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Chewsday arrives...


Little of note from yesterday save more frantic "adjustments" to reports so the year-end matches what they want folks to see, presumably!!


In a small development to apparently improve the already excellent and effective snow clearing by the city, they seem to have acquired the following;



and proceeded to plow all the neighborhood streets to the kerbs yesterday. Up to now clearing has only been done by trucks with plow blades, which leaves upto about a foot often uncleared at the kerbside, together with some unwanted detritus and accumulation in everyone's driveway. With this piece of equipment they are now clearing everything up including all the driveways, as they go. Quite impressed with this development. Apparently they DO sometimes put property taxes to good purpose :)


Tonight we're off to the local caucus (google is your friend :) ) to see if we can be both informed AND influence the upcoming candidates opinions. :jester:


Still s0dding cold here at -21, however it IS sunny and calm so the RealFeel is also -21 (for now!!). High of -13 forecast.


Have a productive day, if possible.



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In a small development to apparently improve the already excellent and effective snow clearing by the city, they seem to have acquired the following;



and proceeded to plow all the neighborhood streets to the kerbs yesterday. Up to now clearing has only been done by trucks with plow blades, which leaves upto about a foot often uncleared at the kerbside, together with some unwanted detritus and accumulation in everyone's driveway. With this piece of equipment they are now clearing everything up including all the driveways, as they go.


A question, Ian - to where do they blow the snow from the street?
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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all.

Back from Whitechapel.

Jayne the gastro-pharmacist seemed happy with my "progress" . No need to change any medication today, especially as there will be the results of the endoscopy next week. I was, as predicted sent for some blood tests. My barcode sticky labels for the samples were faulty so the phlebotomist had to reprint them. Being ever so slightly geeky this interested me!

The train I got at Barking was really full but lots of people got off at Upminster and I got a seat for the remainder of the journey.

I don't plan to do much today. We may watch a film tonight. We never got to see the new version of Bladerunner and I ordered it from Amazon.

If we don't watch that, it will be another episode of Portillo in North America. We watched the Mt Washington episode last night.


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A question, Ian - to where do they blow the snow from the street?

Onto the front yard(s) then when they get to the driveways and paths they adjust it so it's also blown either forwards or behind them onto yards to clear the driveways.

It's been blown across the first 2-3 feet of our front yard, certainly no problem given there's not a large volume as the majority is already cleared by the truck mounted plows.

You can see the sort of excess that's thrown below...



Edited by Ian Abel
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... when they get to the driveways and paths they adjust it so it's also blown either forwards or behind them ...

That's really quite impressive. From my days in Chicago, I (as I'm sure you have as well) shoveled many a snow berm across my driveway left behind the plow. And if you don't get to it quickly enough in temperatures around freezing, it can refreeze over night into hard icy concrete.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening greetins from the Hill. Excellent news from Debs and I wish her a sustained return to better health.


Door was knocked earlier by Neighbour (Upstairs) who had been discharged from hospital but had, in her unwell state, omitted to include her keys with the hastily-packed bag o’things. She was of course welcomed into the warmth of our lounge until a flatmate arrived home a little later. So far she is coping with tea and is willing to try nibbling solids. The official verdict is that she was previously run down and dehydrated so was severely affected by Novovirus when it struck her. She is on the road to recovery but will not be back at university for some time yet.


Thus was Cheeseday. SWMBO threatens to produce a pork insider pork in cider stew as soon as she gets in. I hope that’s soon as there’s a hungry chap here waiting patiently.


Laters one and all.

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Onto the front yard(s) then when they get to the driveways and paths they adjust it so it's also blown either forwards or behind them onto yards to clear the driveways.

It's been blown across the first 2-3 feet of our front yard, certainly no problem given there's not a large volume as the majority is already cleared by the truck mounted plows.



Thanks, Ian. I had misunderstood - I didn't realise it was used only along the side of the street, after the plows had done the rest. 


