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On our trip to Paris, we had a nice day and went off to Versailles. We met an American couple who had had a wet week and deceided to go to V. as it was their last day. In the V. railway station, I looked at a magazine rack while Dayle and the couple looked at the map. Dayle came over to me and asked "What does sauf Lundi mean?"


(I may have posted this before.)

It would have made a difference if Mrs Stationmaster had checked before coming up with the idea that our intended destination was open - fortunately I asked her before we'd got a mile up the road and a check of the NT guide in the car confirmed that the place wasn't open.  So we diverted to 'The Barley Mow at Clifton Hampden for a light(ish) lunch then returned home - number of brownie points earned was not affected by the change of venue.


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I need to buy a few lengths of track.  When I was putting in the mainline, I found a deal on Jason's (Rapido) Bendy-Track which is a finescale, neatly detailed (Canadian) track. Unfortunately, it is so scale that it is fragile. Mounted on rubber roadbed, any push down on the sleepers separates them from the rail. I found this out when trying to see why one coach would seem to jam; the rails are now slightly wide of gauge.

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Railway modelling gets even cheaper in comparative terms.  is the Superbowl thing that peculiar game called American football or is it rounders?


Over-upholstered rugby.


(Which is a big problem. The armor does not protect the players' brains from excessive lateral and angular acceleration.)

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  • RMweb Premium

Mornin all. I think.

Skim read of 6 days posts and a few rated.


Thoughts with Debs and others.


Currently 72F outside at 1130pm in Fort Lauderdale. Had a brilliant cruise to Grand Turk and Dominican Republic. Celebrated Junior NB's 21st at sea. Ate too much, but thankfully hadn't signed up to the unlimited drinks package. So didn't drink too much! Team NB won the human hungry hippos game but that may have had a side effect. See below.


The Mustang convertible didn't materialise at the rental company but they offered us any car on the lot with a discount! We now have a Dodge Charger with $90 off the bill. Although the seat is playing hell with my sciatica that made an unwelcome return on the flight over, not helped by the hippo games. There may be a car swap tomorrow.


Plan is to ride the Trirail in the morning followed by a visit to a model shop and ice hockey amongst other things.


Will post photos of Brightrail for RH and Fort Lauderdale yacht club for Q when I get home and can edit them properly.


We have been playing the licence plate game and already we are down to less than 10 states to see.


Will try to catch up again after the game.


Stay safe folks.



Edited by newbryford
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Flight ended up 1.5 hours late. Jetstar very apologetic but they had big problems with their flights yesterday.


I am trying a Toyota corolla. Not as much umph as the Kluger ( a highlander in NZ).

Motel excellent..watched Warrington v rhinos..great, close game.


Christchurch airport manic. It would appear that those Chinese who can afford to travel (there are lots of them) fly out for 4 weeks holiday around the Chinese New Year...hence oz and NZ have a lot of Chinese visitors at the moment.



Hope for positive news about Debs soon

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Good morning one and all


The prostate cancer story was breaking as I was posting yesterday and received comprehensive coverage on Victoria Derbyshire and doubtless other TV programmes during the day.  Awareness was well and truly raised but how long it will stay raised is anybody's guess.


The 'good' news here (if I can call it that) is that men's health has improved such that we are living long enough for prostate cancer to be a factor - particularly the slower less aggressive forms. The 'bad' news of course is that no one wants to die of cancer. 


In the continuing absence of a screening programme it will remain the case that many of us who do not display obvious symptoms will only have it detected if we present at the GP for another reason, as I did.  I was devastated to be told that I have it, particularly as it had taken my cousin not two months previously.  As time went by I was surprised to find just how many people I know had been treated for the wretched disease: that it is so widespread was if anything a comfort.  Whether it or something else eventually takes me is a good question, for there is no shortage of options.   One might just be old age!


Anyone expecting to bump into me at Stafford today will be disappointed or, as the case may be, delighted to learn that I will not be there.  The leasing agreement for the peripatetic Polo allows me 10,000 miles a year, which sounds OK until you do the sums and find that it works out at 200 miles a week.  Something had to go and not clocking up 200 miles today will give me a bit of breathing space while I work out what else to cancel.  Two trips to Cardiff in January, enjoyable as they were but amounting to 600+ miles, did not help.  When the lease is up I am liable to be charged 11p per mile for anything in excess of the said 10K a year.  If VW Finance try to get arsey about it I will change brands and look for another way of funding the new car.  Maybe they will understand this at the time but it is as well to be prepared.


