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Morning all from Estuary-Land. We will just have to keep our fingers crossed for Debs. With all this talk of prostate cancer I was wondering how often it is advisable to have a PSI test? I had one about 18 months ago, all clear fortunately. I know several people who have the condition not including my former next door neighbour who had his prostate removed as both his father and grandfather died of the disease.


PSA - for me after September, if all goes well (that'll be five years) annually via the GP.

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  • RMweb Premium

Re prostate testing.

Does it kick in when you reach a certain age? If not will they do it on request or do you have to have grounds for suspicion?

As stated there is no compulsory testing. Mine came about because I had blood in my urine and passing it was very painful. It turned out to be an unrelated condition (a kidney stone passing through the system) but even then I had to request the PSA test. I said that the kidney stone was an unrelated condition but I have been led to understand that kidney and bladder stones can indicate prostate problems. Prostate problems aren't necessarily cancerous but does anyone know if they can develope into cancer?

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  • RMweb Premium

I know when buying from the Pound Shop that you can't expect top quality. But shouldn't a calendar have more than 10 months?



Finally. The problems of metric time have been overcome!!!

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As stated there is no compulsory testing. Mine came about because I had blood in my urine and passing it was very painful. It turned out to be an unrelated condition (a kidney stone passing through the system) but even then I had to request the PSA test. I said that the kidney stone was an unrelated condition but I have been led to understand that kidney and bladder stones can indicate prostate problems. Prostate problems aren't necessarily cancerous but does anyone know if they can develope into cancer?


According to my oncologist:

  1. ​You can have an enlarged prostate
  2. You can have prostate cancer
  3. You can have an enlarged prostate which may be caused by the cancer
  4. You can have prostate cancer without significant enlargement
  5. You can have neither.

I have had an enlarged prostate for a long time - symptoms show that - that's 1 above.


When I passed blood they gave me a biopsy, which discovered a small area of cancerous material.


When my PSA passed a certain level then they could treat it


The was two years from first diagnosis


It took nearly six months of chemical reduction (shot in the buttock) to reduce the size of the prostate so that they could start radiotherapy


It took seven weeks of week-daily radiotherapy.


Four months later I needed a TURP procedure and I was off work for seven weeks.


(If you're brave enough, look up TURP - https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/transurethral-resection-of-the-prostate-turp/ )


The consultant said that TURP was a minor procedure. Six months after it I expressed surprise that my recovery was taking longer than expected. He said "... but you've just had a major operation." "But you said it was a minor procedure!' He changed the subject.


That was three and a half years ago.


My advice, having been through it.

  1. GP and get tested.
  2. If there's something wrong, get it fixed.
  3. It worked for me.
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I know when buying from the Pound Shop that you can't expect top quality. But shouldn't a calendar have more than 10 months?.

You may have stumbled across an unsold example of the French Revolutionary calendar which I think was divided into 10 months.


Could be worth some money someday. Could be worth as much as a quid....

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  • RMweb Gold


According to my oncologist:

  1. ​You can have an enlarged prostate
  2. You can have prostate cancer
  3. You can have an enlarged prostate which may be caused by the cancer
  4. You can have prostate cancer without significant enlargement
  5. You can have neither.

I have had an enlarged prostate for a long time - symptoms show that - that's 1 above.


When I passed blood they gave me a biopsy, which discovered a small area of cancerous material.


When my PSA passed a certain level then they could treat it


The was two years from first diagnosis


It took nearly six months of chemical reduction (shot in the buttock) to reduce the size of the prostate so that they could start radiotherapy


It took seven weeks of week-daily radiotherapy.


Four months later I needed a TURP procedure and I was off work for seven weeks.


(If you're brave enough, look up TURP - https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/transurethral-resection-of-the-prostate-turp/ )


The consultant said that TURP was a minor procedure. Six months after it I expressed surprise that my recovery was taking longer than expected. He said "... but you've just had a major operation." "But you said it was a minor procedure!' He changed the subject.


That was three and a half years ago.


My advice, having been through it.

  1. GP and get tested.
  2. If there's something wrong, get it fixed.
  3. It worked for me.



As it did for me (F and GF had PC) and I have previously related how I came to know F PC ... TURP may seem minor (it is considered major) and it does take time to recover but 15/12 on I can get through the night on occasions and P..g also takes a lot less time.

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Afternoon awl, inner temple here.


A good night's sleep was had, around 7 hours.


I've spent the last 6 hours working on the alley way all planned work done. Up on the roof of the shed I noticed two large branches in the overgrown hedge had snapped off in the gales narrowly missing the shed.

SWMBO is just back from walking Ben the Border Collie, the lucky boy got a double walk SWMBO thought she had lost her keys and retraced her route. Ben is currently lying alongside me snoring. The keys were where Ben's lead is kept...

I've had to take ibuprofen as my back is somewhat painful today.


Just on TV the de Agostini british steam railway book collection, a 50 issue history of UK railways. £8.99 an issue!!! So it'll set you back around £450, I somehow doubt there will be anymore information than one £10 book would cost....


Time to inspect some eyelids...

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There is one on the forecourt of our local garage (although its not a convertible) :sungum:



On board a Trirail service from Cypress Creek to Golden Glades. First time in a double deck coach.

When we parked up at the hotel last night there were 2 Mustang Convertibles in the car lot next to us! And we have seen loads of them while driving around. Common!




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Afternoon all, just watched the first 6 Nations game of the year, which had a surprising score line. I don’t think I have ever seen a side make so many errors as Scotland did today. Wales though were excellent.


