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  • RMweb Premium

Someone else is getting the speed then because it certainly isn't large parts of Norfolk.


Mooring awl, inner temple here,


I awoke at just after 03:00 screwed up into a ball, when I stretched out...oooooowwwww.

My back really complained, yesterday's work on the shed included 16 eight foot battons vertically mounted. Requiring screws all the way up, I think I tweaked my back.


So after going down stairs some pills were taken before lying on the sofa.

A little more sleep was had before heading for the Sailing club.

After putting the flags up and the buoys out I returned to the club to be asked to put the flags to half mast.


Kevin Dixon who we held a special sailing trip for, on Black horse Broad a couple of weeks ago, had succumbed to the cancer.


During putting buoys out I got sandblasted by ice crystals, luckily it didn't occur again until after racing.


Weather North Easterly, 10 to 12 mph scattered clouds. Strong out going tide.


Course 1 P. 3P. Start line at the pontoon half way up the straight.

Race 1

Just before the start my compatriot noticed our spinnaker sheets were still tied up, so i was undoing them, while he pootled about, we were just heading back to the line when the buzzer went. We were the wrong side of the line... Just.. so we rapidly crossed and tacked around to find us in third place...

We set off tacking our way towards the club house, then turned the swan corner to head towards buoy 1 which 3/4 the way down the village straight, well beyond the New Inn. As the other two were occupying the middle of the river we were forced to take the right hand side. Soon the wind came behind us and we pulled up the spinnaker, The other two didn't. After a short time we got clear ahead just in time to have full rights for the buoy.( 3 boat lengths out.)


Rounding the buoy were inches ahead, we got into a tacking match with the second place boat they got ahead, then we got ahead. Then the third place boat got into a tacking match with boat two. This gave us clear room and we got a good gap between us.


Rounding the Swan inn corner up spinnaker again, we tried to keep to the left hand bank out off the outgoing tide. Boats 2 and 3 were having a shadowing match down the middle, so we gained more distance to buoy 3. Round buoy 3 spinnaker down , Genoa out. Then start tacking away again, they caught up a bit during the tacking but we still held a good distance. Then off onto lap 2 and then 3, we gradually gained even more clearance to finish 1st.


After a warming soup,


Race 2, same course.


At least we were heading the right way this time, we started in second place and tacked our way up to Swan corner, we were in a group of three with another two close behind.

Off down the straight we were line abreast across the river when we could up spinnaker. We ended up in the middle, the right hand boat shot through and got through to clear ahead for the buoy.

Rounding the buoy we had to tack hard and slowed which allowed the third boat in our group to get alongside and then clear ahead.


We all tacked our way up to Swan corner then all spinnakers up and ran down to buoy, still arriving in the same order. We gybed round and then tacked towards the club. This time there were dinghies coming towards us as the were doing 2P, 3P this time. This delayed us, allowing boats 1 and 2 to get away. As we approached buoy 2 we got a dinghy to our right, he needed to turn left round the buoy we needed to turn right to go to buoy 1. Unfortunately the dinghy tried a maneuver to get round us and made a complete mess of it. So we had to take evasive action. In doing so we lost another place and were down to 4th.


Running down to buoy 1 we gained enough to be right behind boat 3. Gybing round buoy 1 we then tacked up to Swan corner holding third, spinnakers up and we held position to buoy 3. Tubing round that we were again messed up by dinghies allowing the boat behind to get along side they then got past. We tacked to together a couple of times, and then we got past , just in time for the finishing line... So we finished 3rd.


Cheese rolls and soup, then home as no one else wanted to play again.


Home, loooong soak in the bath, now it's time for dinner...

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Ouch, after Noon already!


All tasks accomplished with great success yesterday - looks like we'll take a spring (late Winter more like!) short trip on Amtrak to Chicago and see Hamilton amongst other sights.


We got about 3 inches of white fluffy, created a lovely day even though bitterly cold (REAL COLD not that pansy-arsed stuff :jester: ) already cleared by "my man".


Today - a couple of errands to obtain/restock larder items then some free time for modeling, and possibly even watching some Stupid bowl. I'm not really interested, BUT, Stupid Bowl sunday given it's in the middle of winter here, AND it's cold, the best option is to get some snacks and a drink or two, sit and relax. So it may be tuned in to see how folks are coping.


-19 out there right now, RealFeel -31. expected high around -15 with the RealFeel remaining around -25 to -30! :O  No snow forecast until Thursday - 4-8 inches possibly.


Hope you can enjoy the waning hours of your respective weekends...

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Premium

E‘ning all. Gee, finally on my dearly anticipated winter break. Currently stretching out on the sofa with some Belgian beer!


Some dumb b**ch almost got herself flattened by my tram yesterday, followed by an earful from me. Walking on red, hood and earphones on and not looking left or right do that to you, my dear, is all I can say. Sheesh.


Hope you’ve been well, or at least improving, when I think of those of us in ailment!

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  • RMweb Gold

I was just wondering why people actually live in Ian A's locality! -31? Good grief.....