Far more important than all that is the well-being or otherwise of our comrades who are ailing, recovering or missing.  Warm thoughts to all of them.



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Good evening to Baz and morning all to those in the UK.  t this time of the morning my brain won't work out what to say to our cousins across the pond.


Beth's recovery is continuing.  We managed a short walk to church and back as I had to take some essential supplies up.  He Fitbit recorded 600 steps.   That's great for less than a week since the op.   Last might was a good evening at the club and I got a loco running on a complex section of NG track with 5 points negotiated safely.   First time that trains have run on the layout. 


This morning it's the Men's Breakfast at church (That' why I had to take the tray of eggs up yesterday) so a good time will be had and an unhealthy breakfast will be consumed.  Beth is venturing our for her breakfast with two of the other church wives.  It will do her good.   


Apart from that not a lot is planned.


Hope to hear good news re Debs.


Regards to all.



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  • RMweb Gold

 Good morning all,

Dry and coldish at the moment with the chance of light rain or sleet to come.

Thanks for the prostate reminders, I forgot to ask the doctor the other day if it it was time for another test.

Up early again after another poor night. Back and hip playing up. This will not stop my expedition to the wilds of Alton later.

Disappointing rugby result last night if you're a Quins fan but Northampton played very well to beat them 36-10.

Lots more rugby this weekend with the start of the 6 Nations. I'll have to do some recording as I may not be home in time for the start of Wales v Scotland. Tomorrow afternoon & evening we're out at friend Steve's house for an all day open house birthday party for his youngest son so will miss the Italy v England match. I can see a couple of late nights catching up.

Tonight we're being taken out for a meal along with other friends by friend and neighbour George as a thank you for everybody helping and rallying round after he lost his wife last year.

I think I may have to declare Monday a day of rest.  :onthequiet: I'll inform The Boss of my decision later. :whistle:

Looking forward to today and expect to see a couple of you later and my wallet is primed. Don't think I'll be buying a Southern H though Andy as AFAIK they haven't arrived yet.*

Have a good one,





* Andy, I won't have a rucksack with me either. :no:

Edited by grandadbob
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The Mustang convertible didn't materialise


There is one on the forecourt of our local garage (although its not a convertible) :sungum:



Plan is to ride the Trirail in the morning followed by a visit to a model shop and ice hockey amongst other things.





Will post photos of Brightrail for RH and Fort Lauderdale yacht club for Q when I get home and can edit them properly.



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Morning.  Up a bit earlier as the foot is rather painful this morning, I suspect all the nefarious things injected have worn off.  Slept OK though which was a real bonus.


Now for an exciting day....on the sofa with my leg raised.  Ho hum.  Will have to visit some controversial threads!

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I see that Wales have beaten Scotland 18-17 in the opening match of the Six Nations!


Not a spoiler for GDB but the result of the ladies match last night!


I have declined the trip to the Stafford exhibition this weekend because:


1.  Wales play Scotland in the RBS Six Nations this afternoon

2.  A look at the online exhibition programme didn't inspire me enough to go tomorrow.

3.  I need to save my pennies to afford the next tranche of loco purchases.


Now off for breakfast as I'm a Hungry Hippo.......................but this refuelling exercise will not give me sciatica unlike some, whom will remain nameless.

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Re: Debs


Sister Jen is not in work today but has phoned in and texted me. 


Debs is a bit more rested and may be responding better to this treatment regime. There won't be any major reviews until Monday pending continuation at this level.


Sister Jen is a gem!



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Re: Debs


Sister Jen is not in work today but has phoned in and texted me. 


Debs is a bit more rested and may be responding better to this treatment regime. There won't be any major reviews until Monday pending continuation at this level.


Sister Jen is a gem!