France vs Ireland could be interesting later on.

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Afternoon all,


Interesting time at Alton.  For the first time in years (numerous decades to be honest) I arrived at a model railway show before it opened and hence got a good parking spot.  Once in and after a brief look at one area I decided to have breakfast - fortunately the carbonised bread had temporarily run out but the sausages were reasonable, the bacon was apparently rhino hide in disguise, and for the second day running I think I got a bantam egg (surely chicken can't lay eggs that small?) so the make weight of baked beans was welcome for once.  The local Scouts cooking dept at Alton clearly needs some lessons on breakfasts.  The show seemed to include a disproportionate ratio of trade stands to layout including some very miserly (or incredibly optimistic) sellers of secondhand books at prices which made  me wince.  Regrettably layout wise I was not impressed I had seen the vast majority previously and although one or two were very good I think you can only stand seeing the same layouts a certain number of times before getting bored, I duly departed to the local model railway emporium where a largish sum was spent on pre-orders and a couple of new pre-orders were [place for the coming year.


But it was nice to meet - as usual at shows - the two Bobs of this parish plus Andy B with his dad, sorry AndyB with his son - very strong family resemblance there, no wonder I got confused!


Enjoy the rest of your day.

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Just heard from Debs




A text that had more typos than real words - she's still ill and has told me that her head still hurts awful and she's seeing colours.


But she says she's "hapy wit+ hope" (sic)


Which makes me very pleased indeed.


And then she goes on to apologise, saying sorry for all this.


Only just received this so am circulating as fast as I can.



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I know when buying from the Pound Shop that you can't expect top quality. But shouldn't a calendar have more than 10 months?




Is that Julian, Gregorian or Chinese? Or is there another metric system from Napoleon that most of us don't know about?

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In my reply to Debs I have said that she's nothing to be sorry for.


I'm not going to flood her with individual good wishes as I don't think that she could take too much to read at the moment - I am just saying that the good wishes are from all of us.



Edited by Coombe Barton
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Thanks for the update John (also noted in PM). Of course we're all very happy with the improving status :)



Yikes - nearly Noon here aleady!


Numbnuts at the "cloud provider" managed to get the database returned for duty around noon yesterday, only took them three hours to round it up! 

Suffice to say afternoon spent working furiously to get the needed changes applied for the client reports.


Evening saw us host Trevor and Meagan for dinner - last minute thing after the Mrs had asked Trevor if he'd mind helping move some furniture! Once here we decided to just have Meagan come over after work, a very nice Indian take-out was enjoyed together with a decent bottle of plonk.


Today we're going door-to-door with the immediate neighbors to get their reactions to us possibly splitting our lot. Suggested by the planning commission. Seems you far much better with the council if the neighbors are OK/on board with it.

After that, local real-estate agent/friend is over to provide some opinions/suggestions for the varius options we're considering.


THEN - a quiet even with our travelling companions - will be a take-out, some discussions of trips for this year, and probably a game or two of "something"... 

Likely NO modeling for me today, but maybe tomorrow???


-9 with light snow, expecting 1-3 inches, that'll put a bracing step into all the out-of-town Stupid Bowl visitors.

High -6 then drop to -20 overnight with -29 RealFeel by the morning! :O


Have a good Saturday evening all.

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I know when buying from the Pound Shop that you can't expect top quality. But shouldn't a calendar have more than 10 months?




Being Scottish I never buy new ones. I have the full set of fourteen. It's a simple matter to wright the new year at the top.

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Is that Julian, Gregorian or Chinese? Or is there another metric system from Napoleon that most of us don't know about?

When the old Communist Chinese Premier Chou En-Lai was asked what he thought of the French Revolution, he is reported to have replied:


"....It's too early to tell...."

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Sunny day again.

Great news from Debs.. and hopefully we shall hear more.


Didn't sleep well last night..not sure why but I did do some long term eyelid inspection on our flight.

c u later



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Good news about Debs.


And nice to see Mike, GDB & 81C.


Shortly afterwards the lad and I retired to the cafeteria zone, but his request for a sausage roll went unrequited as they'd run out - he wasn't tempted by the bacon rolls. From Mike's description that may well have been a wise decision.

As Mike mentioned, a few nice layouts but as bucolic branch lines, by their nature, aren't action packed the crowds seemed to be around one layout in particular where there was a parade of things to see.

As for purchases, my young lad spied a set of drag cars, two of which made their way back home with us.

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  • RMweb Premium

Is that Julian, Gregorian or Chinese? Or is there another metric system from Napoleon that most of us don't know about?




Mayan   :)




Not yet, surely???


It's only Februarian here.

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Evening everyone


Today has been a day that I’ve spent modelling, well after first making a tea loaf that is. Anyway, I’ve made a start on one of the gable end windows of the engine shed, so far I’ve completed about half and I’m hoping to finish that and start a second window tomorrow.


After tea we sat and watch a few more Great American Railroad Journeys. This time he was in Canada and was pleasantly surprised to see that he stopped at the town where I used to live! Not only that, but he also went to a town where my aunt and uncle used to live too!


I had none of the classic symptoms when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, I was being treated for a back condition and the drugs I’d been given, mimicked (unable to pass water was one of the stated side effects) the symptoms of PC. My GP sent me for a PSA test just to rule it out. I still can’t get over the fact that had I not been sent for one, I may not be here now! Someone was definitely looking out for me on that day I’m sure!


Goodnight all.

Edited by BSW01
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