I suppose you must get used to it. Matthew spent a year in Calgary and seemed to cope, even after spending his childhood in sunny South Essex.

I am certain he would go back to Canada, though for his research interests it would probably be on the Atlantic side.


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a wintery shower just after lunch, as predicted by Arthur Itis. Arthurs predictions are far more accurate than the seaweed wranglers, the wet weather as usual arrived 6 hours to the minute after his warning. I can confidently confirm that hereabouts will not be getting any more wet stuff for the next six hours.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Had a wintery shower just after lunch, as predicted by Arthur Itis. Arthurs predictions are far more accurate than the seaweed wranglers, the wet weather as usual arrived 6 hours to the minute after his warning. I can confidently confirm that hereabouts will not be getting any more wet stuff for the next six hours.


Oh so true! 


Another slave to Arfur.

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  • RMweb Gold

Robbie's arthritis is absolutely no use as a weather predictor. He always wants to go out. He was quite bouncy today and although somewhat uncoordinated he didn't seen to be in any pain. He hasn't quite worked out yet that if he walks along the slope of an embankment he is going to roll down. He just gets up and chooses another route.

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Just had a text from Debs.


It's more understandable than the last one. Much more, which I take to be a very good sign. However she's far from right.


She says she's sleeping a lot and her head is still in a fog.


Says she ate a little but not very hungry.


And she's sent her parents home to rest as they're tired with worry. They've been there since Thursday. They'll be back tomorrow.





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  • RMweb Premium

Indeed, very happy to hear about Debs being on the mend. As long as they’re going in the right direction, it’s not of prime importance how large or small the steps are, I suppose.


I’ll be sure to raise a glass to Debs and her well-being soonest, too.

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I was just wondering why people actually live in Ian A's locality! -31?  Good grief.....

i) We're all in need of psychiatric help

ii) It keeps the riff-raff out :)

EDIT: iii) and indeed you do actually get used to it.


Reminder, we DO know how to dress appropriately and tend to avoid doing stupid things like... going outside in swim wear on such days :jester:

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks John for updates on Debs.  Glad to hear there is a little bit of good news.

And hope the foot heals quickly, Neil.


' Night all and nos da.

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Good morning one and all.  Brrrrr!


Yesterday I enjoyed my steak and generated some ironing.  I also cussed my digibox for its excessively patchy recording of "Suffragette".  Wretched device!  In addition I did some m*d*ll*ng and scoping for a future project, realising that an impulse purchase a couple of months ago might not have been quite such a good idea after all.  I also sort of watched a TV programme about fitness - while I was eating my steak, as it happens.  Fortunately one of its suggestions, a brisk walk, is exactly what I have planned for this morning but that is chiefly because the bus pass is not valid until 09.30!


I have also examined a few possibilities for going places without the car.  Trials will take place later this month and in April.  Just before I finally forced myself out of bed this morning I recalled one of my [many] journeys on Virgin West Coast which did not go according to plan.  The young couple who kept giving up one of their seats to me on the way to Manchester were, IIRC, bound for Huddersfield, which is one place I should like to visit in June.  Without checking out National Rail Enquiries it does seem that the choice of travelling between Bedford and Huddersfield by train or by car is a bit like the choice between measles and chicken pox but the idea will not go away.


It is good that there is encouraging news of some of our poorly brethren and sistern.  Every little thought helps, so lots of the warm variety to the ailing, recovering and missing.  Thanks also to Stewart for his kind thought yesterday.  He may well have also known the gentleman in question.



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Morning All,


It is pretty chilly at the moment - However, I can't say that I am too unhappy about it.  At least it means that we have proper winter weather now!  It snowed yesterday, and the temperature this morning is just below freezing.


Good to hear that Debs is making steps in the right direction - however small.


Time for a coffee - Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Been a tad cool down here in dun me head in. About 16°C and damp. We missed the typhoon which went through South Island last week.


Saw a few trains at the railway station. The passenger (tourist) routes use one of the 6 Misubishi bo-bo-bo class 20 look alike. We shall see how they perform tomorrow.


Had a nice dark beer and an NZ PA with tea.


Have a great day everyone.



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  • RMweb Premium

Mooring Awl. Inner Temple here,

A good nights sleep having fallen asleep early at 21:00 I slept through til 01:30, then with many wake up and roll overs I got through to 05:10 with a lot more sleep.

Back stiff but with nowhere near the amount of pain I had yesterday..


 The garden report:

Lots of snowdrops out, , daffodils are up to 6 inches high. I must mow the grass before those in it, join in, still a fair few branches and twiglets from the last gales to clear before I do...


Journey in today:

 Thass a lazy Wind Bor.... it blow right through yew. (very cold easterly breeze).

Roads dry at home, going through drizzle, drizzle with snowflakes, hail, heavy hail. roads at work white with little ball bearings everywhere.


Moscow has had record snowfalls,  the last couple of years it has been the east coast of America, some time soon it will be our turn... I blame it on Brexit...



Time To... Go start this weeks major system....

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