I had two weeks to go on a three week notice, I was told to go in that afternoon and give my present employer one weeks notice. This I did and was met with a protest,  my boss had several jobs he wanted completing before I left. The following week I went in to collect my three weeks redundancy pay and it was not forth coming. I told him my wife would call in the following week and it would be in his best interests to have the money available (or else!)   

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