Tip when shovelling driveways in North America - dump the snow to the right of the driveway, so that the plow clearing the street doesn't push it all back across the bottom of the drive. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening awl,

At the moment, the only blower needed round here to clear the snow would be a t gauge model,


BMWs were always a problem when i worked at Tescos, they seemed to think owning one exempted them from all driving and parking regulations.


One of my sister's found online a picture of my great uncle Bob and great great uncle Oliver, standing alongside one of our coal lorries. Probably 1920s, Which apart from the ancestral interest Shows the sign work on the side of the lorry.

" Phone 30, Ludgershall, Wilts"

"G Rawlings and Sons"

Government Contractors.


The government contractors probably refers to supplying coal to the army, though the 4 railway wagons I doubt could have supplied the whole of Tidworth barracks. So there must have been some other supplies.

( Mind you the lack of fuel supplies to the junior ranks in the military is legendary and still applied in the 1970s - 1990s when I was in, with heating not put on, but snow on the ground)


I can now finally complete the paint work on a model lorry I started 5 years ago.




A big employer here, Oyster Yachts has managed to go bust, with a full order book, 7 big yachts under construction one of which the owner has paid £1,000,000 for..

It looks like 200 jobs are gone. Most other boats builders round here, have vacancies, but there aren't that many...

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  • RMweb Gold

( Mind you the lack of fuel supplies to the junior ranks in the military is legendary and still applied in the 1970s - 1990s when I was in, with heating not put on, but snow on the ground)


It's called 'character building'. The only snowflakes you got in those days were the ones you'd trap in a mess tin so you could shave, once they'd defrosted!

Edited by Happy Hippo
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It was snowing byou the time I reached the office and this continued till mid morning. As BoD mentioned,it didn't linger.

Train failure on the way into town en route to my hotel. Looking forward to seeing the place in daylight....some fine architecture.

There's even a castle here - who'd have thought of that! These glorifies don't miss a trick!

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....her grandmother was one of several sisters brought up by their architect father who encouraged them. This was between 6 and 6:30.



Blimey. Quick work indeed there,dad!!

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Sorry I got that wrong Chris. I do remember the street party held for us kids to commemorate the Coronation mainly because it poured down with rain. The street party was actually in someones front garden and although a tarpaulin was rapidly thrown up I still remember someones front lawn becoming a sea of mud, much to the delight of us kids but to the horror of our mums. That was a couple of months before I was five and is by no means my earliest memory. That particular honour goes to when I was a year to fifteen months old when I was learning to walk and is of my dad encouraging me to walk to him. My next oldest memory is a trip to visit relatives in Nottingham which must have been towards the end of 1950. My dad had borrowed or hired an old Ford van for the trip and I remember some of the journey though as a two year old I probably slept most of the way. The next memory would be about springtime 1951 and includes riding on a London tram, I can be pretty certain of the date because my sister had been born in February that year and was in my mums arms wrapped in a shawl. Do any other ER's have such memories?

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My earliest memory is of a semi-formal families dinner in the RAF in Cyprus,1960? where there was a photographer for a photograph of everyone. This 3 year old got very upset at the strange things going on. I still hate photographs being taken of me.


The next memory is near the start of primary school in Northern Ireland when everyone went sick, I'm glad i wasn't a member of the cleaning staff..1962?

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  • RMweb Premium

E‘ning all, or should I directly proceed to „night“? : jester: Will be off to eyelid inspection in a few but did want to say hi, so: Hi. :mosking:


Glad to hear that Debs has been in touch, John. Here’s hoping she’ll be well enough to look in, however briefly, in time herself...


Also quite excited because...






...I’ll finally get my hands on our new rides soon enough :yes: .



See ya in da mawnin, fowks...

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening everyone


Woke up this morning to another dull day but no snow. However, by mid morning that changed and we had snow falling, but only lightly, but that only lasted until last afternoon and thankfully didn’t stick.


Well today I did intend to make a start on painting the attic, but Sheila ain’t feeling 100% today, so I spent the day keeping my eye on her. I must admit though that I did enjoy doing absolutely nothing, I just wish it was under different circumstances. Anyway she seems to be much better now, so hopefully the worst is over.


Goodnight all

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