Whatever the outcome of the present sad situation, Sister Jen deserves praise for going beyond her duties to the patient. Wot a smasher! Especially in the infamously over-worked NHS in 2018. My only slight concern is that she may be stepping slightly outside hospital guidelines for what staff tell to whom, so we must not inadvertently grass her up. 

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Morning all.

Today I will be fitting buffers. Not model railway buffers, lavatory seat buffers. I didn't even know that was what the little rubber bits attached to the seat to protect the porcelain were called until I had to order some. They came from Amazon Marketplace which often seems easier to me to navigate than eBay when searching for things that I don't know the name of!

Mainly overcast here. Aditi plans to do some gardening, I may be required to do some pruning of taller shrubs as we still haven't replaced the telescopic loppers that broke. The ones that broke were very cheap from Aldi and were used for something beyond reasonable!


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Morning all from Estuary-Land. We will just have to keep our fingers crossed for Debs. With all this talk of prostate cancer I was wondering how often it is advisable to have a PSA test? I had one about 18 months ago, all clear fortunately. I know several people who have the condition not including my former next door neighbour who had his prostate removed as both his father and grandfather died of the disease.

Edited by PhilJ W
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Morning all.


Good to hear even the tiniest encouraging signs from Debs.  Long may that continue.


The automated street-washing and garden-watering system has been on all morning and shows no signs of being turned off.  I am in hiding as I prefer my showers warm ;)  Still caring for a poorly SWMBO who hasn't had the best of nights.  I didn't either but in my case it was the intermittent louder-than-sober laughter from upstairs. Nothing that I'd complain of - one has to allow others their lives even in very close quarters - just the sound spill one gets in these older blocks.




I see in today’s news that deaths from prostate cancer has overtaken those for breast cancer. Making deaths from prostate cancer the 3rd highest in the uk. On average 12,000 men die of prostate cancer each year, around 32 a day, sobering thoughts and not very good headlines. So get tested if you haven’t done so already.

That, as a bare statistic, could be read more than one way.  For the ladies it may be good news as breast cancer survival rates have certainly leapt ahead in recent years even if the treatment can be disfiguring and uncomfortable.  I know of several friends who have endured this - one aged just 29 - and all are still with us.  That used to be an alarmingly close call with the Grim Reaper but thanks to funding and research the threat is less now.  


Men on the other hand tend to think "it's nothing - it'll fix" when anything isn't as it should be.  We know what is normal for each of us and we know, if we are honest, when something isn't right.  Having been down that road myself with one of the rarer male cancers I can only encourage each one of us to get anything checked and not assume it will fix itself or that "it's nothing, honest".  I'm sure we would all rather the quack told us it was nothing than we die of ignorance.  


So that statistic might mean that breast cancer survival now outstrips prostate cancer survival.  Good for some, not for others.  Overall I suspect that long-term survival from all cancers is very much better than it once was though each case is very much individual in nature and no outcome is guaranteed.


For all who have contact with any form of this dreadful condition please be assured of my support and don't forget RMweb has its own cancer support thread named in memory of one of our own dear departed ERs.

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Re prostate testing.

Does it kick in when you reach a certain age? If not will they do it on request or do you have to have grounds for suspicion?


I had had increasing difficulty on occasions in peeing for some years before speaking to my GP, who then referred me. No cancer - but an equally common enlargement of the prostate. Eventually, more than a dozen years after my first issue w peeing, sorted under local anaesthetic, and with no scar. 

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I had had increasing difficulty on occasions in peeing for some years before speaking to my GP, who then referred me. No cancer - but an equally common enlargement of the prostate. Eventually, more than a dozen years after my first issue w peeing, sorted under local anaesthetic, and with no scar. 

These days I am like a sieve when drinking beer. Fine with my pints of tea at work though.


That reminds me, back in a minute :drink_mini:

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Funnily enough the topic of PSA testing came up when I went to a late colleagues funeral.   About 50 of us, all of a certain age, were gathered outside and I got talking to someone that I'd known as fit and active. He turned out to have had a very bad encounter with prostate cancer but is still with us, but with significant health problems.   He was telling us that there is no screening programme on the NHS but that GP's if pressed will eventually do the PSA test.  This is a wake up call for me as I'm 65 and have never been tested.   I plan to ring and start the process on Monday.   



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